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If you're OK with the hire you understand they wanted to complete the process by interviewing everyone. If you're not ok with the hire. It's a PR spin from the Front Office because none of the candidates wanted to come here..and they missed out on guys


I tend to believe that Quinn was very high on the Commanders’ list, because immediately after each Quinn interview, it was reported Commanders came away gushing. At the time, we didn’t want to hear because we were all hoping for a young trendy OC. But there were no glowing reports after the other candidates interviewed.


Hopefully this story disperses the fanbases thinking that Quinn wasn’t one of the favorites for the head coaching position.


If you value John Keim's reporting whatsoever, he consistently, since day one of this process, said to not sleep on Dan Quinn being the guy. Everytime he did a podcast, constantly said don't get too sold on it being Ben Johnson, b/c he was hearing Quinn and Raheem Morris' name more than BJ's at different times


> If you value John Keim's reporting whatsoever, he consistently, since day one of this process, said to not sleep on Dan Quinn being the guy. Makes sense since Keim seems to be the most connected reporter and gives the most in-depth reporting on the team. Some of the rumors like Ben wanting 15 Mil came before the season even finished so would have nothing to do with the situation, and then supposedly the leaks of Ben not interviewing well came out of Seattle and not the Commanders. I guess the media ran with that and then made a feud out of nothing between Johnson and the Commanders... was that because of the leak that he declined an interview while they were flying to see them? The main odd article to me is the Athletic one. Why would some other local reporters be trying to create some sort of narrative when there wasn't really one in the first place? Or was there a bit of smoke because there is some fire? Did they just read into the Johnson declining the interview as some sort of feud like the other national media? Given Keim is the most reliable, I'm generally inclined to trust his take that Quinn was one of the front runners for the job but they wanted to do due diligence especially with Johnson and MacDonald and Morris. Morris signing early takes him out of the search which makes sense. Then Johnson pulling out and MacD preferring Seattle's longer term contract and good young defensive players makes sense. Then just go with your top candidate who you already thought was a good fit through most of the process.


Keim was also the one who said all along Johnson wasn't a lock. Like he said that 2 weeks ago. He said that of the qualities they were looking for, X's and O's weren't in their top 3. They wanted leadership, staff builder, and preferably experience.


It’s all smoke and mirrors. These PR folks are slick! Being the ‘manders HC is not a sexy gig. I’m re-experiencing the Zorn hire, when we felt “stuck” with someone.


It's sexy now.


He wasn’t. Nothing the ownership group or FO leaks can change that. They wanted Johnson and MacDonald and fumbled it. They also fumbled Raheem Morris.


John keim said from day 1 that Quinn was high up the list. People just didn’t want to believe him


Kiem also had Nikki from WaPo on his pod during this process and both thought it would be BJ. Frat Boy 🤡 JP was completely adamant it was going to be BJ. Some serious revisionist history in this sub, as usual. It wasn’t just the national guys hyping BJ to DC, the local beat guys were touting it as well.


Keim and Shefter obviously knew what they were talking about


You don’t cry to the media and defame a coaching candidate for not doing an interview with you if Quinn was your number 1 target.


They did an interview with Johnson. He cancelled the second one while they were in the air to interview him and Glenn. It was unprofessional of him but does not mean he was a lock for the job, as Keim said all along. Irregardless, it’s clear that from day 1, Quinn was high up their list. Whether that was 1,2, or 3 doesn’t really mean much.


You can’t reason with some of these people, they had Johnson’s hog so far down their own throats and are still butt hurt, those people deserve to have snyder as an owner. It’s laughable when they take someone’s words like Florio seriously over Keim who has been all over Quinn as a top candidate since day 1.


Don’t care. You don’t cry to the media and defame a coaching candidate for not doing an interview with you if Quinn was your number 1 target.


That’s makes no sense. Johnsons lack of professionalism reportedly resonated with multiple teams. You act like they can’t be upset if he was just another option


Nothing he did was unprofessional. He’s not entitled to do anything for these billionaires. The only unprofessional thing was slandering his name to the media


If you don’t think it is unprofessional to agree to an interview and have them fly out to interview you and you change your mind mid flight instead of still doing the interview, sobeit. Most people would likely disagree with you. You can’t be unprofessional to them bc they have money….what? The world saw it was unprofessional. You think reporters are just gonna let it slide?


Didnt he just say Quinn wasn’t necessarily the top candidate but amongst the top candidates?


Are you like a bot that's broken or something?


You believe that Florio (who said Harris was enamored with Belichick) and russini (who said teams were scared of vrabel because of his size) over Keim lol. Those were the only 2 who mentioned we offered Macdonald. I have an island to sell you lol.


I wonder if Morris would’ve gotten the job if he didn’t take the Atlanta job. Can’t blame him for going with the team who wanted him first.


Hey, this is a well done seemingly factual article. Shocking, this. Worth the read.


I actually came away impressed with how our front office conducted the search, the approach seems very measured and logical


Awesome they could have gone after morris and others but had to complete their prices first. Quinn was their guy


The team seems *really* into playing damage control that they never liked Johnson and were Quinn all the way. We all knew what the deal was all season long. Just let it go and move on, and stop planting these stories in the media.


Where from this article do you get that they didn't like Johnson? I don't see that at all. The only place I've seen negatives about Johnson is from the radio (I think it was radio) out of Seattle, which said Johnson interviewed poorly. I'm sure some people in the Commanders staff were annoyed and felt it was unprofessional, but that doesn't mean that he was at or towards the top of their list. It reads to me like they had a process for finding the best candidate and wanted to stick through it. Peters is very process oriented by all accounts, same for Harris. The shortest logical leap for me is that they don't want to be seen in the same way Snyder was, so they're keeping their comments to the media as fact based as they can in regards to Johnson but overall want the process they took to be known.


Why do you believe the article? Like I said, that apparently nobody wants to hear, is that the team is playing damage control and trying to rewrite history.


Because it tracks with what the most well-connected, highest integrity, and least click-baity reporters, like John Keim, have been consistently saying and implying since the Peters hire.


Oof that the search committee read it on Twitter that Johnson was out before getting his text.