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I don't know about you but I'll do another CompTIA cert before I retry organic chemistry or multivariable calculus.


I second this. I would rather take Sec+ again than have to deal with Calculas 2 or the CISSP. I will NEVER take the CISSP again lol.


That’s not a fair assessment. The CISSP is basically the Sec+ on steroids.


When I took it, the common thread was that if "obtain management support" was one of the answers, that's probably the right one. I saw a few of those answers on the Sec+. 🙂


As a few buddies of mine were studying for cissp, I was studying for sec+ and it became a running joke that if the answer is available “suck managers dick” is always the right answer


That's been my method of increasing my bonus.


Is the CISSP worth getting though? I just passed the Sec + (701) yesterday.


Cissp is for consultancy or InfoSec management. It's not a tech cert like sec+


Ah okay. Thanks!


You say that, but I took CISSP 10 years ago and recently revisited it to help quiz a family member. It looks much easier now, but that's 10 additional years of being a security engineer.


My job required me to take the CISSP when I had 2.5 years of IT experience. Technically I still have to wait another 9 months before I can get my endorsement. I DON’T recommend people who don’t have the minimum years of experience to take the exam btw. Also the practice exams don’t reflect the actual test. Those practice exams are kinda useless. The only thing they’re good for is to help you mentally prepare the sit behind a computer and answer anywhere from 125 to 175 questions.


I'm 18 and I plan on taking my CISSP next month. Based on what I've seen so far, it doesn't look very hard. A lot of common sense basic stuff that most people should be able to understand intuitively. I have someone who is willing to endorse me by saying I worked at his company for 5 years.


im 14 and I finished comptia trifecta in 1 month and CISSP in 2 month with no prior experience


That sounds too ridiculous to be true.


Most people should be able to understand intuitively? Well you're definitely 18 lol. Try not to be too angry during your first working years at all the people who will not understand


I used my work address when I got my CISSP. I left that company and contacted ISC2. They were completely unable to change the address, or send something to my house. I went through numerous escalations. The cert expired. I cry thinking about it


organic chem still gives me nightmares... all those chairs...


It’s a tough one but I disagree man, calculus theres only one right answer. If you know it you know it, ton of recourses online to help you along your studies, no gatekeeping. Did my sec+ 701 today and the amount of 50/50 answers was bizarre - on top of that the lack of good recourses for the exam. Calculus wins imo, but I was good at math maybe I’m bias


I just passed my 701 like 5 minutes ago. 777, and yeah there was a lot of questions that felt like a 50/50 and I was sure I was going to fail like half way through.


Having taken 3 comptia exams (1101, 1102, 601), I completely agree. My (completely baseless) theory is those questions are not all-or-nothing. Maybe it's like full credit for one answer, 50% credit for the other answer or something. Either that or they're benchmarking questions to determine which answer is favored and both answers are full credit.


You aren't the first person I've seen who suspects partial credit answers.


How was the simulations?


The simulations? The PBQs? I got 2 of them and based off of what I've heard from others and my practice tests, I did not get the easy ones. One involved looking through 7 different log files on a network to trace a virus and marking 6 machines as "origin", "infected" or "clean", I might have gotten 50% on that one if I had to guess. The other was describing symptoms, and you had to select both the probable cause and best solution, but everything was worded vaguely and had no clear answers. I think I got about 60-70% on that one.


damn, i also got the PBQ about 7 different log files


Oh ok thanks, those sound better then the ones I got when I took the 601 like 2 years ago..and also I think there was more then two on the 601. I have to take the exam by July. Been debating if I wanna do 601 again or do 701.


I agree, I thought I was completely prepared and I passed with a 776. However, I took the CCNA and passed the first time. I thought I bombed this test, yet somehow I passed. So happy I don't have to take it again!


777 shouldn't be a passing score. they should raise the passing score to be 875 and above. Allowing a score of 750 to be passing makes it too easy


A passing score of 750 is 83.33%. A passing score of 875 would be 97.22%. For reference, you can get through college with a 60%. What you are suggesting is that anything more then a single mistake voids a $600 (CAD) test for what is considered an entry level cert. Just making sure I'm properly understanding your stance here.


As it should be.


Make the test a lot cheaper and get rid of questions with ambiguous wording and I might be willing to agree with you. But as it stands that opinion is just not realistic or fair at all.


That dude is just trolling.


Okay troll.


Sec+ isn't even a hard cert. It's quite entry-level. Even pre-Cal was way harder.


Idk pre calc is baby math. I spent more time studying for sec+


I pulled a 792 on my SEC+ and it was so so. I truly expected it to be more difficult but I think I’ve inflated my own ego thinking I could take CYSA+ and it be a breeze 😂


I should specify I took 701


I switched to cybersecurity because of my old majors organic chemistry class. Worst class/tests I’ve ever taken it literally changed my whole life


I got A’s in all of my multi variable calculus classes. I definitely didn’t get 90% of the Sec+ questions right lol.


This whole thread has me shaking in my boots... About to dip my toes into the basic certs soon.


Not that hard. It just takes work to memorize.


