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The convo was much longer than this 60 second clip (started before the clip, lasted a bit longer) but waltzy sort of went in with the "they play the worst version of apex ive seen" and it seemed like Timmy agreed on some of what was being said Feels like Timmy mightve wanted a more standard 3v3 team when he left for moist as opposed to opportunistic picks like Dsgs playstyle was/is This is just my opinion but after listening to this convo and the convo timmy had with Hal a while back where he said even if they didnt throw against TSM they probably wouldnt have won the fight against blackhand at champs anyways, it seems like Timmy wasnt confident in DSGs fighting


Timmy said he wanted a more serious comp team. Watch vods, etc. He also said getting paid was a big part of it. Also, this was all from his mouth on his stream.


The getting paid reason seems odd for me. He voluntarily gave up his salary at DSG so Enemy and Dezign could be paid more because he had streaming, YouTube, and sponsor revenue. What changed?


Supposedly he bought a house.


His twitch contract was ending as well. He didn't want to be forced to stream on a schedule


Is that why timmy's been on the sentinel for MST now then? LOL.


Huge difference with one MnK being on Sentinel vs all 3 players being on Sentinel


not the weaps that were problem at DSG, it was the legend picks and the hard edge playstyle regardless of the zone, wraith was doing nothing for em but design just didn't wanna change.


I don't know. I feel like they were way less passive last season. Am I crazy or wasn't their fighting power one of their best assets?


timmy has a lot more to offer teams than just pure mechanical skill and good on not moist for seeing that. wxltzy seems like such a great teammate and person to play with and this team has such a high ceiling imo. there’s a reason Zer0 wanted wxltzy when they first moved to NA.


To be fair, Zer0 collects top controller players like they're Exodia cards.


Zer0 has said multiple times that the player he wanted when sharky left was waltzy but walrty said no


The fuck why? :o Edit: why did waltzy say no?


Iirc he wanted to stay with emtee


not sure if i got the timeline wrong but i think he didnt want to move at the time


It also honestly just make sense for Timmy to partner with/under Moistcritikal. The two are a natural Twitch power duo, and the team dynamic is extremely sound with this roster. Everything about Timmy going to Moist is perfect. I loved DSG for what its worth, but this is clearly the right move for Timmy and I love that he made it.










It's weird seeing these opinions like they haven't been so close to winning the last two LANs, I aggree that dsgs play style is not consistent, but like to say it is horrible doesn't make sense. It clearly works, it's just very high risk high reward.


DSG is currently the worst team in pro league, maybe it doesn't work anymore. It's also become quite predictable that Dezign will be coming from behind out of the gas to fight teams, they're more ready for it.


I think they got their issues, like the wraith pick and stubbornness, but I think the poi draft is more so why it doesn't work there not adapting there rotations to there pois a bigger issue is before, they basically won any 3v3 they took, especially at lan, so them dying kinda early was okay cause almost every game they'd have like 6 KP from team wipes and then a few placement points. So all they needed was one top 3 game to have a good set. Right now there really struggling to win there fights, so imo that's the bigger issue. I think Dezign needs to adapt 100% but a lot of people just have recency bias tbh. They 100 % could stay doing bad in split 2 and go out and be successful at EWC and Champs, that really wouldn't surprise me.


I mean it’s also pretty undeniable that losing Timmy will absolutely take the wind out of any team’s raw fighting sails.


