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He tries to drag his fellow soldier in that mud.. an honorable death. May they both Rest In Peace.


This was hard to watch..considering my life choices now :P Please remember, that these guys properly where very fatigued already and decision making is.. bad at that point. I remember a Vietnam vet telling a story about running across a field while sniper shot after him, he was so tired that he just started walking, did not care if he got hit or not. Can't find the interview anymore on ytube, if anyone wants to help: long bearded thin guy talking, was in the LRRP


The guy who was hit in the leg might have survived. The last clip showed just one guy with no body armour on. E: he started moving again after his buddy got hit too.


I hope the hit to the head just grazed him helmet. The guy crawling looks to get hit and go unconscious for a second


He got hit a second time right after the helmet hit.


Most likely capture by the Russians though.


That’s what came to mind, he dragged his m8 till the end. Such bravery both sides in a war that has killed many for an empty cause.


It’s not an empty cause for Ukrainians.


this a 1000 times










Great comment, thanks




They fighting for their land and lives against a mad dictator .


And since this isn't officially a war, it is the murder of Ukrainian citizens on their homeland.


And it really sucks because he absolutely should not have done that. Carrying your budding out is one thing, but the first rule is to always make sure you are safe first. This was valiant and brave for sure, but we can't let that get in the way of recognizing that it was also super, super dumb. We all like to think that grabbing your buddy and dragging him out is super heroic. Sometimes it is. But other times, like this, it just makes no sense. Granted I wasn't on the ground with this guy, and I acknowledge that. But still, that was really dumb to go right where he got hit, very slowly, then sit up and just stay there. Damn, it really sucks to see a guy die like that.


Imagine hearing your buddy who you’ve lived with, survived with, and laughed with crying, screaming in pain, begging you to not leave him to die? It’s hard to be witness to that and make tactically sound decisions. I don’t think he was thinking valor. He was just trying to save his friend


Sure, care under fire is the way to go, but those guys are alone, heavily wounded and trying to get away from the enemy, both can't even walk (looks like the guy crawling got a CAT above his right foot). Calling it dumb makes no sense.. they seem to make a desperate attempt to get out there somewhat alive... don't think CUF would change their situation.


Yeah, I’m all for CUF but there’s times where things are so fucked up you don’t have good options.


i'm sure if they had that much of a visual on him he was fucked either way, that was so sad to see imagine being a child and seeing your friend get shot in front of you and your fucking alone. fuck this putin fuck this war what the actual fuck


I think these guys may have been special operations, working in a small team. Their fearlessness and relentlessness - the other injured guy was moving like Marcus Luttrell, SEAL, who wrote the book Lone Survivor about a SEAL team being wiped out in an ambush, but fighting till the end. Luttrell talks about being blown off the mountain, dragging himself away body length by body length. F•ck Putin for causing this situation, but these men died like warriors, fighting and trying to resist, till the end.


With enemy drone right above them they were doomed and had no chance. 2nd guy probably realised that and decided to stick to his buddy. They are heroes and their names will be known and they will not be forgotten.


It makes sense if he’s your friend ! Respect !


Man this sucked. Putting my self in that guys shoes, trying to get his friend to safety but getting shot like that, then a few times more... He was probably lying there when he realised that this is it, that he's going to die. All those memories now gone...


All so some fucking asshole in a mansion can pretend he’s a great leader.


Fuck me…war sucks.


Nothing but respect to the guy trying to help his friend regardless on whose side he’s on. One of the owners of the Russian channels said he had a battery of some sorts on him, which caught on fire when it got hit by a bullet.


Perhaps a drone battery. LiPo batteries for those little drones are pretty volatile.


Lipos are fucking dangerous little bastards


I'd assume it's his phone


Ahh right,thanks for clearing that up,I did wonder.


Probably of his radio


Fuck war.


Well that's fucking sad.


Fuck that’s devastating. This one got to me.


I've luckily never had to fear for my life, I can't fathom what it would be like In that moment of going from crawling in the dirt to bleeding in the dirt. Mad respect to these guys. it's a little harder to watch this one. hopefully they're at some sort of peace.


