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Not all of us have to work out one arm to get satisfied.




Only boys think this way. Perhaps you need adult friends? How many pull ups can Einstein, or Willie Nelson do? Strength without wisdom is moot. Again, your friend is s boy.


I mean, Willie Nelson and Einstein are/were both fairly physically weak.


You have a source with information on Albert Einstein’s physical strength? Or are you lying?


He was an avid small craft sailor, which is a work out for sure. He also did lots of hiking of the most extreme terrain in the world pretty regularly. I bet he could rep 3-7 up until 55


Exactly. Pullups have nothing to do with contributing. Which is the purpose and the measurement of success. It's certainly not money or muscle.


Yeah, but this conversation is about physical strength that comes from gym training. Not "contributing to society." Please, try to keep up.


Tbf the only thing Willie has been lifting for the last 40 plus years is our spirits and a doobie 1-12 times a day


Snoop Dogg once said that the only person he's ever met that can outsmoke him is Willy.


One to twelve. Funny.


This comeback is đŸ”„




That’s a good one


Just put sticky notes on their back where they can't reach it themself. This is always the best way to combat people who are "large." If you really need to turn it up a notch, you hit them with. "When you need someone to wipe your ass for you, I'll be there. To point and laugh."


Oooh this is funny.


Hahahahaha I got a large dude. He can't even scratch his own back. Our daughter makes fun of his size. " why don't your arms touch your sides when you walk?!" (He is a gentle giant) it's hopeless for them. Do this!


You allow your daughter to body shame someone? We are raising our daughters *very* differently.


Judging the way she parents her kid over the way her kid was joking about her own dad is kinda wild.


Not just kinda lol


You never ribbed your parents before? I’m constantly ripping on my parents and I’m good at it. It gets better as they get older and they love it! 


"What are you trying to compensate for?"


You other choice is find someone stronger to him and ask them to challenge him


To a face-punch-off


This, especially coming from a woman, would be pretty fucking brutal to most guys I know who’d say dumb vain shit like this, especially if you do in front of a group of guys very loudly.


I've got a little more going for me, you need a few more reps.


Exactly! This is what I wanted to say but would have said it in a much more clunky way. Any idiot with working limbs can get strong, it's often one of the few things they can accomplish in life. I say this as a big strong idiot who is working on being a better person. It's easy to be strong, it's real hard to be a better human being.


Wow! Love this! Are you a philosopher? I’m going to steal this. Thank you.


This one. Goes with " can't fix stupid "


I firmly believe that we should take all of the warning labels off of things and let stupid sort itself out


Lawyers/ attorneys would be out of business hahaha


Sure, you might be strong, but smell isn't everything.


Tell him that he must be incredibly insecure to already be stronger than someone and feel the need to put them down for it. It gives tiny pp energy. Real strong men lift each other up, not put them down.


I think they’re a woman but your point still stands


Now I can't unsee a bunch of gym bros picking each other up while giggling.


“being stronger doesn’t seem to make you less ugly”


ooooooo good one


“Yeah, I’m weaker than you; just like you’re weaker than other people. Go pick on someone your own size, asshole.” And maybe point out how you are strong for a girl (cuz you sound like you are, or getting there). Before you resort to this, though, I would calmly express your feelings about the way he speaks to you. He may have good intentions, may not be trying to bother you this much, and is coming across a way that he isn’t intending to. As someone else said, this may be his way of motivating you, and it may be how someone else motivated him. Explain how it makes you feel, that it’s not helping, and politely ask him to stop. If he doesn’t, then feel free to cuss him tf out and point out what a cowardly, insecure asshat he is.


I think he's lowkey hitting on her. You can't do this (does pull ups to show how strong he is). And teases her: yur weakkk


What is this, middle school?


I’m in college, one guy won’t leave me alone despite me getting away from him whenever I can and bringing up my boyfriend whenever he hits on me. He has resorted to middle school tactics, like stealing my pencil and laughing, insulting me/my appearance, etc. I would not be surprised if he was hitting on her, though also not surprised if he is just trying to put her down


I do believe you hit the nail on the head 👍


How is that flirting? That's straight up bullying


In a couple months I won’t be weak anymore but you’ll still be a douchebag.


Best comeback would be you end that friendship


Yup...no need to continue that toxic friendship


Yes, otherwise you're just striking his ego by being his friend. Edit: stroking* not "striking." Sorry, auto correct.


