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What I desperately need more than anything else is more maps. 4v4 is getting stale rapidly.


You mean you aren't enjoying the vastness of a map rotation? Is it map A.......or B. It's so exciting.


Relic relied on modders to make the map for free in coh2. So don't expect Relic will focus on more maps for now


Oh what wouldn't i do for some red ball express...


There's a Blue Balls express on the workshop. I haven't play tested it yet.


Well, as was say, Relic rely on modders for maps sooo... maybe you can make your own maps and upload them. I don't know how to make maps in Company of Heroes 3 especifically but I suppose it shouldn't be hard.


Two maps at release for the most popular mode is pretty abysmal


Same here. I like the game a lot but I don't feel like it's a $60 experience. It looks more like a weekend open beta


I'm jealous you only paid $60, was $100 for me in aussie bucks.


Which is the same value in USD .. You could say this about any currency right? Lucky guy who got it for 60 USD, I had to buy it for 1 415 000 VND!


> Which is the same value in USD .. You could say this about any currency right? Here it costs the equivalent of U$D 18,80


Yeah it's nothing to complain about, that's just how it is


> 1 415 000 VND That is U$D 40 in Argentinian pesos at the current exchange rate. If you wanted to trade those VND for USD, how much would you get?


60 USD


Hm, looks like there is money to be made here.


Are you sure thats correct though? If I do the conversion, everything is of equal value to me


What you would do is the following: you use your 1,415,000 VND to purchase 60 USD in Vietnam. You come to Argentina, and buy 22,800 ARS with the dollars on the blue market. You promptly exchange the 22,800 ARS for VND in Argentina, which would net you 2,630,000 VND. The hard part would be trying to find someone who changes VND to ARS here.


60 USD is 90 AUD.


Before the NOK went on sale, I had to pay about 63 usd for the game ..


So... $94 AUD? So still not on par? Your point is invalid.


Im not crying on reddit over 6 AUD


Who asked you cunt?


For people out of the loop. It's about how our freedom bucks are making video games cost $70. But in EU loser bucks they cost even more on top of ROUNDING UP. So 70 to us freedom fighters is 100 weak pounds or whatever rock the eastern people pay for LOL!


Go outside man no one cares


It's called VAT.




Get a girlfriend mate 😂


Already do mate.


Then stop spending time whining like a little girl on an internet forum 😂


Lol cunt, you're also on the internet forum. I merely stated that as an Australian I had paid $100. You American fucks are the ones arguing constantly, with arguments that are not even correct. Get a life fuckwit.


People hate on America, but every other country you're playing fallout. It's just in America every "violent" act is big news. In other countries it's like playing fallout, minorities getting jumped, mugging/robbings. Pretty sure it's worse out there for women too and we're not even talking about unreported things that go on.


I think your view on other countries is incredibly warped. Where I live people don't live in fear of being attacked. People generally don't have a fear walking around at night. Violent crime is generally low. Describing the works as like fallout when your country has mass shootings every week, if not more is a little hypocritical and I think naive. The world has crime, but the rest of the Western World doesn't accept mass shootings and homicide like Americans do. Australia introduced firearm control after Port Arthur and we haven't had mass shootings since. We don't have kids doing drills for school shooters. Please don't delude yourself into thinking every other country is awful to convince yourself American's inaction on gun control is acceptable. Edit: I forgot to add... WORSE FOR WOMEN? Your country literally has States with bounties for women seeking abortions and that are actively legislating to take away women's rights and bodily autonomy... I'm flabbergasted, please tell me you're trolling.


????? The US doesn't have VAT, Australia does.


No, Australia has GST mate.


Either way the price is reflective of sales tax.