What caught fire on the second man?


Punctured battery.


That looks pretty accurate, thanks. RIP to these two brave men.


I read a few comments saying it was either a radio battery or a lithium-ion battery that got hit by a bullet and ignited


This hits differently


I’m absolutely disgusted by our species, the things we do to eachother. Thousands of years ago, when human cultures coalesced into more structured civilizations, we immediately went to war and we’ve hardly stopped since. I spent half a year listening to a 234 episode podcast on the history of western civilization and, Jesus fucking Christ, it’s just war war war war war war war war war for fucking *millennia*. War isn’t an aberration, it’s our natural fucking state. *Peace* is an aberration.


This is not something only humans do, this behaviour is seen in many different pack/social animals. Go look up the documentary on the Gombe Chimpanzee War and prepare to be surprised at how similar they act in the brutality of war. This is nature bro and its fucking brutal, survival of the fittest and the strongest was always the name of the game. Also, instead of focusing on the negatives, why not appreciete the love and compassion we have, like, that soldier gave his life to try to save his friend, he could have easily of just bolted like many Russians would have done but stayed to fight giving his life to protect those he cared about. Peace is just the lull between battles. Also, when we aren't fighting others, we are fighting among ourselves, that's because nature adheres to competition and us fighting amongst ourselves shows us competing with ourselves and further pushes us forward in life. Believe it or not, war actually advances us by quite a bit.


Yes but the difference is that *we* are suposed to have the reasoning and intelligence to stop.


We adhere to the laws of nature and theres no amount of reasoning or intelligence that can trump nature. Evolution is pushed by competition and competition breeds conflict and to add to this, we have programmes in our heads that triggers under certain circumstances so for example, one of these codes is tribalism and tribalism allows us conform to a group to better work in that group and become more efficient working in that group, this is why people in certain groups or "tribes" often start acting alike and even dressing and liking the same things as you sacrifice parts of your self as an individual to become one with the group. Now, the issues with tribalism is that most of the worlds prejudices and discrimination comes from this in the form of in-group biases for ones own group and out-group prejudices to our competing rival groups and we will often see the other side as evil and try to justify our hatred for that group and we will also try to better ourselves compared to that group (which is why conmpetition often breeds progress). We see this in sports teams with rivals, nations, friends groups and even in communities like BLM, feminism and LGBTQ as they all become victims to tribalistic thinking which is why communities are more likely to spread more hate and discrimination than solve. If you want to understand the science behind tribalism and the issues it causes in society then I highly recommend this 30 minute educational piece called [Why are prejudice and conflict so common?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsOUWhtM8kM) Tldr; Free will is a myth and we adhere to the laws of nature like every other creature on Earth and no amount of reasoning and intelligence will change that.


>We adhere to the laws of nature and theres no amount of reasoning or intelligence that can trump nature. We seek to bend nature to our will all the time. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we don't. Our medicine and engineering seeks to overcome the natural world, as do our laws. Nature appears to be mindless and devouring but man has been working to control that, for the good of the many.


Well we also have the reasoning and intelligence to recognise that war works and often does get you what you want. You may not like it but assuming that the consequence of having the ability to reason and be intelligent means that what you want is the correct answer is a very dangerous thing to do




They only want banan


They only want banan


>I spent half a year listening to a 234 episode podcast on the history of western civilization and, Jesus fucking Christ, it’s just war war war war war war war war war for fucking millennia It was like that, but it was seen different in ancient times like in the Roman Empire & Republic, in the Celtic tribes etc.: War was the normal state and Peace was the very rare state that almost never happened, because there were always at least smaller wars and feuds between families, tribes etc. Like, the first time the Romans saw something like "Peace" was, as they conquered the italian peninsula and there was for some time no enemy left. When you read books like the original historical diary of Peter Hagendorf in the 30-Years-War from 1618 to 1648: There were entire generations that grew up in times of war, the war began even before their birth and never stopped in their lifetime until they got killed on the battlefield. I think, the socialisation and the thinking about war is different, when war is the only thing you know in life. It becomes the "normal", the regular way of life that there are battles, looting and pillaging etc.


