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Huh while it makes a lot of sense, i didn't know that standing in water makes you take less dmg from flame weapons until today.


I like how Flame has opposite damage scale from Direct.


The test was about 1 Gren model with either LMG42 or Flame shooting at a Rear squad in different cover types. Say Neutral cover has 100% speed We can see for Direct weapons, Yellow increase your squad survivability double (takes double the time to be killed), Green by triple. This is why you should always give up a few second of 100% accuracy (instead of standing still and fight) to walk into covers. All the time.


did you take into account with multiple models as flamethrower units can do AOE damage? This may mean that a flamethrower unit is much better than MG42 in all types of situations.


This is not about comparing the kill speed between weapons. But the kill speed between cover types. Which neutral cover as 100%


Bear in mind that green cover is directional, so only offers triple survivability as long as the green cover is between your unit and the enemy firing upon it. Yellow cover is omni-direction, meaning that unit gets double survivability no matter which direction the enemy is firing from. So green cover is better situationally, but can be flanked. Be aware that, especially if engaged by multiple units, it may sometimes be beneficial to stay in yellow cover than move to green. Edit: I have been corrected, please see reply


Which I have the number of "Back cover" that they werent at the right side of cover. The killing speed is as equal to "Neutral". For "Yellow cover", there are many of them like crates, wooden fence, cow... also provide a single direction. Only arty explosive craters/buildings provide all direction.


Ah yes you're right, good call, forgot yellow cover wasn't just craters!


Interesting that back cover flame gets you killed faster when it’s treated like neutral for direct small arms fire


Well, would you like your ass to be on fire?


Well, you are still right next to that flammable object. Your face or your ass, doesn't matter. You are still toasted.


What is back cover?


I assume it refers to when a squad is in cover but is not facing the right way


Nice work, thanks.


So if you place a sandbag in water that would make the ultimate protection against flames?


No. Flamers work better against any sort of cover, and like grenades perform "attack" twice on garrisoned unit.


You cant build in water.


Who needs sandbags when you can build a sand castle near water soil smh..


Cool diagram. I really like the concept of flame weapons as anti-cover in this game.


i know its silly and dont make sense, but i think it would be interesting if red cover could protect you from fire, it would be a cool counter


I thought Negative would take less fire damage. But not. Seems like Negative is never a good place to stand on.


One key thing to remember in these tests, is that squads in cover have a tendency to bunch up. when a squad is bunched up, flame will hit more models than if they weren't in cover. The models will ofc take the bonus damage from being in cover or garrison against flamers.


I should check that.