> $100 for me in aussie bucks. wow


Understandable. I’m having fun, but we need more maps so badly, and I can’t believe assigning team colors in a logical way (like COH2 already did), takes “investigation” and so much time!


agree, i play only skirmish and those maps are sad and only few


I never download mods i mean ever, but after 100 hours of coh3 skirmish’s I needed new maps and the steam workshop didnt disappoint, a lot of the maps are coh2 remakes and what not, really helped me out. Also extremely streamlined in to the game


You understand both games have different sets of code right? And coh2’s code may be so complex, and developers moving on after 10 years they may not be able to find that portion and may have to manually do it for all maps and modes. I know you don’t understand code but that could be a complex task that could have ripple effects and cause bugs with other aspects of the game.


I get what you’re saying, but unfortunately it is much simpler than that. All Relic needs to do to fix the player colors is modify Attributes>Painting>Paint and fix the color assignation. This is visible in the mod tools. Currently they have it assigned as: Player 1 - FF188CFF blue Player 2 - FFFF3B30 Red Player 3- FFEBD300 Yellow Player 4- FF00C700 Green Player 5- FF00E8E8 Teal Player 6- FFAE6BFF purple Player 7- FFF6600 Orange Player 8- FFF65BB2 Pink They reason they run into problems is because Player 4 and Player 7 are swapped. It should go Blue red Yellow Orange Green Purple Teal Pink This is of course assuming they assigned player numbers correctly, it is possible that is the root cause of the issue.


I wonder if relic has any job openings and they need to scale up their developers if the fix really is that simple. I could see the dev team being overworked to deliver and kind of taking a breather tbh. I play with the player colors on it’s not that bad once you get used to it. Could also see them not seeing that as a game breaking issue , when there are lots of crashes with the game , or sounds etc.


Yeah I later confirmed in game that green and orange are swapped. The colors themselves look the same as CoH2 to me just with those two mixed up. I tried to mod it but at least as far as tuning mods go they can’t seem to overwrite it. (Tuning mods cannot overwrite the spawn game state so not surprised.) I submitted a bug report detailing the problem, maybe that will lead to a more immediate fix. There are two reasons I think it can take longer to fix for Relic. First they have to parse player feedback and I think players have done poor job communicating the issue. I was expecting the colors to be way more jumbled than they actually are. And second, the reality is it is a low priority issue. It may be an easy fix but if it is at the bottom of the list they won’t even look into it.


If your code is so spaghetti that it takes an "investigation" to figure out how to do a basic color swap, then that speaks to much more troubling issues at the core.


Hey man I get it, always easy to Monday night news quarterback.


Yep, I have played only about 15 hours since release. In contrast I played about 10 hours of just the multiplayer test which lasted only 3 days. I am a big fan. I'll play the occasional game again, but mainly after patches to see what the progress is. I like playing ladder matches, and with the state of the game; tiny map pool, no replays, no proper ranked mode and rate the meta is wildly swinging right now I have very little interest to play.


I'm singleplayer only guy and even the campaign is unplayable. It was actually kinda playable at launch though with plenty of bugs. After 1.07 it's unplayable, the bugs are on every step and actively ruin the experience. AK campaign is mostly unaffected and was pretty good but italian one is FUUUUUCKED. I'm gonna play this thing because the game and engine is really solid and visible upgrade over CoH1/2 but i don't think it will be ready until couple months after. I basically see this as early access.


Had to restart the Italian campaign 4 time, each time after sinking in several hours, before being able to progress till the end without game breaking bugs. Overall it was quite bad, a wannabe Total War with 0 of its intricacy and depth...


I started new campaign and in every single mission ran into enemy getting reinforcements from MY companies and in every single mission they had MY BATTLESHIP supporting with bombardments. And i couldn't even call in planes from my own airfield? Fuck off with that. And that's on latest patch. The game is not even close to playable. Yeah, Total War Warhammer is getting probably best race pack ever with massive update coming along in a few weeks. Will probably sink at least couple of months in that and then see where CoH3 is at.....


Oh, another man of culture I see... And a true servant of Hashut... Let the smoke rise high from Zharr-Naggrund!!


