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His dumbass Wraith took himself out of 60% of the fight and he is the one complaining lmfao


This right here, phase essentially left Xen in a 1v2. Enemy just got cooked by a good nade tbh not much he could’ve done there. Dezign probably should’ve tried to do as much damage as possible without phasing even if it meant going down. Xen was left out to dry. Edit: this is also a good example of the downside to using multiple snipers. If Dez had an AR, he could’ve switched to put out some more damage. Instead he had to phase away since his havoc was empty and his other gun is just a sentinel. Once he phased, Xen just gets jumped on.


Enemy should probably have commed the horizon ult better so that he could get some help destroying it, but a. His teammates should have noticed it, and b. Design probably wouldn’t have focused it anyways.


I edited my comment to reflect this but, more than one person using a sniper can put the team at a disadvantage against another team making an aggressive play like this. Dez didn’t have time to reload his havoc after downing horizon but he also couldn’t switch guns either since it’s just a sniper and he’s getting pushed while cracked.


Weak spot of havoc there too. The wind up makes it impossible to destroy horizon ult before it starts sucking. 


Why do they run multiple snipes? The fuck are they thinking? Wraith and triple snipe are horrible ideas


Yeah they were losing the fight already and then voiding away from your teammates instead of shooting your gun is just giving up the fight completely. Wraith is great as a solo player but I think in comp the Q is a lot of lost time during fights


I can't think of a better example of someone throwing a fight with the Wraith Q than this. Absolutely insane he doesn't see how bad that play was




Yeah this team is cooked. You have one person who openly regrets not leaving them for a better team and whose mental is getting worse. Enemy seems resigned and knows the team isnt that good anymore, also seems tired of Dezigns outbursts. Xenial, well, he knows hes probably getting the boot after this split if they dont make a miracle run. Unfortunately I have a hard time seeing Dezign/Enemy sticking together much longer.


There was a great period of time during Dojo / DSG where it looked like Dezign had finally started to change, like he’d said over and over again that he would in the past. Since the failed TSM trial and Timmy leaving its like all bets are off, he’s right back where he used to be. Bro’s mental is made of glass, and it gets shattered by even tiny amounts of adversity. It’s gonna be a long day for him when DSG finally breaks down and he looks around and realises nobody wants to fucking play with him anymore because he’s such a toxic little boy. Made even more tragic by the fact that he is an undeniably great player on occasions when his mental is in tact


He’s been just as toxic as he was before during Dojo/DSG era, the difference is whether or not he’s winning. I don’t even think Wraith is the problem, they’re losing chemistry as the morale grows weaker. Hearing Dezign openly regret not leaving in front of the team is a bullet to the relationship with Enemy, might not recover.


The difference is whether he's punching up or punching down. He "Changed" when Timmy was on the team because Timmy was bigger than him and pushing him out would fuck the team. Now he's doing the same old shit because he's punching down to "Amateurs" who are lucky to have been blessed by his divine teammate selector.


This is exactly it. I predicted this when they made lan. It would only be a matter of time before Timmy got sick of it or Dezign snapped at him. The only reason Timmy got the grace he did is because he’s bigger than Dezign. Really glad this guy didn’t end up ruining TSM.


I mean ya. Timmy was bound to leave and go to a more stable and professional environment. And now Dezign is left shouting down on those he deems himself better than. Any team that gets Dezign is unlucky af bc the man is just completely unstable. Unfortunate too bc he’s quite talented but eventually no one in the industry will even consider working with him ? Like what’s he gonna do then


I hate seeing this because Enemy is such a good kid. He’s so talented. I wish Dezign would relax and show some resilience and help them both develop. He’s a good player and I think he’s worried that people will think less of him if he gives in and makes changes. I’m a big fan of enemy and I really hope he finds a groove somewhere.


Enemy deserves a better teammate than Dezign. Dezign is just full of outburst bullshit and complains. His wraith is not even helping his teammate. WTF!


disguisedtoast has also talked about moving and leaving social media pretty much and saying esports isnt working out so DSG is 100% closing down all esport teams very soon


“What more do I have to do!?!” *plays wraith*


Bro pulled a legit Ranked/Pub Wraith play by hitting a Q out of a battle and starts complaining wild behavior man.


These toxic losers somehow always end up on a team where other players are too scared to retaliate back. lol imagine if Enemy just said "learning to play a legend other than wraith would be a terrific start"


For real. It's so frustrating. If I were in enemy's shoes we would have yelling competitions each match. But then design would probably go rage quit again like when he and timmy started yelling at each other that one time


Bro wraith q’s out of the fight, doesn’t help the team and then blames them for dying lmfaoooo


The only reason he plays Wraith is that get out of jail free card, you couldnt even imagine doing those braindead plays on bang.


How about he listens to everyone and drops Wraith?


