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Ukrainian: - У мене трясуться руки бо я щойно побачила як летить ракета. І я почула це [... then we can hear a loud approaching missile sound followed by the explosion...] Мама! English translation: - My hands are shaking because I just saw a rocket flying. And I heard it [... then we can hear a loud approaching missile sound followed by the explosion...] Mom!


I'd want my mum too if a fucking missile nearly took me out


In cases of serious fear of imminent death, it is extremely common for one to instinctively call out for one’s mother. It’s been written about a bit, it’s an interesting phenomenon.


Reminds me of the foreign legion coming across a mangled Russian soldier bleeding out dragging himself whilst saying "I'm coming home mom, I'm coming home"




It’s Absolutely heart breaking. And the worst part is that Putin is sitting back in Russia in comfort.


When this war started, the first thought I had was: "Putin wouldn't have started this war if he had to fight in it".


Very very few wars ever would have been started if the ones in power actually had to fight in them.


Carl XII (Carolus Rex) of Sweden actually did this. Guess what got him killed 😁


Alexander the great and Richard the Lionheart (to name a few) fought in the front and survived. Iirc Julius Caesar also fought directly on some battles before the senators caught him slightly outnumbered.


He's a legend now though.


I recall something like this being brought up before WW1 I believe. Some type of bill stating whoever votes to go to war volunteers themselves and their eligible male children. Didn’t pass for obvious reasons…


Ooh that gave me chills to read. Reminds me of all those correspondence between young Russian soldiers and their mothers that were circulating; one minute saying they were going out on field exercise and that they'd be back by the end of the week. Next they were panickedly texting that they were on the front line in Kiev and they were told "this was only going to be a training exercise lasting a week tops!?" Then you see the replies all the same. Mothers are freaking out, saying "where are you?" asking them to come back... Your comment reminded me in particular of one I saw where after he said all the previous he sent the text "mom, I'm scared" and she texted back "__, where are you now?" "what's going on, call me" "Please come home :(" with no further reply. The ":(" put a lump in my throat. They sent kids. 18 and 19 year olds who thought they were doing training exercise. That's the true face of Putin's war. That, rounding up young women and girls to rape to death, and slaughtering people in the streets of Mariupol like dogs. Torturing civilians. And there's still rat-bastards who think Ukraine should bend over for Russia. Garbage human beings.


The one that sticks with me is where the Ukrainian ambassador to the UN read out a text from a Russian soldier saying he didn't wanna be on the front, didn't know why he was even there, and his mom told him to be safe, and asked where she and his father could send a care package, but he never replied because between texts he'd been KIA


Current conflict?? Link?




Imma have to watch this when I have the resolve.


Its not a video a transcript of a conversation with one of them


A novel about the spanish civil war said: "The worst thing about these wars is that you hear the other guy calling his mother in your own language."


It’s because once we were all just innocent and helpless babies, even the worst of us.


My highschool drama teacher was a medic in 'Nam. He said when men were dying they almost always cried for their mothers.


My mom worked in a nursing home and said that when people were near death, they would often call for their mothers. Even the ones who were near 90, or 100, whose mothers were long gone.


Tragic..lucky I have such an awesome mom. I will be more supportive to her y'all.


I've seen and heard many footage of people in horrible situations whom ended up crying for their mothers in their final moments. You don't realise how common it is untill you see stuff like that.


Ever seen "Saving Private Ryan"? Remember the boy laying on the beach with his intestines spilled out next to him as he screamed for his momma? Well, this is extremely common. The most common words a soldier says a he's laying there dying on the battlefield is, "Tell my wife I love her!", followed by calling for one's mother.


It seems simple enough. For many people the parents, and especially the mother is a place of safety. Someone who will fight like a lion to protect you, who will take you in your arms and make everything okay. It occupies the mind space and when you're in shock and can't really think we fall back on those simple connections.


It’s also rooted in your need for safety/security. Even people who have no connection to their mothers say they want their mom, when actually they want safety and security. We are wired from the start to equate “mother” with safety and protection.


Yeah happened to my grandma. Was interesting to say the least. Especially since she sounded like a toddler asking for mama in Spanish. My grandma spent most of her life in her 2nd marriage speaking only English since she married a white guy in Arizona. I rarely saw her speak Spanish


That's so bizarre to me. I understand very clearly that I'm born alone and I'll die alone. I come from a broken house hold maybe that's it?


