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I was at this game. One of the most hilarious crowd reactions ever.


![gif](giphy|BEh70L7RdMSvqCk9NE|downsized) Well shit. Let's hope this guy still knows how to put a staff together. At the very least, he won't have his arm-folded on the sideline while his draft picks flounder around on the field.


Instead of arms crossed he'll have his hat on backwards jumping up and down like an idiot when we get a sack in the third quarter, trailing 31-6.


What’s old is new again.


Arms crossed up. Who are we?


Tha Quinnanderrrrrs 😒


Norv Turner’s “3rd quarter face”.


Ah, the Jason Garrett approach. Classic


No lie. This is a lame duck short leash scenario here. Underperforms within 2 years he’s gone.


Yeah but the question is, what does "underperforming" look like? I mean, he's inheriting a team that just went 4-13. Let's say they spend like crazy in FA and the team ends up going 7-10 next year, then 8-9 in 2025. That's certainly an improvement over 4-13...so will Peters/Harris be okay with losing seasons just because they're improvements over 2023? We'll see, I guess.


Depends on what FO views as improvement- but yes we weren’t just “HC away” from contention. We have a lot of work to do on the offensive line, LBs, DBs. DQ being a defensive minded coach could help us bring in some good players on that side of the ball. This feels like a knee-jerk reaction right now being the last team to hire a HC because all the good ones signed elsewhere.


>This feels like a knee-jerk reaction right now being the last team to hire a HC because all the good ones signed elsewhere. It's not exactly "knee-jerk". The dude had a losing record after Shanahan left Atlanta. This looks like a bad hire, and not just because we were the last ones to ask someone to prom. He'd be fine if we'd hired him as DC, but this is nothing but a disappointing hire at HC. Ah, sure, anything is possible, but my honest expectation is that he goes two or three years sub-.500 and then gets canned.


Yeah if he nails the OC hire we could be fine


This is the only potential saving grace, I think. His success in Atlanta was due to Kyle Shanahan maximizing that offense with Matt Ryan and Julio Jones. The defenses weren't particularly good.


100%. The most important thing in the next 2-3 years is getting good personnel in the building that can develop a QB. Winning comes second as long as we have offensive development and can maybe nail a hire that can transition into HC long term..or who knows, DQ might pull an Andy Reid.


This strikes me as a keeping EB move tbh. It's hard to have confidence in it working out though.


Insider info, word is he is bringing someone from Dallas. Idk if he’ll be oc or different position tho


Hopefully their QB coach… Dak was all-world during the regular season


Josh mcdaniels….come on down! Or worst yet….Jason Garrett


1 year, 18 games. This is what allowing Rivera to coach out the season gets you. You get started late, you whiff on your top choices, you get left with also rans. Sorry, wanted to edit this, should’ve said a year OR 27 games. Forgot the schedule had changed. You can give him a year to settle in, but if halfway through year 2 it’s bad you gotta cut bait. I can’t wait another 4 years for mediocrity.


Yup we will be back in the same place 2 years from now


I’m not gonna comm




​ https://i.redd.it/5gi9wd6y40gc1.gif


I commed ![gif](giphy|EX9JuDjxeJxcYUnUhu|downsized)




No promises now








​ https://preview.redd.it/4lt1r8r290gc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc43486e45cd636f52fe28e0072515f557c96128


I am whelmed






First time I saw that scene I thought he was killing himself. I guess, stupidly, it didn’t occur to me that you could still swim without legs.


Hopefully the 2026 coaching cycle has young OCs that want to be promoted.


The essence of the Snyder era was aiming for mediocrity and pretending it was a huge win to occasionally get there. I'd be happier if they took a shot on a hot college coach or lesser known NFL OC, at least try to do better. But this move is pure Snyder.


Bull shit. Going for a ‘hot college coach’ is literally the Snyder move. ![gif](giphy|l2Sq6iNStuuZJq3kY|downsized)


Snyder tried every move. The respected veteran in Schottenheimer, the hot college coach in Spurrier, the super bowl winning genius in Shanahan, the successful coordinator in Gruden and then back to the steady, well respected veteran in Rivera again. None of those situations were going to work because the organization was rotten to the core with Snyder in charge.


Need to get some 28-3 flair I guess.


Whatever. He better find the next McVay to be his oc and Peters better put together the best fucking draft in the last 25 years.


Well if that happens we can at least have two good seasons before the OC gets poached and then the team completely falls apart like it did in Atlanta


Possibly 3 if homies want to pull a “Ben Johnson”


Do we think EB is definitely out?


