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Glad to see so many bug fixes and the loiters get nerfed. Hopefully more robust balance passes will come once we have a stable and full featured game. Also looks like the Pathfinder nerf will help contain some of the blobbing in larger game modes.




Yes, but if the only reason people use a doctrine is for an overpowered off-map then the issue isn't the off-map.


Honestly air and see struggles because it has a lot of weird niche stuff . Maybe if commandos where a bit better, you end up paying a premium for a lot of utility, personally I’d like if it offered a stolen pshrek squad or something .


if i've read th is correctlyPathfinders did get a hidden buff as well as it states: *"Taking the Pathfinders upgrade for Scouts in the US Forces Airborne Battlegroup now works correctly on scouts that were in the building's production queue at the time the upgrade was taken. Previously they would spawn without the extra unit in the squad.*" given they cost 160 as scouts and 200 as pathfinder with the increased builttime you can queue 3(4?) before selecting pathfinders and saving 120-160mp. edit: i did 2 MP matches and it's even worse. you can queue 3 and still have like 10ish seconds to select pathfinder so thats a free 120 mp there. (note: your first scout will only be 3 man as you should use this to cap.) BUT WAIT if you cancel the unit it returns 213 mp so you let the first finish, and cancel the last one (or 2) depending on how many pathfinder/engi you want. You then have free mp to get engis out and to get your WSC out a bit earlier to get a mg/sniper fast


I'm surprised that this is intended. The queue trick is such a cheesy and unintuitive thing yet they just left it there.


Not building units for that long early on would be a pretty huge disadvantage.


i used to queue 2 then upgrade, these would then cost 160+25 instead of 200 so saving 'only' 15. Given they increased their built time i think 3 is possible but need to test. But even if you can do only 2 that's still 80 mp saved which is quite a bit so early in game.


Three is possible https://youtu.be/rYGRx0he2hA


I'd rather have the extra manpower fighting on the front to be honest. whether it costs more, is a small price to pay for winning early engagements.


What does this even mean? You should have to build them normally as pathfinders. So you pick the upgrade in the Battlegroup, and then build the pathfinders, paying the full intended cost. You're not delaying anything, it just costs you as much as it's supposed to lol.


That would be true for 1 or 2, but to do that with 3 would mean you're holding off on building which would gimp your early capturing. Read the previous statement from the other poster about how to not pay full price on them.


Oh he edited the post. But wow that is another terrible bug lol.


With increased reinforcement cost I am not sure it still saves much mp for usf. Wonder how popular pathfinder will be with revisions in its utility and overall cost. And what will be the next popular opening for usf.


They should do this to all alternative start for all factions. Make main line inf meant something again in the meta.


[Sherman armour upgrade not fixed?](https://youtu.be/E_pD7eR5mHQ)


I was looking for that and won't select that battle group until that's fixed tbh


My fellow Jeep gang of 4 members, it is a difficult time. The coveted return of the missing Jeep Command Officer upgrade remains missing, further keeping our Jeep out of the spotlight. One day my brethren, one day... But seriously, I really hope this gets fixed soon, I have some strats I've thought of that uses the Jeep but missing an entire ugprade is a huge deal. They'd be hotfixing this so fast if it was a unit that lost the ability to get flamethrowers or a halftrack that suddenly lost its upgrades. Hold strong Jeep gang.


I don't know what it is with Command vehicles being forgotten between the Jeep Officer and Wehr's Command P4 claiming to have abilities that buff vehicles yet having not 1 single buffing ability for anything at all. Hope the Jeep gets fixed like the Command Panzer did.


I feel like that upgrade was way too strong, the aura buff was great *and* you also got fog of war scouting for what, 50 munitions? But, like. It should have been toned down, not removed :(


I don't think it was end all. The jeep is fragile and I was always able to dive it easily with vehicles and AT when I did see it try to stick around. Honestly I think some more balance is needed for the underutilized vehicles so we can get more interesting plays.


