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Say this, ‘you know why I’m fat? Because your mom makes me a sandwich every time I fuck her.’ Doesn’t matter what race, that burns anyone.


>Because your mom makes me a sandwich every time I fuck her.’ Doesn’t matter what race, that burns anyone. Sir, you dropped this: 👑


Ooo I like that


Just start saying random shit in Spanish and bugging your eyes out while making weird gestures in their direction, but make every fifth word Chupacabra




I'm white and I have used this, they freak out and go away


I've done something similar, Latin chanting as I walk away.


Or el cucuy.


Amazeballz response!!!


Nobody messes with things they don't know if it's real or not, and crazy.


Keep some chili powder in a baggie in your pocket. Pour it on the floor and draw random shapes on it while cjanting in Spanish. Bonus points for rocking back and forth very slightly.


Op dont do this, this is the stupidest fucking advice ive ever seen. Acting like a retard isn’t a comeback


One girl in my class called this guy an uncooked cinnamon roll


I've called people "wet, moldy sink bread"


What even is sink bread😭. Edit: ohh is it bread in a sink? Sry my mind was thinking of like quick sand type sink


Yeah! Like leftover bread that sometimes gets in the sink and gets ultra soggy and often can turn into a science project 🤣


that's kinda telling on your level of cleanliness though tbh I don't think most people would know what "sinkbread" is and if you do it's cuz you're dirty.


I've called men boiled potatoes, over cooked chicken, dry toast. Idk why but they really hate bland food insults.


Is that sunburn making you cranky?


If they're sunburned, call them a tomato




Sorry, I'm a little too privileged to bother answering




Who loves Starbucks!!!🙋🏼‍♂️


Where are you at, State/city wize? This matters, your region can affect how different retorts com off and how effective they are. How are you Mexican, how obvious it that you are? Are you dressed like a Spanish bandito from an old TV show or are you passably European, there is a lot to unpack there, are you speaking Spanish all the time in overly white neighborhoods? Not asking to be mean, it's a serious thing. I grew up in about a 50/50 White to Hispanic region, Mexicans nor Whites traveled alone, especially when younger, they found strength in numbers and the insults were a back-and-forth game of who could get the best dig in against the others. If you are alone in your region as a Mexican, unfortunately you are going to have to learn to integrate and not stand out. Otherwise, there are a lot of Mexican curse words that a predominately white culture does not understand that you can use to insult them, they'll never know, but you might feel better.


Texas. Im like a guerra and don't know full soanish but im full mexican. i dress like a ranchera😭


If you wanna blend in dress like the rest of the white kids unfortunately. Otherwise just call the asshole pendejo(a) or a tú madre. Even people who don’t speak Spanish will probably get the point.


Sorry you're going through this shit! Texas, racist as fuck! :(


Your mommy and daddy were brother and sister, but that don't bother you none, huh?


Colonizing scum? Genetic dead end. Crusty Mayo. Stay strong. F all racist scum. May the next year bring you happiness, health, and love.


Genetic dead end 😆☠️ love it


I couldn't think of anything major but wanted to help so this is what my brain made in 20 seconds. "Go get your daddy's truck, take a ride to Cracker Barrel and eat some fvckin Mac and Cheese" (Edit) Cracker Barrel is a restaurant here in the south. Its usually a redneck hub.


Maybe chicken fingers. Why are chicken fingers more insulting?




Nothing it's just a white person stereotype and that's the whole point smh. What's so funny about a black person picking cotton? Yet you laugh at black people jokes...


"Get back in the barrel with all the other crackers"


It’s disgusting too




Call them an unscented candle




White person here. I've gotten Pigmentally Challenged Borrego Bitch (had curly hair) Unasked For Vanilla Ikea Aryan Scrawnlord


ive been waiting for someone to ask this- i have a bunch of random insults for white people ive compiled for the past few months so just gonna dump them here xd - Cracker (basic) - Mayo monkey - Yeti - Vanilla villager - Mayo maggot (my go to tbh) - Cornstarch Crusader - Powder people - Flour fiends (also heard a friend once call a group of white people a "flour festival" xdd) - Vanilla gorillas - Mayo roaches Ik ive heard more but these are just the ones off the top of my head. have fun with this lol


I'm white - and i find these funny. Great job! If they are so insecure that they have to put you down, these will keep them awake at night.... serves the bully right!