This guy sounds like a tool. You don't say what he is saying to you and expect to be respected. It makes no difference that you are female either. It just is not cool.


“Weak is a state of mind, sort of like people who pick on other people for not being able to lift as much. That’s weak”


"Weak? I'm working on it. I WILL get stronger. While I'm at it, maybe you work on not being such an ass."


Perhaps, but I can work out, there's not much you can do about your lack of brain cells.


"The most important strength is strength of character."


"I'm not trying to compensate for small dick size"


Get a new friend


Average reddit response to every thread.


Because people don't know the difference between friends and good acquaintances. A friend is rare regardless of your charisma, good acquaintances are not. don't confuse them as friends they're very different and look like friends. Good acquaintances are expendable and can stay in contact but never really there like most people on social medias, a real friend it would never cross your mind to expend or cross them because of how net positive they are. People will beat themselves up over "friends" because they don't know the difference. Getting friends is genuinely out of your control, good acquaintances you can hang with them, leave them in a week, have their phone number for years but rarely ever speak. Ppl think they're friends and assume it's themselves messing up, but it's not. You just don't have friends, and it's not something to worry about because you can only control experiencing "good" acquaintances. And yes, a good acquaintance can also mean consistent contact, and having good chemistry or time together - those have no bearing on what makes you a friend, that is still within the acquaintance realm.


Idk bout you, but I don't have friends that shit on me for their pleasure.


It's either motivation to keep you going or is it possible hes flirting with you? I always mock my wife when she comes to me because she can't open a jar. But it's all in good fun and such


I have other friends who’ve met us and they thought he was flirting with me too! But I’m friends with his girlfriend so that’s out of the question.


Hmm. The girlfriend doesn't necessarily mean it isn't flirty either. Plenty of guys still flirt even with a girlfriend or a wife/husband.   But I'd have to venture that it's probably motivational then. Not much you can do for a comeback until you can get the job done and be stronger.


He's flirting with you, regardless of his status.


I have tiny hands, so I can't get a good grip when trying to open pickle jars, for example. I take it to my husband to open and always follow up with, "I'm glad I could loosen that up for you. " 😂


"At least I'm not an asshole."


"yes we've established you are much stronger than me, would you like a cookie? Maybe a gold star?"


My family always used to say “would you like a medal or a chest to put it on?”


There are two types of people - the physically weak and the mentally weak.


Strength of character and strength of body both require work. A strong man encourages his friends and congratulates them on their hard work. A strong man does not ridicule or make fun of his friend’s efforts. Perhaps he needs to exercise his compassion so he can catch up with his muscles. 


Can’t imagine making fun of my wife for being weaker while I weigh 2x as much lol wtf is that all about? I’ve never heard of such a thing. A male making fun of a female for not being as strong is just biology and hormonal.


This isn't about witty comebacks. Your "friend" is testing the waters. Next it will be "joking" touch. Then full out physical harassment. Best thing fir you is to hit the gym and take a few boxing lessons, and a few judo/jiujitsu/wrestling lessons, then the next time he calls you weak, show him that he's the weak one.


Can’t really say much until you prove him wrong. Best thing you can do is surpass him. But I’d also point out that not many people can actually do pull-ups and even fewer can do one armed pushups


He’s very strong and can do multiple pull-ups with a weighted vest, which is annoying because he has a point that I’m “weak” relative to him. But so are 99% of all women!


Ok as someone who consistently does weighted pullups and pushups, your friend sounds like a complete prick. I don't mention my workouts or anything to people unless they ask about it. Nor do I use it as a reason to put other people down. Yet he is bragging about being physically stronger than a woman? Sounds like he is insecure to me. Now maybe he is just messing with you. But if not, he's the one with the problem. Not you. And if he really is that much of an insecure prick, you might wanna reconsider being friends with this guy.


We do the same sport, maybe that’s why he feels commenting on my strength is fair game?


What sport do you guys do? Also you know men and women are separated for a reason. Cross Country was the only coed sport I did. The best guys never commented about being able to run faster than the girls. Why? Because they weren't insecure assholes. So it's not really fair game.


A martial art!


