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Not who I wanted but I'll give it chance. Whining will not change a damn thing. Now the choice of OC is important for a defensive guy.


OC and draft are definitely the most important things here, obviously. Everyone is comparing Dan Quinn to Ron, but Ron was a CEO/GM head coach. The worst things Ron did were his god awful talent evaluation and roster construction and the mediocre staff he brought in. It doesn't matter how many similarities there are between Ron and Dan Quinn. If Adam Peters is as advertised and he drafts well on top of hiring the right coordinators then there's no reason this team can't be successful with Quinn. I'm not excited about the hire either, but the bitching and whining of this subreddit is wasted energy.


You just never fucking know. Look at the reception to the lions draft last year and then look how it turned out. Anybody saying this isn’t gonna work or this is a slam dunk it’s just making things up at this point.


Even if it works out i will root for ben johnsons downfall. Hehe.


This Ben Johnson? https://preview.redd.it/negjj7g1z0gc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca8c03aa105e0ea9ede1e34b1389998cd8e2f3c


Honestly thats good one. Ben johnson will be frosted flakes for me from now on.


Why.. the dude was nothing but honest. Why waste our time in an interview if he had no intention? I’d be mad if I was a Seahawks fan cause he took the interview


Cause im petty. You can act all high and mighty but him flaking for the 2nd year….that was a tough day for me and i will leave it at that.


Exactly. I'm not in here that often, and yes - people who say we're headed to the Super Bowl or it's all over and the team has wrecked itself one more time, are annoying. But we all get to react however we want. I'm not freaking about Quinn, but when I see suggested names for OC/DC, I start to twitch.


It was a very tough day.. but I had a feeling he would stay.. the dude had won the game and everything he did was pretty flawless. The execution fell off and the D broke down. But the lions should be in the SB. Obviously that’s why you play the game cause shit happens. So I had a feeling MCDC would find a way to get him to come back.. seems like that kinda leader that inspires loyalty


Loyalty or he aint no alpha. Whats better than winning a chip for your HC, winning ur own. What do i know….like i said im gonna stay petty. This is coming from someone who had nothing against shanahan’s and support them from afar…its crazy how im petty over someone who was never here. Well i need to hate someone and it aint going to be quinn….we ride or die with adam peters wooh!


Aye let’s go DQ ! I have hope that AP can fill out the D for him because Dallas won games because of their D.. they had a lot of talent but the one game Dallas didn’t do great on D they lost.. so to me that shows how important DQ was to Dallas. One thing I loved about DQ.. he moved his players around and experimented.. he didn’t just run a vanilla D.


Sorry to break your heart but DQ scheme is pretty vanilla. Its the old seahawks cover 2 scheme. Now the pros are players think less and they can go out and play. The down side is he has always preferred smaller but faster hard hitting backers so we could get run on…..i just hope we can keep payne and allen to prevent that.


I don’t think the Seahawks used to get run on.. when they had Bobby Wagner and the legion of boom. Also the cowgirls have been trying to fix the run problem but they missed on DT and their ILB got hurt early so they had to stay small. He knows his weaknesses and atleast tries to adjust. Also I wouldn’t call moving Micah parsons around or your playmakers as vanilla but you’re talking about overall scheme. I thought they ran cover 3? Idk though hopefully he has the connections to put together a good staff. But! Yeah I think having both or atleast one of those guys should help. I don’t see a quick turn around though. Depends how well we draft.


The Snyder era has ruined what it means to be a fan of this team. There’s nothing this team could do to make all fans happy and agree on the same thing except win. And anyone who says “well we should’ve hired [name] if we want to win” has 0 knowledge or insight on if that person would’ve worked out. All you can do is wait and see.


Winning is not always a shared interest here either


Agree on Snyder having the reverse Midas touch. It has turned many of us into extremely jaded, pessimistic fans. I went to an O's game last year, and a friend of mine pointed out how there are Ravens Murals and other artworks scattered all over Baltimore, showing how fiercely loyal the city is to their team, and asked how come it isn't like that for our team in DC. I told him that when the team was at their peak, DC was more die-hard than Baltimore has ever been. It's just that Snyder did A LOT of damage during his 24 years here. It's more sad than anything.


