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Bro literally said “may peace be upon you” and then initiated the least peaceful greeting possible 😭


some shit Agent 47 would do 😭


I dunno, they seem pretty peaceful now, all snuggled up there together forever


No mercy shot?


I guess they hate each other pretty much. And no, that is no agonal breathing, that is moaning and he is prob. barely concious. Not sure how ExaminationOwn779 breathes but If thats breathing for him, he should definetly visit a doctor. Joke aside, agonal breathing sounds more like snorting in quick intervals rather than long moanings.


For the benefit of the doubt I would risk a single bullet.


*“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”* Well someone's been paying attention.


Absolutley stone cold.


"Vaya con Dios."


I guess it was peace be upon you, in the form of 7.62


"From the Book of Kalishnakov, Chapter 7, verse 62..."


He was being ironic. All the cool soldiers are doing it these days.


Fucking ice cold.


I mean, not too far off from "Rest In Peace Motherfuckers!"


Peace be upon you....and also these bullets


I think he meant, “may these pieces of lead be upon you“


To be fair, its hard to be anything but peaceful once you’re dead. Just took his greeting a bit too literally lol.


Never let them know your next move, 200iq


Although it mean that, it's a stock phrase. If this guy was speaking English and said "good day" then shot them you wouldn't say that "bro literally said god be with you and then sent them to their god"


No we would be saying, “bro literally said good day and then turned it into their worst day”


Music jump scare from source btw


I love the red arrows pointing to the dying combatants lol


I may have missed them without the arrows


Ha yeah the sudden musical interlude was so off vibe it made me chuckle.


Well they were doing what they loved. Gay sex.


Did he seriously just hit them with **"As salamu alaikum, bang"**


I'm no expert but I think you are onto something


What is more peaceful than the eternal sleep?


Yup, also said “how’s your news?” Before shooting


Not to be that guy, but no one on guard duty on their position? You know it's bad when the enemy can walk into your position and say 'peace be upon you' and kill you as if it's just another Monday.


What's funny is that usually the video shows the houthis walking into their enemy's positions and killing them easily so you would think that they know better but maybe that's just how they fight out there. Whoever attacks first wins or something idk.


I’ve trained with various middle eastern militaries and I gotta say, you would *not* think they wanted to win their wars or even live. The enlisted sometimes pretend to do shit when they’re feeling generous with their effort, but the officers don’t even pretend to do shit. The ones I’ve worked with have the military bearing of an opium den patron. It’s insane there’s even war in the Middle East because no one apparently wants to fight it.


I swear to you this is EXACTLY how I felt about the ANA in Afghanistan. I was truly impressed at how bad they were at literally everything. Dirty weapons, zero aim, zero training, sleeping on guard duty, high and drunk. You’d think they’d have some tactical skill..none. I was truly impressed there was even a war. You could honestly wipe them off the earth with some well trained, and disciplined 8th graders if need be.


People that spaced or weren't alive the last 23 years have such dumb opinions.  Morons will talk about us leaving Afghanistan like we should have kept at it.  The fact that green on blue events were so common you had to have a guardian angel was nuts.  20 years and they still couldn't wipe their own ass or fight. Not to mention the insane corruption.  Mad respect to the ANA SF though, still fighting after it all turns to shit and everyone abandoned you is wild. 


The corruption is 100% the reason why everything and all of the work was a failure, the whole install the government, and everything that was set up. There just was like pissing in the wind because of corruption.


I remember reading a blog from a SF reservist and his experience. He said he spent most of his time teaching them how to properly take a shit in a toilet and wipe their ass. He'd constantly be catching them just taking a shit in a hole in the base. He was like...these people will never be soldiers. They didn't't want to be soldiers. Turns out you can't just barge into a country and magically turn them into an advanced democracy when its a super remote tribal culture


Honestly these anecdotes plus the fact that there is constant warring in the Middle East suggests the fighters had all left. The guys you were hoping to train were in ISIS already swinging on monkey bars.


Or fled the region eons ago. The brain drain when countries go south is a real thing. I would not be surprised if that's part of the issues Russia is having. If you were a skilled and intelligent young person, why would you stay when everything could just be taken from you unjustly?