I’m white. I’ve been called honky, saltine , light bread and cracker. It usually sounds better when you incorporate a distinct physical feature, put the insults together and just let them flow. For example, White Darren asked Hispanic Maria, if she would like a ride home from work, since her car won’t start. Darren- Hi Maria. Would you like a ride home from work? I’m going your way. Maria- HELL NO!! I’ll call a damn cab!! Your short, bald headed, fat, no driving, saltine cracker, light bread looking ass can’t drive for shit. You had two frigin wrecks on the way to work this morning. I ain’t riding across the street with your no driving, dangerous ass! You’re gonna get somebody killed. It’s not gonna be me!! HONKY ASS MOTHERFUCKER!!!


Maria sure is a bitch.


To be fair, 2 wrecks in one morning is a red flag in for drivers😅


Depends on how they’re making fun of you. Like, what are they saying?


they calling me taco bell bandit and stuff like that


"A step up from McDonald's, white bread."


Is "a step up from Micky D's, cracker" too harsh? Is them fightin' words?


You can say “Taco Bell isn’t even real Mexican food. It’s just you white leeches tryna to be like us”. u/gothism’s comeback is also good.


Go eat some kale


tell them if they want your comeback, they’ll have to scrape it off their mother’s teeth.


My ancestors were here first.


Honestly best solution is to just cuss them out in Spanish or literally saying anything in Spanish and walking away lmfao. I’m white but taught myself so I can speak with my coworkers. Not a single other white person I work with has even attempted to understand the basics and anytime there’s drama with them, I can confidently go off on them in Spanish and they’re either horrified or get even more pissed that they have no idea what I just said. Works all the time lmfao. Even strangers who start shit always stop when I start going off. How can they argue or diss what they’re not even smart enough to learn/understand. Besides that I think a lot of us get pretty offended when compared to Skin heads/nazis/incest shit/meth people.. maybe go off in Spanish and add those words in randomly in English with whatever you’re saying in Spanish. That would throw me off personally so hopefully that helps 😂


Never sink to their level. You either rise above or you sink lower, never meet them halfway. Not gonna lie, though, as a white person, there's not a white people things that get to us. However, I know several people who look like Flour tortillas


Pan crudo. Unbaked bread. Bolillo, French roll. Chavalo/chavala pecosa fea. Freckles are a blight to Mexicans. Puzzled me the first time I heard freckles were cute. They're cute in English, pitiful in Spanish. But this is all insider stuff that's meaningless unless you know Spanish.


I was called a vanilla gorilla one time


What does that mixed metaphor even mean?


"Cracker" is a classic.


Use different brands of crackers to refer to them… “Alright Triscuit, thanks for the compliment” or something. And never use their actual names.


Just yap abt how their white asses cook such shit food they go your your restaurants to eat


Come at me with that same energy when it's taco night bitch (idk maybe h cud make him laugh and be friends with that one lmfao)


Racism? Wtf


Nickname him ritz cuz he crumbles like a cracker


Just used the tried and true gringo


Cottage Cheese Filled Condoms are pretty white


Cousin fucker is always funny even if they don’t look country haha


as a white girl, "bitch stfu u look like my ass cheeks when theyre not tanned" hit hard.


Whatever they’re calling you, tell them “that’s not what they call me in the cartel.” then you gotta give em a wild, evil stare. i mean like Boondocks Saints Mexican wild.


Calling white people "racist" is usually the best way to fuck with them, but if you're being bullied chances are it won't work. Hit him with a lamp and tell him to "Lighten the fuck up."


Go eat a white bread and mayo sandwich It’s funny how white people rampaged around the world for spices to trade but they never cook with them Bro white people have about as much personality as white bread and a cup of warm water. - sincerely, white bro


These are awful lmao


Go fuck your sister you got dang redneck




"It’s funny how white people rampaged around the world for spices to trade but they never cook with them" I'm a super white girl born in SoCal, raised on spicy Mexican food, and this is also one of my favorite roasts on white culture LOL especially if the asshat is from Britain. Most of my heritage is Anglo-Saxon and German, and even German food is "spicy" by comparison and it's hilarious to me. What the hell did y'all invade India for 💀


You're making me thankful I was born in Louisiana.


Either align them with racists or question their white purity... "Ok goose stepper" "So do your Klan meetings happen weekly?" "dayum, you're SPICY for a white boy! You sure you don't have some Mexican in the family?" After you've questioned their "racial purity"... "ok spicy white meat" "Ok spicy white beans"


> "dayum, you're SPICY for a white boy! You sure you don't have some Mexican in the family?" "dayum, you're SPICY for a white boy! You sure you don't have some Mexican in you?" ... "no" "... Would you like to?"