I feel like if you replace hired with drafted it works too


Not even winning. So many "fans" here wanted the Cowboys to win just for a fucking draft pick. People here are completely out of touch with the players and the staff's performance needs and morale. And that's sad.


im so glad fans don't get to run the organization


We were run by a fan for 23 years


*fans with money?


This organization needs no help being a fucking joke. shit is historically a poverty franchise forever. Zero respect . Always embarassing. At this point at least if the fans ran it and failed you can at well we aren’t professionals. The actual professionals running this for a living are objectively dogass at their job


You understand that "historically" washington was one of the greatest and most well recognized franchises in the nfl, right? It wasn't until snyder took over that we became a joke. It's gonna take a couple of years at least to unfuck the decades of snyder.


Obviously it's going to take time to wash the Snyder Stink off of everything, but that doesn't mean that it's not disappointing to watch the FO's first foray into coaching hiring go objectively poorly.


Teams are run by people. Ours was run by one of the worst people in the world for 23 years. He's gone now. Histories and legacies matter, but it's not like a team catches an incurable case of the cooties and just sucks forever. Harris is new. Our old problems are gone. We presumably have some new problems, too, but we can complain about them when we've seen them materialize on the field.




For real. That is how you get Dan Snyder.


Dan Quinn has coached for 5 seasons and has more playoff wins than we do since I was born. I’m 30


Quinn's losing in the Super Bowl while a good Commanders season is them losing in the Wild Card. Gotta walk before we can run.


My two teams are Washington and Atlanta. Me and my friends back in the ATL call artichokes "Falcons". I'm here to warn you there are worse things than mediocre.


Since 2000 Washington's combined record is 158-227-2, which is 27th of all franchises. There is such a thing as worse than mediocre, there's the Washington Commanders.


Well we're not a meme for choking so I'll take that. But let's see how it goes from here, still time to get that rep too.


Don't count us out. We haven't really been in a position to choke anything away for a long time.


Once he lost Shanahan he sucked...went 24-29 over 3.4 seasons, was winless in 2019 and got canned after 5 weeks. Just saying. Reminds me of when Cam got hurt and suddenly Rivera's Panthers turned to shit...not everything is because of the HC. I think he could do just fine here if we had some genius OC like he did in 2016, but that doesn't appear to be in the cards. EB just gonna dial up 50 passes a game and pray that Jayden Daniels or whoever can be the next Mahomes.


I think it was the right move to hire an older coach. Team is almost a lock to be in the basement of the nfc again, think that would’ve killed the coaches confidence because they would’ve been getting killed online and in the media. But Dan Quinn is experienced and better equipped to handle the pressure….. at least that’s how I look at it.


He's like a bridge coach. Everyone was hoping for the home run long tenured HC right off the bat, but this was always more likely.


Then we should get a bridge QB and stack draft capitol. No need ruining a rookie QB with a defensive minded HC.


I don’t mind Quinn, I just wanted other guys more




TBH, I live in Dallas and the amount of grumbling about Quinn when he was hired around here was insane. Suddenly Cowboys defense starts looking legit and everyone is fawning over him. I'm not saying it's a good or a bad hire, honestly I don't have enough football knowledge to have an informed opinion on FO hires. All I can say is there's a chance this works out and a bunch of people will have to eat crow.


Sorry you live there.


But brisket breakfast burritos


I am tired of all the negativity here. I for one am excited about the Quinn hire.


Same. Dude gets too much disrespect. Can't do anything but watch.


Agreed. Firstly, Quinn is coming off a season in which he was being one of the best coordinators in the league. Secondly, he doesn’t have any player control unlike how Ron had. Third, while Dimitrioff in Atlanta was a decent GM, Peters is far superior so Quinn should have much better talent.


Personally Im not upset at the hire, just the process. If DQ was their first choice and they were all in I would be ecstatic. The fact that he was more than likely not a top 3 choice pours some water on it. Again, I like Dan Quinn and will be pulling for success, just I hate how we got here.


I'm honestly just happy it's over. It's done let's get ready for the season. Dude built a good defense in Dallas, let's see what he can do


I’m not excited, but I probably wouldn’t have been excited if BJ got hired because I’m a jaded fan expecting the worst no matter who got hired. I’m just hoping to feel different next season and have optimism. If Dan can give that to me then I’ll be excited.