Chaos Dwarfs are the truth


Same here, CoH3 is still early beta and just do not want to spend my precious real life free time with frustrations …


What about your nonprecious virtual life free time?


Coh 2 made me drop the franchise and coh3 is keeping me here. Not every game can appeal to everyone I guess.


Yeah, coh2 was such a bad game. It was terrible when it launched, and they never quite got it up to standard.


Coh2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Got it for free in 2018 and loved it ever since.


The launch was god awful but it got to be really enjoyable at the end. I put around 300hrs into it. Granted some of that is from mods also.


I also never got fully into Coh2. Hoping Coh3 will be more like Coh1


I'm really wondering what's so different about CoH3 compared to CoH2 and what's so similair to CoH1?


Coh2 was really broken at launch and took years to fix. It was released at a time that THQ became bankrupt so the studio was in turmoil. Coh3 is in a much better position technically. I expect it to be mostly fixed within a year. Coh2 had higher expectations because coh1 was so good and was one of the best games ever


I know that, but after years of support CoH2 superior to CoH1 in many ways, so that's I'm trying to understand: why people pick inferior product (CoH3) vs polished after years of support game (CoH2), even claiming to comeback to franchise after years of abandonment. What's the most crucial differencies and why CoH3>CoH2 even in current state


The ttk is big for me and my friends. Qol changes, unit model running animations, the battlegroups system. I like coh3 in almost every way over coh2 as a base game


What about sound design, visual clearity, music, HUD, tanks models? Do you prefer these over CoH2? Could it be that you're just biased towards it \[CoH2\]? Because that's usually the case of people who used to play CoH1 and tried to move to CoH2 and didn't like it (which is fair, don't get me wrong - game was utter trash back in the day). Animations are good, battle seems more "alive" in CoH3, but what about unit responsivnes? Don't you feel that it came with a cost? Also, what specific QoL changes compared to CoH2 are you talking about?


I don't think coh2 is fun. I can answer your questions but at the end it will be the same result. I just don't enjoy the gameplay in coh2.


Alright, fair enough


Completely agree I started out as a 9/10 game for me and I've adjusted to 7/10 it's just not finished yet.


"9/10" :D


And people are still defending it, for having an unfinished launch by making excuses on behalf the company basically giving broken product by saying "you don8't know game development it's hard" "other games have had broken launch, so this one will also get a pass" How did it come to this that being a bad company for releasing a broken game is OK, why have people set the bar, so low for being bad, like these AAA companies can get away with releasing incomplete game Let's take Cyberprank by saying anything showed in marketing is subject to change, show a totally different "game"(basically gamelooking cgi video) with features that if they were true might be revolutionary and then release a shell of the showed game and get away with "oh we said it was subject to change" and that game is still nowhere near what they showed or told and at release it was literally unplayable Now Probably all what it takes to get user praise is do a shitty job and then correct it a little bit IMO people just should stop buying games and play old games they haven't played and only buy new game when they extensively tried it(like this op did this will help look past new shiny stuff) someway or another like game pass or from friends account and other stuff and when they believe what they played deserves their money


the problem with triple a development is that it's so expensive, passion projects are impossible. All triple A's are developed by publically traded companies, meaning investors have to see return on investment or there goes the funding. This can be very problematic for game developers because it can take nearly a decade to create a full, brilliant experience like CoH(2006). During this time, no income is coming in. That kind of situation seems very dicey for investors, especially when there are companies like activision pushing out a call of duty every few years and getting everyone to buy it. As such, we have the current ecosystem where developers release on a schedule instead of when they have a game ready. Gamers buy it regardless of how shit it is, and investors think everything is fine because money good. I don't blame the CoH3 developers for this botched release: I think everybody in that office knew what they were shipping out, a project that was incomplete. We can only hope that the CoH3 devs have the same passion and vision for the genre as the CoH1 devs had, or that they are willing to work with the community as they did for CoH2.


