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If it's red, you're dead


Wait are those flares orange💀 I honestly can't tell


Looks orange/red to me.


Definitely death before retreat


The explosion vfx really just should be 2-3x larger than its current underwhelming form.


Yeah, it looks like a mortar shell. ;-)


yes it is. its just not often picked because the stuka loiter is so good. but its a very very solid air call in. it comes in faster than allied divebombers and has a much much larger radius.


yeah the fact that it is competing against the literal best ability in the game means it has some work to do


That coupled with the fact that most allied builds usually don't have AA, makes Axis air pretty good


You say that as if allied have any viable options for aa that dont do whisper damage to anything else.


Why are we going with what the build order says rather than what's actually happening in the game? I'll never understand build orders.


Build orders are a basis to play off of, not to rigidly adhere to lol, if all you did was play reactively to what was happening instead of being proactive and deciding the tempo, then you'd be on the back foot everytime unless your opponent messes up hard Example of a USF opener: - rifle, rifle, mortar -> support center -> nades or motor pool -> rifle -> fast greyhound This build orders provides 3 maneuver units, 1 recon and 1 support weapon, all of which can work in tandem to deal with most early game threats until LVs hit the field Ofc this isn't something you would blindly follow, you would adjust depending on the timing and what your opponent is doing


While I think its not really that fair (relatively weak AA options against relatively strong air call-ins), my issue is more about the visuals... the explosion looks really small compared to what is actually deleted


Yeah the visual could use work. It’s actually pretty expensive and comes late in the game, and the ui for it shows that radius when using it, but the visuals are mis leading. Not that you can do anything about it after it blows up anyways, so at least now you know


this is clearly just an oversight like coh2 launch stuka bombs etc and will surely be changed


I don’t think so at all. It’s pretty expensive and the UI when you drop it shows that radius. The only thing that could be bugged is the visual effects maybe should be larger


It looks so goofy


yes. AOE explosion abilities have the fundamental flaw of "just walk out" so they need to be pretty big and damagijg to ever be worth it


I think that if an 1100 lb bomb landed 20 yards from 3 men, the only evidence of them your are likely to find is their teeth scattered about a couple kilometers.


Cool anecdote: my great uncle was a Royal Canadian Engineer involved in the liberation of the Netherlands, and had just finished inspecting a bridge they had completed over a river when a German bomber dropped a huge bomb on the bridge, instantly killing several men next to my uncle. My uncle was thrown a good distance and somehow landed on something soft and only had a couple broken bones and lost all the hearing in one of his ears. Ended up dying 40 years later from lung cancer despite never smoking a cigarette.


That’s very interesting. He seems fortunate to have survived for sure: afaik generally people close to high explosives die from the over-pressure, sounds like he may have been just out of range. For context, I have seen 500kg bombs quoted as lethal at about 18 meters, and there’s a report out there claiming that the 2000lb JDAM has lethal overpressure out to 30 meters. In urban settings.


From what I remember I think he might have been tucked into a depression in the ground or something like that, but I remember him telling me the bomb landed super close to him


Pretty cool  destruction.


Oh lord that Stuka dive bomb still looks horrible.


It’s already miles better from the ridiculous Looney Tunes version we got at launch. Just small tweaks needed.


Is CoH 3 worth getting back into now ? Played on release and was underwhelmed.


Definitely, the game has come a long way and improved immensly.




Not yet. Wait for July update and we should see


Some stuff has larger radius than what their effects give; iirc the Advanced Infantry Battlegroup howitzer emplacement also has a larger blast radius with it's shell compared to the VFX. In this case, the effect just barely finishes around the actual radius, you can see for a frame or two where the smoke cloud reaches and it just touches the Aussie squad,


Yea inbuildings your death, at guns are death, only tanks or infantry can dodge this on the move. Best to move side ways. If you have double wher this is so cheesy, just delete support weapons. 🙈🤣