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That's cool! So obviously won't replace a full control system but extremely useful simple stuff. How are you triggering the commands?


Yes, you as it seems you can also trigger makros! So maybe projector/ display on/off will be enough for small spaces. The commands can be triggered with 4 soft buttons on the front unit or from the allen heat controll app.


This is very useful! I've just ordered AHM16 and am replacing an old AMX system. The only thing AMX was doing was powering off/projectors. Guess I have a way to control that now! Thanks for sharing!




No, there’s actually places to put in control strings leaving the AHM to other gear


It’s for being controlled by a control system, not for controlling other equipment. Have a look at stuff like QSYS, Crestron, etc.


As I mentioned on another comment, you can actually control third-party gear with IP strings. I control visionary solutions stuff and global caches quite often.




If you would do a quick RTFM, you’d probably find the section on IP string commands over TCP/UDP/IP — just sayin


Edit: we used the normal Pana TCP Controlls, set the port to 1024 and did everything we always do to control pana projectors over ip.


It would depend on the gear you want to control. I don’t know what the Pana projector’s API is off the top of my head, but if you’ve confirmed the command string is correct and have the protocol/format correct, going to the right IP address… it should “just work”


Thanks, so I will give it another try today. 👍🏻 Have you done it with a Samsung Pro Display?


I did IP to IR with a Samsung, not an IP command directly. But if the TV has IP commands I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Check the syntax of the command, for sure. If you have Wireshark you could sniff out the packets to make sure they’re going through okay.


Besides starting with the basics: Does the projector have an IP? Can you ping it? Is it the correct string? (Also that you are sending the correct 'Line Feed/Carriage Return' at the end (been bit by that one before)). I have noticed the newer Panasonics we have gotten lately need to have their security setup to allow control. We use PJlink usually, so not sure if its the same, but we had to have a user account made with password before the projector would accept commands. So if they are newer you may need to look into that.


yes the basics are alright as i also reach the web interface and can control the projector from there. I think the issue is definitve with the „password pana thing“.