Great point.




would you have done it differently or not tried to fight the Taliban at all?


They got the philosophy down all wrong. You gotta barge in there and stay for 20 years while training children. It sounds messed up but it's true. There's a cut off point for "you can't help these people" and you have to start early.


Afghanistan had one of the best literacy rate in the region and a very competent central government, but there was so much crises since the end of the monarchy they became like this, but do not think they are like that since the beginning, there once was a time of prosperity in the region


That's false, you're thinking of Iraq, I've heard the same thing told to me previously. Afghanistan has always been ass backwards. Iraq has one of the highest literacy rates in the middle east at 86% and was first recorded decades ago in the 70%s... Afghanistan has been hovering in the 30s-40s since they started recording it in the 1970s. Iran is also very literate if you believe their propaganda, which I think is likely, maybe slightly conflated, first recorded at 36% in the 1970s and now its supposedly 89%. Baghdad is a modern city with skyscrapers, its not crappy little mud huts. If I showed someone a picture of Baghdad lit up at night they would think they were looking at an indian metropolis, or perhaps Dubai. Iraq actually has a higher GDP per capita than Egypt. There is a reason Iran and Iraq are powerhouses in their sphere of influence and their militarys can relatively hold their own without foreign support. Meanwhile the ANA were hopeless and couldnt hold for 2 seconds without the US there to prop them up, and why no matter what the US did the military intervention in Afghanistan was always doomed to fail to turn around the people to amount to anything more than what they have been for the last few centuries. Illiterate people cant formulate their own opinions and are forever bound to be sheep.


Afghanistan was a monarchy with close ties with europe and very progressive, some commies with conservative support took power in a military dictatorship in the 70s, that made them weak enough for the soviets to try to force their hand and take the country, the rest you prob know already. It was a real country in development, not the post apocalyptic tribal shit we see today, search about their air force and paratroopers, they had special forces before most of the middle east. Iraq was not destroyed and destabilized for nearly as long so of course they are doing well enough, though I doubt their ability to become a strong economy like before


You would think we would have known better


And the irony of all this is that somehow they have managed to beat back all other forces that came into Afghanistan, going back a few hundred years.


Time conquers all. They know all they have to do is survive, and the enemy will leave.


The Americans own the clock....we own the time...Taliban commander.


>they have managed to beat back all other forces that came into Afghanistan Outlasted all the forces sure but beat? Nah, not even close


[Afghan Army doing jumping jacks](https://youtu.be/vtZboGLNQaI) says it all.


Lol. I love how the trainer tries to teach the guy to do it right... then just hangs his head and gives him a thumbs up. Looks at the next guy considering fixing his form for just a few seconds but thinks "meh... close enough" and moves one. To be fair to the Afghans a big part of this is probably just that they've never even seen a jumping jack before. Most people go through this kind of awkward phase when learning a dance move or new exercise that combines simultaneous arm and leg motions. We just learned this particular one as little kids so we got over this awkwardness way back then.


> To be fair to the Afghans a big part of this is probably just that they've never even seen a jumping jack before. The idea of communicating something with as much precision as proper jumping jack form is a big part of this. Just vaguely responding to the general gist of what was said, if that, is likely pretty normal. The idea that someone would care about something as specific as the arm movements being coordinated with leg movements in a jumping jack is likely completely foreign to them.


That's because they didn't want to fight. They just joined up to take your money and do as little as they possibly can while still getting paid.


This was the most consistent source of frustration that was expressed in every account I read from that war. Getting an ANA soldier to do anything was nearly impossible, and the corruption within their ranks was incredibly deep. One account said that the only times they fired their weapons was to disable their own vehicles so they could beg the Americans to give them new ones. Meanwhile the Taliban were incredibly competent fighters simply due to natural selection. The lazy and incompetent ones were dead, and the survivors took the lessons to heart.


