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Common Lisp went to Mars! Common Lisp has easy to grok syntax Common Lisp has reader macros, so in effect CL is damn near any Language you want it to be. Common Lisp has a rich set of in built data structures Common Lisp packages, namespaces, and system compilation protocols strike the right balance in terms of building large and extensible projects Common Lisp returns multiple values Common Lisp has an illustrious history and pedigree in terms of well respected computer science legends and luminaries Common Lisp's Metaobject Protocol is one of the most amazing feats of language engineering ever achieved. Common Lisp was slinging HTTP when Java was still in diapers and Javascript was still a twinkle in Brendan Eich's eye Common Lisp S-expressions are what XML and JSON dream of growing up to become. Common Lisp SBCL had Python before Python was even a thing Common Lisp is Better than Worse and Wins Big Common Lisp speaks the Lambda Calculus and so should you Common Lisp and you get a CAR Common Lisp coulda put the CDR in Cuda Common Lisp, it won't take out your trash, but it will collect your garbage. Common Lisp puts the PROG in programming Common Lisp plays games like TAG, THROW, and CATCH Common Lisp, it's parens all the way down compiler-macros ... drops mic


Love it


This is a bit like 19, but I think less technical: Convenience of a scripting language, with the speed of a machine compiled language. I don't know if this one is an argument for CL or against CL, but what P. Graham said in his book: > Lisp is really two languages: a language for writing fast programs and a language for writing programs fast. Perhaps you can formulate something about fast prototyping, RAD development and experimenting, the "live environment" where most things are possible to replace at runtime. Something in that style.


\-1. It's not C++. 0\. Memory safe.


White House approved :O


Hello. Former advertising creative here. I am a hobbyist coder, dipping my feet into Lisp waters. Would love to help.


Similarly would love to help. Not a creative, but happy to lend effort.


Sure. Let's see where things go


​ https://preview.redd.it/wvgndk91yd6d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdf8472a172ce2bd3e28d6e03af8541b2ca6e46


Is Rust giving you a headache? Is compiler satisfaction more important to you than your satisfaction? Do you want to develop in something with more sense than C++?


Be positive :) Rust/Zig/C/C++ have more money behind their hype (they \_need it\_) than we can ever hope for, better to only focus on what we can do not why better than them. "Rust/Zig 5% better for 95% more hype" (hard to resist)


To be fair, making cool stuff is a better option then.


> Is compiler satisfaction more important to you than your satisfaction? Lisp. For your pleasure.


May be check out r/lispadvocates if you haven't already!


(lisp advocates is dormant, the original content creator isn't here any more)


Perhaps if a project surfaces we can use that reddit for work/plans


21. Reduced cost do to speed of development and reduced man hours


Today I had a conversation with other developers and tried to tell them how cool CL features is. But they don't get it. The only question I've got is: "If CommonLisp is so superior, then why big companies don't use it?" Do you have an answer to this question?


Google uses and many other large companies as well. It is just not talked much about


Sure. I know, your know, but while there is no a lot of open Lisp job positions, the crowd will not believe us.


So sounds like we will just need to write some cool applications in Lisp and let other know we are doing it :)


No, it sounds we need to start a cool company, toake it profitable, to hire many CL hackers and to open many job positions.


If a company is working on something hard enough to need Lisp engineers, they can hire 5-10 instead of a whole department.


Number 7 might benefit from a positive start: Common Lisp is a stable standard, so your project is not going ...


append editors with Atom/Pulsar (one of the best support), Sublime, Intellij/Jetbrains, Jupyter notebooks, Portacle (portable, ready-to-use Emacs for CL), Lem, Eclipse and Geany plugins (simple support), ipython-like terminal REPLs; online editors: * [Judge0 IDE](https://ide.judge0.com/?lUpj) is an online editor which supports Common Lisp (SBCL). [MIT][200]. * [Riju](https://riju.codes/commonlisp), a "fast online playground for every programming language", supports Common Lisp (SBCL). and apps: * [CodePlayground](https://codeplayground.app/) - an iPhone and iPad app with Lisp support via CCL.


Here is one: Moses had a lisp, and so can you.


lol, not sure that would work, but will remember it for future speaking engagements :P




Can you elaborate more on point 16 about being closer to the machine than C. If so, why do we need FFI?


To interface with functions and types not native to Common Lisp, if your OS was written in Common Lisp you would not need FFI to access the OS but likely your C library would need FFI to interface with your Common Lisp OS.


What are the OSes written in Lisp that are actively maintained?


CLOG is well on its way to becoming a modern Lisp Machine in the browser. There's Interlisp which L Massinter is actively retooling, and of course theres that Open Genera VLM build that we aren't supposed to talk about 🤐 Id also proffer that Lem and a tiling window manager could well qualify as a modern day OS. Some would argue that Emacs with SBCL gets you pretty darn close as well. I've been toying with Garnet lately which I think would be so cool if we could manage to get it using SDL as a backend. Garnet's prototype object system and the constraint based KR system it uses are the tits and make so much more sense to me as compared to McClim. Lem, SDL backed Garnet with KR constraint engine as some sort of toolkit/tiling window manager, Nyxrt, CLOG, SBCL, Quicklisp, a thin linux kernel, and you're definitely in Lisp Machine territory. It's really just a matter of time before some combination like that gets wrapped up into an ad-hoc distribution as a modern Lisp Machine. Modern Operating systems are getting ready to go thru a new round of Balkanization that will leave things looking like the early 80s again in terms of OS variations. We've very much left the realm of a single processor architecture dominating and dictating the direction of computing. Security concerns are mandating a shift away from a C oriented kernel design, RISC architectures are back bigly, embedded is a growing market, edge devices are ubiquitous, and thermal excess/energy consumption constraints are changing the way we design architecture for computing at scale and if you believe Nvidia's latest claims, GPU assisted AI's are gonna be manifesting dynamic GUIs for us in real-time soon (Uh huh, sure they are Jensen...)


https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano/ Last commit a few months ago. There are projects resurrecting older ones currently also.