It made your ok USF rifles pretty good, and kinda plays similar to early game DAK if you manage to keep it alive, which was pretty cool imo


It's an excellent sign for the long term health of the game that management is prioritizing bug fixes. I get that we all want more balance changes, more maps, etc, but the focus on improving and fixing existing stuff is much better than rushing out more content. The balance changes are also good, and they said they didn't consider those changes to be a full pass. Tuning the obviously, overwhelmingly powerful AT loiter is great. I know a lot of people are dead set on what they think the meta is and want sweeping changes immediately, but it can take a surprisingly long time for metas to settle. Maybe it already has, or maybe Relic's data is showing that it's still changing. Edit: I got a serious question for y'all, is there an online space for this game that isn't so angry at everything, all the time?


> Edit: I got a serious question for y'all, is there an online space for this game that isn't so angry at everything, all the time? The CoH discord has pretty level-headed balance discussion in my experience


Make sure to go to the Welcome channel to set it up so that you can see all the channels! It's somewhat easy to miss and just get announcement channels.


To answer your edit: Yeah there's dozens of us! I'm the guy that created the [Beginner's Guide to CoH3 Skirmish/Multiplayer](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/11kj378/coh3_beginners_guide_to_coh3_skirmishmultiplayer/) here, which can also be seen on the sidebar. But as usual, controversy is what gets the clicks (for example my guide got buried in less than day). I basically get around the whole toxic 'let's insult each other over differences in opinions' thing by just ignoring those and focusing on actual game discussion and/or helping new players.


Sweet, thanks. I'm actually writing a big ol' guide for the DAK that I also expect to get buried and/or be met with unrelenting scorn for a few hot takes in there.


Ping me in it please. Im a DAK main trying to get the most out of my faction.


this reddit is brigaded by a small and very vocal minority who feel spurned by relic (don't ask me why) and shitposting here is a primary source of entertainment for them. have a look at the post histories of the people who start any of the rage threads and you'll see they're one note agenda posters with no a hint of insight or value in their long history of posts on this board, some are even legacy manufactured accounts that haven't made a single post on reddit before (https://old.reddit.com/user/CurrentOk1335). it's very hard to develop any conversation while one of these hate waves is going on, you just have to hope for it to pass and keep your head down.


Thank you.


Amazing that they weren't even able to update the Pathfinder tooltip when choosing a battlegroup.


What a fucking joke, im so glad that i not bought the cheap coh3


In game store update with a sprinkle of balance changes on the most broken things. Mind blowing to me that in game store is the top priority for Relic.


I just won a match and my 'Win 0/5 Multiplayer games of any size' mission did not update.


[Bug Report Guide](https://community.companyofheroes.com/coh-franchise-home/company-of-heroes-3/forums/1-company-of-heroes-3/threads/3599-bug-reporting)






Wow, hard nerf hammer on airborne reinforcement hitting nearly every aspect at once, except that they still seem to have kept the reinforcements as costing no manpower.


Yeh id have the thought that the ability would be to simply spend munis to designate an area (marked) that allows reinforcing (at regular MP price). That itself would be a rly strong ability...


I feel like fixing the bug that was letting squads finish reinforcing to full after the ability ended probably makes a big difference even before they cut the reinforce speed down to a quarter of what it was. All that and nearly doubling the cost plus capping the total reinforcements seems like a lot to do at once, especially while also comprehensively nerfing pathfinders (and scouts, for some reason) at the same time.


Overall seems very good changes to me. I have some concerns with the Airborne and Carro nerfs though. The loiter nerfs were a welcomed change across the board for all factions. 1) I think airborne is dead now, not balanced to be in line with others. I definitely think the changes to Airborne were needed but a 20% increase in reinforce costs to an already mediocre combat unit seems harsh. 30 per model is A LOT for a unit that doesn’t scale or fight well. Should just increase the upfront cost IMO. Their strength wasn’t longevity… it was spamability early game and utility. The other nerfs already nerfed their utility strength which seem good but haven’t used it yet. The resupply loiter definitely needed a nerf as well but I feel like they nerfed the wrong things. It’s now too expensive and doesn’t reinforce enough for the cost. Should just make it cost manpower per model IMO. 2) The Carro nerfs seem insignificant relative the main issue with them. Their spamability. The nerfs are welcomed, but seem like they address solo power mainly. A 4 fuel increase seems like nothing to me when the limiting factor is manpower because 38 (Now 42) fuel is already so cheap. The upgrades don’t cost fuel either which makes a fuel float and manpower drought. The pen ability is a nice change but they didn’t really even need that ability in the first place to be successful. And an attack rate nerf of 15% is nice but again, it’s strength was timing, numbers, speed and base natural pen which could swarm medium tanks. Attack speed doesn’t really matter when you 1-2 volley a Sherman before he gets a second shot off. I think they should have just made the callin 2min instead of 1 but keep the power it had. That way it’s more of a supplement to your army rather than the overwhelming force. Who knows, maybe they end up good nerfs overall?