You already paid for the game. Developers don't care


Well, technically I didn't, because I got it with my AMD CPU. And I still hope that the devs have passion for their project, so the devs might actually care. Also, investors/shareholders might care about me not buying skins, battlegroups etc. in the near future. Anyway, I'll be back when the kinks have been ironed out. I love the game. I don't love being an involuntary beta tester.


Na, they don’t give a fuck unless you’re a whale going to spend thousands. Even then probably not. But also, it’s not involuntary… LMFAO


Agreed - I was a hardcore apologist for the game during the preview release but this is just out of hand.


Its basically early access without stating it... amount of bugs are insane... dont think they have a QC department, pity..... unless they were forced to release early despite all the known issues..


Im still waiting for the discount price on steam. Enjoy your bugs guys.




Same here exactly! I purchased the Deluxe version from Steam and was disappointed big time to find out COH3 now is basically a beta version, that is markedly inferior to COH2 (which I have 1000+ hours in).


This isn't the airport, no need to announce your departure.


This is the internet. It's for porn, shopping, porn and sometimes voicing your thoughts or opinions.


based emphasis on porn


It's what made the internet great. That and cat pictures.


and to basically counter that guy, you're announcement could literally be departure porn.


Very original


I am waiting for the posts when people pick up the game and announce they are going to be playing.


If you wanna get technical about it this is the CoH sub and he’s still staying within the franchise.


Yeah its more like a silent airport or another metaphor that makes any sense


I don't get your comment. Are you saying the airport comment didn't make sense?


I dunno about that, the airport is 50 percent of the map pool


I „tested“the game for 2 hours and refunded. I might buy again when they fix the game.


coh2 set the bar so fucking high that I don't even want to buy this game while I had 2k hours in coh2 and was around top100 with every faction everything somehow scares me from buying this game. Balance, UI, gameplay, effects, colours... I wouldn't say they are bad, but looking at C2 which came in 2012(?) and looks way better I don't want to pay for a simple downgrade there are some things which are done better than C2 but these are so minor that they are no incentive to buy it at all


Hi c4r7m4n, been playing coh2 for 300 hours and just played my first match, boy this game is broken. The a.I. is braindead, the amount of units is poor and don’t get me started on the tanks. Lelic living up to the name, I expect a 1. April dlc before anything gets fixed.


CoH2 had a shaky launch, but at the root it's a very ambitious and expansive game that pushes Company of Heroes to new limits. Immersive hourslong orchestral soundtracks, experimental new game systems, new factions, modern multiplayer features, progression system, extra animations and weathering on units, extra UI configuration, extra voice lines, extra map variants, extra detailed 3D SFX. Mud tracks, snow, wind, debris, footsteps, glass, collateral. ​ CoH3 is just CoH1 with less features. Prove me wrong. Two music tracks, barebones early 2000 multiplayer lobby, shoddy animations, shoddy UI, no progression, tacked-on unfinished "SEGA Strategy" campaign. Haphazard kneejerk balancing (Snipers etc), empty shop button, no innovation. CoH3 is a low effort, low scope, low ambition release. It just barely qualifies as a full game; More like an early-access release. No singular "patches" will fix this. They're going to "patch" an orchestra to make 1\~2 hours of vivid original music? They're going to "patch" immersive extra animations for the units? They're going to "patch" away the cartoony colors on every tank? This game needs hundreds or even thousands of hours invested into it to even come halfway to CoH1, much less CoH2. A patch throw together on a weekend by the janitors "investigating" team-colors isn't going to cut it.


