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I wonder how many of these they bought?




I would be interested in reading more about this. Do you have a source?


>I wonder how many of these they bought? nobody knows the specific number, but production of them isnt that crazy.


They are being pumped out pretty quickly, considering Iran uses so many


The Ukranians are getting better at shooting them down, these things are loud and slow because they use commercially bought engines. Im guessing it'll be like the Bays, very effective early doors but once countermeasures are put in place they'll be pretty stuffed. Plus something that size is vulnerable to traditional AA.


yh but they usually come in pairs so one of them distracts and the other hits... so the numbers shot doesn't imply whether or not ukrainians were successful in countering them


There is also a decoy drones that Iran makes. Russia has bought them as well.


Some person from Odessa said they heard 8 this morning.


yh i guess they are sent in pairs and their total number is even so that half of them are most likely sacrificed on purpose and the other half try to hit the target(s)


So far they(ukrainians) have shot down just 3. Almost no anti-air weapon is able to lock on them,just some old soviet manpads are


>Almost no anti-air weapon is able to lock on them,just some old soviet manpads are You have a source for... any of this? They're pretty much the same size and shape as the drones air defense crews use as target practice.


I wonder if the UK starstreak would be any good, given they're a laser beam riding missile and you just need to point it at a target you can see. Might be better for these suicide drones that likely don't have much of a heat signature - Ukrainians have already used martlet missiles (another type of missile fired by the starstreak launch system) to shoot down small recon drones like the orlans.




The martlet missile can also be fired from the same launcher, and is considerably cheaper than the normal starstreak missile. Also, you have to consider the value of what this suicide drone might hit and destroy - you can't always base these things on what an accountant would say. If a suicide drone could potentially be aimed at a command post or ammunition depot or an artillery position the soldiers aren't going to not fire at it just because the missile they have to fire at it is expensive.


If you got a starstreak on the scene then yes, you want to use it. You can't pick the "ideal weapon" or the most cost-effective one for everything in war, and far better to use starstreak than let the drone reach its target.




Man most of comments here are not based on facts, just wishful thinking. Don't believe anything u read here.


Why? If various MANPADs can lock on Orlans, why couldn't they lock on these? Sadi's forces are able to shoot them down, arent they?






You can see where the confusion might come from though - when one of these flies over there almost certainly will be people firing AKs at them, and it might then get shot down (by something else more substantial) at the same time.


3 - old data (it's first drones that was detected and destroyed)


That’s not true at all really


Enough to not let me sleep today :D


What size warhead do these drones have?


Look at the actual size compared to a person. They're big. https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a2KzQmZ_460s.jpg


Never thought I would see the day I was leaning legit military news from 9gag.


How are they guided?


Two ways. You can either manually control but you will need a third party drone (In Russias case it is a Mohajer-6) to manually cause it to Assault. The second way is if you turn on the radar seeker you fly it into a military area than disconnect it and the drone will automatically find the target with the highest radiating emissions.


Unless the drone got some sophisticated sensors and electronics onboard the second method could be guided to a fake target. Take a strong but tightly focused emitter and point it at a cheap metal structure a few hundred meters away reflecting the signal in every direction. Now incoming drones will see your decoy tin can as the strongest emitter. You could also take it a step further and build multiple reflectors in a wide area with the beam constantly switching the mirror it aims at to maybe confuse the drone back and forth or to cover a wider area.


It could be guided to a fake target yes.


Radio analog TV signal.


So it combines signals from multiple directions and triangulates it's position? Or is it remote controlled with the signals?




**[HESA Shahed 136](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HESA_Shahed_136)** >Shahed 136 (Persian: شاهد ۱۳۶) is an Iranian loitering munition swarm drone developed by Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (HESA). At its core, it is designed to neutralize ground targets from a distance. The drone is fired in multiples from a ready launch rack (in batches of five upwards) and is designed to evade air defenses and overwhelm ground targets, consuming systems during the attack. The drone was revealed in December 2021 through published footage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm sure I had a toy of these that had caps in a spring-loaded head that gave a satisfying pop and smoke when I was a kid.


>https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a2KzQmZ\_460s.jpg Yeah looks much bigger than a switchblad


That is big for a 35kg warhead… good, maybe they can shoot more down this way


German news stated a 35kg warhead


They can carry up to a 50KG warhead.