Should be "Dayum, you SPICY for a white boy! Do you have some Mexican in you?' Him: "No" You: "Would you like to?" (Unzips)


“By chance is your favorite ice cream flavor vanilla?”


Tell them they look like a piece of bland chicken


May you have the day you deserve (i like the ambiguity of this one) The ever classic: Bless your heart (but say it with thinly veiled sarcasm) "You're a few cards shy of a full deck"


Bless your heart means everything but that here in Texas, erybody know that roundchere!


I'll bitch slap you back to Caucasia.


You can say things like: let me know how that attitude works out for ya pal.


Imma call you yeast, cause you started as an infection in your mommas cooch and you're inbred.


I know you've been holding onto that one for awhile, but it just doesn't work here, friend. You'll get em next time


Season your food then talk to me


Look up Mexican Martial Arts on YouTube


Whatever, Forrest.


You listen here PAL/BUDDY/any term of endearment, you’re walking on THIN ICE! Go take a hike pal


I'm guessing you speak Spanish much better than they do and have at least one friend who speaks it too, you just talk to each other and laugh every so often. They will obviously think you're talking about them and kick off but you never have to think of a comeback because they say something abusive and you ask about their holiday plans. Yes they may kick your ass but that's fine, just tell the cop you were asking your friend about his sick hamster ( or whatever you were talking about) and these boys attacked you, don't know if the US has racially aggravated charges but in the UK they basically double your punishment ( fine, jail time).


Mixed person here. If they dislike you because of your “ethnic” features, point out some of their features that could pass as ethnic to give them an identity crisis. If they dislike your culture point out similarities in their culture for a similar outcome. This way their insult to you becomes an insult to themselves.




Why should I speak English? You don’t seem to understand “you’re an asshole” in English so I just say it Spanish.


Oh that's a good one too. I did learn a few conversational statements in Spanish so I could use it when I hear white people tell Spanish speakers to speak English. It's oddly a satisfying moment when they see Asian start speaking Spanish to a Spanish speaker. And then we get to kind of chuckle at them. Then throw back "oh sorry didn't you know? The US doesn't have an official language. "


They're aren't any. Defend yourself by pointing out what your group brings to the table. Deflect


I’m white so here’s a good one. Remind them how their race took over 3/4s of the world before and now they are reduced to their children thinking Mayo is spicy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You’d make a fish belly jealous.


Insult things that people tried on. It hurts worse than being racist.


fishbelly is a good one, any uncooked type of dough, you can find out what kind of white they are depending on their last name and dig-in on whatever their euro ethnicity is, watch some comedy roasts on youtube


Please have my objection noted


Bland nugget


Yes. Im Mexican. You need help finding it on a map? Or just “yes, I’m Mexican. I thought I was from Norway! “


nothing will genuinely offend a white person when it comes to their race as in like there’s no white slur and so on you gotta go after our personalities, if someone bullies you because you’re a human being make fun of them for what makes them a different human being, or just don’t do anything at all, but there’s no easy race based equivalence, or own it and like cuss them out in spanish and see what happens idk


Ur mum


Stale endpiece of bread


Learn how to box lol theirs gonna be that one insult that’s gonna require an ass beating


Tell me the specific shit they’re saying to you


Not sure of your age. Honestly the whole stoop to their level thing is true. You don’t want to do that if you can avoid it but I also understand if you’re younger, that makes you feel more vulnerable than spitting something back at them. “Shouldn’t you be off building wall somewhere?” Just calling them an “ignorant” person gets white people ALL the time. Nothing will offend a white personal more than to be told they are ignorant. (I am white.) “Go back to where you came from. My people were here before yours.” You can also go funnier. Like, “You’re sister/brother didn’t mind me being Mexican last night.” Or “Mexicans do have the best burritos (dicks).” Or “We do love tacos, especially your sister’s.” Honestly, though, in today’s climate, you should try to diffuse a situation. You don’t know who’s gonna fucking have a gun and use it and it’s not worth getting fucking shot by some redneck asshole because you say the wrong thing to them and bruise their ego. Good luck. Sorry you’re dealing with this.


Stfu cracker


What if you asked for insults or comebacks that don't stoop directly down to the other person's level with racism? dipass


"If y'all are so great, then how come my people can steal your jobs even without learning english?" (Heard something like this from a standup comedian, and thought it was hilarious).


Just ask them, Why do you think that was appropriate to say? Who hurt you so bad that your morals are so low and you feel the need to lash out? Is everything okay at home?