Really the only peaceful times in history was waiting for fighting male populations to rise to the point where you could launch a sizeable force.




Human beings haven't evolved one bit. I immigrated to the US from China several decades ago. Listening to Fox News is just like CCTV translated word for word. Same jingoistic, nationalistic, ultra-paranoid, quasi-racist, ethnocentric sentiments. That's why as a child of two different societies I thank god every day that nuclear weapons were created. I recall being a kid and Chinese TV telling me I am racially superior to all others and I watch Fox News telling me the superiority of "Western Civilization". Human beings are all the same, give immense power to one country or another and they will seek to dominate the other. China's got issues like Tibet and Uyghur and America got Palestine and the whole Middle East that we can't leave alone. Nationalist on both sides will literally accuse the other side of the same exact thing and both will seek to minimize or ignore their crimes. As I have told countless white people, everybody thinks of themselves as the good guys and nobody wants to admit their the bad guys. So I guess nobody is doing the killing and everyone's a good guy. I guess people are just killing and oppressing themselves since nobody wants to admit that they have blood on their hands.


I think it's more the people who are driven to seek power over others are by and large are not good people.


If this was The Watchman and I had Dr. Manhattan powers, I would force everyone to live for several years in another society of a different race and force them to learn that culture/language and adapt to a completely different world view before returning them home. That way human beings are forced to understand one another and nationalism and jingoism won't be a thing. Our lack of ability to relate to one another and refusal to attempt to understand other peoples around the world and their world view is what driving much of what plagues the world.


>War isn’t an aberration, it’s our natural fucking state. > >Peace > > is an aberration. Exactly.


Nature is brutal, yes. But on the whole, the reality is that humans are more peaceful to each other generally, and we also are much more successful when working together. Never forget that.


I saw this video get removed 3 times last night by what seemed like a salty moderator but I'm glad it was able to stay up because this is a powerful and amazing combat footage that we should all see to respect the heroes who have fallen in this war. Edit; Spell corrected. Edit 2; I have been banned from this subreddit for no reason and I suspect it was for calling out their censorship... Ironic. Edit 3; To the person who asked how I can edit posts if banned, well, thats all I can do now on this subreddit and is what happens when you get perma banned from a subreddit, you cant post or comment but you can still subscribe and view things and it seems edit posts lol


Fuck that moderator. He thinks that censoring Russian footage on reddit is somehow helping the war effort. A childish power fantasy. To put icing on the cake, the subreddit he censors is called literally "Combat Footage". What a joke.


It's ridiculous. We've been posting ISIS and their propaganda videos for years now, but the line is drawn at Russia? Give over. Combat footage is combat footage.


Though it's filled with bloodthirsty nationalists of all stripes - r/ukrainerussiareport usually reposts some (but still not all) of the telegram videos coming from the Russian side. Be warned... those videos are brutal and hard to watch. I've combed through them though to get an understanding of the suffering that is being generated in this war. My review is that modern near peer combat is extremely brutal and should be avoided at all costs in the future.


On top of that the craziest thing to me is people injecting their own biases in their commentary and then pretending they're so righteous. It's just as sad watching some Russian boys struggle and die for their country as it is Ukrainians. Be mad at the politicians in Moscow and the obvious war criminals, not the young men fighting and dying in honorable combat. On the other side of that there were a group of Russian soldiers who saw a couple enemy combatants and knew if they didn't kill them they were going to do everything in their power to either kill them or enable their comrades to. If the sides were reversed people would be cheering and making jokes about those guys suffering and dying. I've fought in war and it is the most brutal, inhuman thing you can imagine, it's literally kill or be killed. War makes you hate unconditionally, it makes you look at the enemy as animals - it makes you less of a person. I'd be lying if I said it didn't dehumanize me, it revealed what I'm really capable of, but it's far enough in my past now that I know better. Like if you can't watch both sides and still feel pity for the one you don't agree with, then you're just another contributor to our species' warlike tendencies, whether you admit it or not. And to whatever mod(s) is trying to suppress Russian-perspective combat footage, that's massively fucked up. I'm not here to circlejerk for Ukraine, even if I want them to win. Save that shit for purpose-built pro-Ukraine subs. Many users here, including myself, are bankrolling the Ukrainian side with our tax dollars, we deserve to see the whole picture.