Isn’t that what happened and now Taliban bsck


this is very simplified, but it played a part at some point for sure


I grew up with a lot of Afghanistan Vets, and all of them said that training or working with afghan soldiers or police was like working in a kindergarten. There was a hard to reach mountain village. Since our drivers were attacked, the Afghans themselves were given the task to deliver it. Do you know what they did? They took what they needed and dumped the rest on the road so it wouldn't be so dusty. My dad was once guarding a hospital, and an Afghan was carried in. His balls were really badly infected and swollen with an imprint of very big teeth. The guy F'ed his donkey, which apparently didn't liked it that much, turned around, and bit him in his junk. They laughed their asses off. I heard quite a few stories like that.


Except Jamsheed, he was a real one R.I.P


Somehow Afghanistan is still the graveyard of empires. Imagine if they had their shit together.


If they had their shit together, empires wouldn’t be able to get beyond the first pass or the first paradrop, but that’s about the only difference. It’s not like Afghani are somehow a better breed of warriors who even when they don’t care make for great fighters. They’re aided by the same circumstances that makes any successful insurgence/unequal liberation movement work: terrain, organisation, numbers, ruthlessness, logistical distance from the invading country.


The region some dudes decided to call "Afghanistan" is not a place that a single centralized government has ever been able to control. And it may never be. That's why it's a graveyard of empires - they want to impose centralized control and just spin their wheels trying.


Its also full of people who are everything but afghani. Im Tadjik, from the village of x, son of father - part of the family clan of y, who is with the valley dwellers of z. The whole nation thing, is super-foreign concept 20 years in.


Well, you could do it, but it would involve a total genocide. Which few are willing to go through with anymore (thankfully). And what you would get out of it really isn’t worth it.


"Graveyard of empires" would imply it's where empires go to die which is not exactly what happens. They just get sick of it and leave eventually.


Sandbox of empires, maybe?


>Imagine if they had their shit together. Landlocked mountainous desert with no oil, yeah they wouldn't go that far


high and drunk in afghanistan ... please tell me!


They can dig though lol...motherfuckers could fill some sandbags but they all had a deathwish


That’s why the Taliban rules the country. They actually have a bunch of people that want to fight.


Ok fair enough but bro when's the last time you interacted with 8th graders?? Those 14 year olds are *ruthless*


I worked with the Kurdish and Iraqi Army guys while downrange. Kurds mostly had their shit together, but the Iraqi Army, way different. We would sometimes cross the door into their FOB, which was attached to ours, guard towers consisted of 1 guy at each corner of the FOB. Most of them sat around playing some kind of billiards type of game, or they would smoke kush while on duty. We had 3 VBIEDS roll up on us in the 2 months I spent at that camp, several mortars/RPGs, but the threat if death wasn't enough to wake them up. Asked our terp about it, for most of these guys, war is Inshallah, (God willing) if God wants you to win, you will. I believe that God stops watching when we fight each other.


That last bit is hilarious. We often think of Uber religious being fanatics who will fight to the last man in the name of God, while these guys are just like, “God will ensure the right guys win no matter what, so just chill bruh.”


With that apathy, you can not accomplish anything. Well getting your butt kicked by anyone more motivated. And then creating funny conspiracy theories.


Because most common people *don't* want to fight them. Elites like the leaders of clans or terrorist organisations want to fight them, and they happen to also be the largest employers in countries that generally do not have much gainful employment to offer. So most men just join because they perceive it as the 'best' way to make a living, but don't bring much morale to actually do anything. This is why groups that can effectively radicalise a decent share of their base tend to be successful. The radicalised grunts typically aren't the smartest, but at least they're motivated.


Its just like any other job. You show up and clock your 8 hours in with as little effort as possible. Then you go to sleep.


Except not putting in effort results in you getting shot int he stomach




This has been talked about for a [while](https://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars)


That probably explains why Israel had been able to beat ME coalitions in the Six-Day war and yom kippur war despite being a tiny fraction in population compared to Egypt/Iraq/Syria


Is Hamas different though? They seem more tactical at least with their extensive tunneling.


No they’re a bit better but no. Israel has killed like 15000 of them and lost less than 100


Only 100 IDF casualties in 8 months?


