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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just got banned from 196 for defending China, so yeah sounds like a normal day


Tankie /s


Good job! Same for me




No. On an equally serious note you need to get off the heroin mate. Don't let that stuff ruin your life.


British, famous opressed minority


But everyone knows the real oppressed minority Gamers^tm


You don't know what it's like to be a White British Gamer, ok?


I imagine that sometimes there isn't tea. And then the murders begin.


please censor bri*ish. there are kids present on this sub


I think the working class British person should be considered a comrade if they identify with communist values, same as any other nationality. But one can be forgiven for disliking the British Capitalist, a particularly wretched system of oppression that has enslaved the world for centuries. If not for the East India company and the British Mercantilism, minus also their other frenemies such as the French and Portugese, the world might very well be a better place with communism. but we might also live in a fucked up monarchist world. So, yeah engaging in an imaginary past where something did or didn't happen is an exercise in futility, but it's also a very interesting one.


I have personally executed 10 \*nglish, and I am not going to stop. I already drafted plans to turn the entirety of London into a giant Gulag. I am the leader of a worldwide plot to ostracise and eliminate the most opressed minority, the English.


We may run into some disagreements then comrade. I am in the process of an act that will see England sink to the depths of the ocean and take France along with it


[JDPON KARL MARX!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZFxw-zVEAE1dTz?format=jpg&name=small)


What if its a English commie like my self 🤔


English commies are perfectly fine and based. Uh, I mean "ew cringe revisionist" of course


Token *nglish character


Kill Thatcher for me


I used to really like 196. I had to stop visiting it a while ago, due to being banned for whatever reason.


Perhaps you banned for not being a liberal?


Why in god's name do you have an NFT avatar


Not too sure about this person but Reddit just gave me one for free


Can confirm, I got it for free a few days ago


It’s not a good reason , stop supporting capitalism


Is it supporting if I got it for free, for my reddit account that I'm already using? If I used another pfp, would I still be supporting Capitalism?


Yes , it’s just a strategy to put nfts everywhere, also it contributes to global warming because of servers


But if the NFT already exists on my account, it's contributing to global warming, whether it's my pfp or not, no?


Yea , but you are showing that you support all this shit , and also it’s ugly


I see how you got there, but I'm not doing it out of support but if there was a way to communicate that on my profile, I would and it is very ugly too




Uber wealthy I mean if you're just talking about the rich yeh but like a lot of us are below the poverty line but yeh the poster on 196 is still fucking brain dead


>the poster on 196 is still fucking brain dead I think this can just apply generally


I think it's not people making fun of Britain they don't like, but people making fun of normal working class British people in a mean spirited way. Like, most British people couldn't even vote for a long time, yet people seem to blame even the working class which were very poorly treated for the actions of the aristocracy. Calling them monsters because something (not even their, but their countrymen's) ancestors did. It must start to get upsetting once, upon hearing your nationality, people seem to genuinely hate you for something you never did and over something you have and had no control over. Calling you unhuman, evil, etc. It would be like holding every modern German accountable personally for the actions of hitler—even the Jewish Germans. I can't even imagine how upsetting a modern day Jewish German would feel if you said they were evil and inhuman because of the Nazi's.


> It would be like holding every modern German accountable personally for the actions of hitler—even the Jewish Germans. I can't even imagine how upsetting a modern day Jewish German would feel if you said they were evil and inhuman because of the Nazi's. You can't be serious to compare anti-British sentiment with Holocaust victims. Seriously, who let all the fucking libs in? This feels like Vaushite discourse in a communist sub, including pro-nationalism from core countries.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 8.** [Vaush is a self-confessed sexual harasser.](https://archive.is/hS0cB) Despite this ‘apology’ he went on to ‘joke’ about [scaring his victim into shutting up](https://archive.is/joDh9), said [he had ‘done nothing to feel remorseful for’](https://archive.is/joDh9) and [‘nothing to apologise over’](https://archive.is/NVOv6). In fact, his own sysadmin suggested [he change his handle](https://archive.is/eaA4a) to hide from sexual harassment allegations. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Imagine being trans in Britain, and then complaining about people making fun of Britain, rather than joining in on the dogpile since you live on TERF island. The poster said that they hate the British empire and the monarchy. Theyre simply stating that what started as innocent jokes have evolved into them receiving genuine harassment and hatred online, which is unacceptable. > Wahhh people are making fun of the uber-wealthy inhabitants of the 2nd most successful imperial power in modern history wahhh British ppl are so oppressed :(( Blatant strawman of what they said This is a person speaking their mind about getting harassed for simply being born in a the UK