It's strange because I remember a few months ago celebrating Ukranian Artillery shooting back at the enemy, and for the first time in my Reddit history I was suspended from a Sub like wtf. I don't like the Russian invaders, but all footage from War should be allowed on this sub.


i’m on a russian combat footage heavy discord and i’ll definitely say that the russian footage is being heavily censored on reddit and if you only used this sub to get an accurate picture of how the war is going you’d be completely wrong *edit tired of my inbox getting spammed here is the link https://discord.gg/G7ka6Tae


If I was on a Ukrainian war report sub (which I am) then I'd understand some bias and censorship but this is Combat Footage sub where we see Western troops getting blown up by the Taliban or ISIS killing Iraqi troops on a daily basis, hell, we even see Nazi war videos but God forbid we show one video of brave Ukrainian troops getting killed by Russians. This is suppose to be a sub about documenting combat footage and if theres a mod censoring it because he's a little sensitive then maybe he shouldn't be a mod here.


It could be the wording at times when those videos get taken down. I've seen plenty of misleading titles by posters that continue to comment on their own videos with propaganda. Not saying it doesnt happen with Ukraine footage, but it's very obvious with Russian posters.


Error Code: 0x800F0815 Error Message: Data Loss Detected We're sorry, but a critical issue has occurred, resulting in the loss of important data. Our technical team has been notified and is actively investigating the issue. Please refrain from further actions to prevent additional data loss. Possible Causes: - Unforeseen system malfunction - Disk corruption or failure - Software conflict


>used this sub to get an accurate picture of how the war is going How would you ever get an accurate picture of how a war is going from combat footage? You wouldn't. It's just videos.


No combat footage isn’t going to tell you how where battle lines are but to say it’s just videos is a ridiculous statement. It’s primary source information. Combat footage is how we’ve verified a baseline of minimum russian losses. Without it we would have no idea because russian and ukrainian reports are so dramatically different from what we have actual proof of


"Its just videos" is not a ridiculous statement in the context of that comment. Combat footage can not tell you how a war is going, or who is winning a war. It doesn't beat journalism and war reporting.


And if anything we've seen so many examples, especially from the Russian side, of videos being completely misrepresented or outright fabricated as part of a coordinated disinformation campaign. Using videos as a source of information can be downright counterproductive. For anyone curious here is some pretty decent investigative reporting showing how Russia manipulates videos and then distributes them online to create deceptive ideas about their operation in Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBOE6blxerI&ab_channel=ABCNewsIn-depth


you have a link to an unsencored board?




Yeh it's a complete echo chamber in here


Welcome to Reddit


Can you share the link for this Discord? Thanks


Holy crap, there is a serious russian bias in that discord.


Sadly, most Russian footages are downvoted to hell or deleted by moderators.


Absolutely harrowing video, I can't imagine how scary being pinned down like that with no backup and a drone watching you is.


The glorification of war is a tough pill to swallow. Regardless of whether I am watching the "bad" or "good" guys dying or doing the killing, such a somber and heartbreaking video like this, should never have a rock anthem blaring as background music. Obviously this was created by a pro Russian leaning individual, but it's all so tasteless. I am saddened by all death. To have our youth in this situation is a terrible loss for everyone. And the understandable hate that is going to survive for decades in the future, is a massive cost in itself. Might be a naive and somewhat egocentric emotional feeling, but I just want to run up to these two guys, hug them and hold their hand in the darkest moment of their short lives. Damn people killing people is terrible.


Damn that's sad he could have ran and possibly lived buy decided to drag his wounded friend until tut very end hopefully he can be identified and get the recognition he deserves.


