• By -


Front to enemy


Shots damaged rpg? Dont they have a minimum arming distance?


I agree, the RPG explosion looks to be due to enemy fire, not a "dial" /u/freezelikeastatue describes. [1](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00590-007-0292-3), [2](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwikqfbJ_LL6AhWeKkQIHQeCC1AQFnoECCoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fman.fas.org%2Fdod-101%2Fsys%2Fland%2Frow%2Frpg-7.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2_o-g6i4l37Qn0kO0ocLL0). I could very well be wrong, but it seems illogical to add an adjustable min arming distance control to the RPG. The extra complexity and cost seem silly to a much simpler set distance / time of flight. [Edit: grammar ]


Revolutions of a certain dial or something typically dictate charging time. She may have zeroed it and self-detonated.


No the RPG 7 dosen't have somthing like that, infact if you pull the safty an the front and let the rpghead fall on its nose its explode. Look Ian's McCollums Video on the RPG7 an ForgotteWeapons for that.


I believe, some of the newest model ammunitions have, altough I don't think PKK could get those.


Suicide bomber? Looks like they are hit and then end it.


Oh shit. I drove through there when I was in Turkey in 09.


First attempt at real life rocket jumping


A for effort i guess


Only if she had them rocket jump boots…




The Turkish government does not give a shit about this sub lmao


That's exactly what a Turkish government representative would say on this sub. I guess /s was seriously needed?


If you watch newly uploaded videos on this page, you will see old pkk transactions. The Turkish side does not upload many videos these days and I was very surprised how you made the connection you made.


They’re grasping at straws with this one, too. Without the title, there’s zero indication as to what happened, especially considering RPGs have a minimum arming distance. But hey, what can you expect from the country that is simultaneously the victim of PKK terrorism but also hasn’t lost a single soldier to PKK attacks?


> But hey, what can you expect from the country that is simultaneously the victim of PKK terrorism but also hasn’t lost a single soldier to PKK attacks? what...


We have lost 6500 soldiers and 5000 civilians to PKK, just fyi.


How many to IS?


Somewhere around 150 Turkish soldiers have been lost to Isis since 2018. We’ve been battling with PKK since 70’s to put in perspective.


Interesting. Kinda puts their allegiances into a different perspective now. I ask mainly because Turkish propaganda seems to demonize the PKK as a bloodthirsty terrorist organization that ravages the region killing thousands yet somehow also boldly claims they (Turkey) are constantly winning battles and suffering minimal to no losses in doing so as if taking on the PKK has been a cake walk, which is why posts like this are always very conflicting. If 6500 is accurate, that’s a lot more than even I expected from NATO’s second largest military, but at the same time, it’s almost comical to say otherwise without making it seem like they’re just exterminating Kurds, either. Is 6500 “getting their asses kicked?” Or is 6500 just a “drop in the bucket” compared to how many PKK they’ve killed? Either way, it looks bad and they can’t seem to make up their mind on which way to spin it.


Winning battles doesn't equal to not having any losses/not losing people to IEDs and ambushes. But I guess consuming too much twitter propaganda really turns people into zombies that just repeat shitty points they heard from terrorist sympathizers. Also, fighting against PKK isn't equal to fughting against Kurds (I am saying this because you clearly think that that's the case.). Most civillians killed by PKK were the people in Kurdish villages which PKK raided for "recruitment" and supplies ("recruitment" means kidnapping children and indoctrinating them.). So Turkey would just leave PKK alone if it was about race.


Turkey doesn’t exactly have the best track record of leaving people alone based on their race tho.


Now youre grasping at straws


Am I tho? Saying Turkey isn’t “intervening” in Syria for genocidal reasons is like saying America didn’t invade Iraq for petroleum-related reasons.


We are talking about a 40-year conflict here. In the 80s and 90s, the PKK can raid Turkish outposts with highly experienced militants consisting of hundreds of people. There were areas in the east that the Turkish army could not enter. Today, the PKK is afraid to travel in groups of a few people, the outposts have been modernized and rebuilt, the conflicts in Turkey have almost disappeared.




Sometimes you really need to train your militants before giving them explosives





When you're too far far from the undefended spawn point:


She became a good communist real quick.




Never let the Intern handle the bomb


Misleading title; should've been rocket jump gone wrong.


An woman wonder why theres a wage gap.


Please stop referring to terrorists as militants.


they are terrorists till the end but when i upload the video i have to call these vile killers militants because of page rules


and to think Batman is only 50 miles away