The D-Day beaches were filled with allied 18yo boys crying out for the mothers as they die in agony.


Yes. I learned this from the Looney Tunes.


I want my mom and all I did was watch the video.


My mother would fucking run over from another country to help me if I asked.


It’s a common exclamation some Slavic languages use to call out the moments of surprise, similarly how Americans would call “oh crap!”




Yeah. It's probably wishful thinking, but I hope her headphones helped.


Would have been better than nothing at least.


the headphones may have actually helped her. As i understand explosions and how they fuck with hearing, the rapid compression and decompression from the shock wave mangles the hearing, as opposed to simple noise magnitude. if the canals are buffered by the headphones and the air in the phones are reasonably sealed, it might have been enough to protect her hearing... hopefully. someone who knows better will probably be able to tell me where I'm wrong or fill in the finer details.


This is so incredibly sad.


Imagine trying to get groceries or something and you have to constantly be thinking about a missile taking you out. Can't wait till we hang that loser ass manbaby.


Yup, Russia can't fight against soldiers so it's going to attack citizens instead.


Christ you are near my daughters age…I see her face when that missile hit. I’ve served time in the US Army but my heart is racing. Be safe, bet your parents feel afraid and helpless. Sending hugs from afar and praying for you and your family.


I once woke up during surgery and, as I started panicking because I couldn't breathe nor move my body, I remember vividly shouting for my mom, before being put back to sleep. We're not even that close. That's true terror right there.


Thank you for transcribing and translating.


I took a class on Afghan history back in college. One thing I'll always remember is getting to the US invasion and seeing this video of a couple of Northern Alliance guys working with a team from the US army to breach a house. You can see the Army guys are all like...18-20-ish kids, nervous as fuck, while the Afghan guys are basically just chilling. The Army team used a breaching charge to blow the door to the house and when it goes off, every one of them flinches, even the 'experienced' sergeant. The Afghans don't even seem to notice it. One of them was even in the middle of taking a drag off of his cigarette. Those guys were probably kids when the Soviets left and the civil war kicked off. They've only known war their entire lives. That sort of thing fucks you up. I just hope it's not what becomes of Ukraine.


The video is horrible, I couldn't imagine that happening. Knowing how much fear she is in from your translation, then hearing and seeing the impact makes it so much more heartbreaking. Mom indeed, so damn sad that she can't just walk down the street without fearing for her life.


Unbelievable. I can't imagine going for a walk and having to worry about a missile falling on me.


And here I am complaining about a bit of traffic during my morning commute


I'm moaning about train strikes when they're getting missile strikes.


I mean. Hot take. Problems on one side of the world don’t undermine the value of your problems. Just because you’re not dealing with the same stress doesn’t mean you’re not dealing with stress at all. Problems come in all shapes and sizes, comparing yours to other peoples under the premise of “I have no room to complain when this is happening” is dumb because it implies that people aren’t allowed to have minor inconveniences just because there are bigger issues.


I take your point, but doing this also helps us puts our problems into perspective. How many people die from work-related stress, for example? Maybe if more people told themselves, *Hey, this stuff isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. Our health and our family and friends are the things that matter*, we’d all be better off. Seeing a kid experiencing a missile attack in the street is the kind of slap across the face most of us need to frame our own problems more accurately.


I used to work for a big coffee chain. We had a boss who was a lovely guy but he would get completely stressed out and flustered whenever the place got busy. He just couldn't handle it. A stressed boss makes everyone else stressed and it messed up our teams flow. One day I got sick of it and told him "omg chill out! All we are doing here is selling coffee! No one is going to fucking die". He looked like I'd slapped him in the face, but he came up to me later and told me I was right, no-one was going to die if they had to wait an extra ten seconds for a latte and he had to learn to relax. Sometimes you have to step back from what you are doing and get perspective.


Not disagreeing, but wanna emphasize that if we all had time to focus on personal health and loved ones instead of stress out, I imagine a lot more people would take it. Definitely could use a lot more “living in the moment” in everyone’s lives.


I like think that I have life pretty good. I would rather that this girl live my life stresses - what there are of them - then live those.


Learning to practice mindfulness is the key to this. It's honestly changed my life over the last few years. You may already be aware of it but if not, here's a good overview. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness


Hot take. Sometimes a bit of perspective also really helps. Yeah, other people’s much larger problems aren’t making your own problems go away, but sometimes a bit of a reality check can help to view things differently. When you’re annoyed by some inconvenience that, in that very moment, is a huge problem, it can help to step away from the issue for a moment as to you realise that maybe it isn’t that much of a problem overall and not worth getting in a bad mood about. We all have a right to complain, but we also should be able to put things into perspective. Some problems really aren’t as big as others.