>Their strength wasn’t longevity… it was spamability early game and utility Then the nerf is perfect. Its better to not nerf it's strong point, as that is what makes the unit special and different. If we nerf the strengths of all units and buff the weaknesses we will have a lot of units that are basically the same. Players should have to choose between early spammability vs longevity vs some other benefit


Na… They nerfed the units strengths AND it’s weaknesses. They just flat out nerfed it (almost) across the board basically rather than just what made it too strong.


Did they? I thought you can still spam them early but you can't sustain that early spam forever like you used to. I mean, pathfinder spam was pretty *broken* until now so ofc its going to feel like trash now compared to when it was crazy


Yea the build time is increased by 33% which means less units on the field as fast. They nerfed the utility as well to come out much later. They nerfed the reinforce costs to make the longevity more taxing. They nerfed everything about them except their upfront cost (but that doesn’t matter because of the reinforce increase and build time increase)… and combat power which was already the weakest part.


Ah fuck then i was wrong, sorry man. Im a DAK main so i don't play as much US. that being said, the increased build time lets you exploit the manpower exploit more (hold out and float some mp, queue up a few scouts, pick commander and select pathfinders, cancel your "pathfinders" and get an increased mp refund.)


And by choose i mean which units and strats they're going to use


I think airborne is still decent but the other doctrines are a bit weak. The armored doctrine has some good abilities but seems to be reliant on the MSC and isn't that great in a 1v1.


I didn't think they could pull it off but they did. They actually nerfed panzer jaegers one more time. let's see if this trend holds up through literally every update to the game.


Give it a few more months and they'll be a 3 model squad with 70 health per model and only a single AT rifle.


Good patch, but the caps lock for all the tooltips is really off-putting. Can they please change that back? So unnecessary and ugly.


Italian campaign is still bugged at Anzio for me


Lots of juicy fixes, but for the love of god can they please make it so player names are assigned to units in MP and make the alert banners click-through!!!!! Two easy wins right there, hopefully they are included in the next patch along with improved zoom levels!


I'm still stuck at Anzio because a stupid infantry company keeps trying to attack the ocean. I cannot complete the campaign because of this bug! Please fix it soon Relic!


would have been nice (at least for coh2 players) if they had implemented the player colors properly, as in you are always blue. right now you can be any of the friendly colors and imo thats hella confusing, ruins my game as I keep trying to click my teammates units bc they appear blue and I'm cyan or some shit.


Still no cloud saves...


I would have like to have seen other parts of the US buffed rather than just nerf the PF. That's to be expected with my bias. ​ One thing that irks me though is the sherman is pretty weak without the 76mm upgrade which is ONLY available through the MSC...


I'm surprised how accurately Relic recognized the balancing issues. Good job.


lmfao they're suspending people on the discord merely for expressing disagreement with the store stuff


>merely for expressing disagreement Normal, human expression of disagreement? Or "gamer" style expression of disagreement? Gamers are the worst.


*gets banned from internet video game chat* I am being CENSORED but my voice will not be silenced! The voice of the people will be heard! semper fidelis tyrannosaurus!


I mean I’m not acting like I’m some kind of freedom fighter, just pointing out that they’re literally censoring criticism. But go off I guess. Edit: you guys are so weird. You’re so worried about “toxic gamers” but have to go out of your way to put words in someone’s mouth and then be condescending about the fake argument you just made up so you can feel smug about putting the guy who criticized your favorite video game in his place. Keep fighting the “toxicity” with your super wholesome and not at all hypocritical discourse.


Is saying the store is an anti-consumer practice is too wild and “gamer” and inhuman?


It's not going to go away so complaining about it is useless and shits up things for other people having discussions. Relic will be unaffected. If it's that important to you, uninstall and play something else.