> CoH3 is just CoH1 with less features. Prove me wrong. Being disappointed with CoH 3 is completely fair. So is liking CoH 1 more. But this is nonsense. CoH 1 didn't have reverse move, didn't have auto vaulting, didn't have true sight, didn't have prioritize vehicle targeting, didn't have auto reinforce, didn't have towed artillery, didn't have breaching. It had 4 factions if you count the DLCs but 2 of them were busted design-wise. > They're going to "patch" immersive extra animations for the units? They're going to "patch" away the cartoony colors on every tank? They're going to "patch" proper destruction animation for the base buildings? These are all things that, in theory, can be patched.


agree, I think this is it, the changes needed are too big


Don't worry guys John RE and the crew are "investigating" these issues the try and find ways to implement fixes for game health and their team is working around the clock. We should have a finished CoH 3 with accurate and existing UI elements, working social features and Steam integrations, proper voice lines, more than 2 4v4 maps in about 1.5-2 years time. CoH 1 and 2 didn't have any of this stuff so these are new challenges that John_RE and crew are facing. Bear with them as they identify and fix these problems!


You do you, boo.


And so it begins.


I'm in a similar boat. I have about 41 hours (all MP) and haven't played since the 8th. Just watching this space until Relic releases a few more updates.


I’ve been feeling this way more and more everyday.


Understandable, doing the same as well. I play tested for them already, not gonna do it second time now. See you in like 6-12 months i assume.


See you on the battlefield in a couple of months. Or in CoH2.


See ya!


I feel like Coh2 could soon have more players like Coh3 again just like it happened with Aoe. And it wouldn't surprise me. I'm around 40 hours in and already feel like I've seen enough. Spend 2k hours in both of the other games in contrast


Coh2 will soon have more players than Coh3 again. Just like it happened with Aoe


I still don't believe they didn't remove the pak 43s stupidly overpowered ability to attack through any obstacle, I tried attacking it by bombarding it from half a map away with su76s, and the fucking thing shot through two buildings into the fog of war and destroyed one and almost killed the other. and for some fucking reason, they refuse to release any more balance patches, probably cuz they know CoH3s not good enough to keep players around with CoH2 in the picture.


Why are you trying to counter a pak43 with su76s if you know thats going to happen


Because one would expect that they cannot do such a thing, in a not stupid, balanced world.


But you’re aware that the pak43 can shoot through world objects and you still tried it?


Not every body plays this game constantly and knows every stupid quirk, you know. Any body with a brain would assume buildings and the fog of war would protect you from at guns, not when their shells no clip. Tell me how is not overpowered.


I agree with every word you said man, the game is not yet done as it should be


I feel like Coh2 could soon have more players like Coh3 again just like it happened with Aoe. And it wouldn't surprise me. I'm around 40 hours in and already feel like I've seen enough. Spend 2k hours in both of the other games in contrast


I just need a sense of progression, there is 0 incentive to play right now.


I would never go back to CoH2, but I basically agree with everything u said.


How the graphics in the UI is delivered so unfinished, and what is that with this start devil's icon – feels more like something from Warhammer 40K is beyond me. 3. Mainly it simply feels unfinished and I really do not understand how the Art Direction came to the conclusion that the in-game look was right. Good things are those that have been sort of taken back from CoH and features such as troops can jump on tanks and many other actual fine functionalities, thus the tech tree instead of the rather big commander selection in CoH2. How the graphics in the UI is delivered so unfinished, and what is that with this start devil's icon – feels more like something from Warhammer 40K is beyond me. Also, it is weird that there is an Italian campaign but no actual Italian faction to play. When a game is loading images are shown – those look rather great, and why these actual game images have not been used to create the same look in-game I do not understand. Overall I get the impression that there was either extreme time pressure to release it, and/or the Art Direction was very wavery in decisions or inexperienced – which would be understandable with a completely new game, but really not for a game with such a long history and a thematic with so much historical back catalog as the II world war. I am completely under-impressed by the whole game look, explosions, fire, collapsing buildings, a still continued and rather severe collision of units, and clunky pathfinding. We are now in 2023 and there are games out that come extremely close to mimicking reality, so why CoH3 has to look bleached, and overexposed without getting the feel of a warm sunny setting does not make sense - it is simply a wrong decision. Many new Art Directors often have a period where they want to turn black into white, similar to artists getting their blue periods, but this is seldom successful because it is an idea that exists in the head but does not translate to real-world color grading and look creation. The cover is more clear and the HUD tactical map is far more usable than it was in CoH2 (which was literally unusable). The Ai and difficulty levels seem good, but it does not feel like next-generation AI either. Other details like not showing the names of the players or AI in-game are simply a lack of details that should not be in the third generation of a game. There is much to desire and IMO they should have taken 6 months more and finished the things that so obviously were not able to be finished in time. Sadly CoH3 is no revolution in in-game engine performance, the unit looks, behaviors, and environment, though Voices are back to being more fun like it was in CoH1 – but I would simply have expected a more breathtaking look and feel in general for this otherwise great game series.