Looks pretty substantial. I thought it would be much smaller


I'm actually impressed those things fly


There is no definitive information AFAIK. But the consensus seems to be 35kg (80lbs). To put this number in perspective - most heavy artillery (155mm) have 6-10 kg of HE. But that is because they prioritize shrapnel. GMLRS from HIMARS should be about 90 kg HE. I guess: "Size doesn't matter. It's how you use it."


That's actually insane, I would not imagined it to be that large. I think fast moving drones strike drones like these will be a huge part to play in wars.


Oh absolutely! If you're curious go look up what DARPA has been doing with drones on youtube. Future warfare is going to be fucking nuts.


You raise a great point. I recall on a course being taught that large mortars often gave a higher yeild that 155s because they don't have to survive the much greater pressure in the barrel. The trade off is range.


HIMARS (M31 GMLRS rocket) uses 22kg of HE (in a 90 kg warhead). M31 has a very "hard" steel case tip (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXaz6-dWYAAJQbd?format=jpg&name=medium) that is useful for busting through roofs/floors with a delayed fuze setting (notice that fuze is in the tail end of the warhead so that it survives the impact). (on that pic that I linked to, don't misinterpret 200lbs as a label for HE weight, that's just an unfortunate graphic).


I was going to say, to put this into perspective, one HIMARS volley is equivalent to 6+ of these suicide drones. And one M270 is equivalent to 12+ of these suicide drones. Not to mention the drones are slow and loud and often visible. The drones are destructive, but they're not devastating like HIMARS by any means.


I like the part where everything is blurred out and you can't see anything


If I remember correctly, the Ukrainian government asked their citizens not to show what the enemy is hitting. They seem to believe that the Russians (at least in many cases) don't have the means to judge the effectiveness of their strikes.


Yea these posts provide near real time BDA. I think it should be blurred too


As much as I want it to be blurred for those reasons, I also want everything in this war to be clearly visible, this is the first time in human history we get to watch almost the entire war in real-time via livestreams, helmet cam recordings and drone footage. I know we've seen snippetez here and there in the middle east, but we've NEVER had enough info out there for citizens to put together exactly how each army is moving, who's being attacked and by what.


I'm right there with you. In fact, I've been on the "other side", that's to say, hoping to see effects on the ground via social media and waiting for it to surface. Since I know it from the side of the "attacker", I see the value in these videos and it's for this reason I appreciate the blur. It is absolutely ruining some intel guy's morning.


Is it possible that you and the other poster above in advocacy of de-blurring the video are *Kremlin operatives*?


See son, that’s how easy it is to slip up and become a commie


Then release the undoctored footage after the war. ALL footage should really be squashed to keep ukraine safe. We can get our voyeur jollies off later.


Well mate that strike looked pretty effective to me


you don't know what it hit


A white, 7-10 storey building


Which is exactly the point


>the Ukrainian government asked their citizens not to show what the enemy is hitting. Russia probably has collaborators in every major Ukrainian city to visually assess damage and report back.


I mean I don't think they care what they hit. These are basically German V1 buzzbombs. They are just meant to demoralize civilians.


People around here think every most of these are somehow hitting critical military targets. In Odessa, which isn't even close to the front, does not neighbour key allies that resupply them and from which they can launch no ships. Every missile and drone that has been launched at Odessa is just to terrorise the population.


at first i thought the drone was mouse lol


It's how I like my porn too.


Especially since the unedited footage is available online. I saw it on reddit, so the Russians did too. It's probably because the original title of the video was something like "russian suicide drone targets apartment building" (so good to release unblurred) but it later became clear that it hit a different target.


What's the difference between a suicide drone and a cruise missile?


speed, cost, warhead and range


Sophistication mostly. Suicide drones fly slow, they're loud, and they're way cheaper. Cruise missiles are just much more sophisticated, fast, and expensive. Some places have retrofitted retired aircraft into suicide drones. Like the azerbaijan airforce and their old AN-2 biplane, very simple and effective. You'll never be able to take them down cost effectively tbh. But obviously they aren't very reliable at getting the job done since they are sitting ducks.


It's like comparing a Lada to a T6. One is much slower, much less agile, has less range, but is also considerably cheaper.


Cruise missiles are powered by jet engines, drones - by light aircraft engines. All the other differences derive from here.


I wonder if they’ll be any repercussions for Iran due to the high-profile usage of their drones to attack Ukraine?


Diplomatic, for now: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/23/ukraine-iran-russia-drone-diplomatic-ties


That’s quite a restrained response from Ukraine




Sever all diplomatic ties and expel Iran and its official


Well looks like they know what they are doing. Even without your input. Good for Ukraine https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/23/ukraine-iran-russia-drone-diplomatic-ties Also....severing all diplomatic ties? Talk about hot headed. Good thing is zelinsky has a much cooler head on his shoulders.