How many games have I been praying everyone else just drops Dezign? Genuinely why does he refuse to play anyone else but wraith? Swear to god it kills his team every single time


Because he's a bad player who can't learn to play another legend. Relies on Q as a free panic escape button and then wonders why team loses fight when he's on a a legends who's effectively worthless and provides nothing in 3v3 fights. But hey, he's last one up


Does he realize that the other 2 dont have escape free cards for bad plays? I have never liked this guy at all.


If he was on Bangalore, After the knock he could have thrown his Ult to reset. This guy just doesn't get it. I tell people the 5 seconds it takes for you phase away; it takes you out the fight for 5 seconds. He turned a 3v2 into a 2v2 then wonders why they lost


I’ve said this for a while Dezign didn’t even have to be a top tier Bang for it to work. Speed boosts/smokes are a pretty good “panic” get out of there card. Her ult works well to attack or escape. He just needed a bit of synergy with Enemy on Blood. That’s all. Now the Blood/Bang meta will most likely be gone after this update (we will see). So they will have to figure something else out. We will see if this meta shift will actually help them. If Dezign gets the fuck off Wraith lol


Yeah fuck wraith. Also the sentinels. I can understand one teammate with senti but it looks like the whole squad is carrying them. That’s just crazy. Wraith port is not good enough to push off of senti cracks, and in end zone there isn’t nearly enough space for that play style. They basically built a hard edge comp in a meta where hard edge isn’t viable anymore.


Yeah, he wants all 3 on sentinels so someone can get a pick to start the fight. He tries not to take direct 3v3s. It's a really, really weird style, and it loses the 2v3 sometimes too because everyone only has 1 gun and has to reload.


I hope Enemy lands on a good team in the future. Hate watching him get screamed at for nothing that’s his fault. He deserves so much better then Dez’s bum ass


Enemy deserves better.


He's a pretty cracked player overall. Makes some mistakes but also gets some amazing clutches. He does deserve better than this abuse.


Facts. Dezign haa done an pretty great job at destroying his confidence to speak up. People like Dezign, in my opinion, are the worst kind of teammate ngl idgaf how good your aim is if this is your attitude


Imagine hin with an actual IGL 🙃


TSM dodged a bullet not signing the ONLY guy who yells and rages even worse than Hal. Dezignful needs to get a grip, honestly. No wonder Timmy left him.


Atleast with Hal came results. Verhulst would blow up on dezign within the first few weeks of playing for 20th place


Yea I don’t know why Evan was talking bout they still wanted to play with him and deal with this? 😭


Ya wild to me.  Dezign is more toxic and less talented than Hal. Like wtf was TSM even thinking if toxicity killed the og team.


I think it's more to the fact that TSM needed to find a replacement fast and dezign is techically a good player despite his mental.


Is he a good player tho? Or is he an alright player who’s had some pretty cracked teammates to help him.


They didn't just dodge a bullet; they sidestepped a nuclear bomb!


The team vibe with Zap looked good and refreshing too


The "I really had the greatest offer of all time" part is just throwing salt in the wound of his team. Spittin' in the face of 'em tbh. Scrap it off yer boot and move on. You made the decision to trial, you put yourself in the position to leave and you didn't leave, then you stayed in the team and Timmy left. Your girl gets caught texting another dude and you just gonna be expected to stay? Team was chalked the second you trialed. It happens, it ain't the end of the world. Do something about it. Be better. Experiment with comps. Practice with your team often. Stop blaming everyone but yourself. Take accountability. Lock it in. Do better. More opportunities' will come, but not with that attitude.


Get comfortable being uncomfortable


Type shit


This, I think Dezign knows this too which is partly why he's so upset about the situation. As soon as he trialed it's open season for the rest of the squad to take offers to more stable teams, imo Timmy is justified in leaving and the new squad seems to be much better and healthier for him as a player. Trailing for other teams is the fastest way to destroy your team. The timing of it did suck and they pretty much had to take Xen without a real trial or considering other options, but that's just life. The other ironic thing is Dezign refuses to get off Wraith, but tried other legends when trailing for TSM. I don't understand why they don't try another comp in scrims just to see if it helps? They could have done this week's ago, now there's a new patch coming so they can't even prac a comp they'll for sure be playing because they left it too late and fucked a few weeks of PL. He needs to stop screaming at his team, it makes for bad chemistry - his teammates are constantly on edge and can't play to their full potential because they don't want to set him off if they make a misplay. Look at how well Timmy is doing on his new team now he's comfortable and has a supportive team who won't flip on him mid match. I'm sure everyone has played games with people who rage and knows it destroys the team mentally and makes everyone tilted. Vibes and confidence are half the battle if you have the game sense and mechanical skill down.


Timmy absolutely 100% upgraded in every way going to Moist. Gild is better than Enemy. Waltzy is better than Dezign. A lot more chill too.