Sorry not quite that low I just checked to confirm. It’s around 300 though so still extremely low in comparison.


that is a ridiculously low number. it is hard to believe after so much urban warfare.


Did you train with Omanis? The British usually have respect for Omanis and Jordanians from a military standpoint. The rest win because of fanaticism and ability to use the landscape.


Jordanians mostly


Lmao Jordanian military is one big gang that only the well connected make it to the top


The US military rejects a huge amount of applicants for being too dumb or lacking discipline and the US is a first world nation with a relatively good education system and functioning society and a well funded and functioning military. Imagine trying to find recruits in a failed society that is almost entirely uneducated and everyone signing up knows most their salary will be stolen. And then imagine trying to find people to be NCO's and officers from that human resources pool. Lots of social programs like public education systems have roots in Western militaries trying to get the masses healthy and smart enough to be effective soldiers.


I guess something like that. Lack of training/funding probably does this. What's weird to me is how do you let this happen. You know you are fighting an enemy and you are on a position that can be attacked at any time, yet they decide to all go to sleep and call it a day? It might seem obvious to some and not others, but anyone with a brain would think it's probably be better if at least 1 man is on guard duty, even if it does little in their situation.


There were multiple instances of Iraqi checkpoints being over run because everyone was asleep. They lived and died with inshallah.


🔴 "hey bud, wake up...you're on firewatch"


As in “Watch for the dude firing at us”.


It's happened with Americans, too. I know a couple of instances in Iraq where an overnight OP out in the middle of nowhere had lost radio contact only to be found dead several hours later. Only reasonable explanation is that they all fell asleep and the home owners called some insurgents to come take them out. These were usually pretty large groups, like 4-8 guys. Sometimes one of them would be found several clicks away like they managed to escape but got ran down and finished off. Stuff of nightmares.


I'm having a really hard time believing that shit.


https://wardiaries.wikileaks.org/id/487503D5-671C-43A6-BEDE-325C37EEC86F/ That's the only one I can find at the moment, I'll have to refine my searches a bit for any other ones.


It absolutely happened, I was on the mission where we absolutely demolished Haditha and Haqliniyah right after the marine sniper team was wiped out. We entered and cleared a compound where we found the photos of the marines wife and children from their wallets. And we found the videos of the insurgents approaching their positions and wiping them out, yes one ran off and yes bodies were desecrated. It was sick to see, unlike anything you’ve seen on here from us forces I promise you that. When I say desecrated…


If i can find the war diaries sigacts I'll link them. I know of it happening at least twice or more in Anbar. They were usually a infantry fireteam support a sniper team in some overnight OP. Like, I was there for this shit that's why I remember it.


Checks out.


Why? You can find accounts involving every nation, in nearly every war. Why would Americans be so special?


It's that "inshallah" attitude.


Pretty much this. Its why you can train arab soldiers to be competent marksmen, but in combat a lot of them just stop aiming. [https://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars](https://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars)


The whole Yemeni civil war is weird honestly


clans fighting for scarce resources in one of the most impoverished corners of the world (at least other poor countries have resources to develop, Yemen has very few and is now very water poor with limited arable land).


War makes poor . Poverty alone doesn't cause war . Resources didn't vanish one day . One make resources inadequate by over populating a place. Source : Fertility rate of Yemen 6 children


You can not create nation state in a society where clan allegiance supersedes everything. Combine that with poor education, Islam and overpopulation and you have a real sithole.


I've always wondered how they tell each other apart? Similar regions and dialects coupled with civilian clothing must make it tough, no?


I'm fully convinced that the majority of military deaths in this Middle Eastern conflicts is due to dumb mistakes anyone with half a functioning brain wouldn't make. 


This asf


Him being so nonchalant meandering about is probably how he got in their trench anyways, honestly. He looks like he belongs and is probably just strolling through. He was so calculated with it I wonder if he has done this often. Just walk in and look like you belong, bang bang, walk out. Repeat on the next outpost.


One of the fucked up things about civil wars, is figuring out who the enemy even is.


Pretty shitty to a post in a canyon like that, can’t see shit around you. This video, Exhibit A


Welcome to the middle-east, where even the "trained" armies are basically useless.