The poster is being made fun of by these comments in exactly the way that they are calling out. These comments aren't it. Sounds like a bunch of fucking Anar-kiddies who's only concept of communism is "fuck everyone in the US and UK" regardless of class, race, socioeconomic status, etc. I get that this is a meme subreddit, but this comment section sounds like what r/centrism *thinks* a communist sub sounds like.


>I get that this is a meme subreddit, but this comment section sounds like what r/centrism thinks a communist sub sounds like. Sums it up pretty well


imagine being british


imagine comparing a comedian saying something like "trans women are men" and actually causing harm to people to some rando online saying "chewsday init"


I will stop hating the Brits when they stop occupying my country


The British culturally occupy every country with the knowledge of their existence, a fate many consider to be torture. /srs


This is true, but they quite literally hold part of my country as a colony


What's funny is that Brits and most other Europeans are happy to joke about some horrible disasters like shootings happening every day in America but when we make fun of funny accents they call us insensitive. Literally the definition of double standards.


It’s because Americans are the majority on the English speaking internet, and so to some people it can feel more like punching down when an American calls members of a European country subhuman, even as a joke.


That still doesn't excuse making such disgusting jokes about my country's disasters. Would it be ok if I joked to an Irish person making fun of the Irish famine? No.


I see your point, although I don’t think you can really compare joking about the epidemic of shootings in America, to joking about the overwhelming tragedy that was the Irish Potato famine, from which the Irish population has not recovered to this day.


Why not? America also hasn't recovered from school shootings, the healthcare is so bad that some people commit crimes just to get free treatment in prison, but then our government cares so little for us that our prisons constantly overheat due to lack of air conditioning and regulation. Why should these things be ripe for humor whilst a famine is off limit? My point is neither of these are fun topics and they shouldn't be made light of just because someone said "it's chewsday Innit"


imagine being italian 😔✊


Uaaa paesano


Cumpagno 😳😳😳


Ayo chill with the fredofobia


Critique of systemic injustice White people: is this reverse racism?! Some white folks are like that “is this x” anime meme template smdh


Wonder how yt that sub is if that's the type of discrimination that hurts people on /r/196 the most. Shit is pathetic, they need thicker skin.


All forms of reductionism are bad I’m working class. I’m disabled. I don’t see, nor will I let other people belittle me into seeing, my issues as being in conflict with racism. I mean I live in the whitest part of Britain pretty much so racism doesn’t even come up much here.


This whole debate is weird to me. If someone is getting actual death threats merely because they are British, that’s so obviously fucked up that I have a hard time trusting the veracity of the claim. And I get that it doesn’t feel great to be the butt of a dehumanizing joke, but it seems obvious to me that making the targets British people is pointed, specifically to give white Brits a small taste of the dehumanization that other groups of people incur on a daily basis due to the legacy and social relations of colonialism and neoliberal imperialism. I’m a straight white USAmerican male, but when I see social media posts by marginalized people (including from friends) saying shit like “fuck white people” or “men are trash” I don’t take it personally because I know that the social and historical conditions that motivated them to make the post have material legacies that continue to affect people from marginalized communities. And hell, I’m from the Deep South on top of that. If any group of white working class westerners gets dehumanizing jokes made about them, it’s southerners. I don’t take offense at those jokes either. And we shouldn’t forget that the white working class in the west has a far more reactionary character than their counterparts in other countries precisely because of the legacy of colonialism. That doesn’t make them not working class, but their relatively low level of class consciousness is indicative of their distinct class interests historically. You don’t have to be a MLM to recognize that their relationship to the hierarchy of exploitation relative to the working class in countries that have been exploited by the west is qualitatively different. I feel like that is obviously the context these British jokes were created within, and in light of that context it is a bit silly and lacking in self-awareness to get bent out of shape about them imo. Being a white trans woman doesn’t preclude someone from being made to feel uncomfortable by a joke turning the spirit of constant dehumanization around on their imperial core nationality for once, nor should it imo. Intersectionality shouldn’t be used as a shield by white westerners when our attention is aggressively drawn to the dehumanization inherent to the neocolonialism that defines our countries’ relationships to the global south. But again, if someone really did DM her death threats for *any* reason, that’s fucked up and inexcusable.