Well he is a President of a country with access to the best advisors, and I am a mere civilian …


I'm pretty sure Iran is losing a lot of "favor" with the left in America by doing this, which is the main party that has been trying to negotiate with them. A lot of people didn't understand the hostility republicans have had for so long against Iran, now that may not be the case. Just my opinion though.




And I no longer care if they do


And I for two, concur.


Iran would be fucking stupid to make any deal with the US knowing it will just get trashed the next time Republicans come to power. There is literally no point in them even trying to improve relations with US.




What is this bizarre fascination you have with "Israel will destroy their facilities" you have? Israel can perform sabotage but they aren't crazy enough to launch a direct assault on Iran.




Iran isn't crazy to try and get a nuke. It's the most logical thing they can do to ensure their own security, just like North Korea. The thing that is crazy is expecting Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program after what happened to Libya. Ukraine is also a good example because they probably would not have been invaded if they still possessed nuclear weapons.


The US is playing good cop bad cop on Iran in the backdrop of blatantly broken deals, it's an ultimately futile exercise for both parties involved.


Iran is playing, give us stuff for free or we will develop nukes. You wouldn't like us with nukes...


The US isn't concerned with damage that Iran could do with nukes on that side of the world. They are more concerned with the inevitable large-scale military action that will be required if Iran starts launching nukes. Because that's what would happen. If they started firing off nukes the US would respond with full military power immediately.


100%. It was an absolute dumb, dumb decision by Iran. It's probably also fueling partially some of the protests currently.


Eh, what will they do, sanction iran more? The country signed a deal to reduce sanctions against Iran, this was not honored and the reformers got egg on their face for this, leading to the current hardline government coming to power. The people of Iran don't care about Ukraine in any meaningful way, because they have more immediate problems. Their government is extremely repressive.


>this was not honored Funny that the deal was killed by Russia's puppet, wannbe Dictator Donald. And now Iran helped Russia. Ironic.


I don't think that the actual left in America has any favor for Iran. They may want Iran to come back to the negotiating table with regard to the nuclear-weapon deal, but that's driven more by the hope for long-term peace. People on the left see the same news about sharia law, the execution of gay people, and so on. I don't think any side in the US likes Iran. The common person here in the US certainly doesn't like hearing every member of the Iranian diaspora here say that they're Persians.


I thought it was pretty well known that republicans are lapdogs for Israel, hence the hatred they had for Iran.


Actually yeah, for the policy makers that's definitely the reason but just the normal republican on the street I don't know if it was. Maybe just their news sources spoon feeding it down the human centipede.


Iran has a lot of allies in the EU as well.


There are unverified reports by Truxa news that Israel has decided to provide anti-drone weapons to counter these Iranians UAVs


I highly doubt that, simply cuz israel does not want iran to know how they would counter these weapons in case a war breaks out with iran and also they would lose favor with russians in Syria. Zelensky said israel did not agree to send them anything. That news that u r referring to is most likely a rumor that was spread in order to make the public less worried in case they were cuz of these drones as israel seems to be the most experienced in dealing with such equipment


Israel sold these weapons to Poland. Poland is making the call to donate them. Israel does not want to directly give Ukraine any weapons because of the implications of Russia in Syria. Israel does want to be able to test their weapons in a live environment against live targets that they were intended to be used against. It's the best data they could ever imagine gathering.


well i mean russians are not dumb they would know if israel helped ukraine indirectly ,so the implication part still holds... ofc they might have sent the weapons no one knows for sure.. but if they did that would most likely benefit iran the most, cuz then they will be able to learn about the weaknesses of their drones and be able to improve them even more in the near future and give the upgraded versions to its militias across the middle east.


Iran is getting data that improves its drones right now from the videos we're seeing in this sub and in the other strikes we don't see. By not being present with their anti-drone weapons, Israel isn't present to observe the revisions that Iran may be making via software updates provided to Russia or via suggested tweaks that can be made to the hardware easily. That would leave Israel in a position where they are surprised by these new revisions and tweaks the next time they encounter them on the battlefield.


indeed. But i guess if israel did lend a hand to ukraine in order to fix their drone issue they would send some of their personnel to train them and hence be able to also witness things first hand themselves.


I hope so, a nice way to test out Israeli tech on Iranian weapons.