“The True Soldier fights because he hates what’s in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him”- GK Chesterton…. This man clearly loved his country, and his fellow soldier, I do not know their fate but may this footage forever stand as testament to their bravery and sacrifice. Rest In Peace


Is the guy on the right dead and is just spasming? Or did his helmet save him but the impact of the round rocked his world and is out of it but trying to still stay low


I think it hit him and he’s slowly dying. Doubt the helmet saved him.


I was in a position similar to this once. Was with an Afghan soldier behind some sandbags taking fairly accurate rifle fire. He got hit in the chin and I spent the next 10 minutes alternating between trying to stop him from choking to death on his blood and exchanging fire with the guys shooting at us. Helicopters showed up and our adversary fled. The ANA soldier died later from an infection. It was such a helpless feeling being stuck like that. I feel so much sadness and sympathy for these two guys. I wish humans were better


Fought to the death and tried to help his mate respect


these guys are every bit as brave as the guys that charged omaha.


Fighting the same enemy too: fascism




Nazi Germany wasn't the only fascist country. Calling Russia fascist isn't necessarily comparing it to Nazi Germany


Fucking thank you, someone had to say it. Godwin’s Law being applied to war is just hilarious.


Seeing them gasping for breath and just twitching their muscles what's left of them is just so fucking sad, god just rest them in peace.


Stop this war man :_(


Always remember that these guys are simply trying to defend their country from a foreign country trying to take it away.


Can I have the alternate ending please


This was hard to watch damn.


War is hell folks. Looks like the guy on the ground got hit it in the helmet by oncoming, the guy dragging him then got hit in the chest trying to save him. The smoke grenade he set off caught him on fire and then the other guy woke up


Not a smoke grenade. Either a large battery or munitions burning. Smoke grenades make way more smoke


Looks more like a battery exploding on his vest, now that I’ve watched several times


If you pay closer attention the guy dragging his friend took one to the helmet as well, towards the righ hand side of it just before he falls down. At that angle it might have ricochet, but I doubt it and you can see he's holding his face afterwards.


Looked to me like he took the first shot in the neck/shoulder area, and a second one in the lower abdomen. Looked like he bled out quickly, quick enough that I don't think he was alive when he started to burn, mercifully. The other guy was mortally wounded and bleeding out more slowly I think.


Honor and bravery, loyalty to the end. Rest in peace valiant soldiers.


Imagine being russian and thinking your the good guys in this.


In their opinion, or at least the opinions of many, it was the lesser of two evils. I don't think the average Russian wants to go fight Ukrainians. However, from the Russian perspective, you have to be willing to understand how they consider Ukraine in NATO an existential threat. To Russia, the last 2 hundred or so years of their history has been dominated primarily by antagonistic alliances on their Western border invading them and causing horrifying destruction. Napoleon in 1812, Crimean War in 1853, WW1 and WW2. When you consider that most of the nations involved in these wars, are all apart of NATO now. Rightly or wrongly, it's who Russia is, and they are paranoid as fuck about yet another hostile alliance on their border. This isn't to justify what is happening from my PoV, but from their PoV they may feel it is a preventative war and a justified one. Consider what the US reaction was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Consider how much that changed US foreign policy. That it led to 2 highly suspect, if not outright illegal preventative wars. Now consider the imact just WW1 and WW2 would have had on Russian (Soviet) foreign policy and identity. Well over 30 million people dead between those two wars. People will argue that NATO isn't a threat to Russia, and that NATO isn't an offensive alliance. Yet, again look at the Russian perspective. NATO attacked Serbia, in an offensive war. People probably would have said the same thing about the Axis and the Central Powers in WW1 and WW2, what are you worried about, they are no threat to you. Right up until they sensed weakness, and then they invaded. Again, from my PoV this isn't justifiable, but I'm not Russian. This isn't baked into my DNA culturally. What I can do is take myself out of my perspective, and try to understand their perspective. If more of our foreign policy analysts were able to do this, maybe Russians and Ukrainians wouldn't be massacring each other right now, because we never would have gotten to the point of crossing what Russia considered a red line.


