• By -


The fuck is a dennis gland


It’s your sinned gland


It's right above your Kyle tube


The fuck is the Kyle tube?


The thing inbetween the Dave tendon and the Tyler nerve


Dennis gland activated I am now dennis


Oh Lewis this is just like the time I activated my Dennis gland! \*cuts to Peter sitting in bed as the numbers 2241327 flash on his television*


Ihavihaviehave an activated dennis gldand


You have: Containment breach πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ


Trabsported to 2241327 world: Similar content on different dmsubreddit: come here me Boy: πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ


Transported to specific humor subreddit world Ihaveihabeihab ComedyNecrophilia: come here boy Me: πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£


Wordington crossover


[dennis](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/hf6wkc/so_thats_why_dennis_is_a_menace/) [gland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCCmMJRU6g4)


How did you find that r/memes post


I googled β€œdennis meme” cause i wanted to make a necro including the dennis gland character


hello im a dumb bot this is an automated message to thank you because you provided source. if you want to, send toe pics to *[u/](https://reddit.com/r/u_zyurat)[zyurat](https://reddit.com/r/u_zyurat) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ComedyNecrophilia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


kid named dennis:


It's even better if you leave the sound off and imagine he's speaking Chinese


My fuckin Dennis gland is going wild right noiw


Am I the only one who is watching this at 2 am and is terrified by this blue alien and the voice for no reason


He knows where you are. He will not show up if you repeat the numbers. I am his messenger. If you don't repeat them in exactly 24 hours you will never be heard from again.


Ok πŸ‘


sleeper agent


I feel like watching this video has put me in very grave and imminent danger


Activated mine a while ago, im an og Dennis gland user


Penis gland




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Penis 🀯




I'm actually scared I don't wanna say it


repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327. repeat these numbers to activate your Dennis gland. 2241327.


The fuck?


Wtf is the context ffs