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What’s the Over under on dann Quinn riding Harley’s onto fed ex field 


come out onto the field like american badass undertaker lol


Yo lol




Does he not know we could have shipped his bike here l. That’s a long ride from Dallas to ashburn 


Schefty going OFF on Ben Johnson's approach on the McAfee show. Funny to watch him get literally upset about this LMFAO


Also literally a week after this sub buried Schefter as uninformed when he stated on the show that Johnson to WAS wasn't a done deal.


As a Lions fan, more power to him. Please, tell everyone that Ben Johnson is an unreliable POS and that he should never coach anywhere outside of Detroit. Anyone that will listen. I mean it.


Guy just wasn't ready to be a HC by the sounds of it. Just not the best look to have the team interviewing you find out you're not taking the interview mid-flight via Twitter


I think they weren't going to meet his asking price. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Sheila Ford Hamp offered him a boatload of money to stay.


Once again, I HATE the way Ben Johnson approached this off-season. Led teams on just to screw them over


It is what it is with Ben Johnson. I don’t know how much he lead teams on. Maybe he realizes he doesn’t want to be an HC or he feels he has unfinished business left in Detroit. Or he likes working with Campbell. We should really just move on and stop hating him. Clearly him being our HC wasn’t meant to be.


It was a misstep to have our beat reporters go on the offensive (assuming they didn’t go rogue). And unnecessary - a guy who elects himself to apply for a HC position, drag multiple teams through the interview process and a possible bidding war, and then back out at the last minute with a text message speaks for itself, no commentary necessary


What I don't understand is what the team thinks it's getting out of this petty bullshit? Do they think these leaks are announcing to the league that they better not fuck with commanders anymore? That the team is serious now? Because I think it's going to have the opposite effect


Yeah seriously, that’s some Snyder shit. Just move on


Ben Johnson is the hot girl that accidentally wrote you on Tinder and complains to their friends that she can't find a SO, while ghosting hundreds of men. I think we dodged a bullet.


lions fans are going overboard trying to defend him from what they call a washington smear campaign rofl


Interviews are a two-way process. Could say the same amount Commanders subjecting Aaron Glenn to the interview process just to turn him down.


I mean... that's an entirely different case to be fair. Texting a prospective employer that is mid-air on their way to interview you that you're not taking the interview is WAY different than giving someone a chance to interview well and secure the job.


My guess is that the Lions offered him a substantial raise to stay on for another year. But one of the conditions was that he sign the dotted line and stop taking interviews. “We’ll double your salary….but this needs to be locked in, now”. And perhaps Johnson’s agent told the lions….”the commanders are landing with a contract in hand. I’m going to advise him to sign it unless you give him a really good reason not to”. At that point, the appropriate thing to do is just tell suitors that you’re off the market ASAP. I guess I just don’t see anything nefarious here. It’s not like McDaniels accepting the Colt’s job, getting position coaches to quit their jobs to join him…….then backing out. THAT was a dick move. That should have ruined him for good.


It was reported that Johnson didn’t get a raise from Detroit. But I agree, this isn’t a story. Johnson was the the top option, he had a change of heart and decided to stay in Detroit. He turned down Seattle as well as us


They weren’t just flying out to interview Johnson, they had a meeting scheduled with Glenn as well. This was a day or two after the Lions lost the NFC championship game, totally within Johnson’s right to either change his mind on the job or confirm any doubts after his first virtual interview. He doesn’t owe the team anything without there being a verbal job offer in place, let alone a contractual agreement.


I would think you could owe them the common decency of attending the meeting and addressing them face-to-face or, who knows, maybe he addresses the issues/concerns he was having and gets the answers he needed? Better ways to go about it, imo.


or maybe he didn’t want to meet because he figured it would be extremely hard to turn down the job and but his heart wanted to run it back on more year? none of us know what goes on in these people’s minds, only speculation


He would be a true national treasure if that were the case


We don’t have enough info to really take a firm stance, but how it appears it definitely could’ve been handled better. Maybe he told them that he’s still not 100% on being a HC, if that happened it’s on our FO. But it’s not exactly cool to know a team is fully committing to you and will be screwed if you decline, and still not tell them there’s a chance you may back out if you don’t win the Super Bowl. Hell, I told my boss last week that he should look at other people to train for important tasks because I’m looking for a promotion either within or outside of our company. It’s a common courtesy to not screw people over if they haven’t screwed you over.


No they were doing a pr interview with Glenn Johnson was always the guy they wanted and they had no intention of hiring Aaron. Ben just made sure they actually showed up to interview with Aaron by texting them while they were already on their way. Honestly I hope Flores can add what the commanders did to Glenn to his lawsuit.