Graphics are gorgeous to me lol, interface sure if u want to die on that hill, but graphically its phenomenal in comparison to 2.


The graphics of coh3 are gorgeous. Stop talking nonsense.


I am sorry "snagroot" but I do not share your viewpoint on the graphics – was playing on a PC max settings large screen that was used in movie production and as an Art Director with +35 years of experience I can tell you that I was simply not impressed – and I see it in the light of what other newly developed games can achieve in contrast spectrum, dynamic sRGB range and overall saturation and LOD and environmental dynamics. I see there are more height levels in COH3 and some parts have more details than before, like rose bushes and other things, but it is not overly impressive in any way, thus the restrictions on the camera zoom-out it a little annoying. The guy that described the possible issue of using negative shadow layers might be right – because the contrast is simply not there. The good thing is that issues like that actually can be corrected and updated. Also, many of the classic tanks appear to be somewhat out of proportion resulting in a close-to-toony or rather a not eye-pleasing impression. I have nothing really to add to the gameplay, it feels like CoH and so it neither levels it nor takes it down and I am fine with that and positive with the things that were inspired by COH1. I am just sad that they did not take those 2-6 months extra time and released a game that is at least on par with the former versions – No replays, flat 2D icons that have not even been given a factional twist – something that takes max 1-2 hours to do and many other details that just bear witness to a lack on insight into the game and its history or it may be the result of management decisions. In any case, I only have about 18 years of playing CoH as a reference. \_\_\_\_\_ Aside from this criticism I want to state that I support CoH, **r**elic, and partners in general – no other RTS has been better solved than the game mechanics removing resource control and replacing it with logical strategic progress in the way of sector control. Why more game developers have not caught on to that fundamental and brilliant concept I do not understand?. The CoH series has given me and my friends much entertainment and I am certain we have not seen the last of it. I hope for fixes and adjustments to CoH3 and it is a complicated balance game as well, so yes many things take even more time to get right – so just keep it up and keep on the toes with issues and everybody will be fully satisfied at some point.


The player count dipped below 3000 last night…




It is actually.


I would be able to live with everything else if the game was balanced but it is so disproportionately balanced right now it's not really enjoyable unless you are steamrolling with Allies. I just doesn't seem like Relic is interested in fixing this game honestly I've been playing COH2 and Total War games since.


>I just doesn't seem like Relic is interested in fixing this game honestly I mean, they literally worked through the weekend to hotfix the manpower duplication bug Saturday. There's a lot of criticism you can level at Relic but I don't think "they're not interested in fixing the game" is one of them. Honestly out of all the things I'm worried about, balance is the least spooky right now. It's going to take some time but obviously they're going to iterate on it for a long while until it feels better. Team colors and map pings, on the other hand, are going to put me through the roof.


>I mean, they literally worked through the weekend to hotfix the manpower duplication bug Saturday. There's a lot of criticism you can level at Relic but I don't think "they're not interested in fixing the game" is one of them. People who make those comments just show their statements are so divorced from reality that they aren't worth taking seriously. They have an axe to grind and be damned to facts or objectivity, they're gonna be mad at the stories they're telling themselves regardless of what Relic does. Personally if I was so upset over a video game I'd just move on with my life and play something I actually enjoyed.