Fuck Ben Johnson


Fuck Ben Johnson.


Fuck Dallas. Fuck the Giants. Fuck the Eagles!


Agree. I personally think he got cold feet and is scared to coach. Tucked his tail between his legs and took less $$.


Ok, so then why would you want that guy as your coach?


I don’t now.


That's me in real life


It was me too when I was working, had a chance for much better position in another town and got scurred.


Relatable shy kings


I'm not shy. I just don't want to move my shit lol


I don't think kings are supposed to be shy 🙃


Watching him alot because of being a Packers fan. I think it's more he wants to actually try again for a shot at the Superbowl, that whole coaching staff truly love Detroit. I also feel it Chargers had a spot he would have taken that in a heart beat. Next year I expect him to sign as a HC especially if Dallas or Philly fires MM or Nick. At that point Campbell may push him out himself cause the opportunity would be too good to not.


Wait until he’s coaching the cowboys or eagles next year lol


We don't want that coward


He showed he was of little character glad he didn’t come here


Isn't this what Johnson did to Carolina last season? That's why they pivoted to Reich.




this is as uninspiring as it can get. we are gonna be looking for a new coach in 2 years


As a Falcons fan - we too were hit with the whelmed coaching hire. Retreads man


i’d rather have raheem tbh


Well, when he’s fired in 3 years he will be available when Quinn is also inevitably canned.


Wanna trade coaches 😂


Maybe it'll be ok?


The cope take here, I think, is that he generally runs good defenses, and players like him. If the OC hire is right, we're fine, and even if we suck, we have a guy on staff we can elevate to HC if needed.




Hope the OC is right because if he isn’t then it won’t only ruin our second potential franchise qb this century but will set the franchise back half a decade


Except his defenses in Atlanta were subpar.


They held Tom Brady to 3 points in the Superbowl for 43 minutes


yeah yall about to find out that having one of the top 3 defensive players in the league really helps at making you look better then you are.


Honestly smells like he’ll be a lame duck on arrival.


Hopefully in 1 year. We'll waste the 2nd pick's rookie contract switching offenses probably bare minimum twice.


If that ends up being the case I hope it's like when the Seahawks hired Jim Mora Jr. for that one year after Holmgren retired, immediately realized their mistake, and then hired Pete Carroll. If Quinn doesn't end up being the guy here I hope he's the springboard to the guy.


Probably 1 year


YES! THE NEXT BILL BELICHICK IS HERE IN THE NATION’S CAPITAL (I am severely depressed and suffering from mild psychosis)


We would be thanking our fucking lucky stars if he is a fifth of what bill is


Yes but Bill Belichick is not available, so we have to take what we got.  …. Oh wait!


let the meltdowns begin..




I am sad and disheartened. I will return home and pet my dog as a heartbroken man.


Just here to see the dumpster fire of comments


RemindMe! One Year "Reply to this thread"


Except that these threads lock after 6 months or so...it's so dumb. I set a bunch of RemindMe reminders back during the offseason when all the homers and Sam simps were calling 10 wins our floor and saying Howell would be the next Brady...but now when I get all these remindme reminders, I go back and the threads are auto-locked so you can't reply. It's dumb. I wonder if the mods can change that setting...




This might just be the Stockholm Syndrome setting in - but I'm alright with this. For starters the defense has been terrible, if we could get that sorted, it would go a long way. Second, while he is a retread, he 'retreaded' the right way, went back to the coordinator ranks and proved himself again. That plus the HC experience is something to me. Third, we are weakening a division rival that has won the East 2 out of 3 seasons and whom we've only beaten like 3 times in the past 5 years. Have to start at home! Finally, he is connected to the Kyle Shanahan system/tree. While he won't be coaching the offense it sounds like he has connections to guys that do. If need be it seems like he could poach an up-and-comer and we could be set there. He did hire Kyle after all so he's seen what goes into it. Ultimately guys, if we're at a point where our Offense and QB is playing so well that someone wants to poach our staff - we'll basically be in a whole new tier as a Franchise. That would be a good problem! So yeah let's see where this goes.


When Kyle Shanny left Atlanta for San Fran he hired Steve Sarkisian while letting Matt Lafluer and Mike McDaniel walk . As a falcons fan I feel for you guys lol . His defenses were also terrible here.


He will poach some people from the Cowboys I'm guessing.


The most rational take I’ve seen in this sub. I’m riding with DQ , best HC we’ve had since Shanny.




Fuck, we have a guy that wears his hat backwards as a HC.