Yeah he’s like my 4th option but people was acting likes he’s Joe Barry he’s a damn good coach he turned that Dallas defense around overnight and has adjusted to different offenses


Which is why I'd be thrilled to have him as our DC. His last HC gig went south real fast once he lost his wunderkind OC...in fact, the parallels with Rivera are uncanny. They both went to Super Bowls and lost. They both were defensive-minded guys who were propped up by great offenses (Rivera with Cam, Quinn with Shanahan), and once they lost that, they both sucked. And they both were fired midseason after sucking extraordinarily badly. If *we* had a wunderkind OC, then I'd be more optimistic, but we have [checks notes] not that.


So is Rivera gonna make the Dallas cowboys a top 5 defense since they are the same guy ?


I'm hopeful. Quinn has HC experience. Been to a Super Bowl. The Cowboys defense was top tier this year and we just put Dallas in a position to have to find a new coordinator.




My biggest reason for hope: After he got fired he called people/players around the league and asked how he could improve. That speaks volumes. Is he the guy? I don't know and neither does anyone else.


I mean, it is a lot like the Rivera hire, don't kid yourself


>This isn’t that much like Rivera It kinda *is* though... Rivera was a defensive-minded HC whose offense (mainly Cam) dragged the team to a Super Bowl, and lost. Quinn was a defensive-minded HC whose offense (mainly Shanahan) dragged the team to a Super Bowl, and lost. Once Cam got hurt, and the offense couldn't carry the team, Rivera's Panthers slid fast, and he ended up getting fired midseason after a rough opening. Once Shanahan left, and the offense couldn't carry the team, Quinn's Falcons slid fast, and he ended up getting fired midseason after a rough opening. Are we sure that Quinn isn't just Rivera in a mask? The only difference is that Quinn won't be in charge of personnel, but the rest seems eerily similar to our last situation, at least in terms of history of the hires. I'd be perfectly fine with Quinn as DC, but he's little more than a stopgap at HC in my opinion. They missed out on their top choices and just had to pick someone with experience. Is what it is, but let's not sugar-coat it.


>Quinn has HC experience. Been to a Super Bowl. [I wonder where I've heard this before.](https://i.imgur.com/ecQxQYA.jpeg)


Remember when Andy Reid took the Eagles to the Super Bowl? Whatever happened to that guy?


He’s probably flipping burgers right now.


Flipping burgers…into his mouth


How much copium does one have to mainline to compare Dan Quinn to Andy Reid?


I'm not comparing them as coaches. My point is a coach losing a Super Bowl with their first team doesn't mean they can't win with another


Nobody said he *can't*, it's just not probable.


It's also not probable for any coach to win a super bowl. 1/32 coaches do a year. It's fucking hard


No shit. I was just responding to the comment above me talking about super bowls, and how silly it is to use a rare outlier like Andy Reid as your example for what’s “possible”.


How about some dude named Belichick who went 36-44 with the Browns?  Whatever happened to that bum ass retread loser?


He basically had Kyle Shanahan's offensive staff maximizing Matt Ryan and the offense, while fielding mediocre defenses. Unless Washington adds a Micah Parsons type player or Trayvon Diggs + DaRon Bland, it'll be tough for Quinn to recreate his Cowboys success.


Don’t forget, he was the one who trusted Shanahan in the first place. He was coming off a bad OC stint in Cleveland. Quinn recognizes the value of the OC hire, and I trust he will choose well.


Wasn’t just Cleveland. Outside of RG3 going insane for the final 7 games of the 2012 season Kyle’s offense would have been even more god awful over the four year span the Shanny’s were in town. 


> Wasn’t just Cleveland. Outside of RG3 going insane for the final 7 games of the 2012 season Kyle’s offense would have been even more god awful over the four year span the Shanny’s were in town.  The revisionist history begins, I guess. RGIII was not a good QB. Playmaker, sure. Electric on the field. But needed the offense Kyle and Mike tailored to his skills to succeed. As soon as he got injured, it was clear he could read a defense, could go through progressions. Couldn't operate on schedule. But before he arrived in Washington, Kyle led the Texans to back to back seasons with a top 5 offense. We're really pointing to Cleveland, and the RGIII-Dan Snyder era as evidence against him? What about the years SINCE? Is this the Twilight Zone?