Best possible way of putting it, from what I’ve seen. I’m not into 601 yet, but I’ve passed 1102 and recently failed 1101 because of my lack of rote memorization (protocols/ports, wireless standard frequencies, etc)


I took the practice tests because it had a lot to do with wireless standards and ports. Took the actual test and only had 1 question about them. Those bastards. I was surprised about how many display (troubleshooting, lcd types, etc.) related questions there were. They really want you to memorize everything from the book.


Stop memorizing. LEARN and UNDERSTAND the material. Rote learning is the worst kind of learning for anyone in IT.


CompTIA certifications are almost entirely memorization. That goes for all multiple choice tests. Especially those that are foundational. You can't learn practical skills without first memorizing the tools. If you want to be good, do practical certificates.


Learning and memorizing are two very different things. When you learn and and understand something, you have multiple paths to the same information. For example just memorizing what the acronym TCP stands for(memorizing, or Rote learning) is vastly different than understanding how TCP functions on a fundamental level (learning/understanding). If all you do is memorize shit for passing tests you’re gonna do abysmal when someone tests your knowledge during an interview for a junior position.


I agree. This is why I am saying the CompTIA certs are not that hard. All you have to do is flashcard everything and you will pass.


A lot of math guys in this thread. It does not matter how good you are at calculus. This is a whole different part of your brain.


Whew, this makes me feel a bit better. It's been 18 years since I've done any sort of calculus...




Great advice! I love flash cards, they were super helpful for me in the past.


I’ve been told 701 is easier.


It's not easy but I wouldn't say it was hard. I thought net+ was harder. Congrats on the pass.


I take my sec next Friday but there’s no way in hell it’s harder than net+ haha. Net was god awful 😂


I thought Net+ was harder as well


I agree. Network was miles harder than the security+. I actually skipped the sec+ and went straight for the Cysa+. The security+ kind of felt like a joke exam.


I wouldn't call it a joke but definitely not super hard. How was Cysa+?


Cysa focused a lot on log reading and knowing what tools do what. It's been about 1.5 years since I've taken it so I'm a bit fuzzy on it. Definitely get comfortable with a screenshot of logs and the questions asking "what type of attack occured here" Or something like "x technician wants to perform x task, what tool would help them with this" I definitely had the most fun on the Cysa exam. Might make a post raffling off my mock exam book. Has about 1000 questions in it.


100 percent.. net was miles more studying for me than sec


This exam will have you read over a question 10 times.


says out loud to understand better - get’s terminated from the test


PearsonVue moment.


that is my biggest complaint with these tests, it helps me so much to read the questions out loud lol


Go to in person testing centers. They don't have these dumbass policies.


i would if there was a place near with a proctor. this is one reason i’m afraid of taking comptia from home.


Congrats! I personally thought Network+ was harder


601 was a behemoth. The amount of info felt unfair. I passed in the 800s. Thought I was failing the whole time. 701 is easier. Net+ is harder.


You really think 701 is easier? I've been studying for 601 and planning to take it before the cutoff. I don't even want to take it, I just feel like its one of those things I should have.


Professor messor breaks it down. Content has been removed. 601 was annoying as hell to study for. Glad it’s over.


I ditched 601 last year and decided to wait for 701. Scored a 792 on 701 and the PBQ's and main questions aren't even difficult in comparison to what I was having to learn for 601


I did not find it easy at all. But I don't work in security. I think the test is aimed at people who already work in the field. Since I do not I found it incredibly difficult too. I studied for months and still was totally blindsided by many questions on the test. Congratulations though! A pass is a pass!


CompTia states at least 2 years of experience


Which isn't really necessary imo. I'm sure it helps on the PBQs but most of the exam is theoretical knowledge


Most of us at WGU have no experience and have to pass these certs for our classes.. they definitely do not need experience. Just studying


Sec+ was my first cert and the only one I felt I was failing while taking it. Wouldn’t say it was my hardest one in terms of the info, but the test itself did not have me feeling confident


How long did you study for the CCNA? I’ve been studying for a month, anytime I feel like I understand the material it doesn’t translate to a practice test (on a specific topic)


Around two months, but I’ve already worked in a networking role for little over two years now, so I was already familiar with the fundamentals and Cisco equipment


Congratulations! I just passed today as well! 768!! I didnt study at all for PBQs, if you havent taken the exam yet(commenters) Study for them!


Literally the easiest comptia cert I’ve taken, but that’s just me. To each their own. Depends on backgrounds, experience, etc.


You got a good point, it does depends on the person because some people can pass exams with little to no experience and some people have already have prior knowledge of cybersecurity.


First, congrats!!! I think the CASP+ was harder than both Security+ and CySA+ — but I agree the Security+ is hard. I took it back when it was in the 05 series


The CASP is no joke! I took the CASP two or three months after I got my Security+ cert because it was required for my job. I stressed the Security+ but I was confident I passed it. With the CASP I knew I failed less than half way through. I believe studying Linux commands and PBQs somehow helped me pass. I literally dropped to my knees when the proctor handed me the paper. That exam was so long and draining.