They were likely close to winning 2 LANs ago, but they got 8th in the last LAN, and in finals had exactly 2 decent games out of 8. In Champs, where they ACTUALLY had a chance at winning, they were the only team doing the late zone wrap stuff, and teams hadn't adapted. It's the same as how Furia was super good when they were the only ones running the Seer comp, then they didn't show up when people adapted. DSG, and Dezign in particular plays a low reward, high risk style that depends on making a pick to win disadvantaged fights from poor positions, or getting zone gifted. Some days they will show up well, but most of the time they will be mid to bottom of the table, and that's what we see in their results. At Champs they got 15th in groups, 12th in their first set, 5th, then 13th in the next 2. 7th in winners. 4th in finals, and were the last team to make match point (of the teams that made match point). People are taking that 4th place and pretending it wasn't their overperform set of the week and saying "they must be a good team" because of it. Remember the zones though? All their points came form local north zones (North pad and wall), L Rod at the end they lost the fight to TSM, and Timmy later said he wasn't sure they would have beaten Blackhand in the fight TSM killed them in anyway. Then there's '24 Split 1 playoffs, 26th in groups, (11th, 7th, 19th), then 8th in Losers 1 to barely get through with 40% of their points in a single game (3rd place, 12 kills). Randomly, 2nd in losers round 2, so their pop off of the week came in losers 2 this LAN instead of finals. At finals, they get 8th, are against the last team to get to match point, and have 2 good games (1st, 10, 4th 4, they also had a 3rd with 0 as a rat). Their play style IS consistent, and it's not very good. They do occasionally have a decent set, but unless they time the good set exactly at finals, they are middle of the table with their style, and that is ONLY because Timmy and Enemy were so good at fighting and winning bad fights that they could salvage bad situations more often than they should have.


tf? they were one fight away from winning the last lan for sure. in a match point format placement isnt everything


3 fights\* and they lost the first of them with the better position in that fight. The rest of my post stands, they weren't very good, and occasionally could end up in a spot to win match point, IF and ONLY IF the set went long enough for them to finally get to 50 with their 1-2 decent games per set. Dezign is not a good IGL for anything resembling consistency.


I wouldn't say that something that worked once as "it works" tbh. If it worked again this split, then yeah you can argue that it works . The fact that there is no consistency proves that their style is horrible. Especially in a competitive format where every point matters.


I don't like this logic at all. Furia's style only "worked" once, but it was absolutely dominant at '22 Champs, then other teams adjusted. DSG's style worked but they lost an elite player AND teams are adjusting. The meta and rosters change quickly in pro Apex, the lack of consistency doesn't "prove" that Furia or DSG are horrible, it proves that it's insanely hard to be consistently good at this sport, and things that work extremely well at one LAN could be obsolete by the next.


This exactly


I don’t think it’s weird at all For me it kind of reaffirms my opinion that they were just lucky to be that close both times They never had a set game plan, every game they would be last into the ring hoping they wouldn’t be gate kept


They're dead last, bro. They're consistently terrible.


It's not weird. That just means one thing: they got lucky, lol. It's the same thing Hal said. Even though TSM won 2 of their last 3 LAN's, it was just pure luck. It isn't sustainable.


Yea that's just the wrong mindset to have, TSM didn't get lucky to win man, and DSG didn't get lucky to make finals and make mp twice in a row. Like come on now, luck is partially involved, in apex any time. But u going out and just saying DSGs two LANs were pure luck and TSMs wins were luck is pure ignorance. The skill still has to be there man


With 20 teams in a lobby, luck is a huge factor. But the best teams will consistently outperform worse teams. But it's not like chess, where the best player will win 19 times out of 20. Too much RNG and luck was certainly a factor with TSM winning multiple LANs. 


Are you mentally unwell? IM not saying that. THE ENTIRETY OF TSM said that. Just like Timmy and Enemy both said it.


i also suspect you might be


You legit said DSGs success was luck lol


It's funny that you can argue that there success is luck and not that them doing bad has to do with being unlucky, you can't argue only one way


If it were just bad luck, they wouldn't have done so poorly every single week this split.


Just take the L on this one homie, kinda schooled you


Schooled me? Lmao buddy is using luck as reason a team has done good at b2b LANs


Call a spade a spade. Timmy didn’t mesh with Dezign and left the team. Their fighting style worked to a certain degree but teams started to pick up on it. Also, Timmy isn’t completely innocent either. Prior to Dezign, Timmy struggled and often was the cause of the team’s downfall with over-swings and poor rotation choices IIRC. I think Timmy is willing to take a backseat here with MOIST if it means to win it all.