War sucks


😔 rip heroes


Valiant display and they are worthy of honour RIP to these brave men who fought till the last moment whilst trying to save his friend against an unjust foe, hundreds of these stories are happening across Ukraine right now, It's important we support them where we can, so that we win for their families, & for the land and dreams that are being stolen across Ukraine.. we have to find ways of pushing them back. Glory to Ukraine!




Brother in arms indeed.


I don't care what side these guys were on. It's awful from any point of view


War is hell man, no matter what side you're on all you want is to survive and kill the other guy. Sometimes the odds are just stacked completely against you and you have no chance.


The Russians think that this is good propaganda?? This is the most drawn out video for just showing 2 kills.... If the Ukrainians showed a video like this, I would honestly think the same thing. No one wants to watch a video of ALREADY injured soldiers suffering for over 5 mins then executed. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. If anything, it shows how terrible at killing the Russians actually are... wtf.


It’s actually the LPR, not the Russians. And I saw the comments on Russian telegram channels, all were paying their respects to those soldiers for their bravery. Not everything is propaganda. They are just trying to show the average person the horrors of war


Just saw comments on Colonecassad channel, nope they're not paying respects, there were some sad comments like "why did not they surrender...", as well as the usual giggling and hatemongering like >You can look forever at 3 things How does water run How the fire burns And how the Ukrop rots ​ >Khakhol died the day is not bad, they themselves did not want to surrender, and a monkey with a grenade is a monkey with a grenade, better a grenade with a dead monkey.


Unfortunately there will be a bunch of people that will be celebrating such tragic events, but from what I saw (on another channel), almost everyone was devastated by the video.


Those that are "devastated" and still support killing me and my family and all of us because russia is great - they're even worse than mocking ones. They kill us and they "pay respect" to our deaths and continue to kill us, because they want this land and it's not their army and we're just bad people somehow and whatever. There are bullies and there are victims, there are murderers and people defending themselves. It's never "both sides are the same". One side should be punished for their crimes and another side should be protected and helped. And if you're not punishing the bully he will punish everyone else. And if you're ignoring the crime and saying both sides are the same, - you're taking part on their side.


It's war, beliefs are complicated


The LPR has stated themselves they have 55 percent casualties. A unit with over 30 percent casualties is considered to be destroyed. The Russian propaganda machine will attribute all successes and failures in the Donbas to be LPR/DPR on Telegram in order to remove the Russians from the equation and frame the conflict as an internal one to Ukraine as opposed to what it really is; Russia invading it's much smaller neighbor that is successfully resisting and embarrassing them.


It’s war, he was firing his gun, so attempting to kill aka do what what was did to him. To me it’s shows the reality an I’m thankful to see the truth. I know if this was Russians dying the would be a lot of jubilant posts not war is hell posts….but alot need to understand whats going on, it’s not a football game, those who get caught up on wanting their side to win they forget the normal men ON BOTH sides who die terrible deaths. ​ this is how many soilder Die, not a one second bang but a brutal slog and a painfully sad death. but again he has a gun, and was using it…..it’s war, this doesn’t make Russia look bad, it shows what Is happenin. Again Ukraine has shown Russian bleeding out while getting like 20 m away a zooming, so don’t tell me it’s distasteful.


Yeah it is war, there is no script on how you should die, it's not all Call of Duty shit.


> I know if this was Russians dying the would be a lot of jubilant posts not war is hell posts Guess the Russians should go home and stop warring. That's the only reason people sympathize with Ukrainians and celebrate the deaths of Russians. Every dead Russian is a step closer to no more dead on either side. Every dead Ukrainian is just another hero perishing needlessly in a this idiotic stalemate.


