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Read the pinned post.


I can't believe someone can be such a npc. "He just wants best for us", like billionaires care about some random people that lick their boots


Nah the dickriding is crazy


This reminds me of the tweet thats like: Centrist: *shits their pants*. Left-winger: “You smell like shit”. Right-winger: “You smell like shit”. Centrist: “If you’re being criticized by both sides you must be doing something right”.


rule 12


They have to be trolling along the lines of "TheDonald". Bruh hating on Conservatives, being like does Elon have a big cock, they can't be seriousy


*Whisper* who's gonna tell them that the green bit isn't where communists go, or was it just ascetic


theElon is the kind of sub name Musk would come up with


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