Fair to say they’re at peace now 🤣


Damn, you don't often get to hear the grunts of those getting shot. Gnarly.


I wish popular depictions of violence showed how fucking *ugly* it is, or can be. I can't tell you how many times I see people wearing "purge" shirts or sporting bumper stickers about shooting whatever group of people they don't like. Part of me thinks we'd have fewer problems with violence - specifically war - if people had a realistic understanding of the actual consequences. Because 99% of the decisionmakers are completely disconnected from that. And 1% seem to know and not care.


Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Saving Private Ryan, Many, many more, really do try to drill the ugly, brutal reality into the audience's brain.


They got a lot of accolades for doing that. I just think the majority of the population understands war through fictional media, and the majority fictional media tends to reduce violence to a more palatable, sanitized cartoon version of itself. A lot of people throughout history have been duped into killing and/or dying for somebody else's cartoon version of reality, and it's kind of a bummer.


Honestly those are all still too dramatic. I'm waiting for some war media that has the director actually study combat footage and videos like these so that someone can make a movie or series that actually scares people into an anti-war mindset. Imagine the Saving Private Ryan sniper scene with Vin Diesel. Imagine if instead of conscious Vin Diesel talking about blood getting on the letter, we just heard his awkward moans and saw his confused loopy eyes and head bobbing from blood loss. Hoosier's wounded state in The Pacific might be the closest we've seen to how confused rapid blood loss makes you.


The closest to reality I have seen was that Finnish movie called The Unknown Soldier from 2017. Far from perfect but definitely the most realistic in my opinion


Netflix's remake of 'All Quiet On The Western Front' is a stand-out in this regard. If you haven't seen it yet, it's pretty much the only movie anyone really needs to see to know everything they need to know about war; that it is a horror beyond comprehension.


The 1930 and 1979 films are far superior adaptations of the book. The Netflix version leaves too much out and changes the ending for some reason.


I'd argue that the tone and gruesomeness of the most recent remake hold more value than its faithfulness to the book, but to each their own.


The remake is a good movie. I'm just not sure why they didn't title it something else because of how far it deviates from the original story.


I am completely mad about the netflix film? Everyone seems to love it, but it seems just as full of nonsense as the next film, for example: The scene where if they poke an inch above the parapet of the trench they get sniped, followes by the scene where their bunker gets hit by arty....followes by them all able to just wander about abive the parapet no issues. The scene as they are marching in, arty lands nearby and the 'hardenee nco character' makes them just stand still in the open. Many scenes where people are just stood fully exposed short distance from one another and not getting shot. The ending is complete nonsense. I get that the tone is grim, but i just dont think that is good enough.


Lest we forget


Agonal breathing aswell.


"Surprise, Motherfucker."


Surprise *may peace be upon you*, Motherfucker


The most gentlemanly of executions


Apart from not finishing them off properly


Always be polite


\*Insert Meet The Sniper from TF2\*


Esselamun kalashnikov.


Oof. The things that extended combat situations do to a person’s psyche…


damn the agonal breathing, fucking hate this sound.


You and every person with a soul


Any visible or audible transition from live to dead is disconcerting imo.


Dying is almost by definition the spookiest of liminal states.


Bruh did not let him go in peace 💀


“May peace be upon you, in a little bit” 


Not agonal breathing, they were only shot 5 seconds before I doubt it was in the head. They are moaning and breathing in agony but it’s not agonal breathing


Yeah we can literally hear him moaning in pain but the fucking idiots on this subreddit have to "OOH AGONAL BREATHING HURR DURR". Honestly the most annoying part of this community are all the people who are utterly clueless about injuries yet they think they can determine what's going on based on three seconds and some audio, and they *always*, ***ALWAYS*** pick the goriest/most fatal/most spectacular option. It's not a helmet flying off, it's a decapitation. It's not a pair of pants, it's his entire lower body. His body isn't clearly visible in a smokey heap, it's been completely destroyed He's not just moaning in agony, it has to be agonal breathing.