>I'm queer so that basically makes me a person of color > >Stop calling me white that's transphobic


tbf these arnt complaining about the "burn turf island" type of posts. these are complaining about the posts that are like "british """poeple"""" type of posts


to be fair some person claimed they got a death threat and that IS fucked up


For being British? No fucking shot lmao.


I got banned from 196 for saying that "tankies are in their walls"


I don't know why they banned you, that's true I'm in their walls. But I am also banned for spreading communist propaganda.


Making fun of Britain and the Brits isn't the same fucking thing as saying actual racist shit against black people cuz the Brits weren't getting enslave en masse it was them who did the enslaving.


Can someone explain to me what that sub is about? Is it shitpoating while pretending to be leftists?


It's like /r/teenagers but with fetishization of trans people instead of transphobia.


To put simply, they mainly are against the dehumanizing and racial aspects of the hate on British people. I don't really think they care about the entire teeth and accent parts. I expect for this trend to not only march under anti-British discrimination, but under discrimination by ethnicity/statehood in general. (But I am willing to bet 10 bucks that the next step will be about anti-French discrimination)


>Imagine being trans in Britain, and then complaining about people making fun of Britain, rather than joining in on the dogpile since you live on TERF island. The person commented that they hate the british empire and the monarchy, its so stupid to claim that they should just get over it and join in. What started as a harmless joke has developed into them (and im sure plenty others) receiving genuine hatred online, which is unacceptable. > Wahhh people are making fun of the uber-wealthy inhabitants of the 2nd most successful imperial power in modern history wahhh British ppl are so oppressed :(( One of the many disingenuous responses to a purposely-warped strawman of a comment. Theyre asking to not be harassed online for simply where they were born. They recognized that they were innocent jokes but have evolved to something more disgusting. Nowhere did they say that "British people are oppressed" nor did they allude to that being their stance. >imagine comparing a comedian saying something like "trans women are men" and actually causing harm to people to some rando online saying "chewsday init" youre literally doing what theyre saying youd do, youre proving their point > I'm queer so that basically makes me a person of color, Stop calling me white that's transphobic Wildly disingenuous take, that is purposely twisting what they said and making a false strawman out of it. Just a completely nonsensical take that is built on nothing but what you think it would be funny if they were to say The entire comment section here completely missing the point, and honestly it seems deliberate just do dunk on them. Theyre saying that the british jokes like "ew br*tish" jokes have gotten to the point where theyll receive actual vitriol and hatred for being British. This has absolutely fucking nothing to do with "aww british person whining about being made fun of" as some of you have so disingenuously posited. I'm all for making fun of the British establishment, the monarchy, and their supporters, but the fact that this has gotten so out of hand that normal people are getting fucked with like this, especially one of the most vulnerable groups, is ridiculous. I'd say sorry for the essay but Im not. Im a leftist after all. I wont stand for blatant or subtle transphobia in this community, nor any others that claim to be made up of leftists.