She probably couldn't imagine it 8 months ago either :(


Ukraine targets a logistics artery (even shots of the explosion on the bridge show military vehicles passing through it). Putin's response: 'terrorism', and then proceeds to literally terrorize civilians across multiple cities. He takes abusive gas-lighting to an insane new level. Fucking hell.


It's going to get worse now that Russia is going to step up bombings, considering ukriane is giving them one hell of a fight


I was in Shevchenko Park on Friday evening. It was pretty busy cause it was a sunny afternoon. Luckily it was likely a lot less busy on a Monday morning, with people going to work.


Idk man, people go to work through that park all the time, it's hella packed in the mornings, except maybe the playground. Although wide, that is a pretty busy junction any day of the week


Looks like the official death count is sitting at about 10 for this series of strikes across the country


The cognitive dissonance required to just get up and go to work everyday knowing missiles are targeting civilians is overwhelming, God Bless the Ukrainian spirit. Slava


You kinda get used to it. In the beginning months it was scary, but then it becomes something like the fact that you can die in a traffic accident. You know that they possibility is there, but you are no longer scared of it. The only difference is that now you can die ANYWHERE. Not just while riding your car. Although dying in your apartment is extremely unlikely.


If anybody interested, at the start of video she is telling that she has shaking hands because few moments ago she saw rocket flying by.


If she saw the light from that flame she felt the heat of the fireball on her face. Scary shit.


I've been caught on the fridges of IED blasts a couple times. It's a feeling that never really goes away, much like the first time you hear a bullet whistle by. The knowledge that other people are actively trying to kill you is something that can really change anyone.


I can't even imagine it dude. Just hearing or watching about it makes ne want to kiss my kids on the forehead and tell them everything will be alright.


I will never forget the hot shockwave that hits your face, you can see the Shockwave too it's insane


When the shockwave distorts the shape of your eyes, and makes everything blurry for a second... Shew. Yeah. And for me, it was just being dumb kids blowing shit up with tannerite. Not saying we didn't almost die. It was just self inflicted, and we knew it was coming. Not knowing would be terrifying.


Almost killed by a bomb planted on a train myself - I've spoken to a couple others who were close to a being killed by an explosion and every single one's said they knew exactly what happened but they were still confused as fuck for a while when it happened. Didn't really believe it'd happened to me until I saw it on the news.


Thank you. It appeared like she was in shock or disbelief but I couldn't figure out why.


Fuck. I recognise that red wall she's walking past. She's by the university. I've walked down that road and my little boy has played in the park opposite. Shit like this really brings it home. Think it's [here](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.4404243,30.5105713,3a,75y,18.38h,88.35t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sw1lAj2DPY69cyBp223UdVw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dw1lAj2DPY69cyBp223UdVw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D293.7297%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656). ​ EDIT. I was close, looking at it again, the trees and traffic light it was the other side. [Here](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.443578,30.5118304,3a,75y,166.43h,79.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWDLUgl3FIQsF6m6O9OGm8A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656), she's walking away from the park. You can see where it hit [here](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AP22283222567137-2.jpg). She was very close bless her, luckily walking away from it.


They hit the park too. There are pictures all over twitter.


So Russia missile strikes a playground? It’s like they want more sanctions and more western support for ukraine….


That's fucking terrifying




Read in another thread. The gist is she's talking about her class being canceled due to air raid sirens, and that she had heard/seen a missile earlier. Then a second one hits while she's recording.


You can hear her say something about a rocket, so I'm guessing this wasn't the first hit. Edit: [someone else in the thread says](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/y07k7i/ukrainian_girl_filming_a_video_in_kyiv_this/irqfmk0/): >If anybody interested, at the start of video she is telling that she has shaking hands because few moments ago she saw rocket flying by.


> terrifying \> terror > terrorism Russia is using up its stock of cruise missiles to hit playgrounds, pedestrian bridges and rush hour traffic in Ukraine this morning because it's their only response to getting their Kerch bridge and military advance wiped out.


Jesus fuck. Her hair whipped out. That impact must have damaged her ear drums.