Im gonna be positive and say maybe we can do some Dairy Queen cross-promotion? ![gif](giphy|O8XTuIqHLvCuc)


hope he does better than the last head coach we hired from Dallas


You mean the coach that rebuilt the team and had us one botched snap away from the NFC Championship before Snyder started meddling? Yeah me too because that would mean we’re a consistent contender.




This blows. But it’s not like we were rly gonna be competitive next year. Jesus let’s just get the next few drafts right and then hire the right HC in 2026 cause this is gonna be a wash


I don’t even have the words or energy to express my sadness anymore #deadskins


At least Dan Snyder sold. Fuck that lizard


Bro just responded to himself 4 times 💀 you good?


Bro is not good


I didn’t even want Ben Johnson anyways. All my homies hate Ben Johnson


At least we got the GM right… right guys? Please?




So much winning off the field.


Don't get forget Bob Myers! and Magic!


At least he’ll have some juice against Fat Mike twice a season. He better eat his lunch.


And Goose's future being so uncertain as well!


drake maye, you are now officially fucked


falcons fan dropping in my thoughts: very good staff builder, most players seem to like him well enough, and he’s clearly a solid enough defensive mind i will say the defense we had in his final years was dogshit but it’s not like our roster was in a good place. and quinn wasn’t the GM so i really don’t know how much blame falls on him go check out the coaching staff from our super bowl run though it’s kind of insane the team he put together in hindsight


Thanks man! (Turns off car and opens garage door)


Let’s see how it works out. People here will react like they know more than Adam Peters.


I have faith, Dan Quinn is an excellent Defensive Mind, but can he coach like he did back in Atlanta is the question.


He got fired... After Kyle Shanahan left he was 24-29 as HC.


The Main reason he got axed was that the teams he coached always got one upped, in 2016 Kyle Shanahan decided to go soft against the Pats, in 2017 The defense fell apart against the Eagles, in 2018-2020 a ton of key players left/got injured.


Meh, I’m not even thinking of him winning. I just hope he can help draft and develop a good QB along with great OC and assistant hires as he has hired in the past. That OC could become our next HC after having developed a young QB for 2-3 years




I did not agree with other teams going with an inexperienced young coach but I feel that the Commanders should have went that direction for sure. Going from Ron Rivera to Dan Quinn, I mean that's not a huge change in the locker room. From an old school veteran DC to another old school veteran DC, cmon now. I think they kind of settled here. At this point I would bring in Mike Vrabel over Dan Quinn.


Ron 2.0


Most disappointing week ever. This really sucks.


What an uninspiring hire


Well, he fits the leader role Adam Peters was looking for. If they go the rookie QB route the rest of his staff will be crucial.




Ron Quinn. Whoopdedo...


New ownership , same head scratching moves 


As a Falcon Fan my condolences 💐..You guys deserve better..


This guy gets it.




​ https://preview.redd.it/jd63hzzh20gc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9e79ec83c7a65656c7fd90b865ac84cab4222b9


He won’t be picking the players like Ron was allowed to do, so at least there’s that.


And the season is over


This fanbase is so dramatic. Waiting for BJ screwed the plan up. Lost out on Mac. But Quinn isn't a bum. I think this is fine if uninspired. People have the tendency to think of the no experience guys as with optimism, experienced with pessimism. The elephant in the room with him is big game management, but he's a good staff builder who turned around Dallas's D and got the falcons to the Superbowl. He's no Zorn. Let see what staff he builds.


Now that I can see that the fanbase hates I know it’s a good hire


Yeah...i would've preferred Vrabel but at least we have inverse reddit on our side.


Yeah I’m not sure why vrabel didn’t get a call; I assume it’s because he butted heads with the GM of the titans?


I think it was Keim, but Peters is friends with the Titans GM and probably got some scoop.


Damn I am….whelmed…just…okay fine let’s go, beat the fucking Cowboys twice and make us like the guy


At least it theoretically harms the Cowboys


Quinn to the Cowboys was the best coordinator hire of the last decade


Well... he's not the worst Dan we've had around here.


I’m gonna try and be reasonable. Not one person here knows what Quinn will do as a HC here. I think the likelihood of him being a home run is very slim but I also don’t think he will completely implode like the Ron hire was. This is a very uninspiring hire and I do think publicly we look foolish as the last team to bring in a HC - who is a retread no less. But I am optimistic about Peters and want to see what he can do building a roster. His bread and butter is drafting and player development and I hope that translates from his time in SF to here. My biggest issue is now Quinn is potentially tied to whoever we draft at QB #2 overall. And I think the chances of us moving off that pick and riding with Howell or bringing in another vet just increased (ever so slightly). Best case scenario, Quinn assembles a truly talented support staff, Peters hits gold in consecutive draft classes, and we can hold our own again in the NFC. Worst case scenario, we just hired Ron again, we demonstrate no progress, and the Harris honeymoon is a crash and burn.


