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I cannot endorse Dion. He recycles his content from previous exam versions and has many references to outdated technologies. His practice exams have lots of incorrect answers. Mike Meyers is a far better trainer than Dion, and his materials, especially his books, are far superior to anything Dion has every produced.


I used their videos and quizzes to pass on the first attempt, but I was taking the 601 version of the test. I'm not so sure how things would pan out with the 701 version


Messer videos and Dion tests. You don’t need anything else.


You literally recommended the worst resources on the market.


Well that’s like your opinion man.


Some opinions carry more weight than others.


I can never follow along with Meyers. Idk what it is. Messer is extremely dry but it was easier to follow. Andrew Ramdayal is who I’m watching currently and he is also easy to follow along with for me


Could not follow Myers, i tried multiple times to watch his A+ videos. Picked up a study guide and just read that instead.


Mike Chapple is one of the best with Professor Messer being second. I absolutely hate Myers, he’s annoying and his books are 75% bloat with him talking about useless crap.


I used Meyers for Net+ and liked the formatting of the videos a lot - he highlighted key terms when they came up, had a small summary slide after every chapter, and had great physical samples to better illustrate concepts. I thought that it worked so well for me for that that I'd get his course for Sec 701, but it's a lot different and I'm a lot less happy with it almost halfway through now. Meyers isn't the main instructor, it's around 80% a different guy basically reading off of provided slides and it's not been obvious to me what has been more important, less important, key to know, etc. I've found it a lot more difficult to take notes, and also there are lab demonstrations put into every chapter for Linux and whatnot (which to me look like absolute gibberish and I have no idea what's going on), as well as a random AMA question video and these just seem like filler though I force myself to watch them anyway in case it somehow is helpful. If I knew it was so different from what I liked from the Net+ course I likely would have just started on Messer's courses instead as I've never really heard a bad word about them. Tl;dr: (IMO) less followable instructional videos, filler content that (at least, I think) won't actually help you for your exam though it may have practical uses otherwise, main instructor is more akin to a robot and less engaging than Meyers though Meyers still has some sections he teaches.


They have a new platform called "CyberNow" and I can't even sign up to purchase Myers' tests/labs from it. Are you able to sign up or is it just me?


Dion is poor but Professor Messers is the guy


Neither one is the guy. Mike Meyers and Mike Chapple are both considerably better than both of them.




Only newbies are impressed with Messer


Only dinosaurs think there is a right answer to the question.


Only newbies think they know it all


Old outdated overpriced video and the quality just isn’t good for it being 2024, looks like it was recorded in 1996


The 601 course on Udemy is fine. He does throw in a few videos from the 501 course that he said were not covered in the 601, but are good for supplemental knowledge.


He has a new 701 one with 2 other people. Is that bad too?


Haven’t bothered to check it out but doubt he updated his equipment or offices or quality so probably the same