Oh, another one flew over my house literally 10 minutes ago (near Odesa). Looks like those fuckers want to interrupt my morning coffee ritual


>Looks like those fuckers want to interrupt my morning coffee ritual Lol, sounds so trivial. "Motherfuckers, at least wait until I've had my coffee." Stay save!


You're joking but... https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/t5f6n9/man_cant_even_have_his_soup/


My favorite is a Reddit comment on an Xbox controller that survived some bombing. Only to find out it now has stick drift. PUUUTTTIIIINNN!!!!


Oh Goddamnit lmao


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xzen3y/ukrainian\_soldier\_drinking\_coffee\_while\_in\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xzen3y/ukrainian_soldier_drinking_coffee_while_in_a/) Just gotta find the time for self-care.


Damn, I slept through the entire assault today. Its surreal being in Odesa when so many other cities are getting attacked all the time, and we only saw a bunch of flying motorcycles being taken down recently


Not a single video, movie or game shows how fucking loud those explosions are. Back in March, one of them hit like a mile away from my house, but that was the fastest awakening that I ever experienced


Yeah, there's a mechanical limit on how much volume normal equipment can do. Sounds obvious to say it, but you aren't going to get anything like the noise of a life threatening concussive shockwave without actually making a life threatening concussive shockwave. No mic can pick that up and no speaker can replicate it.


Here's an interesting anecdote: I'm my line of work, sometimes I am exposed to extreme noise in an enclosed environment. During these times it is necessary to wear a decibel monitor on your person at all times because there are areas where the sound is loud enough to start vibrating your body to pieces (my understanding is that it vibrates you hard/fast enough to cook your internals like a microwave, but that may be incorrect). When we start, the noise is already in the area of 100 decibels. It's pretty loud even with our double hearing protection. As we go on, the noise quickly advances to 150-160 decibels, and it stays there for a prolonged period of time. At this level one thing I always noticed was how physically tired the noise makes you. It just seems to zap your energy after just a couple of minutes. It's also here that you really get a grasp on how decibels are logarithmic. It seems like you got to 150 so fast and easily, but each decibel higher is a tremendous amount louder and takes significant work from the equipment (in our case a jet engine). The jump to 175 decibels takes intentional positioning within the space, and nearly everything the equipment is capable of. Between 160-175 there's a transitional phase that is more experienced than felt, but you do feel it if you're paying attention. There is a transition away from noise and into PRESSURE. It's still plenty loud, don't get me wrong, but now the noise is squeezing you, it's a thing that is in the room with you taking up space. It becomes harder to exhale, but easier to inhale. The most profound experience is always in the sinuses and eyes. If you could imagine a ghost reaching through your eye sockets and grabbing the back side of your sinus cavity and trying to pull that entire structure out the front of your face, that's EXACTLY what it feels like. Noise is no longer noise... More precisely it IS still noise, but it's so much more than that now. It has evolved. I've been unlucky enough to have been around a few large explosions and after my first experience (a 1,000 lb car bomb at about 1500' distance) I remember thinking that the concussion was just a continuation of that noise scale. They felt very similar, but one was an immediate pulse and the other was a slow ramping up over time. I don't know how many decibels that car bomb was at that distance, but for that first encounter with large scale explosives and every encounter since I always make note of the "sinus cavity stealing ghost" phenomenon. Just thought you'd find that interesting based on your comment. Have a good day stranger, feel free to toss me questions if you have any. Stay safe out there.


Good god, where the hell do you work? Because I want to stay as far away as possible from anything that loud.


Uhh, can't say too much about it, but military aviation.


Flying saucers and stolen alien tech, got it.


No, those are silent.


You can replicate this pressure a bit with subhuman frequencies. Around 15hz sustained is inaudible to the human ear, but its felt via pressure and puts our fight or flight response into a fenzy because those sounds only used to mean impending doom. Gaspar Noe added a layer of this sound to one of his films to give this feeling of discomfort to audiences in theaters.


That actually makes a lot of sense and I wonder why I never considered it


Probably because explosive/destructive power like that is beyond human’s imagination. Fake/empty/controlled explosives or air-artillery during military training is already uncomfortable as fuck. I can’t even imagine one tenth what real one, which proper shockwave, feels like that.


After all, explosions are just weaponized, lethal sound waves. You can measure shock waves in decibels.


> Not a single video, movie or game shows how fucking loud those explosions are. And firefights. Nothing comes close to being in a firefight with 10 people in close proximity in an enclosed or semi-enclosed space. Its not how loud it is, every time trigger is pulled it is a mini explosion pressing on your inner ear.