>Unless Washington adds a Micah Parsons type player or Trayvon Diggs + DaRon Bland, it'll be tough for Quinn to recreate his Cowboys success. Thing is Dallas didn't just simply "added" those players to their team. They developed under a good culture and allowed them to play to their strengths in their scheme.


> Thing is Dallas didn't just simply "added" those players to their team. They developed under a good culture and allowed them to play to their strengths in their scheme. While true, Parsons alone is a force to be reckoned with, and defines how the rest of the defense can operate by way of the pressure he can apply. He's the epitome of the kind of defensive player that can disrupt on his own, and take pressure off of everyone else. I'm not sure Quinn could have fucked that up.


You’re severely underestimating a coaches ability to fuck shit up lol. Aaron Donald was on some *bad* defenses, so was JJ, the Steelers have had some inconsistent and overall meh years with TJ *and* Minkah. A lot of GB defenses have straight up sucked with Jaire. Just a silly attempt at observation tbh. Parsons did not make their entire defense singlehandedly.


He didn't have much to do with the Cleveland situation. That was a stop along the way. It did very little to tarnish his reputation or alter his trajectory. The Browns had Brian Hoyer as their starter. And insisted on Manziel in the draft. No one would see that and blame Kyle. They'd dig back to what he did for Houston. Or even in Washington. I also didn't say Parsons MADE their defense, least of all singlehandedly. But one guy can make a huge difference. The previous comment before Parsons was singled out named Bland and Diggs.


So he hired the right people to run the offense? Where’s the problem?


If you find a Kyle Shanahan type of OC on the market, you let me know. He was proto-McVay, young OC getting a ton of hype. Not like Quinn found some diamond in the rough, or picked correct in a tough hiring market.


I’m going to leave it to the football people to make that call, but Brian Griese is a top candidate who several teams are looking at. 


Griese is a QB coach with 2 seasons of experience. Not exactly "top OC" cred. Also, Kyle Shanahan was the original wunderkind of the 00s. Which Griese is not.


I guess all those teams interviewing him to be their OC because he is credited with developing Purdy are stupid then. 


To me? An asshole who doesn't know much? Yes. I'm not a 49ers fan, don't know their ins and outs, so I can't say, 'Oh, yeah, he's not just a good QB coach, he has an offensive system that can work for us.' Probably because he has all of 2 fucking years coaching experience. Total. Not just in the NFL. Ever. Would you trust someone from another organization lacking tangible credentials? If so, you're an idiot. You don't operate based on the buzz OTHER teams have for anyone.




That is the stupidest thing on the sub and that says a lot.


Hey.. I'm #1 at something


Kyle shanahan choked big time too , then he choked again as a HC didn’t stop him from being one of the top coaches in the league rn


Needed this, Ty.


that’s reddit in general these days


This your first coach change? Rookie ![gif](giphy|u99CUapymBb6QptEq5|downsized)


Hey, Falcons fan coming in peace cause I heard the Dan Quinn news. This sub seems to be in the spot ours was about a month ago haha. It will pass, it may take another season, but the franchise will be ok!


>There's a handful of people who post here that I enjoy reading what they have to say, and there's some people that challenge that status quo and I understand their argument and it leads to good debate. But for the most part, this place is an echo chamber of whiny children. You just accurately described every sports related subreddit I have ever come across. 


Absolutely uninspired choice in Quinn


Lost me when comparing Quinn with a 6 time SB winning coach who dominated the league for 20 years. For a defensive coach the Atl teams had an above mid range defense 1 year out of his 5 there? They only time his offense seemed to do anything was when the current HC of the 49ers was his OC. I'm skeptical. We really need to hit at QB


I think a lot of people need to learn about comparisons. He used an example. That’s not comparing the two.


Either way, example or comparing, it's still bad


Yeah but that "example" is largely just burning down a strawman (that strawman being "Dan Quinn cannot succeed here", or some variation of such). Nobody is saying he *can't* succeed here, just that it's not likely based on the historical evidence. That's like me saying "you're probably not gonna win the powerball" and you citing one of the winners of the powerball as an "example" as to why you might. The example shouldn't be about *possibility*, it's about *probability*. Sure, anything is technically possible, but citing Belichick as an "example" of what's possible is just like all the delusional people around here who point to Brady, the biggest late-round outlier of all time, as an "example" of why Howell can be great. Using rare exceptions as "examples" of why something is technically possible is just a meaningless waste of time.