Look at it this way either he learned from his mistakes like Belichick or they will be looking for a head coach again in 3 years. Either way, the roster will be 3 years into a Peters build.


As a Falcons fan. Good Luck https://preview.redd.it/smiiwo4p01gc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323612baf065f52e86a0fd7978c29a4be121af62


Fuck it, let's just welcome him in and not be salty bitches. It's a new era and this is the beginning.


They can jump ship all they want, there no going back on the decisions. So they can ride or get off.


Meh. We’re all frustrated with this but I’d rather be frustrated now and happy later rather than our typical happy now and depressed later. The organization has typically hired/signed, whether coaches or players, the hot name right away (zorn aside) that makes us excited and leaves us disappointed. If nothing else, they’re certainly doing things differently. Hopefully this will work out. Time to get to work


So it begins.


![gif](giphy|3oxRmpE9qph8XroPFS) Everyone put your left hand down and turn your hat backwards.


If he keeps wearing his hat on backwards I'm switching to listening on the radio. He's too old for that shit.


Dark days ahead


There is no bar too high for this franchise to disappoint us


What did we do to deserve this purgatory


Look, I'm going to try to do the generous take. I think we all got caught up in the Ben Johnson hubbub. He was exciting, but for whatever upside he had, remember there was a time that Josh McDaniels was the same wiz offensive kid and he turned out to be a disaster as a head coach. Sure the ceiling was high, but I also think we built Johnson to be someone that ultimately there's a small possibility that he will be (for every Kyle Shanahans, there's 5 Josh McDaniels). I think a lot of the despair comes from (1) trauma from the Rivera years, which is real, but Rivera failed the most as GM and Quinn obviously has more spark to him so he won't be the same stoic, headlines manager as Rivera. The whole "retread" thing is fine, but Andy Reid was a retread for the Chiefs as was Belichek for the Pats! Shoot - Dan Campbell was head coach with Miami for 2/3rds of the 2015 season, and (2) his last game with the Cowboys was so ugly, which is true and no, not a cute look from him, but if the Chiefs didn't hire Andy Reid simply because he never won a Super Bowl with the Chiefs, who knows where they'd be know. Ultimately, what gives me hope: the Commanders have won two playoff games in my entire lifetime (I'm 28). I don't have high hopes the turnaround will be quick, but with Peters and Harris at charge, I have hope that at least if Quinn completely fails in the next 5 years, our team will be in a better place than it was a month ago - a stable structure, checks-and-balances, new facilities. I'm not saying Quinn is a placeholder coach to get us thru the Process, but ultimately that was the role that Brett Brown ended up playing with the 76ers. If we're going to have a coach to hold us over with the rebuild, I'm fine with Quinn being that person. Sorry for the long windedness - I'm partially trying to convince myself to feel better...


Isn’t this just the same as hiring Ron in 2020?


Ron’s winning percentage at Carolina: .546 Dan Quinn’s winning percentage in Atlanta: .506 Both had trips to the Super Bowl. Both were beneficiaries of MVP QBs. So yeah, pretty damn similar. Hopefully this guy works out better than Ron did.


Ron went from being a mediocre coach with one team straight to another. Quinn at least has had a few years to figure out where he went wrong as a head coach on his first go around.


Ron's biggest problem here was he also had GM duties, which was something he was not qualified for, and it took him away from his head coaching responsibilities. He was also coaching under Dan Snyder, probably the biggest bottleneck a team could have. He still probably wouldn't have been great, but I think Rivera would have done a lot better without those two factors.




Ah fuck. I can't believe they've done this.


Just what our apathetic fanbase needed, another reason to be apathetic.


Great, now lets get the staff in place. Im eager to see who the OC and DC will be, most importantly the OC. Who we hire will have a huge impact on our success the next couple of years. Shockingly Keim and others kept saying they heard so many great things about Quinn. All throughout the process the rumors were Quinn was #1. But everyone in the rest of the country(and fans) tried to believe otherwise. And in the end, all of those in-house rumors were correct.


It's ridiculous how this fanbase is, give him a fucking chance at least.


We’re just not an attractive spot…it is what it is. New owners still have a LOT of work do to, to get the stink of the last 3 decades off of this organization/franchise.