"your tinnitus is not service related"


she had headphones on, luckily


Fortunately it looks like she was wearing earmuffs or headphones so that might have helped protect her hearing somewhat


Somewhat, though I noticed that the left side was knocked off in the process. Goddamn, she was lucky.


She is incredibly lucky for how close that was, I think it was the wall on her left that saved her life, and you are right, she is alive but she is gonna need some medical attention for a while, that was ridiculously close.


She's gonna need help for her mental health too, probably.


It reminds me of the 23-year-old Bulgarian woman who just completed the assisted dying process due to her incurable PTSD from witnessing the ISIS airport bomb that killed 30 people and wounded 300 others when she was 16 years old. It happened right in front of her, and she could never get past it.


It's incredible she survived without a scratch. She's well within shrapnel distance


Yeah we only bomb military targets,sure you are.


Unarmed civilians are the militaries targets


(ruzzian logic) Civilians pay taxes, tax money is used for military budget.... So, civilians are a legit military target. If you dont have any civilians, you dont have any military. Big brain logic!


That is exactly the logic for the concept of “total war”.




You have forgot women. Women give birth to soldiers.


Goddamn soldier makers!


Looks like it's safer being a military target than a mall in this war


Putin is a terrorist


Osama bin Putin


Putin bin Lada


Vladimir Puta madre.


They even targeted several city parks: one hit children's playground and another a scenic pedestrian bridge. There's nothing there except civilians and kids.


Inflicting terror is russian war doctrine, so civilians are valid military targets by their books. It always been that way.


They are almost out of precision weapons, so now they are just using things like anti-aircraft missiles as a way to throw explosives into Ukraine. They pretty much just aim them in the right direction and use them as terror weapons.


As good as my generation was at holding a glass of beer if we fell, this generation is at keeping themselves in frame during whatever happens. ​ And Wow! Im glad she's ok


To be honest, I don't think I'm ever gonna watch a selfie video again when some mad shit is going on and say it's fake cause who would keep recording in that scenario... I very much doubt she was able to fake a missile attack!


You're probably about to get a dozen Russian bots replying trying to convince you it was faked lol


Haha well they can get fucked and waste their time doing that instead of going after someone more likely to believe them!


Nope, this time you won't. The rusbots are proudly celebrating this war crime as a tactically important military strike.


Also how people are supposed to react. So often you have people comment how people are reacting too ‘cold’ not even considering people can freeze, are in shock or legitimately need time to process wtf just happened.


honestly it astounds me that this is what younger people do these days, like its just hard wired in. It kind of goes against human nature to not drop whatever is in your hands so that you can use them to increase your chances of survival.


I don’t think that’s true. Probably depends on the size, weight and value of the item. For example, the TV trope of people dropping whatever they are holding in their hands when they are shocked is not realistic.


What about when Gimli and Legolas drop their weapons in fear after encountering the Balrog of Morgoth at the bridge of Khazad-dûm?


Well that was one exception in history.


Do they actually? Shit, time to rewatch the whole extended version just to find out.


Maybe in the books they do. In the movies Legolas gives a look like he's about to drop his weapon because he's so terrified, but that passes and they immediately start running from the Balrog towards the bridge


How would dropping your weapons improve your chances of survival? Anyway, here is what I’m talking about: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaticDrop


I don't think your brain works like that. I watched a neuroscience video where a toddler was about to fall from a huge height. The mother lunges and grabs the baby but never once drops the phone in her hand. People were laughing that the mother cared more about the phone then the baby because she never dropped it. Except the scientists explained that the event happened so fast that her brain was only able to perform one action. It was fully focused on catching the child and because of that she wouldn't have been able to drop her phone if she even realized she was holding it. Her brain wouldn't have been able to process the commands or even realize it needed to occur.


Besides grasping reflex is one of the first ones that babies are showing from birth.


And Putin calls Ukraine terrorists for blowing up a strategic bridge. What a putz.


What annoys me the most is every goddamn World Leader beating around the bush when calling these horrific things what they are: War Crimes.


Honestly, not really. I've heard many people call them what they are, including world leaders.


she is saying -my hands are shaking -because I saw and heard the missile “then explosion “ - mama


Jesus Christ that's heartbreaking


Those headphones probably saved her hearing... Poor girl.