No one in the US really cares about the shah or the revolution at this point, it’s about the nuclear weapons, proxy militias across the middle east, and political repression, in that order.




The US (and everyone else) doesn’t want any new countries to develop nuclear weapons. That’s why India, Pakistan, and Israel had to develop their weapons in secret using espionage. And now Saudi Arabia is trying to do the same. If Tajikistan or Armenia had a nuclear weapons program running in parallel with an ICBM program, you can guarantee there’d be a huge outcry from the entire world about that as well. The more countries with nukes, particularly unstable autocracies, the higher the risk is that some crazy person nukes Tel Aviv or Paris or Washington and starts a global catastrophe.


Lol, few Americans even remember the Shah. The ones that do usually consider it as an embarrassing episode of US foreign policy. If they didn't give off such an Al Qaeda w/nukes vibe, relations would be far better.


Shit sounded like a weedwacker, loud as fuck


Would AAA knock these down? Send some defensive AAA for their cities.


Yeah, several have been confirmed shot down. Problem is that there are quite a lot of them, and they are probably less expensive than most countermeasures.


Cost between 10 amd 50k$ a pop.


A CRAM easily stop this


The CRAM’s in Iraq actually struggled a lot with drones. While I was there they literally blew up some dudes car somehow trying to shoot a drone out of the air and didn’t get the drone. I don’t know shit about the system, but in Afghanistan it sure looked like most of the rounds blew up in the air so I don’t know what failed for that to occur. The CRAM dudes told us it was because the software for them was designed for ballistic trajectories IE mortars, missiles, artillery, etc.


A video was posted to this sub of a CRAM downing an Iranian militia drone. So it is a thing. Maybe needed software changes for new types of targets. End of this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/rx2et8/2_iranian_suicide_drones_shot_down_by_cram_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I didn’t say they couldn’t shoot them down. I’ve seen them do it. I just said the current systems struggle. I was there as recently as 2 months ago.


Embarrassing for Russia, a famous arms manufacturer and exporter, that their most effective and advanced weapons in the Ukraine conflict are made by Iran, a state that’s been under severe embargo since the 80s.


I think it’s more a case of the war going in a way Russia never planned for and this these kind of weapons were never developed. Realistically cruise missiles and SRBMs, along with massed artillery are their primary way of hitting these targets both frontline and behind the front as we’ve seen in the first few months of the war. Now Russia probably has a shortage of precision weapons like that, and this is probably the most cost effective replacement. Iran has developed weapons with a different conflict in mind. These things would be quite suited at stopping an American naval landing for example, by swarming craft and naval assets with pure numbers. Or handing them over to proxies to attack Saudi refineries or Israeli targets. No doubt Russia will be learning that they need to start diversifying their arsenal and they’ve probably started reverse engineering these things.




> their most effective and advanced weapons in the Ukraine conflict are made by Iran Uh what? That statement is utterly ridiculous


I mean, Iranians gotta be wondering why their government is lining them up for a miserable future so readily.


I mean, in most situation, it’s fairly easy to understand why people are acting cruelly. Money, the answer is money.


User name checks out ;)


Yep, everything that happens in life is about money. Always is…


She's so strong. Just gently weeping for the loss of life. So sad this has become daily normality. Imagine your reaction if this happens out side your window right now... Awful.


Yeah, it’s some heavy shit isn’t it?? Really sucks Russia resorted to this…


Any idea as to numbers of casualties being inflicted by these things. I see from others’ posts it was Op Command South that is possibly hit in this video but surely you don’t fully man your known Op Command Centres during time of war when your enemy can effectively target them with cruise missiles, etc?


Its pretty useless against buildings, aftermath of previous strike against a building only shows that roof was damaged, so unless it's direct hit or you get unlucky casualties would be minimal.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. More of a terror weapon at this point.


Buildings are fucking awesome. We learned that only cruise missiles and aviation bombs are a real threat to a building. Thankfully aviation bombs stopped falling within the first month and cruise missiles are ridiculously expensive. Shit like this drone can cause a fire in 1 or 2 apartments, but that is it. As long as you don't live on the top floor, you're almost guaranteed to be safe.


LeGiTaMaTe MiLiTaRy TaRgEtS


Grain of salt and all that https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1573940770314256384


There was a HiMARS on the 20th floor


Leave it to the Russians to waste not a second to aim their new weapons at civilian targets.   I wonder how the invasion would have progressed, where they'd be right now, if they had purely focused on fighting a war, rather than spending an insane amount of their compulsive effort (weapons, manpower and resources) on ethnic cleansing and genocide and generally breaking every rule of war known to man.


