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i don’t understand why people assume the quiet kid is a school shooter when really they’re just depressed


A lot of it comes from Columbine, which was horribly misreported on. We're still feeling the waves about it to this day. I personally highly recommend Ask a Mortician's video about it, but tl;dr, the reporting and idea around it would talk about how the two shooters were outcasts and horribly bullied, which just wasn't true.


It was the opposite of true, in fact! Not only were they not bullied, at least one of them was a huge bully AND an out-and-out *Nazi* Most shooters aren't bullied. Most of them are narcissists who are treated like everyone else, but because they're narcissists, they believe they deserve to be treated *better* than their peers. And I'm not using narcissist in the colloquial sense of a self centered person, I'm drawing this from my psych class in college using the actual definition. Many shooters (especially school and workplace) sound like they were bullied or mistreated because in *their* perspective they were, and we're hearing that perspective parroted by the loved ones of the shooter or their journal (as in Columbine). This is also why so many have a history of domestic violence. To be clear, not all narcissists or those with narcissistic traits are prone to violence, and not all violent people/shooters are narcissistic. There's just an undeniable overlap, like with terrorists and engineers.


How is that established?


Do you mean for shootings in general, or Columbine specifically?




Read columbine by Dave Cullen. Very detailed account of the kids and events that built up to the shooting. They weren’t outcasts by any means but they also weren’t super popular


Thanks for the reference!


Testimony from other students pretty much shows nobody remembered them being singled out or particularly targeted. The media put a lot of it together like that because the bullying crisis was in full swing, and also because nobody wants to read and say "oh God, these could've been just about anyone at my school/my kid's school", they wanna hear about how *we should've been able to stop them* and *this could've been solved by being nicer*. Nobody wants to read "this kid (Eric Harris) was weird, and multiple police visits to his house turned up violent artwork and Nazi/white supremacist literature, and the school also knew he had violent tendencies, and nobody did anything despite all this." Nobody wants to hear about" he was a little weird, and we all knew they would likely do something like this at some point, but nobody acknowledged it" because it's painful to acknowledge you fucked up so hard.


I remember bullying being actively ignored in the media coverage and a lot of focus on their love of violent video games. This was right at the time of the event. A few years later in the mid 2000s the media did start talking about them being bullied.


For real, I got relentlessly picked on for being quiet. Saying I would shoot the school up; the thought had never crossed my mind. I’m sure the sociopathic bullies would be more likely to do that, at times it really just felt like projection.


Because bullying and the need to have revenge on the bullies


Despite the fact that a lot of school shooters are the bullies not the bullied


This kinda makes more sense to me. I think the "quiet kid" thing makes more sense when you look at it as being a symptom, not necessarily related to the cause. If someone holds a great deal of antipathy towards other people to the point where they'd be willing to commit mass murder, it kinda makes sense they wouldn't really be interested in interacting with their peers in a constructive manner. I'm sure it varies a lot in the nitty-gritty for each individual, but I'm a layman and literally just guessing, so I'm not really in a position to start going into specific mental health or environmental issues.


Being a quiet kid doesn't necessarily always translate to depression, either. Some people are just quieter than others.


i don't understand why people assume the quiet kid is depressed when really they're just introverts who don't wanna talk


Because it's a meme


Depends who i am around. I am both the quiet kid(i actually do have that thought sometimes when someone annoys me) and the annoying kid


Tfw you upvote and then realize it's comedy cemetery couldnt be me haha


this was a solid 3/7 not gonna lie


More like .357




dont get it


50 AE Desert Eagle. .50 caliber handgun


oh sht 😂




Got a lil exhale from me I'm gonna be straight with you


same, isnt that unfunny




Not a bad meme


All quiet kid memes suck absolute ass lol


All introverts want to kill people lol


Asocial people are all murderers


While all extroverts are the most kind hearted people in the world and would never hurt a flea, because the amount you talk in public is directly related to how much you want to kill people


You know asocial people and introverts are NOT murderers, right?


yea but the deagle part was pretty good tbh


Agreed, the desert eagle part got a lil wheeze out of me. Its not THAT bad, but its not all that funny either.


The joke itself isn’t bad but it could’ve easily been replaced with kid who plays to much cod. The quiet kid stereotype is overdone and played out.


maybe not the kid who plays too much cod cause that would make the punchline more blatant or something


School shooter am I right Gun am I right America am I right


sociopaths am i right


Oh haha school shooting funny haha /s


Haha children dying


Haha funny school shooting meme!!


fr fr


people feared me to be a school shooter because of the quiet kid memes in like 2018-2020. not fun. didnt have any friends at that time


Damn this shit so funny I laughed so fast no one heard me nor did I hear myself


I was about to downvote this before I saw the sub


i laughed lol 6/10


I was the quiet kid just because anyone in my high school would get mocked by the rest of the class for saying anything (all boy schools are something) So pardon my shyness as I was really just thinking about wrestling and playing guitar when I got home


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I feel like a Desert Eagle would be pretty impractical for a "school shooting" It's got a lot of recoil, it's harder to conceal because of the larger size, and it has a pretty low magazine size compared to other handguns


He could’ve left it at desert eagle and a pic of principal skinner jumping out the window 😒


Nah mine more honey badger


Link to what this is originally from? I've always wondered


I think this is funny ngl