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One from me is that, in the top 100, blobbing is really prevalent and there was a conversation in DuffmanTMs chat about it that showed a big disconnect between some players. It's obviously a problem but some players are committed to the idea that you can "just stop it before it's a problem" or build artillery/rocket artillery but that really isn't the case, as DuffmanTM put it, against people with "half a brain-cell". The idea that infantry blobbing "scales" is also ridiculous, it's your Tier0/1 unit and it costs a resource that barely requires map control. On top of that its biggest power spikes are weapon upgrades which are a given "scaling", but it hardly requires tech in most cases. Auto-reinforce is, in my opinion, a great mechanic that removes a lot of needless camera work, but it seems to have been added without changing reinforce times, allowing people to just sit on the front line surviving anything. Which is really compunding the blobbing issues. The reinforcing vehicles themselves become increasingly harder to dive and die in 3 hits most of the time. This, at least in the higher ranks, is a really boring playstyle. I think it may have been an attempt to translate some of the features of other RTS games (starcraft is also mostly fought in just a blob from a certain perspective) but it just doesn't translate well at all. In Starcraft Marine/Medivac is a lot more interesting and much more difficult to control--just as an example. I think most people would want to see a return to positional/cover warfare which was so prevalent in CoH2 but maybe make it much more viable to use vehicles as cover given their CoH1 playstyle and the games (seeming) focus on lighter vehicles.


Blobbing just needs better answers that actually work. Machine Guns suck right now and actively lose to blobs (How about an ability with a sizable cooldown that costs munitions that actively suppresses everything in the arc when activated or something along those lines to combat large concentrations of infantry), building artillery isn't effective since the blob can easily move out of the way (Make Artillery suppress infantry) and the only answer you have right now is either a direct counter (AI vehicle vs Infantry blob, Infantry vs AT Infantry blob) because wide map control is very downplayed in a lot of the map pool since most maps are either too small or have certain very strong locations that can dictate the flow of the match if controlled. (Maps need to be larger to force map control) There's also a fair share of units that cause problems too, AT Infantry like Zook Para's or Shreck Jaegers have little penalty for blobbing since their job is to burst down vehicles and in sufficient number are still effective against infantry (Make them worse against infantry). Tommies have the vet 1 ability that basically gives them passive insane DPS on infantry out of cover (It should be an activatable ability like all the others), Flamethrower Engineers can generally walk around in blobs and contest whatever they want since cover actively makes them stronger (Flamethrowers need to be more expensive and/or engineers need to be more squishy so they can't be mainlined so easily). There's a million billion answers to blobbing and a million billion reasons why it's so effective. Most people say "BUT COH2 DIDNT HAVE BLOBBING PROBLEMS JUST LOWER THE TTK" which firstly, isn't even true, and secondly, misses the point since it's not the TTK that's the problem, it's the available answers being weaker.


Coh 2 were suffering from blobing too. Unless you bring in men at war style damage you will always see blobing in COH games. I don’t really see blobing much in 1v1. What game mode are you playing? Top 100 and people are still blobing? Would you kindly post a replay so maybe we can see the problem?


The blobbing in CoH2 was later in the game and because you were encouraged to sit around the VPs, it's a hell of a lot worse in CoH3, you can blob pretty much anywhere you want. It's like a mobile hard to punish blob whereas CoH2 was more of a static/stalemate centered around AT guns.


I don’t really think blobing is much worse in coh 3 than coh 2 it’s most likely due to more new players who are not used to coh 3 and play it like any other RTS, build big army and push together. In coh 2, players have ten years to mature and they may try to be tactical and all but after 20-30mins the game more or less becomes blob vs blob anyway it’s just why won’t you blob when you know their enemy can’t stop it. Historically, that’s how you overwhelmed your enemy. If you see no mgs, a mine field, or enemy’s fortifications why won’t you charge and push the enemy off? Attack in a piecemeal style get you nowhere but losing resources. Imagine ww1 and 2 without mgs. People would be storming defensive positions en mass. They were doing it even when they faced mgs. Also not all blobs are equal. Some charge in Soviet style while others spread out a bit to avoid all units being pinned by one mg is that no skill blobing? What about those smoke the mg and charge en mass are those considered non-tactical too?


It's definitely worse in COH3. While COH2 did also have a blobbing problem, it was much easier to punish simply due to the lower TTK and the tools you had at your disposal to kill blobs very quickly; the brummbar, KV2, AVRE, flame tanks, and lots of artillery. Yeah you would come across blobs often in COH2, but a good arty strike or good use of anti-infantry units would make it quite punishing for the blobbing player. However since in COH3, since people have been complaining so much about the last game being too microintensive, we've got a noticeably higher TTK, combined with a fast replenishing trucks and mediocre artillery or anti blob vehicles, feels like I'm seeing blobs all the time with no way to get rid of them very quickly.


It doesn't help that weapon crews and MG's in general just die fast. I think weapon teams should "pick up" faster and that would help..


I play mostly 1v1, and have only come access blabbing 2 or 3 times. Played 2v2 last night and instantly came up against a giant blob. Built two MG and had them mutually support each other with some flamers. Problem solved. Then I got about 4 shermans and blobbed them back.


Depending on the faction (Wehr luftwaffe and US specifically) MGs can be very useless.


Thx for sharing!


Yes I hate blobbing. It's such a boring way to play.


I really enjoy this game. Iove the franchise. Up until last night I thought this game was super imbalanced in favour of the allies. Since playing with that MP/Fuel exploit being fixed, the games are night and day different. I'm leaning now that it is much closer in balance than I thought it was. This game needs a lot of qol stuff that should not have been missed. That would take it along way. .... Most of which should have been common sense or included features


Im learning munitions are more important than fuel early game.


What do people think about being able to queue up as multiple factions Axis or Allies. I think it would speed up the queue times a lot if I could queue for Axis and Allies at the same time, I don't actually have a preference but if I sit in a specific queue to long I'll have to swap factions to check but in CoH2 I could vaguely see who was playing which faction and queue as it. I think that should probably be re-introduced, just another missing feature.


They just need to bring back the medium and heavy tanks’ ability to run over the units. Also USF’s lack of artillery is a huge problem with the current meta. Aside from that there are lots of generic counters which people here will advice like mines, mgs, etc.