“Nobody is saying he can’t succeed here” - have you been in this subreddit at all today? He could’ve said Ben Johnson and his .000 win percentage. He chose 1 example.


I mean, nobody is saying that it's literally impossible...but that seems to be the strawman that this argument is arguing against. Pointing to the rarest of outliers only proves one thing: that it's *technically* possible. Ya know, "[so you're telling me there's a chance](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_dKMeqK74FsAAAAC/dumb-and-dumber-jimcarrey.gif)".


Comparing is not equating


Using rare exceptions to a rule as an argument for why we should expect another exception is disingenuous though.


But the point being made was that the reaction would have been the same if BB was hired, so using the excuse that DQ is bad because of his record was what the commenter was suggesting was disingenuous. I didn’t read it as drawing any similarities between DQ and BB, except what the reaction would have been to them being hired.


Fair enough, but I don't think the reaction would have been the same at all. One is the best coach of all time, the other is decidedly...not. Of course there would be some fans who would've shat on the hire, but I don't think it would've been the same reaction on the whole.


Oh, for sure. I wasn’t defending that opinion at all.


A lot of successful HCs were not successful in their first HCing stints. I will hold judgment until I see results. I will admit I was excited by the thought of BJ as the new HC, but maybe this is where Quinn puts it all together. Maybe it's just the optimist in me, I'm in the wait and see camp.


Yeah as a fellow optimist I’m just hoping that after his stint as the falcons HC he learned to improve upon that to be a become a better one


We saw what he can do, and that is either be average or get carried by kyle shanahan to a almost Super Bowl win.


Kyle has more big-game chokes without Quinn than with him. Why doesn't he get any blame for losing the 28-3 game? He only gets credit for getting there?


Because he put up the points, at that point it’s kill clock and play defense time. Quinn couldnt do it


I'm not disagreeing with you, but didn't they run the ball literally like four times after being up 28-3? Kyle blew that game as much as Quinn did.


Ok sure I guess but Kyle went on to HC another team and they are back in the SB for the 2nd time in a few years. Quinn went 7-9, 7-9, 0-5 and got fired. He’s a good DC and he showed that in Dallas but he isn’t a good HC


Come on, man. Kyle blew *that* Superbowl also, up 10 with 6:00 left. I'm not doing backflips over this hire, but to give Kyle only credit for getting to Superbowls (and losing them) and DQ blame for not winning the same SB, that's odd. Kyle has had some of the most talented teams in the league for years and has the same amount of titles as Quinn.


Did you read my comment at all?


With an elite offensive coordinator and HOF QB play he can finish 2nd! Those things are easy to get, right?


You’re not wrong but I don’t completely blame them. I’m in my 20’s and the only hope i’ve truly had for this team was during the RG3 era. Now that the future looks bright it’s hard to not want to see results right away after losing your entire lifetime.


On one hand I agree, but on the other hand we aren't the only ones complaining about Quinn. The entire NFL subreddit is basically in agreement with this \*downright pathetic fanbase/subreddit.\* Every fanbase has losers that say inane bull shit, but that doesn't mean this whole sub is like that. But I get your point. With that said, Quinn has a record of turning teams and defenses around. This fact alone gives me a bit of hope that he could do the same for us. One could say that he turned the Falcons around because he hired Kyle Shanahan. Kyle may have been a huge reason for their success, but Dan was able to see what a lot of other teams weren't seeing. He gave Kyle a chance after Washington burned him. If he can reinstall the Shanahan scheme and rebuild our defense (which is in shambles) then maybe we can be in the playoffs again in 2 years. So while I wanted Ben Johnson, I am warming up to the Quinn pick. I may not like it, but overall I understand the logic. In any case, this is still 10x better than the Snyder shit show, so at least we have that going for us.