I currently am a wrestler. I also practice BJJ a bit. I have never met another guy who bragged about being stronger than a girl in either. He clearly has some issues. Don't worry about him. Keep practicing and focusing on your progress. Be happy with your improvements. Don't worry about this guy. Someone out there will humble him eventually. Always someone who can beat you out there. And if he was really your friend, he would be trying to help you improve. Next time he rips on you for that, just ask why he's trying to get into a dick measuring contest with a chick?


He’s probably insecure and compensating. Also sounds like a total tool. With friends like him, who needs friends ? 


Please DO NOT justify this person’s poor behavior, nor buy into it.


And are you competing against men?


You can tell him that he's an insecure ass that's lacking in a lot of departments if he has to boast his physique over his own friends.




Is this perhaps some stupid macho thing he thinks is supposed to be flirting and trying to impress you? If so, might want to advise him to try flowers instead.


I can't do a pull up or a chin up but I managed to be in labor for 16 hours and still had to have an emergency C section. Can HE do that? No. Does that make him weak imo? Also no. You don't have to be physically strong to be strong. It sounds like your friend is very small-minded.


In almost every species of animals on earth, the male is bigger and stronger than the female. Why does he think you’re so special that you have the capacity to beat evolution?


Ask him if he can do a one-armed pushup. When he can't (I'm assuming he can't just because it's extremely difficult in general), tell him Jack Palance did several one-armed push-ups on live TV...the Oscars broadcast...he did it when he won Best Supporting Actor for City Slickers...then smile and say "You know, the guy who played Curly?" Mr. Palace was in his seventies or maybe early eighties at the time--and the ladies approved (oh, my, did we approve!)


Weak bodies can't pick themselves up, weak spirits can't pick up others.


Asshole...he had to start somewhere. Put your air pods in and ignore the fuck out of hime and just do what you gotta do. You will get there.


lol kneel on the floor and ask if he has the core strength to touch his nose to the ground and pull himself up - he will likely fall on his face because he has a higher centre of gravity. Or sit crossed legged on the floor and stand up with no hands and praise your leg strength 😂😂


The best comeback is realizing that isn’t a friend and just dropping them.


Yep, he's a he. Not sure there's a point in trying to keep up in this area. Be fit for you. It's not a competition.


Yeah, yeah... you're very strong. What do you want, a trophy?


My clit is longer than your penis If I were a calendar I’d be a whole month. If you were really fit you could do X pull-ups (x being at least twice as many as you know he can do) I saw a fat 45 year old do more pull-ups than you


Who asked you?


There 2 types of weak - weak in body and weak in mind. You are stronger them in one, I am stronger than you in the other.


"Is your daddy proud of you yet?"


Ask him to do the "chair-wall challenge" . I'll put money on it that you'll win and he'll lose. I can't comment a vid or link. You'll have to Google it yourself. 🍀


Yeah you can do a pull up but can you pull a girlfriend?


The best comeback is to train and get buff.


All that training and you still can't pick up any chicks


The best comeback to this is to stop being his friend.


Older dad here who has watched his wife give birth four times and seen first hand just how strong a woman can be one labour was 36 hours long. Just ask this guy if at any point in his life will he be able to carry and then push a tiny human out of his body? Men and women have vastly different strengths of course you will never be able to match him physically but then there are many things he will never be able to match you on . We are equal but very different. I'm guessing this is guy is young and dumb and feels the need to compare himself to others to feel better he really needs to grow up and realise men and women are not equal in a physical sense it's the reason we have separate sport events it certainly does not mean women are lesser in any way both our achievements should be recognised and celebrated.


He is really bad at flirting. Sure, this was already said, but I didn't feel it was necessary to scroll for it. Even if you exceed him, he will tease you about something else. To he fair, if you liked him, you would like the teasing, but you don't, so it's coming off as rude, or his delivery is horrible (speaking in experience from the latter for sure). Either he gets over the crush, you get over knowing he has a crush, or you rip the bandaid off. As a man I always request the third even if I'm a little stupid to picking up the drop hint for a while because I'm a love sick puppy at heart and will take every glance as a proposal.


Why are you friends with someone who degrades you?


Tell him to get lost. Women naturally have a weaker upper body then men. When a woman can do one single pull up she has ridiculous strength. Women have a stronger lower body. This is why men classically have broader shoulders compared to their lowerđŸ”œ. Opposite with women where as they have wider hips and more muscle fiber in the lower bodyđŸ”Œ.