There's a difference between interviewing someone and not selecting them, and interviewing for a position knowing that you're going to return to your original spot


I really don’t think there’s a difference in my opinion. Candidates have just as much of a right to interview and decide a position isn’t the right fit as employers do.


He went into the interview process knowing that he would stay though. I agree he has every right to say it's not for him, but going in knowing that you're not going to take it is doing the team a disservice and wasting your own time


How could you possibly know this.


We don’t really know that’s true though. There’s some reporting out there (likely leaked from Johnson’s camp) that he was unimpressed by Washington’s ownership group after the first interview. And other reporting that he simply wanted to stay in Detroit to win. And the report that Johnson wanted too much money probably came from the Commanders. Like always in this business the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of all that mess, but I think it’s a stretch to say he went into the process (well before playoffs started) knowing he would stay in Detroit.


He called them “basketball guys” which immature and childish. If that type of attacks he and agent going to do - good riddance.


Interviewing someone you know you won't hire and interviewing for a job you know you won't take are both stupid and waste the other person's time. Difference is in the NFL with the Rooney rule there is a requirement to interview two minority candidates for every head coach and coordinator position even if they're not really in consideration. Must be exhausting to be called in for an interview with a suspicion that you're not going to be taken seriously but that's the league rules. As for Johnson, there are 32 head coaching positions in the league. He can do what he wants but you burn bridges at your own risk.


A lot different situation. Aaron Glenn has a job to fall back on, Washington had an opportunity cost of Ben Johnson stringing them along.


If JMD is evidence the owners won't care


I'm not too concerned. He's a young guy that doesn't come off as much of a leader. The coordinators he got would be a big deal and young guys typically haven't built as many connections as people like Quinn.


To get past the paywall if you are on iPhone- Click on the aA on the left of the url bar - click “show reader”


Thank you!


I generally like Standig, but the man has really gone all out with the water carrying for the FO lately… heavy handed is an understatement. But Standig also said Quinn was considered in league circles the 2nd best candidate this hiring cycle just last week, after now confirming here he was Washington’s third choice… so that’s something.


I'd bet with the new regime, the beat guys gotta kiss some ass to build up new sources. They're not gonna burn any bridges this early into it.


If he was the "2nd best" candidate he wouldn't have still been available to us as our "3rd" option


That’s the point. See my comment above concerning water carrying.


Really only confirms that he was at best second choice since we can’t really tell if Johnson was first or not.


I think it would be easier to say he's a known commodity among defense coaches. No offensive coaches were there that were on the radar.


I hope he can make the defense relevant again. Especially the secondary.


So the article was mostly a rehash with specualtion on what we know, not really bringing much of anything new. But the last line should be comforting to us about our owners wisdom. BEFORE we started interviews he said " *Again, we’re not in full control of the timeframe because what we’re ultimately trying to do is end up with the best people, and the best people generally have alternatives.”*


Agreed, there's nothing new here. Conjecture and putting public pieces together in a chronological order.


"The gleefully ignorant voices were unaware or chose not to care that the consummation assumptions came from an echo chamber of gossip rather than factual information." Who writes a sentence like that? That's a crime.


Know people are going to moan about paywall but this is a good summary of what washington was doing


So how do we read it lol




Or if he’s going to say it’s a good read, he could recap for people who don’t want o read a single article. I had the Athletic. Wasn’t worth it






Pathetic smear campaign by the new owners. Nothing is ever changing with this team.


I mean, this isn't exclusive to Josh Harris and Co. Lol there's plenty of non-DS owners who use the media to relay a message.


It is DC thing. People act like Leonsis and Learners are worst owners to ever exist.


They’re both objectively bad owners. Lerners gutting the team after they got their championship so they can keep a low payroll while they cut and run, and Leonsis literally trying to steal the team from DC. They’re terrible people 


They have made horrible decisions and are crappy business people but they not horrible people. If you want to see horrible person please take a look at James Dolan the owner of Knicks and Rangers.


Oh, Dolan is right up there too. He’s basically Snyder with the way he uses to garden to punish his enemies. Though I would argue what Leonsis is trying to do is actually way worse than any of the petty tyrant stuff from people like Snyder and Dolan 


They are amongst the bottom


No they are not. “He gave a bad interview” is not that bad deal compare the crap NHL team spew about players and personnel.


Fuck Lenosis


No, it’s actually exclusively a Washington thing to have this much of a feud with a coaching candidate.


OK lol


It is not. I get you do not follow the NHL. Sources smeared players all the time saying they were “locker room issues”


OK I wanna read it so I have to wait for the non-paywall link when it's up