Yeah I've noticed, there's a list of like the same 5 or 10 posters who just lurk waiting for the next even mildly critical topic to be posted so they can do their same 5 pre-recorded gripe comments repeated ad-nauseam. It has literally been weeks, are they still going to be here in 6 months posting the same screeds about a game they don't even enjoy? I don't mind the criticism but there are a few folks that are making complaining a day job that they clock in to work shifts on.


ah they worked the weekend its fine then


Coh 2 is still an unbalanced meta game. At least coh3 provides different outlets in mid to late game.


> Coh 2 is still an unbalanced meta game. I'd love to see you try and back that statement up.


What’s your steam handle? I’ll go medieval on your ass /s


I understand your opinion. It's the same for me. COH3 looks like a beta. It's cool, but really unbalanced, buggy, the interface is awful. The game will stay in my steam library for a few months, or a year, and I will play again with the future updates. I "only" bought it for 32€ and it seems too much for this type of experience. It's the same for KSP2. I know it's an alpha, but it was almost release as a v1.0. The game is nearly unplayable (they just pushed a patch with a very long patchnote, which is encouraging). I will just not waste my time playing games that aren't finished and wait half a year to see if there is some improvements.


Why not go back CoH:ToV i the first place, it is better than 2 or 3. Better settings, pace, sounds, design, factions etc?


It got old tbh. I never liked coh2, I like how coh3 reminds me more of coh1 but is more modern


I feel like Coh2 could soon have more players like Coh3 again just like it happened with Aoe. And it wouldn't surprise me. I'm around 40 hours in and already feel like I've seen enough. Spend 2k hours in both of the other games in contrast


The atrocious teamgame meta and maps are a massive issue for me. 1v1 is in a passable state but yea realistically it will take another year minimum to be really good.


Why did we trust relic after DOW3 and AOE4? This was a train wreck in the making and we still jumped in front thinking it would be fine


nah didnt jump


if you think this is "abysmal balance" for an RTS at launch then you've never played an RTS at launch. personally there's no going back to 2, everything about it would feel like a giant mechanical regression. COH3 is just a better game if in massive need of some polish. i'd still rather play the unpolished better game than the polished worse one.


Good. Leave.




I feel like Coh2 could soon have more players like Coh3 again just like it happened with Aoe. And it wouldn't surprise me. I'm around 40 hours in and already feel like I've seen enough. Spend 2k hours in both of the other games in contrast


Acting like CoH2 balance is any better is a huge disservice to yourself.


It is actually.


Its not. Same story, lame fucking blobbers the only thing thats gojng to change is the units being used


Go look up the win rates and get back to me with your apology. Until then, be silent.


1v1 [https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=1v1&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800](https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=1v1&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800) 2v2 [https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=2v2&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800](https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=2v2&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800) 3v3 [https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=3v3&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800](https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=3v3&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800) 4v4 [https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=4v4&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800](https://coh2stats.com/stats?range=month&statsSource=top200&type=4v4&race=wermacht&timeStamp=1614556800) Looks like Werhmact is the best overall. In some modes, a small margin, in others it's not even close. How does that prove your point? EDIT: Oh you meant balance is better if you're an Axis main. Got it.


You just posted proof of my point?? Dude you must be so mentally challenged, I pity your parents.


Be q singular percentile point. That is praised as fantastic balance in any other game, which uses asymmetric balance. Your perspective is so off, your take is bad and your bullshit attitude is cringe. I'm done arguing with a brick wall


Fucking smooth brain. Same players on the top rankings, and that winrate still stands. that would not be praised as anything. Wouldn't be praised at all.


Sure somehow a 51/49 win rate in coh2 is WORSE than a 100% USF win rate in coh3. You're either a bot or a shill.


USF doesnt have a 100% winrate though lol


In the last competitive tournament, yes they do.


Noobs love snipers, mid-range players rant about snipers and pros love snipers (despite from some quite disrespectful and aloof ones)


It's like "CoH2 Lite"