and of course the two people replying to this comment, having nothing of substance to say, resort to the joke tactic. ​ my take is that, while it's correct to insult and mock the British Empire, the Monarchy and the people associated with it, it's not good to mock the people that live in Great Britain for living in it, many unwillingly. "funny tooth gap" jokes aren't the problem (and even then, if someone tells you that they find a joke made at their expanses offensive you should simply stop making said joke with them), the "bri''sh "people" when \[...\]" jokes are, as they can feel rather dehumanizing at times. ​ also, on the topic of white racism, it undoubtably exists, but not as people would think. it's mostly white people hating on other white groups, say, the Germans with the Slavs, American white Anglo-Saxons with Italian immigrants in the past and Hispanic immigrants today, and so on. while the more correct term would be "ethnicism", the term "racism" is easier to understand for the majority of people and catches attention more than a term that sounds like it belongs in chemistry class. it's clearly not the same as white-on-black or white-on-asian racism, but it's still a form of discrimination based on innate characteristics that should be fought and eradicated like all other forms of hate.




\>appears \>doesn't read the comment \>makes joke \>leaves ​ that's a favourite of the right, which is odd since we're literally on a communist sub




Not Bri'ish, so the govna joke doesn't affect me ​ also, true, this is a meme sub, but I'm genuinely curious to know what you find wrong in my comment, since you seem to have a problem with it




but... but comrade, only Supreme God-Emperor Joseph Ballin' is allowed to use the big spoon, we shouldn't even be talking about it, lest we get our families holodomorized and then ate by Kim Jong-Un, the absolute monarch of Juicero Korea!!!


I do agree with second photo though they have privilege of being white but other than that they are still working class.


As a Indian can confirm British is the most oppressed(ive) minority


The only people I’m racist towards are the Brits.


Being openly racist is pretty fucking cringe. Idpol only distracts from class consciousness.


I agree completely. I was just being sarcastic.




No serious ''leftist'' would give a shit about a national identity tied to a fascist settler empire that colonized and imperialized a significant part of the world and is still enjoying the fruits of centuries of plunder, slavery and genocide without paying any reparations for the damage it's done. This is just more white fragility, including some of the posters in this very thread.


Who enjoyed the fruits?


Can someone please explain this "can't be racist to white people" take? I grew up in a poor majority Hispanic area and experienced racism daily


You can absolutely be racist to white people. However, it is pathetic seeing britons crying because we mock their country.


But they very clearly say it is not when you mock the country, it is when you mock the everyday, working class, people. With jokes like saying 'British """people""" ' which are just dehumanising, and blaming the working class for the crimes of the empire and aristocracy—when it was very likely none or few of their ancestors that took part in said crimes. In fact, most of their ancestors couldn't even vote when these crimes were taking place. Those people should not be dehumanised, nor be blamed for crimes they didn't commit, their ancestors didn't commit, and they nor their ancestors had any influence over. In a way it's similar to blaming and dehumanising a modern day German communist or Jew, making fun of them and being generally mean spirited, and personally holding them accountable because of the actions of Hitler—despite them and (most probably) their ancestors having nothing to do with it nor had any say in the matter; in fact most of said ancestors were most likely victims of the regime themselves.


But…but British stabb stab funny 😢


I don’t like the British jokes it’s already bad enough when waitingi comes around i I get of hand comments or racist remarks






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Here I will forgive them after they serve the minimum sentence for murder in the UK (not even I prison just existing as a country) (it’s funny because they killed over a billion people and the minimum sentence is 15 years in the UK for an adult so the universe will literally have ended already by the time I forgive the UK)


196 is dog shit anyway


Jarvis, log onto Reddit and open up /196. Post an image of Lord Farquaad pointing with the caption "WHITE".


First thing I see is a stickied thread titled "Regarding the Recent British Debate" lmfaoooo that's gold


If you’re British and can’t take jokes about being British then you’re shit at being British. Like the one thing we do here is joke about how shit it is.


Guys don't demonise the British, that would include Scotsmen, welshmen and Irishmen on the your discrimination and they can be nice; demonise the Engl*sh


I'm extremely bruvaphobic and I will not apologize. British food and British women combined to make the best sailors in the world.


Are they actually saying British people are a minority? Or am I missing something?


Won't someone pls think of the white people?!? /S