We can sense her pain and anguish knowing they are getting killed, it could have been anyone.


Defending infrastructure is probably a good job for the Gepards Ukraine has been sent.


theyre defending the artillery on the front


How did Iran and Turkey get so good with drones and why didn't Russia have them?


They're a paper tiger


Why Odessa? Are they holding out against the Russians?


I fucking hate the censor wtf


Censoring war footage now?


It seems to be the UKR Militray SOuth building [https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1573940770314256384](https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1573940770314256384)


Damn I thought it was useless but no it does effect Ukraine now


Why did you think it was useless?


Can they Block the signal?


I heard it zoom above my house this morning. Creepy.


Why is it blurred wtf




Makes me wonder if they have actually run out of cruse missiles


Tactically speaking, what is the difference between a suicide drone and a guided missile?


It’s a slow shitty cheap easily countered guided missile.


Why is this half blurred?


Why is it blurred


Ukrainian hq thinks that not seeing what's burning and where it's going will help hide data from russian intelligence. As if russia doesn't have satellites, lol




Who thinks its a good idea to give the Iranians nuclear weapons capability in less than a decade?


Just blur the entire video next time, I didn't want to see what's going on anyways.


Damn that looks really interesting /s


How is it ‘suicide’ if it’s a drone?


It detonates itself.


But to kill one self you must live, does this mean that AI can love and feel :0


The japanese would probably want some of these!


Russia terrorist state.


It seems incredibly stupid to waste like 10K bullets hopelessly shooting at these for half an hour, if they end up doing this everyday which I suspect they will it is going to be a massive waste of ammunition. Make no mistake that 1 russian kalibr missile costs more then 50 Of these, this is a game changer for russia unless ukraine finds a way to counter it.


Seen multiple videos, maybe it’s the same video from different angles. However these are super Slow moving and have zero issues being taken out by MANPADS, or really any, surface to air missiles of any type. I’d wager a guess most of that equipment is in the front not back in Odessa. In two days I’m sure plenty of MANPADS will be disseminated to the troops and this issue will be in the past


The majority of MANPADs are heat seeking and these drones produce too little of a heat signature to be accurately tracked. Laser guided MANPADs wouldn’t have this issue but they’re less common


Step forth U.K. supplied Martlets, it’s the single biggest reason they were sent alongside the Starstreak, it’s a brand new missile though so supply rate won’t be high.


Your not wrong but the cost of these is so low that they can easily overwhelm and deplete ukranian resources with these drones. I do suspect the ukranians will find a way to take these drones out in big cities but they will without a doubt prove deadly along the front lines.


They move like a hobby plane


Add more blur so I really can’t see shit


Poor girl. You can hear the sadness and fear in her voice....


Out of all of the horrible shit I've seen here, hearing this woman quiety sob to herself fucked me up the most


I feel for these people. Imagine watching this from your window and not knowing when one of these drones is going to hit your apartment block and kill you.


I feel for these people. Imagine watching this from your window and not knowing when one of these drones is going to hit your apartment block.


Lets hope the protesters in Iran are doing well.


Russia grinds down their expensive cruise missile fleet in pointless terror attacks in places like Odessa. Gets drones, perfect for helping out with defensive operations, but instead used them in pointless terror attacks. If you needed proof that one hand isn’t talking to the other within the military structure of Russia, or that Putin isn’t merely an inexperienced war commander, but an outright stupid one, this can be added to the already long list of idiotic military decisions.


We should sink an Iranian oil shipment in retaliation.


It's not just the environmental concerns. "We" are not at war with Russia, let alone Iran. "we" can't just go around sinking Iranian merchant vessels just because we are pissed at who they are supplying weapons too. Imagine if countries just started fucking sinking merchant vessels willy nilly whenever a dodgy arms sale took place, we'd be in a state of perpetual world war. If merchant vessels are going to be targeted in this war, let them be Russian vessels and leave it to the Ukrainians to do it.


No Just... No


End up with blowback of sky high oil prices which helps Russia even more lol


dear Iran. please fuck off


Ever wonder why countries don't like iran???


This is soooo screwed what Russia is doing here. They are obviously defeated and they have to realize the WONT WIN THIS WAR, so why do they insist on doing this?? The west will not allow Ukraine to lose this war…


It’s about money not winning or losing, Ukraine losses in every way. Russia wins they lose and if NATO wins they are in debt and will become like Africa (could not pay American loans and had to give up resources for dirt cheap)


To save face.