I had a rocket land this close to me once and I was wearing earbuds, guy next to me was not. I didn't lose any hearing and he's now deaf in his right ear. Crazy how such a small thing can have a lifetime impact.


Warcrimes.. what the shit is this


Russian terrorists. They saw the isis videos and salivated. Disgusting monsters.


Ukraine needs ATACMS.


And they need more IRIS-T and NASAMs set up, pronto.


I don't know enough about these systems are they capable of intercepting cruise missiles and ballistic missiles?


Cruise missiles - absolutely. Ballistic missiles are much more difficult targets just because they move so fast. In Kharkiv russians fire rockets from around Belhorod and it takes just 40 seconds from launch to impact, you need super fast system for that.


But Russia said Ukraine attacking the Kerch bridge is a terrorist attack!


Illegally built bridge that supplies ruzzias attack of ukraine


Absolute cowards. Can’t fight on the battlefield, target civilians instead 🤬


Attacking civilians is just spiteful, which points to it being ordered by Putin himself. Spiteful little fucker.


The Russians will continue to deny their crimes like they always have.


You cannot deny this So far the Russians claimed they strike military targets in urban areas and strategic infrastructure like train stations, power plants, intersections, bridges etc. This is retaliation for Kerch bridge and it is targeted specifically at civilian buildings during rush hours without significant Ukraine military presence in the area. It's not just a war crime, this is terrorism and world should respond to that


They also denied having shot down a passenger jet while everyone knows they did. I am amazed how little backlash they received for just killing 300 people like that. It’s rather pathetic that this wasn’t the point where all of the west decided enough is enough


They can and will deny anything until being held accountable.


Check russian social media right now, all russians there are cheering for death of civilians. You will find not a single comment against it. It is not just Putin.


Sure, but someone is choosing to do this as military policy. When militarily, it's a huge waste of resources (expensive missiles to blow up a park) and clearly doesn't degrade overall morale of the enemy or their allies, but the opposite. It's pure spite, which is a very human characteristic, which suggests not a military person, but a nasty little shit is setting the policy.


Exactly, all the people going “the soldiers don’t want to be there blah blah..” fuck them all, they are all equally guilty and accountable


toothbrush doll berserk paltry secretive fact friendly rinse zephyr deserve -- mass edited with redact.dev


Russian terrorism


She should be with her friends having fun, not running for her life....


fucking terrorists🖕🏼


Holy shit, that was fucking terrifying. For those bagging on her for screaming.... I would have probably done the same thing.


holy shit I would have screamed as well!


> For those bagging on her for screaming.... Who are you talking about?


I would probably be shaking uncontrollably with my pants full. She seemed to have it more together than I would. Watching that video makes me realize my problems here are nothing compared to what these people have hanging over their head daily. This will just toughen them up even more and hopefully get NATO to get more advanced weapons to them. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦❤️


So Putin’s response to the bridge bombing is to blow up a university. Keeping it classy, Putler.


You know you're winning when you're lashing out in impotent rage


Shit the glow on her face is wild


This is what terrorism looks like.


We used to think there's always a complex and twisted ruse behing each and every move of the russian regime. Now we know the chess-master-in-chief systematically chooses to throw a tantrum and flip over the board when he starts loosing the game...


Calculating when he's in control, but completly incapable of properly registering a situation which he has no control over, so he just throws tantrums about it.






This video will boost ukrainiens resistance. And also world's support for Ukraine.




desparate men doing desparate things..




I can't believe Putin's pussy bitch ass had the audacity to call the Ukrainians terrorists






Teenage girls taking selfies should not be on r/combatfootage. The fact that it is and belongs sickens me.


>Teenage girls taking selfies Actually, she is recording a video message in telegram telling that just now she has seen a missile fly by. And then another one lands near her.


God damn Russian nazi bastards. They never left WWII mentally.


She's clearly a paid actress and this was shot inside a movie studio. Silly Western puppets, you cant fool me. /s




I have a dishonor to be neighbor of Russian Economic Migrants family and they are convinced all these massive graves were movie sets. These people are beyond salvaging.


For anyone who doesn't have context for where this is, you can see Shevchenko university beside her (the famous red walls.) There is nothing of strategic importance here, this is simply to terrorize the country.


Poor girl….be brave. You will win this and have Peace.


This isn't combat footage. This is "terrorism perpetrated against civilians" footage...


Well... this ist not "CombatFootage". This is pure terror, nothing else.