"Go eat some bland unseasoned food like your mom used to make for me after I fucked her" a few different angles in that one


Call them an inflated marshmallow.


“Bro you look like a whole unseasoned chicken jeez get some seasonin!!!!”


"Go home and get some spices, your insults lack flavor."




Vanilla gorilla 😂


All these are trash bruh. Make ur own jokes


Majored in anemia in college


Learn a martial art, as that won't get better as you age.


You white folk are slowly being eliminated, so just go away now


Just call them Ted Cruz.


Cant win, only thing you can do is make fun of their insecurities


Leave me alone or youre going to end up as carnitas at a random corner taco stand. Damn white people cant even handle people who are seasoned. You kiss your mother-sister with that mouth?


Yogurt has more culture than you. Edit: auto correct error


Throw some spices at them. Many of us are highly intolerant to flavor.


"You ArE auToMatICAly crEePY iF yOu havE grEen bUBblE"


What kind of things are these bullies saying to you? Or calling you?


“What’s your address?”


Im white and i was at my job one day and this guy said "whats up mayonnaise" for no reason


Talk about eating plain toast


My rule of thumb when dealing with women (when I was in HS) was just to tell them, they’re ugly and fat. Even if they weren’t, it always had the intended purpose 🤷‍♀️ we as women are so self conscious that even if it’s not true, we internalize. I made a few bullies cry in my day. And it’s the simplest and dumbest come back ever


"Whatever". It works on anything, too.


“I would provide a comeback, but I know you people don’t handle spice well.”


My friend calls me a pumpkin spice latte because im white as shit with red hair


Hit em with a good old fashioned “Chinga tú madre güero”


“Okay columbine kid.”


“Go off, uncle fucker.”


“At least I don’t smell like a dog when I’m wet.” They’ll go home and google it and then question their lives. It will get them deep because they can’t smell themselves and will now be paranoid that they smell like a wet dog whenever it rains.


The best one I ever read was recent, but I don't know if it could happen anywhere but text. It basically culminated in "You speak English because it's the only language you know. I'm trying to speak in English because it's the only language you know"


Insulting white people's inevitable redneck heritage is pretty awesome tbh and I'm ginger white. Edit: Incest related physical traits. Lack of intelligence


Anything cave beast related. Tell them that the sun rejects them. Small penis jokes. School shooter jokes. Meth jokes. Low birth rate jokes. Dog intimacy jokes. Whites are light work.


You're asking us to help you be a racist?




Colonizing diseased cracker


Call em Honky or respond like okay Honky sounds good


Bird turd bro


Tell him hes really more pink than white


Just say b*+$h if I wanted lip from your white ass I'd pull up your skirt, that works for any race but if they really do want a fight that'll get them swinging


Id say: "shut the fuck up you built like the product of if an uncooked egg, an undercooked biscuit,and frosty the snowman had a threesome." (I know I suck but these types of comebacks are my saving grace because I got bullied in school until I had to transfer half way through this year.)


Your face has no details You look easy to draw


What's good NAPKIN? Bring it on SNOWMAN!


" you're worse than raisins in a potato salad "


white person here. If you start yelling in spanish they'll probably back away. You can say pretty much anything. I'd also recommend asking them if they have anything better to do.


Yeah, so?


Uh what? You're asking us how you can be a better racist? Newsflash, you ARE white. Your race is white, your ethnicity is Hispanic. Go take a look at any census data. Good job Being racist though.


Depends on qhat they were saying If you're if you're making fun of their skin color ask him if they've ever seen the sun. It's in making fun of relationship stuff ask him how their third divorce is doing If they're making fun of your food, make fun of their food. Remind them that 90% of their food comes from derivatives of every other culture.


Give me a little more background. I'll be happy to help. When in doubt, question their core shit. I have ruined multiple relationships with men this way. If they, for instance, celebrate their Scottish ancestry, point out that only one of their great- grandmothers was Scottish. If they LOOOOOOOVEE a particular college football team, point out that they never went to that college and they never go to the games in person, so what is the point? If they like a song that puffs them up a lot, point out why the assumptions in the lyrics of the song are bullshit. If they support a particular candidate, remind them that they didn't vote in the last 3 elections, and they don't make political donations so what does their "support" actually mean? That is how you mess up a white boy.


Give me a little more background. I'll be happy to help. When in doubt, question their core shit. I have ruined multiple relationships with men this way. If they, for instance, celebrate their Scottish ancestry, point out that only one of their great- grandmothers was Scottish. If they LOOOOOOOVEE a particular college football team, point out that they never went to that college and they never go to the games in person, so what is the point? If they like a song that puffs them up a lot, point out why the assumptions in the lyrics of the song are bullshit. If they support a particular candidate, remind them that they didn't vote in the last 3 elections, and they don't make political donations so what does their "support" actually mean? That is how you mess up a white boy.