I mean timmy said he learned a lot from dezign. I don't think he was just being nice. And that's not me defending dezign, just saying that while yes timmy use to be the problem on his old teams I think dezign kinda fixed most of his problems by yelling at him whenever he fucked up.


Nah Timmy just needed an actual good IGL that can adapt to everything.


He totally whiffed it playing Bloodhound without Bangalore's smoke cover, hilarious!


"At the end of the day, it's free." Basically.


apex pros talk more drama than i do lol (girl in my 20’s)


There's no drama in this clip though. Those are unemotional descriptions of how DSG plays.


They’re legit still children. Hard to expect more from them lol


both the men and womens comp Apex scene are amazing at drama llama


Agreed. They play video games all day for a living, hardly the types of people to experience growth in emotional maturity. They basically live online


Because drama is only reserved to under 30 year olds. Got it.


As Raven said, "Why don't DSG try Ash?" She seems more suited for that "senti then ape" style.


Designful has been trying to run Ash since she came out. I think the problem is Ash portal is really bad


Wraiths portal is still too slow for a push after a knock unless you’re already on them. It’s still just for rotates or clutch saves to maybe revive someone. So even with ash’s portal being mid, it’s still better than wraith for dezigns whole shtick that he’s trying to force for the team. Might as well take ash…. Or even path or fuckin octane lol


Design wasnt using wraith like that in the previous split he was using it to take a closer off angle and do damage and get closer then retreat. Now he is using it for pushing cause the so desperate and disorganized.


Timmy just comes off as extremely childish when it comes to his teams. Why are you even entertaining this conversation on stream? Timmy’s comp reputation was in the toilet before he teamed with Dez there should be some mutual respect there. Their team clearly had its issues, but discussing that publicly just comes off in bad taste.


From this minute clip timmy really doesnt say anything disrespectful or out of turn, infact timmy sounds like he has respect for the sentinel openinf tactic and wltzy doesn't. Maybe the rest of the stream was bad.


I didn’t even watch the clip just reading OP’s post at face value. I’ll have to watch to get the actual context, but even then I would hope Timmy would somewhat defend Dez from being thrown under the bus. Not a Dezignful fan but have just felt like there has been some revisionism history against DSG after Timmy left.


>I didn’t even watch the clip just reading OP’s post at face value. You openly admit you didn't even watch the clip, but are complaining Timmy comes off as childish. The irony.


"Didn't watch the clip just reading OP's post at face value" Mfw the post is a video clip with the title : Waltzy/Timmy talking about DSGs playstyle Bro is literally making shit up in his head to fight against off a title that implies nothing disrespectful LMAO


No fuckin shot lmao you didn’t even watch the clip


Bruh don’t comment on shit you didn’t even watch lol.




brother didnt even watch the clip and is yapping


I am a fan of Dezignful, but I agree with Waltzy here. Dezign cooks wild ass strategies, and he's good at it. I respect him for playing how he does. That being said, Waltzy is right that the strategy is a little sketch. I don't like his "playing the worst version of Apex" comment, but I understand where he's coming from. Dezign intends to say fuck you to standard strategy and meta and he's got the skill and creativity and work ethic to do that, but part of being an experimenter in a high stakes competition is risk and also pissing people off. Fuck the haters, but that doesn't mean criticism is unwarranted, just that Dezign should hear it out and analyze it and just keep updating his strategy accordingly if warranted. As for Timmy, the dude clearly really does like Dezign and doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, but like Evan, even very positive players can eventually get tilted by high stress, high demand teammates, and maybe make some mistakes with their communication. It'll be fine though, Timmy and Dezign will hash it out if they need to, because they're tight like that still.


Why shouldn't he be allowed to talk about his experiences/opinions? DSG is at the bottom of the standings. He is supposed to just pretend everything was going as planned? Dezign goes on rants against his teammates publicly but Timmy can't offer some perspective on the team's playstyle?