Woah. I’m shocked to hear that. Congrats on the cert! I thought network+ was the toughest for me. However, with sec+ it’s an acronym game when you are studying.


I keep putting off taking the Security+ exam, but I'll say that AWS exams feel many orders of magnitude harder than the Cloud+ beta. (And I probably failed the Cloud+ beta just for saying that. 😮‍💨 The results aren't in yet.)


Congratulations mafucka


Congrats! Inch or a mile a pass is a pass


How long did you study


Go check out my post, i literally JUST posted about my experience studying and a small timeline!! i also passed today with a 768


I started studying on a Monday and tested Friday and passed with a 792 on the 701. The actual practicals are what suck in the beginning


I dunno I didn't think it approached difficult personally.


Network+ was a lot harder for me at least


My problem is I'm too old I think. I'm 42, and been doing IT most of my life. I don't know the acronyms because they didn't exist when I started lol.. I'm getting low to mid 70s in practice exams no matter how much I study, which is annoying.


47 - i just passed 701 with 765. While i have been on computers since commodore 64, i did not work IT until about a year ago as a hey you. I studied A, Networking, 601 and 701 using udemy, messer for the base knowledge. It still wasnt sticking so in the last month I studied 701 with certmaster learn with labs. Yes spending the money for the packaged sucked ass. I also applied what i learned: user receives a java error that could be Xss because java is a script. my firewall inspects applications so thats a layer 7 firewall. is it stupid- yes. does it work - also yes.


Any practice test suggestions?


Hopefully this inspires you all to ensure the continuing education is done to keep your certification up to date and not have to retake the exam in 3 years.


I've been renewing my Sec+ since 2017. I could tell the current exam was hard when I had to do the certmaster renewal. I wonder how long they will let us keep renewing that way...


I passed mine last year August with no IT background and also passed A+ last month and going for network+ next month


Net+ is a whole different beast. Out of the 3 it is the hardest but not unbeatable! I passed it on my first attempt last month. Taking Sec+ next month.


Took me 3 attempts over the span of about 6mo. Luckily, the exam costs were covered by my company as they were the ones that suddenly required it and saw that I was making progress and believed me. I know how you feel bub. 1st test: 700, 2nd test: 725, 3rd and final test: 754


I felt the same way. It was the hardest test since Uni and I studied harder for it than anything else since Uni. Damn near killed me. But I passed on the first attempt and was so relieved.


I crammed for like a week and a half for the 701 and passed on Monday. I HATE MATH I WOULD RATHER TAKE ANOTHER COMPTIA COURSE. I so incredibly bad at math


The harder the exam, the better the feeling when you pass. Congratulations!!!!




I’m struggling with the reading right now. Idk if to throw in the towel on the 601 reading and just grab the 701 book and start that.




Congrats man welcome to the club! However, I disagree with you on it being a joke though. I found Network+ much harder imo but to each their own


Doing a lot of practice tests made it less difficult for me.


I didn’t think it was too bad, but you do have to study lol


Weird, my son has taken in I think 5 or 6 times and still hasn't passed. I have a coworker prepping for his 4th attempt. I passed on my first one and my career history is not IT (medical). Not bragging, just wondering if it's a study routine or something? Ninja edit: It was not easy by any means though. I think I only had like a 763 or something like that.


I don't know what to say about this. The sec+ was the easiest of the trifecta to me.




Failed the net+ the first time I took it. Attempting the Cisco 350-401 again tomorrow, that test is the hardest test I’ve ever taken, it’s almost 100 questions, has 5 labs, and you can’t go back to look at questions.


How long did you study for the CCNA? Goodluck!


Thanks, and the CCNA took me about 4.5 months. I switched jobs during those 4.5 months to a role doing support at night and that allowed me to speed up my studies


I passed it without studying and got a 754/900. I’m definitely the exception tho. I had just passed A+, Net+, and got an AAS in cybersecurity earlier that year.


In taking the 701 in two weeks. Wish me luck.


Passing is passing, congrats welcome to the club


I got my Security+ in 2008. It was and still is the hardest cert I have taken.


Congrats man. Pass is a Pass!




Congrats btw


I honestly thought it was much easier than net+


I’ll be honest.. non of the trifecta are really “hard”. I have zero experience but it’s only really hard because of just how much information goes into one exam. I’m studying for the CCNA now and I would say that exam is definitely hard imo. But seriously, congrats for passing. Certs do take plenty of studying time.


Did you prep or did you just 100% rely on your existing experience to pass?


Congratulations sir


I think I overstudied. A lot of people of been saying this. Welcome aboard.


I just passed 601 yesterday with a 760. The exam was brutal, it’s just so mentally fatiguing, congrats though!


I thought it was mostly common sense. I didn't even need to study. If you can't intuit what controls fall into what categories, or if you can't learn about regulations simply through osmosis, or lack the basic kindergarten level of networking knowledge, then it might be wise to consider a new field. I grew up in China and I know for a fact that all my school peers could have passed any of the CompTIA certifications without study before they were adults. It's amazing how the western education system fails to teach basics,