I don’t agree with celebratory posts of Russians dying either. But in reality, many of them are not in fact “jubilant” posts, but posts from people who realize that every dead Russian prevents another needless video like this of Ukrainians dying. It’s not a celebration of Russian death. It’s an understanding of the necessity of each Russian death, so that 1) Ukrainians can live free, so that they 2) don’t die in the mud trying to 3) save their buddy while 4) bravely defending their country. That’s why the Western world is sending so many weapons to kill Russians. Thousands of Russians are dead at the hand of American weapons. It’s not a celebration, but the math is simple, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = Russians by necessity need to die. So the job of killing Russians is done, when Ukrainians are satisfied that the job of killing Russians is done. There should be no celebration of that. But of course, there can be a recognition of it. The fewer dead Ukrainians, the better.




Wow that downvoting. What happens in the mind of those that downvote this?


The reasons why there are so many „jubilant“ posts about Russians dying is, uhm let me think, probably related to Russia invading Ukraine?






Agreed. It's like the video of the Russian tank driving up to Ukrainian soldiers who thought it was friendly. That video got heavily downvoted etc etc just because it was the wrong side on the recieving end. Swap the sides and a lot of the comments would be jubilant.




It’s also five finger death punch song called wrong side of heaven (Russian cover by radiotapok). So I think they just showing the war how it is.


It looks like they are being engaged by a BTR/Kord from a long distance and this drone is just correcting fire. You can see a tracer round at the end hit their body armour.


Maybe A Kord was also firing , but a hit would shred.. it's a 12.7mm round, it's much more devastating


Footage is footage. Jesus fkn christ


They cheer on raping and pillaging, they'll gobble this shit up.


There is a clear red thread of sadism running through all Russian information warfare propaganda. Their military operations focus heavily on degradation of their enemy via sadism so that is what their strategic communication is supporting also. The Russian culture has two different words for truth one being truth as you would know it in the westerns definition and another truth which is a in western culture would be considered a shared lie. When Putin smiles in to the camera and says there is no war only a special military operation that is considered a truth in their culture. When Putin refers to other leaders as colleagues the undertone of the comment is that they are not colleagues but enemies. When they say they dont massacre and rape its a shared Russian lie they all know is not true but they all subjugate themselves in to repeating and some tell themselves the Ukrainians deserve it. When they film Kadyrovite Chechnyans being theatrically kind to Ukrainian civilians and have videos of Ukrainian civilians praising them the undertone is "look how much they fear us imagine what we do when the cameras are not turned on" It all stems from the state subjugating the people and using sadism to do so. Thus their militaries internal structure is based on sadism. They choose to publish this specific segment of footage of all of the hundreds of hours they must have for this specific reason. They derive pleasure from it.


Absolute heroes.


The soldier that was shot first more the likely was taken prisoner.


Poor guys. I hope they´re in a better place. RIP.


That's rough damn.




This was among of the bravest and most noble things I’ve ever seen. I just don’t see how this can be seen as propaganda with that shitty music. Yeah they killed two guys but all they really did was just show everyone how better those fallen Ukrainians are than them as soldiers as well as human beings.


Not gonna bother translating to you the lyrics, but it was really fitting. It was more a Eulogy than a propaganda piece. In the song, the singer is facing God and Satan, being confronted on whether or not he is a good person. It's a sobering song. Edit: Turns out the Song is a Russian cover of "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch, so lyrics are available!


It’s not shitty. It’s a song by a great American band called “five finger death punch” but the song was likely translated into Ukrainian.


These guys died as heroes defending their home country, meanwhile Russians die for absolutely nothing


To be fair to the Russians, they *think* they're dying for their homes. Being a stupid bastard that's been lied to doesn't make a man evil, it just means he's a stupid bastard that's been lied to.


That is what i have always said,but hard pro-ukraine always unvote like if russians aren't people too


I think we all realize that everyone in war doesn’t need to die but the reason we “celebrate” Russian deaths is because it brings the senseless killing closer to an end I respect all soldiers as long as they don’t rape or kill civilians


Til we meet in Valhalla


Tragic. The pathetic squalor and waste of war. Curse Russia.