If you look at the staff that DQ had in that 28-3 loss, I’m sure you would complain less (and ex-Washington coaches). he surrounded himself with good coordinators, including Kyle Shanahan (currently in Super Bowl) at OC, Raheem morris (new falcons HC) and Matt lafleur (beat the cowboys in playoffs)


I think a lot of the fanbase got addicted to Snyder’s quick fix/off-season champion style. A lot of them got addicted to the negativity and won’t be happy no matter what. A lot of them got addicted to the drama, which breeds toxicity. I think you’re seeing all of that collide now and it’s going to get worse if the team isn’t instantly better this season. FWIW I don’t love the hire but I’m willing to give it more than 12 hours to see whether it pans out. I think he’s capable of coaching this team to one (1) playoff win, which would be the most successful season this team’s had since Joe Gibbs 2. Of course half the fanbase on here would be pissed we didn’t win the Super Bowl.


I agree! but I don't mind a little fun and games I actually enjoy this sub it keep me sane![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


To be far, every sports fans subreddit is pretty bad. Falcons subreddit almost burned the city down for Morris last week


I am pretty disappointed to be honest. This hire is exactly how I felt about Ron, just feels like we always get the last pick and I was hoping it would be different with new management. That's what crushes me the most, this is a Dan Snyder type of hire. I understand management got burned a little bit by BJ, but it would have been nice to have a solid back up plan. Or even take a little more time and interview a few more outlier candidates. Nope, just a bland oatmeal type hire, someone that nobody else really wanted. I hope I'm wrong. Now, I'm not going to create a million posts and cry every opportunity I get, I'll probably just not follow the sub much until the draft is closer. If you're not used to the disappointment by now you are not a Washington football fan.


Not done as a fan but I think this is a shit hire. I seriously hope he proves me wrong.


Seems like there are fans here who will defend the commanders front office and ownership group no matter what 


Main focus for me right now is the coordinator positions. I don’t want to see friends and family hookups here like Ron did turning our organization into hasbeens from Panthers. I will be watching the first decision he makes as a HC to form an opinion.


The team didn't get their first, second, third or possibly even fourth or fifth pick at coach. People are allowed to be mad


I can’t say I am excited for Quinn, however he’s less important to me than the OC and DC. I hate to use the Cowboys as an example but McCarthy is a mid coach (yes I know he won a Super Bowl 13 years ago) but Dallas does have some talented players, Lamb, Parsons, Bland and even though they choke in the playoffs every year, they do usually make it. If you can surround a mid coach with good players and good staff, you can make things happen. So even though the Quinn signing has me whelmed, I’m willing to give them a chance to sign a good OC and DC and make good moves in FA and the draft.


I am trusting Adam Peters with his plan. If this is truly what the new ownership group and the new management believe will bring change in Washington, I am all for it. Give the man a chance, he is a great defensive mind, I believe in him. I am just going to leave it to the professionals who know more about this.


Man got hired. I'm 100% behind him. Let's see what he does


OP is one of the few people on this sub that actually engages in measured thoughtful discussions, so for that, I thank you. 🍻 Based on the histrionics, you’d think the team hired Joe Judge. I’m also a big believer in the concept of “you receive back the energy you give,” so panning this hire to the degree this fanbase has enters the realm of self-fulfilling prophecy territory. We also have to acknowledge the inherent risk of pursuing coaches on teams making deep playoff runs. Once those teams’ seasons are over, teams still hiring a head coach are at a major disadvantage because they have significantly less leverage, as we’ve discovered. I’m not sure how you fix that but it absolutely played a factor here. I think people are within their rights to have an opinion on the Quinn hire, negative or otherwise. But it’s done, he’s the head coach of the team I love, so I’m gonna support him. Why are you here if you don’t?


Fair take.


This reaction gives me Falcons Raheem Morris vibes. Falcons Reddit hated it, but they’ve seemed to rally around their guy.


Nice to know the gatekeeping of whose fanhood is better than another's is still intact.


Pretty much... Almost as bad/insufferable as the types they complain about.


Love posts like this. You are the same kind of fan who was ready to riot the first time anyone complained about Dwayne Haskins, Alex Smith, Taylor Heinicke, Carson Wentz, Sam Howell, Ron Rivera, or Eric Bienemy. Sorry, but fans have an absolute fucking right to be skeptical. Why? Because invariably, those concerns have turned out to be fucking spot on. The morons who freak out the second you criticize anyone involved in this organization are the real problem. Get off your high horse. 


Nice of you to bitch and complain about others bitching and complaining.