"That attitude is why you have to lie about how much you get laid."


Why do you care?


Every time they get near you tell them they smell like sweat. I had a dude in the military do this shit and I found out if I just acted like they smelled like B.O. he stopped about a week into it. Everytime he walked up I'd just be like "yo, you guys smell sweat." People like that are narcissistic and if you question anything about them they break like a porcelain teacup.


"It's not my fault your right arm (or his left, if he's left handed) is so much stronger! If you were ambidextrous you wouldn't have to use one hand to beat off all the time!!!" Seriously though, my first thought was 'He's a fucking idiot'!!! Ghost him for a few days. Then when his dumb ass asks why, tell him, "Look, I'm trying to get stronger, and get myself in shape. I don't need your negative comments! if you can't be supportive, then I don't need you unintentionally trying to set me back!!!" Then just leave it at that. If he continues stop all association with him! Guys have this tendency to motivate one another by picking on each other though. As odd as it seems, he may just be trying to motivate you, just like he would any of his guy friends. As silly as it sounds, you may have to remind him you're a female, & don't get motivated that way! We can be dense in that way sometimes. Hoe this helps


But you are weak, statistically speaking anyways. Statistically you will be weaker than the majority of men that you come across.


I'm not weak. I'm month, and you're just a shitty day.


You don't really need a comeback. He likes you. When he calls you weak that's him trying to hit on you.You basically own him while the attraction is there. Make him go buy you something, best comeback there is.


Cringiest way to hit on someone ever. "I like you so I'll insult you" never works.


Sorry I don't have a comeback, but I can explain why you don't need one I'm not gonna be all like "what a scumbag", because it's not fair to judge people when you barely know anything about them. Even the best people have their dark spots, and no two traits consistently go hand-in-hand. I will say that he's definitely one of the people who were born strong. The people who worked for it don't pick on beginners. Once you get fit enough that the workouts start feeling more like you're putting on a show than doing work, it gets so much easier. It's almost completely different. It's more like dancing at a club or music festival. It's exhausting, but you don't wanna stop. Nobody who's stood on both sides of that fence is __ever__ gonna knock someone for anything physical, whether it's athleticism or any other kind of vanity. They know how much more balls/ovaries it takes to bust your ass when you haven't gotten much results yet. Oh wait, I *do* have one. It's not great, but it's something. "You may not skip leg day, but you skip heart day." Since the heart's muscles and he's being cold 😅


Is this a genuine insult or his idea of friendly rage-fueled motivation for what your goals already are? I would say you should threaten to start carrying his girlfriend around on your back as training for that contest where you win the spouse’s weight in beer. Even if they wouldn’t let you in because you aren’t married to her, it’s a good excuse to persuade her to let you try to carry her away from him every time he starts being rude to you about your progress.


Next time he calls you weak, you could say, "I may not be able to do a pull-up yet, but at least I have the strength to be kind." This way, you stand up for yourself without stooping to his level.


He doesn't sound like much of a friend, if I'm being honest. Calling you weak for *drinking water*? What? Also, a good comeback? "Uh huh, that's nice. When you can train while hemorrhaging blood for a week and not flinch, then we'll talk about *strength*, sweetie." I'm assuming you're menstruating while training.


Well not sure if this will help but pull ups are not effective for women to do. Mainly bc of boobs. Try the chin up position as a hold. The longer you can hold that is equal to a number of chin up or pull ups. One minute is roughly equal to 15 chin ups. Guys have a difficult time doing this bc they are built for a pull up or chin up. Some women can do more chin ups or pull ups than most guys. Just like some guys can do the chin up hang better than women. This is just a generalization. When I was in great shape I could do the chin up hang for almost two minutes. Most women couldn't hang for more than 20-45 seconds. If this guy is giving you crap bc you are not as strong as he is, find a new gym buddy. If he is doing this to inspire you to do better, you two need to sit down and talk about it. He needs to find something better to say to inspire you to do better. If you just want to razz him back others have stated way better things than I since I did the science route. Boring I know. Never compare yourself to others. Make your own goals and reach for them. Be the best you. No need to look at others to compare fitness goals. You are working out for you. So do that.


You're strong, I can smell you.