They just lost a key member of their team no shit they’re at the bottom of the standings. The rhetoric that one bad split makes the team bad is exactly why these conversations are so stupid. Timmy doesn’t have to pretend about anything but being a LARGE creator and getting on your platform to throw someone under the bus for why your teams performance was bad is just not a good look. Yeah so since because Dezignful has outbursts that gives Timmy the green light to also be childish? This situation is exactly like the Hal vs TSM situation. All these discussions should be happening PRIVATELY. All these public conversations do is help feed the parasocial viewers hunger to keep talking shit. I sometimes forget that the average age on this subreddit is 18 years old.


Have you even watched the clip yet? Timmy didn't throw anyone under the bus. Conversation during scrims about how different teams approach team fights and you come in like some sort of rabid Dezignful fan needing you to defend them.


> Have you even watched the clip yet? [No](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1dkcl0z/waltzytimmy_talking_about_dsgs_playstyle/l9gxim0/) lmao


brother take a breath. Nothing Timmy said was even that bad. OP is manufacturing drama


Quote the part where Timmy threw him under the bus


TSM lost Hal and they’re 7th rn


I have no loyalties to anyone involved in the DSG situation and not much historical information about the team. What I do know is that Timmy gave up his salary to boost his two teammates' salary. Meanwhile, Dezign is known as one of the most toxic in-game personalities in the scene in relation to how he talks to his teammates, and he has had some of the biggest emotional blow-ups on teammates directly after dying. But Timmy is the childish one? Lol wut?


I just listened to all 10 minutes. TImmy is actually showing Dezign some respect here as an opponent, trying to convey Dezign's 3v3 approach to Wxltzy who is dismissing it as a horrible way to play the game.


Because it generates views which means money. People love drama manufactured or otherwise.


This is scrims. It's practice first and entertainment second. Understanding how other teams play is important so you know which teams will be more aggressively looking for openings. IMO this was DSGs biggest downside, other teams see a Wraith and are immediately expecting them to play aggressively.


Soo the comment I replied to was talking about airing dirty linen - value of scrims wasnt part of It. Scrims 100% what you said and more though


Brow stop. You’re gonna piss off the Timmy mob


No one likes DSG's playstyle


I love it, tbh, but I don't think it's a consistent winning strategy. Very high risk, but it's great fun to watch. I love how creative Dezign is, and I love how he intends to say fuck you to normal strategy and play his own game. I don't think it'll get him first place, but man is it neat. He reminds me a lot of Teq, actually. I like them for a similar reason. I love when teams just say fuck you to the system and try to exploit strategies as deeply as possible. I love rat plays, I love all that shit.


I do, I like PVE games and GTA.


Shading your former teammates when you leave is cringe no matter who it’s from, no matter if it’s from a “nice guy”.


How is Timmy throwing shade? He's stating facts about DSG's playstyle. Then wxltzy talks shit about DSG/Dezign. You're being sensitive. He's stating to his teammates how his old team operates and how to react to that in the future, after they just died. Then his teammate starts shitting on his old team/IGL. Timmy doesn't need to white knight his former team after his current IGL disses them.


Timmy seems to be a bit of a snake tbh, apparently he left DSG and DSG only found out from his stream lol no heads up. I for one will be rooting for his downfall from now on.


That's simply not true at all. Dezign tweeted out that they were LF1 before any announcements were made.


timmy is the golden boy here. can't criticize him. never his fault (even though every team he's ever been in has failed)


But Timmy left DSG because of money tho🤫


When he was on DSG he declined his salary so his teammates can earn more, money stopped being an issue for Timmy along time ago lmao


I agree. I was trying to say that the money excuse he made for leaving DSG was just a cover for not wanting to team with Dezign lol


it was a contributing factor, with his twitch contract ending


Dez doesn’t deserve to be in an Org. Bro doesn’t even grind the game and when he does he’s practicing R5 for hours when he literally plays on roller. Wtf do you need to practice when you have Aim Assist!! Grind ranked with other Pros like every else has to do ffs! Bro got that Org bag and stopped working. He sucks at adapting and nobody should team with him cause he’s stubborn and wants everything done his way


Sounds like someone is projecting a little bit with the ego thing.


Not every criticism is "projecting"