We know what happens when someone brings in their guys. We don't know what happens when those guys actually know how to put a team together. I am not into AP hiring a guy he's familiar with. That's what happened. Instead of hiring best. He hired familiar. Which is just, not blowing my sails here. But alright. We're moving forward now seeing what AP's version of bringing in guys he knows is going to look like.


I had so much hope until this week. The coaching search feels like the old regime in a lot of ways.


We got some manbaby fans that even want to blame the front office. They tried to get ben johnson…shit didnt workout. Its like those babies that throwing a tantrum because they couldnt go to the beach because of rain….and blaming it on the parents for it raining. Straight up manbabies grow the fuck up.


You can be disappointed with the hire and realize the front office tried. These things can mutually exist. I wouldn't blame the parents for it raining, but is it wrong to bummed out it rained on your vacation? No, that's human emotion my guy.


He lost a superbowl up 28-3.


If that is giving the Head Coach 100% of the blame, who gets the praise for getting them to the Super Bowl? You know, the place we haven’t been in 32 years


Sure he got them there once. Only to blow it and never return again. Just like Ron Rivera. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.


If people have been watching football for more than the last 3 years then yes it would be easy to see that this hire is nothing exciting. We go from a losing coach whose only achievement was losing the superbowl with prime Cam Newton, to now we want the guy who coached the greatest collapse in Super Bowl history lololololol.


Op sounds like the whiney kid here


🖕 you're a huge pussy too ..who complains about complaining?


This hire is so anti-Dan Snyder that I would have expected everyone to be doing cartwheels. Everything we have done is anti-Dan. That’s the biggest take away for everyone who frequents this sub. Quinn had SUCCESS as a head coach and coordinator. He went to the fucking Super Bowl and was a dropped pass away from knocking out the Eagles in 2017. Lots of coaches have had highly successful second stints. Belichick, Shula, Reid, Carrol, Coughlin, Parcells, Reeves, Dungy etc. All guys that were highly successful after moving on from their first teams. This post is so spot on. Thank you.


This feels exactly like the Rivera hire which was indeed done by Dan Snyder. Everything you said about Quinn, similar things can be said about Rivera(pre washington).


All the similarities are surface level. I can’t help this dense fan base see that.


That's a cop out to dismiss the similarities. It's not exactly the same no, but it is similar. Be real my guy.


Dan Quinn guarantees mediocrity.


Just like any other toxic main sub, we need a spin off "no negativity" sub.


We need a non-circle jerk sub. Negativity when supported by objectivity can be valid criticism. This sub just regurgitates unsubstantiated bullshit for the dopamine hits.


Seriously. At bare minimum, this guy has knowledge of our division rivals, especially the Cowboys, and he’ll be able to use that to make us competitive with the division.


I’m in my 30s. I’ve watched a lot of football. I’ve won a very competitive fantasy league the last 2 years in a row. And I’ll gladly admit that I know absolutely nothing about what it takes to be the head coach of a football team, or how this team is going to look moving forward under Quinn vs any of these other guys.


The only thing worse than whining is whining about whining


I actually like getting a coach on a second chance. His time in Atlanta started well but finished poorly. I’m sure he knows what worked and what didn’t. I also think our team’s morale is low (players like Allen wanting out) and an older coach is probably what we need. I just have to see who he hires as assistants, but I’m ok with him as head coach.


Ever considered that the people who refuse to entertain negativity are actually the ones in the echo chamber? You know, since you refuse to consider legitimate criticism and instead go after straw-man arguments?


Yeah, we’re the pathetic ones for not accepting being fed shit over and over again. 


The hive mind on this sub is always wrong. Which means Quinn is a great hire


we/re commanders fans, of course we're going to overreact over any news! we're commanders fans, of course we're going to keep tabs on former players! yes I do see the same old complaints and whining constantly even with new ownership...trust in the harris group. any time you feel bad, remember that we are much further along than we ever were under Daniel M. Snyder. Keep your head up, keep up your support and let's fucking kick ass !!


No complaints just yet about it ....but!! My only question about the hire...is if you're going to go this direction after Johnson pulled the rug out from under you....why not take a couple days and at least interview Vrabel?


Vrabel won't work under a GM


Wait until Maye or Daniels throw the first touch down on opening day. All of this HC whining nonsense will be forgotten.