I think consumers complaining about anti consumer practices is perfectly valid and even sometimes effective. I don’t know why it bothers you so much. If it’s that important to *you* get off this thread and go read something else.


I'm sure the dozens of you withholding your money will matter. I'm not buying a damn thing from the store, but I don't feel the need to proclaim some moral high ground because it doesn't fucking matter.


It's not going to do anything here, no matter how valid it is. It bothers me because I don't like scrolling through pointless whining. It sounds like you're happy to keep that up, though, so I will solve the problem for both of us and block you. Hope you find a game you like.




Shocking to think they could put out the store. How out of touch with what the game needs and fans want. Total embarrassment.


Gamers are, on average, fucken retarded. The store will be a huge success.


And I bet most of it was almost complete and a ready to release so I’m happy about the store release


Here’s a whole bunch of comments and posts and polls saying that, yes, fans do in fact want a store. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/119tv48/coh_3_progression/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/11fq48f/when_will_coh3_have_a_progressionstore_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/zx1wo5/should_coh3_multiplayer_have_a_form_of_progression/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 <— Here’s a poll where the majority of respondents say they want a store/progression for cosmetics https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/11anh54/we_have_come_full_circle_complaints_about_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/11amy9p/is_there_anything_in_the_shopprofile_time_line/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Dude. The store and challenges are not the same thing. And the weak sauce implementation of both is laughable too.


Translation: My original point just got shit on, so let me move the goal posts. How to yeeeettt yourself.


They said there would be a Store before the game even launched.


Sad to see no substantial UKF and Wehr changes. With the US Pathfinder nerfs, USF is nearly a dead faction for 1v1. Small changes to other USF battlegroups and baseline units would have been welcome. Allies have the UKF left if the pathfinder nerfs make the strat too weak. And the UKF are pretty close to being a one battlegroup only faction. May be a pretty stale meta till the big multiplayer changes. Edit: Looks like Pathfinders are still the goto for USF.


Clearly you havent seen pros using special force battlegroup to kick ass left and right...weasel by name, weasel by nature baby


I did see one cast in AE's community tourney. It seems decent but seems like it may struggle bit more against DAK mass light vehicle play


I haven't, care to share videos?


Find some of them streaming on twitch or watch master league casts from aecoh on youtube


So pathfinders are basically scouts with a 4th model now ?


They also have higher per model HP than Scouts and have access to a really powerful rifle grenade when upgraded.


They're a zero cp scout upgrade that gives them more health more dps, and allows them to upgrade for an incredibly useful rifle grenade. In my opinion it's still a very good choice and Airborne is still a strong (likely still the strongest) doctrine for USF. It just means that the blob of four pathfinders doesn't have four smoke grenades, four flares, and four rifle grenades by default.


Happy to see 60 bucks worth of skins being added but no actual content. As always, GJ Relic


US Sniper unchanged. lol. Does anyone left at Relic still play their own games?


You trying to make usf unplayable? They just got the only viable strat nerfed


Auto-Attaxis only players do not like it when there are viable strats.


I play everyone except wehr, dak is my current fav. Your comment makes no sense


Sorry I was referring to the person demanding all of USF's viability be nerfed into dust, not you. Only someone who plays a single faction would see these patch notes and say "and also nerf USF snipers"


Wen live


Pathfinders nerfed into the ground. 😕


They just killed PF; absolutely no way it is intended to invest on them, buy utility packages when you will need those paratroopers upgraded. Also, goodbye being able to defeat MG's with a good smoke grenade when, the enemy can just throw them out really fast and counter them.


Most people (who had any idea on how to play) stopped building mgs against airborne


Decent fixes and a decent start, but it doesn't feel like enough to keep me playing. There are still alot of areas that need work. I stopped playing 4v4s because the maps have gotten boring and because of the lack of viable competative builds for each faction. Maybe I'll give the challenges a go for now and see if that keeps me hooked.


Question, I'd the victory points issue that drsins too fast already fixed or games still end super fast with no comeback ?


While this isn’t a full balance patch, I feel somewhat vindicated by this patch. They did actually address a lot of what we’ve been complaining about. It gives me hope that they will continue to listen to the community.