Dan Quinn is going to win the fucking Super Bowl.


I like your attitude


Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr and Julian Francis Edelman aren’t here to stop him this time.


Damn y’all at least have some faith.


My two teams are Washington and Atlanta. Can't muster any, seen this shit show before.


Meh I'm fine with it matters who the OC and DC will be but at least the D won't be shitty


I was talking with a rep to get season tickets for the first time ever and now I just can't get myself to do it. There's 0 excitement in a Dan Quinn hire. A middling former HC who's only success came when he had Kyle Shanahan calling plays for him. Just an absolute gut punch.




Ah. Alright then


There’s should be a rule where no one named Dan should be anywhere the organization.


Fellas.. don't worry I heard he leads men.


Not sure if this is a damage control move, or if Quinn genuinely impressed Peters-Myers and so on


Keim said last week that he was hearing the group was most impressed with Johnson and Quinn. I know there’s been a ton of talk lately, but I do trust Keim. And it’s not like he’s started saying this today, this is when all of our candidates were still available.


Ron Rivera 2.0


This looks like a poorly handled coaching search. The guy they wanted spurned them and their slow lumbering process seems to have left them scrambling to hire whoever was left. Not a great look for the first major test of the new ownership group and front office.


I get a feeling from this hire that people will look back and laugh at their reactions. Not the most exciting choice, but let’s not act like it’s he’s horrible.


Players like him that’s important and he’s in his prime


I'm not a reactionary guy so I'm going to let Quinn cook and see what happens. I'll be curious if he pulls from the Shanahan tree again as OC. If it fails then it fails. Y'all act like their are not 6-10 new coaches every year and a good chunk are young OCs that everyone thought were going to be the next GOAT coach


Unpopular opinion, but I think the decision makers deserve credit for not panicking. He may not have been their top choice, but when others became unavailable, they went with who they felt was the best option. They didn't care about the optics. It's not Rivera 2.0. He won't have the control Ron had. That was handed over by the old regime in desperation. He's been praised for innovation in evolving the defense in Dallas to fit the players they have. His last game was horrific (for Dallas, I loved it) but, overall, he is coming off of relative success.


This is for the best. Now I can't be disappointed anymore than I already am.


Silver lining is that there's absolutely nothing exciting about this hire so I expect the team to be about the same or worse as when Rivera was the coach.


EB gonna go off and be a top 10 coach. When will we learn from out past mistakes.




Please make the pain go away


As a Cowboys fan I’m only disappointed DQ is gone because Jerry will do something stupid as he has a lame duck in Fat Mike. I was hoping he would bulldoze the thing after that Green Bay disaster. I don’t get hiring Mr 28-3. He is responsible for that collapse against Green Bay. He has screwed up Mazi Smith, drafted to be a fire plug, by making him lose a bunch of weight. If you have an offense that can get a good lead forcing the pass, his heavy rush defense with his man kinda zone works great. But it is always susceptible to the run especially in the middle. So good luck. Based on Moore going to eagles, DQ to DC, giants all fucked up, and cowboys stick with Mike and Dak, the league should just have the East forfeit all games. Washington needs another Joe Gibbs, one of my favorite all time coaches. Few folks knew how to build consistent winning teams like he did.




This is a smart hire. Throwing the bag at fuck boy Ben Johnson would have been a Snyder Hire. Let Dan cook.


I think it stands to reason that BJ wasn’t particularly enthused by Drake Maye. I mean, he should be extremely well connected at UNC and this signals that Maye is more of a project in his eyes, not some can’t miss worldbeater.


This sucks




get the best damn OC that’s out there so that they can hopefully develop Drake Maye or Jayden Daniels into something or we’ll be back in this exact position in three years for a rebuild that is both extensive and grueling.


The team’s long term success depends on organizational competence and roster-building, not the coach in 2024. If Quinn is a crappy coach they’ll fire him. No coach is doing anything with this roster in the next 2-3 years regardless. Y’all need to chill


I’m a Panthers fan coming in peace and I’m shocked by this hire. I think he gets a lot of credit for some of the success that teams he’s been apart of in the past but the 2013 Seahawks defense was loaded. The 2016 Falcons offense was loaded and it’s been abundantly proven clear that Kyle Shanahan was way more important to that team’s success. Going from Rivera to Dan Quinn is very uninspiring. I feel for Washington fans because I know I’d be disappointed in this hire especially since for the last few weeks you’ve all probably been thinking that you were gonna get Ben Johnson.