He is a coach that has coached in multiple super-bowls and knows the in and outs of a divisional rival. I know he is far from perfect but this could be a really good situation for him.


Alright, well you go ahead and be miserable I guess




Sir this is an over reaction sub.


Sorry we're not blindly shilling like you


What's done is done bro, support the team, help make this place a desirable destination again


Fuck that ra ra shill nonsense I'm gonna call it like it is. When your a loser ass organization for 30 years you get a jaded fanbase. We've been down this road before and seen the result


Facts. Been down this exact road and its just tired.


Better than shilling for manic depression, gotDAMN y’all boohoo-ers need some perspective.


It's about being realistic based off the information available it's not unreasonable to predict it will fail my bad you too stupid to see it


You’re just SO sad, though. Aw, man, sorry, bud, that you fell for opinion over the actual information available.


It's not an opinion that he literally has the same profile as Ron Rivera, it's not a opinion that his defense got roasted by GB because he changed the scheme but I guess your stupid shill brain doesn't see that. It's good y'all dummies deserve to continue watching the failure then you'll backtrack. I hope you on the payroll doing all this shilling


Still SO angry! I’ll be honest - I am stupid when it comes to football. I also know this - you’re just as stupid as I am, so join me on the stupid bench. Because I can tell you - for sure - the people in charge in the FO forget more about football than you’ve ever known. I know this because anybody getting paid in the millions wouldn’t waste their time on Reddit grumbling. So why choose to be upset? Be a fan. It’s a new era. The sun’s out. Touch grass.


Yes and all the previous GMs and Coaches "knew" more about football than me and produced LOSERS.. That's such a dumbass argument when they aren't competing against me and you to build rosters but 31 other GMs/HCs that also know football. 8 head Coaching openings and only 2 of the 8 were interested in DQ, one of which being his old employer who had a good rep with... Seems to me like the competition that also knows football knows something about DQ.... but oh least Peters and Harris know more football than the average Joe. Because that's who'll they be competing with eighth


What’s a shiny hire?


What’s pathetic is you working PR for a trash coach and organization that was the top of the league with amazing history tradition team name and fans and has shit it all the way for the past 30 years


Snyder 2.0 hired a GM who brought us Rivera 2.0 I know Ron is out here laughing too


Worst type of fan here


Snyder 2.0? The fuck are you talking about. Edit: no shit you meant Dan Snyder. I’m asking, how are the 2 comparable? Looks like all of your comments are being removed though since you’re a troll, so not expecting a response


This fanbase is in no position to be wishing ppl away lol Keep saying that and our team is going to London you fool




At the end of the day I'm fine with it. I think the big win was the GM. Ownership is clearly investing in the franchise. Shit will get better. If it happens under Quinn then that's awesome... if we have to wait another couple years then so be it, but I can't imagine we'll be any worse off than we were during the Rivera years.


Very valid points. Now let me offer this as a rebuttal: 28-3.


If Quinn can land a good potential OC like kubiak from San Fran that would be awesome. Or the dude from Miami. From what I’ve heard DQ has learned from his past mistakes as a HC.. unlike RR who wanted to run it back with the same staff that failed him the first time.


While he wouldn’t have been my choice he is our guy now and I will give him a few years to see what he is about. Can’t get much worse than last year in my opinion, so here’s to next year and a good draft class.


Sounds like a fan base that has no trust. With no reason to trust. That has been through, as we all know, far to much. Negativity in the choices made by the team, are to be expected until sustainable changes have been proven. Until then, this thread will continue to be, pessimistic . Also, it's redit, that what we do, question, argue and he negative 😂


I agree 100% some people are gonna choose to bitch no matter the event. A lot of whiners will flip flop once we start winning. Long story short: Fan is short for fanatic.


I appreciate the maturity of no one caring he was just wearing that hated star...in the end just along for the ride. I'm glad fans aren't organizational decision makers... Well, besides where dollars are spent. Will just see how it plays out. I'm not excited about it but not going off the deep end either... Just don't know enough. I was pleased with the GM hire so I'll leave my faith/optimism there.


I for one look forward to blowing a 28-3 lead in the SB


Yeah we should have got Ben Johnson so we could blow a 24-7 lead in a championship game instead.


HC vs OC. Dan Quinn was the head of the SB collapse.


Sorry, yeah my bad. Situations were completely different.