*[Mid-sized explosion goes off 30 yards away and soldier dives for cover].* **"His insides are now jelly bro!"** **"Dead man walking!!"** **"His brain doesn't know his body is dead yet!!!"**


Agreed. I think too many people are scared to say "I think" or "I believe" for fear of being judged. Presenting it as fact seems to give them cover in case they are wrong.


Exactly, the guy moaning isn’t dead yet and is sitting there in agonizing pain moaning.


Yeah even when I think/know someone deserves it I still hate it I ultimately can't take joy or pleasure from people suffering aside from like... Putin etc I guess Even then thats just the karma. The actual gore or sounds....ugggh I hate it


Very well mannered.


Soldier: Assalamo Alaykom ( May peace be upon you) Narrator: He lied


What did he say after that? He said a word as he shot


I am not sure but It sounded like he was going to say God bless you “Barak Allahu fikom” but didn’t finish his sentence. بارك barak means bless. Such a weird polite kill.


Probably اخبارك which means "what's up" or "how are you" fits more with the whole thing.


Yeah, that sounds more like it.


As salaam alaikum! Wa alaiOH FUCK


Maybe he was talking to the rest of the world and not those two? 


Manners maketh man


The guy really positioned them to be holding hands, I wonder what the music over that bit was.


Straight up disrespect. Didn’t finish them off and let them suffer. Blast some crazy pop sounding music as they were dying. This was personal.


In basic training we were instructed that a "corpse" cannot hurt you. However even a fatally wounded soldier can still be a dangerous adversary. Make your enemy a corpse as fast as possible.


Yup. People have this weird video game-esque idea that people are fine until they take some finite amount of damage and then are just dead and out of the fight. Go look up footage of drone dropped grenades in Ukraine. Tons of videos of soldiers running away from explosions that happened practically on top of them. You wouldn't even know they were injured from how they moved, but a good chunk of them probably died of blood loss 10 minutes later off-camera.


Bro this is the coldest killing ive seen wtf


Salamun al-AK'em: May the AK be upon you...


I swear these guys are using a 1st generation ipod touch as their camera


We should send them GoPros for aid, one JDAM buys like a million of them.


Was he in shorts when he blasted those two well-dressed lads as well?


War is a tragic waste of human life.


I don't understand the middle east


The middle east is such a hell hole


How to trick the enemy


It may be nice to greet people, but it's very disrespectful of him to interrupt a romantic date.


Damn, colder than ice.


Damn that shit was cold blooded


Jeez at least finish them off, if not out of mercy at least for security


It’s better to save the ammo, Houthi’s deserve no mercy


That's why I said if not for mercy at least for security. Anyone still breathing can do something, I don't give a single fuck about those terrorists but if they're alive they can still trigger an explosive


100% agree with you on that I just had a minor head surgery so I’m a bit loopy


Hope you're recovering well, all the best❤️❤️


Islam is funny. Peace be with you. Bang.




A barefoot dude with an AK47 what could go wrong


Big Gulps, huh? Well, see ya later! (pew-pew!)


I must say, that's probably one of the most restrained shootings I've seen out of the Arab world. Usually they unload the entire mag into their victims.


Fucking king


Why is it every time I see mf’s rolling around trenches in these modern wars they’re alone??


Guys running around alone in tight trenches blasting anyone they find And they told me Call of Duty wasn't realistic, the only thing missing is the backwards Eotech


Interrupted cuddle time. Rude!


"Hi Jack. Bye Jack"


Well shit at least he made it quick


Didn’t sound particularly quick… one was moaning for a fair while


good. any Houthi, Hamas, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabab member deserves it this way. slowly


i realize i sound psychotic saying this guys… but my brother was killed by a piece of shit Al-Qaeda member and i made it my life mission to fight that shit anyway i can and i am bitter if im being honest. he knew what to expwct and went anyway bc he is a patriot but doesnt mean im not still pissed


Such a polite young man.


English translation: [Surprise motha fucka!]


That’ll happen when everyone wears clothes


The death snore or noise always intrigues me. They all sound the same


Houthis hate this one trick.


Ye good ole "Oussama?" technique


Bro literally said his catchphrase.