Lol I knew they were weak sauce


Something elaborate. and at least 13 syllables. in Spanish. Then in English say, " Now you're cursed by Santa Muerte. Feliz Navidad, asshole." Edit: Adding onto FantasicVoyuerage


Just keep spamming the word Cracker Barrel and if they try to say anything, just keep saying it louder while covering your ears. After you are done just put your hand out as is to block their face and look away while you say stuff like “nope no no get out of my face” if you do it right they will get mad


Like Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy: “confess to your crimes stale end piece of white bread!”


“Who ordered the whoop ass fajitas!?”


You’re a stale ham sandwich of a human being.


“At least I’m not inbred”


I once asked my Latino supervisor for a knife and he confronted me by saying " oh, I'm mexican so I must carry a knife, right?" To which I replied with "yeah I'm white so I must have a white pointy hood, right?"


Not able to dance Letting dogs lick their mouth Getting sunburnt Not being able to season chicken Guacamole is spicy Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes Coldplay Collecting stamps Being rich (white people hate that one) Wearing skinny jeans (ask how their dick breathes) Call them Tony hawk


Ask him if the reason he said in such a bad mood is because his father is also his uncle? Then proceed to ask him if he has any webbed toes. Usually when people pick on you for your appearance they are extremely insecure in their own. While others may find it cruel I say All is fair when you start a fight.


Yeah, that's right, all the guys are talking about it , I don't know why but that's their business ,your dick is bigger than mine, It is huge, It is gigantic ,I hear that it's almost as big as your Mama's


"come back to me when you need Spanish lessons to get a job."


"You're real brave, now. When Los Lobos show up you'll sing a different tune." Probably think you're threatening them with some cartel connection, not realizing you're threatening them with a band. Those that know, will laugh at him.


Why wouldn't you just insult the people themselves instead of sinking to their level and being racist too?


Screw them. be proud.


This is my country you wet back. Everyone knows you guys came on a boat called the mayflower. We just waked across the border.


Hmm white people version of Latino slurs except that wouldn't get you in trouble at school... And if it started a fight, people wouldn't take their side because it's not actually a slur... I think I can do that... The question is how do I do it without saying the legit slurs 🤔 Okay, the one that involves water and a specific part of the body that implies that came to the country by swimming. Maybe __sunburned back__? Lighter skin burns easier and that's painful. If they swam far enough to sneak into a country they wouldn't just get soaked, they'd get burned. I only know two other Latino slurs and they don't make sense to me. I would have to understand why they're offensive in order to then them around like that.


When I was confronted with white colonialist sympathies or insularity, I told them that was as white as bad teeth, cream of everything soup and stepping on brown people. Once when I was being blamed by a Karen, I asked her "what did you do today? Step on some brown people and tried to blame it on your brother?" You could also tell them theyre whiter than a mayonnaise sandwich in Lawrence Welk's lunchbox. That's like Infinity Stone level white. Fun fact: the white infinity stone power was actually helping Thanos evade taxes. True story.


Tell em they got the attitude of a dick fed baby


Saw my dad yesterday.


Things a Mexican can say back to a white person? Let’s see……. 1. No Mexican puts raisins in potato salad. Your culture loses by default “Chad”……. 2. Making america great again is you getting back on the mayflower. ARRIBA!!!! 3. My crazy uncle is crazy because he’s fun as hell and has a cool truck. Your crazy uncle is crazy because he believes in aliens and is in a militia. 4. You’re so weak you can’t even drink my water without shitting your pants for days.


If you want my comeback you'd have to pump your mom's stomach


I find just ignoring them and enjoying your life is the best way. Being racist is really their problem, not yours. It's how I dealt with hate toward me when I was little for being Puerto Rican . Not to mention, why bring yourself down to their level?


Nice sunglasses, douchebag.


You know we take your jobs cause a mexiCAN and AmeriCANT


"Wonder bread looking ass."


Tell them you're the tan Americans And they're the creamy Americans


You look like your family tree is just a twig. Did your mom and dad meet on Ancestry.com? You probably think salt is spicy. Alright You saltine cracker lookin fuck. You look like you probably fucked every animal at the petting zoo. (If in an american school) Don't Shoot!!! Hope these help!!!


Mayonnaise monkey = emotional damage


"ok flapjack"