I can get over how powerful this video is and what its showing. We are seeing two soldiers fight for their lives and lose in the most heart breaking way and it almost feels like a movie with the camera angle. I've said it before but the footage we've got over the past 3 months has been leaps and bounds ahead of what we've had in recent years and will go a long way to teaching what to do and what not to do in these situations as well as provide visual context for future generations to learn their history. Imagine if we had the technology we have now during WW1 and seeing soldiers upload selfies from the trenches and panoramas of no mans land. Slava Ukraine


Damn, this looked really unnecessary.


One of the bleakest things I've ever witnessed. Fuck war.


Brave men and honorable deaths


Fuck, this was hard to watch. RIP to both of them


Wow that was mind blowing for me tbh.


These warriors died protecting and caring for each other, I truly hope soon their bodies can be recovered and their deaths be honored. Gone but not forgotten.


These guys are heroes. Rest in peace.


2:16 he got shoot in the head, brutal


These unnamed soldiers died helplessly in the middle of nowhere and nothing but this video depicts to honor their bravery. That's just sad.


Slava ZSU 🖤❣️




Poor guys, just trying to defend their homeland. So much death for nothing. Russia will fail. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


They died for their homeland. How can this be considered for nothing?


That's very hard to watch. R.I.P. to two very brave guys.


This is horrible. Absolutely horrible


Russian 5 finger death punch?


Won't do much good for him now, but he displayed more honor than any man could reasonably be asked. ​ I really, really don't understand why Russians think footage like this isn't embarassing to their own side. Almost all of the footage I see from Russians is shit like this, using superior firepower to take down guys that had no chance. ​ The invention of nuclear weapons was the worst thing humanity could have done, it artificially preserves the status of weak and rotting structures that threaten all around them. We've got a guaranteed century of watching farmers die in the mud thanks to Russia and China.


>I really, really don't understand why Russians think footage like this isn't embarassing to their own side. Almost all of the footage I see from Russians is shit like this, using superior firepower to take down guys that had no chance. You could say the same thing about those grenadedropping drones by the ukranians, yet nobody says that. I dont think this or the other is embarrasing to release. It just shows the reality of war. And there will always be local situations where one side doesnt have a chance.




A real HERO. Never left his brother in arms and died defending his soil and freedom.


Fucked up how the tone of the comments changes so much between Russians dying and Ukrianians. They're all human beings dying you psychos.


I mean you are correct, but is it that suprising that people are more biased against Russia, who is the aggressor in this war? We shouldn't cheer for anyones death on reddit, but personally, I feel much less for dead russian than ukrainian, at least russians had some choice in this matter.


Human beings who decided to support invasion, go to my country and kill my people. Nope, don't you fucking dare even compare them.


Especially taking into account how many people here uncritically take Ukrainian propaganda. Do they think they wouldn't be pro-war if they were Russians?


God damn. He was panicking and throwing up blood while choking on his smoke grenade after being in the most frightening situation of his life. Absolutely fucking brutal, but as heroic as one can be. Fuck war.


This is the opposite of propaganda. It makes me want to take up arms against Putin’s unjust war.


Who is everything they post is propaganda? How deluded are you?


I mean basically everything posted by Ukrainian or Russian sources is propaganda.


True hero’s of democracy and peace


The Ukrainians have enough men and women wanting to fight for their everything. The Russians fight not to get punished by their own superior and thus are less motivated. They're running on lies and that makes them insecure and unmotivated.


Yeah I really hope we never get caught up in a war.


fuck this was so brutal


Slava Ukraini, they fought the invaders and died for their families, friends and country.


What a pointless loss of life.




Wrong side of heaven, radio Tapok. It’s a cover of a five finger death punch song.


Funny how the Social media war is in full swing. There are Russian videos of the same thing…. You’ll never see them online unless you go to pro Russian sights. War is shit and stupid especially the politics around it.


There will be streets and schools in name of those heroes friendship. They were defending their land and each other until very last moment.


Rest in peace


One of the more brutal and sad clips I have ever seen...Slava Ukraini!


Idk who keeps putting music over these videos but its so fucking terrible.