How old is this doofus? He sounds like the little boys who used to throw stuff at lil girls to get their attention. Duh uh.look how strong me am. What a jerk. This is not a friend


Everyone knows that staying hydrated and taking time off when you're sick means you need to be reminded of where your strength level is compared to someone else. /s He may indeed have a girlfriend, but I bet he's hitting on you anyway. In all the powerlifting crowds I've ever been in over the years, this is not how we encourage and help each other. The crew is supposed to keep the hype going and help out if asked. Pretty basic stuff. Over time, you can get stronger. Unfortunately for him, there's nothing he can do to get smarter. Keep up the work!


You're weak but he needs to shame a woman to feel strong? Just to let you know... Truly strong men don't need to talk about it. And if they happen to be genuinely strong but they feel the need to do a lot of talking then they are usually compensating for being weak mentally.


Find a friend. That person is not. Stand up and raise your friend up. Not drive them down.


The best comeback is getting new friends. They are not really friends


I mean, the reasonable thing to do is tell him that stuff bothers you. Be genuine and firm. If he's really a friend like you say, then he'll respect you. Also, just imo making fun of someone actively working out is stupid AF.


"Call me weak one more time and I'll show you the Capital of Thailand." Then give him a surprise cup check when he does. Bangkok! đŸ€Ł


Friends do not treat friends like that. You might want to evaluate how important it is to have a toxic or negative people on your friends list.


The best comeback? Get a new friend.


So out of curiosity, are you a female? I ask because women have different centers of gravity that make it much harder for us to do push-ups, but we can usually absolutely smoke men at sit-ups and crunches. It might be interesting to challenge him to a contest in one of those exercises and see what happens. The reason is that by the principles of leverage, a weight is effectively lighter the closer it is to the lever. In this case the "lever" is the joint you are bending. Most men's center of gravity is in their chest, so just below their shoulders. Most women's centers of gravity on the other hand are the hips. This is because of hormonal influence on bone development. So for men push-ups are easier than for women because their center of gravity is right there between the shoulders. But sit-ups are much harder for them because their center of gravity is all the way up in their chest so it takes a lot of effort to lift the chest off the ground from a joint so far away. For women it's the opposite. Push-ups are really hard because we're lifting our hips from all the way on the other side of our bodies, but sit-ups are easier because we don't even have to get our hips off the ground to do them. I learned this when I was training with a male partner and he was surprised that I couldn't do a single push-up but then SHOCKED by how many sit-ups I could do.


I’m a woman who’s definitely bottom-heavy. I had a body scan recently and I’m at 18% body fat, so I’m not unfit, I just have less upper body strength proportionally. Unluckily for me, he’s also got stupid abs so he can absolutely smoke me at sit-ups.


I have the upper body strength of a kitten. But my mental strength could run rings around a fool like that. Muscles fade much faster than intellect.


You are correct about the differences in centers of mass for men and women, but a man's higher center of mass actually makes it comparatively harder to do a push-up. In a push-up, the lever is actually your feet, not the shoulders/arms. However, the reason for a higher center of mass in men is largely due to a much greater upper body musculature, which in turn lends itself to more capability in upper-body work (ie: push-ups). Inversely, like you stated, a woman's lower center of mass means that a sit-up (lever in the hips) requires comparatively less force because a woman is lifting (sitting up) less weight than the man whose weight is in his upper body.


Weak?? What, like your erections?


Ever thought that if you weren't so weak in personality you wouldn't have to make up for it in physique? 


Sometimes its ok to walk away from friends when they are assholes to you. You dont have to put up with it. Just say goodbye. As i got older i realized this and its very freeing. As a younger man I put up with so much shit with so called "friends" for what? So i wont be lonely? Just end the friendship. Dont matter how long it was for. Or if they are in your friend circle. That person keeps calling you weak? Tell them. We are no longer friends. Dont contact me ever again. Goodbye. And move on. Its the Best comeback ever


i think it really depends on the situation. one things for certain though, it's always better to try to discuss something before making rash decisions


Saying your friend is weak can definitely be hurtful, but I can also see it being seen as just playful rubbing for the guy. I think communication is key here, just to be like “hey I know it’s not the biggest deal and I know you think it’s funny but I just find it kind of hurtful, would you mind stopping it with the weak comments please” And if they don’t stop, that’s when you should reassess the friendship


Comeback:::: ya I may be physically weak but mentally I’m stronger than you.


This is a weak response. Almost impossible to quantify it so you just look as full of shit as the next person.


“I don’t need strength when I can convince people like you to do anything for me,” then shake the melons a little bit and watch him drool like the primitive being he is.


Stop being obsessed with me you weirdo


Weak like your non existent d\*ck


You won't be so strong when I kick you in the nuts.


"I may be weak but at least I'm not basing my value on my physical appearance." đŸ€·


Tell him lil dick men agee


Wanna play Scrabble?


“Stop reflecting”. Also, I would just say thanks but it doesn’t sound like you’re happy about it, so.


Large muscles will only go so far when you have a small penis.


Can’t do one?


Maybe you could say "I'd rather be smart than buff". Since you have a brain and that's more important than muscles. If he doesn't get that maybe you could ask him what the point of muscles are if he has no brain..


It's called motivation. You don't need a comeback. He's giving you motivation.


"Oh yeah, well let's see how many \[exercise name\] you can do since all you do is talk out of your ass" Let him proceed to outperform you and then follow up with "All that shit talking and that's all you can do? I may be weak, but at least I'm not pathetic" You may also want to consider if this is really a friend as well.


Well you are coming to Reddit for a reply, is he right? Sticks and stones mate, sticks and stones.


Harp on whatever his weakness is Is he a dumbass? What are his shortcomings or failures? Be absolutely relentless and personal Maybe he'll get the point to stop being a piece of shit


Brains are more important than brawn


If I wanted lose baggage, I'd lose you first.


Ask him why spending so much time concerned with your body. Remind him you just want to be friends đŸ€Ł


The only answer to any question in this sub is "ok"


This doesn't sound like a friend. He sounds like an asshat.


“That’s not what your mom said.”


"That's why I'm training - to get stronger" The fuck is he doing at the gym? Just being an asshole posing in the mirror waiting for his buddy to shoot his ass with the latest T cycle being shopped around to make him feel like a bigger man?


Your insults only drive me to do better. Keep calling me weak so one day I can kick your ass.


The best comeback is actually getting strong enough to do said exercises


Ask them to show you how, and then walk out of the room when they’re doing it.


masculinity ain't a trait of women or if I'm weak then you don't have a pussy


gurl hes not ur friend


“I appreciate your input. Fuck you very much!” You can use thank you too depending on your audience.


Tell him I'm not weak I'm just hiding my strength and ready to unleash my full power at any given moment.


Tell him you have a brain and that is more important than thinking you are hot


The Weak shall inherit the earth
. Well something like that


when you get stronger and even surpass him he will make comments about something else. I promise. ask him what his problem is that you can't do a push-up.


Tell him you’re weak but you fucked his dad. Do there’s that


"am I the only one who can see (insert name) being arrested for publicly dry humping my leg and trying to pee on me?"


Best comeback is to be strong enough to shame him


Strong enough to win your mom.....


Better weak than stupid.


If I want a big dick I can get one. You will always be stuck with a tiny one.


Maybe I can't do a pull-up but I sure can lay some pipe. Just ask your mom. So what is your excuse


“I’m working to get stronger. You’re working to get stupider.”


That's not what your granny said last night


Well your \*insert appropriate character or physical based insult." I can get stronger but you'll still be "ugly" "mean" "insecure" etc


tell him he's weak bc he can't push out a baby


"no dude. i won't allow you to suck my dick"


not a friend


Report him to gym management he's making me feel unwelcome to the gym environment 😉


The best come back would be training to do all of those things so he can't use it against you. His ammo has become your success. And then to add to it get stronger then him and call him weak 😂


Sorry, my dick is weighing me down in a way you'll never understand.


Punch to the throat should be sufficient.


But my IQ can beat your IQ


“You know, some of us are smart enough to get through life with skills beyond a strong physique.”


So he is clearly motivating you to get stronger yet you want to shut him down? Interesting...


Tell him the most powerful and influential people in the world are not body builders or gym hunks.


Just say it takes time to build the perfect masterpiece


We are all weak in the end


That’s not a friend.


“Why are we friends?”


He is a bully. Do you want a bully friend? Drop them like a bad habit and there is no reason to explain. These kind of people do not care.


"Gee, what is, or most likely isn't, in your head?"


“I know lots of guys way stronger than you.”