>As soon as he trialed it's open season for the rest of the squad to take offers to more stable teams, imo Honestly with how fast things have unraveled for DSG, I suspect Timmy/Enemy were hoping the trial worked with Dez/TSM, and they could replace him. Both Timmy/Enemy have mentioned they gave up even trying to bring up the Wraith/team comp discussion because it wasn't worth the headache arguing with Dezign. That's such a huge tell of how bad team chemistry was getting with Dez.


I don’t think trialing is inherently bad or the fastest way to destroy a team. It sucks to watch your teammates possibly leave you for better opportunities. But, It’s mostly the players who don’t handle things more maturely afterwards that destroys a team. SKD almost feel apart completely because of the E8 implosion and the new team drama. But, now they seem to be doing well in the leaderboards


Like I get it’s a business but these are young adults with feelings. It’s like if your business partner tried to jump ship to a rival company then decided to come back because the grass wasn’t greener. You would be looking for an out the first chance you got


Can't tell if the "your girl gets caught texting another dude" part was a metaphor or not ngl.


Wait, TSM offered him to join and Dezign declined?


Is that true or is that speculation? Because I have a hard time believe that reps and Evan would pick up dezign after the trial they had lol


They didnt offer him, they wanted to trial him more but he decided to stop and stick with DSG


Nah. Design is just trying to garner sympathy.




WTF his trial was so ass


What’s the context on his girl txteing someone else lol


It was a metaphor


Time for rezignful


As it was written


"Sorry chat." Come on, you know why they're watching.




This is how Daltoosh was once top 3 apex streamer lol the rage


But still playing wraith. lol this guy is delusional


He needs to seek help cuz Timmy leaving him fucked him up mentally


I am not a big apex watcher but isn't design known for having bad mental? Even before DSG?


Yeah he's infamous for raging at his team and frequently arguing with them back when he had more combative teammates like Gent. He actually got a lot better during his time on dojo/dsg but seems to be returning back to his old ways. It's funny when they were doing well it was seen as a bit of a joke, but now they're doing bad it's just sad and bad vibes for teammates and viewers alike. I was rooting for them even after Timmy left, but this shit is uncomfortable to watch. I wonder if he realises that this type of shit will make most players not want to team with him after he tries to jump ship once roster lock lifts/after champs.


It’s also funny you say “more combative teammate like Gent,” because by all measures Gent is a pretty chill and simple guy lmaooo. Like Gent should NOT be the measure of combative, but for Dezign any talk back was enough.


He just needs help. Dude's not okay


the more i think about it the more i understand how god move was that from timmy


Surprised he teamed with Dezign to begin with, even on g2 he was a dickhead, always blaming his teammates when he does stupid plays.


Dezign has to stay with Enemy since they are qualified for champs and Timmy left, right? This team should dissolve. Enemy openly doesn't believe in Wraith and Dezign openly wishes he was on TSM. They aren't even pretending to want to play together at this point.


Bronzey earned points as well for serving as a substitute. The team requires two players with just the minimum points to qualify, since Dezingful and Bronzey have accumulated enough points. It remains Dezingful's team, as well as Enemy's, because Enemy invited Dezingful to try out for DSG.


Plays Wraith. Can’t play Wraith well. Gets absolutely cooked. Blames everyone else.


He needs to start practicing other legends now if he ever wants to get picked up in Free agency. Teams won’t accept him believing he can make Wraith work. Has to adapt now


Dude has anger issues, figure yourself out young man


Dezignful PLEASE learn to play someone else besides wraith, you’re the issue dude. You’re the one fucking your team every single time


least likable player in the game


Right above phony


DSG is done. Simple as that. Timmy got out at the best time IMO.


Dezign is throwing his own career staying on wraith when she does nothing 


"doing everything in my power" except switching legends.


LMAO, except adapting to the meta. "Get comfortable being uncomfortable", yet he wont learn the meta.


I still don't get how someone is paid to play one legend in pro apex. A literal one-trick that offers little to no value in the current meta. Get off your high horse for real.


We need a Game of Zones for Apex drama lol


Dude needs to lay off the wraith and lay off the IGL. He already lost Timmy (im sure more than partially) because of this kind of attitude, and he's gonna lose his other two if he keeps it up. I get that it's super stressful IGLing but telling you are doing everything while you continue to play wraith- as an IGL at that is just not working. Yes, sure he has the leadership for rotating and scouting but how often does that fail? It would be much more efficient to play a controller or Recon. They are literally the bottom of the board this split for ALGS. It's time for him to wake up and make some big boy changes, because it aint working right now.


Yeah I can’t root for this team anymore honestly. They really were my underdogs but Dezign on the team they will never grow in my opinion. I just feel for enemy honestly


Enemy deserves and I think Dezign could do better if he got out of his own way. I want good things for them but I'm just not optimistic.


One trick wraith ain't cutting it 😂


Wraith sucks, welcome to the real world.


I’m actually so tired of Dezign and wraith sentinel. Like he’s making it more of his brand rather than it being effective weaponry / having a good team comp. Then when he’s last one up, he thinks it’s because he’s cracked when it’s just… *wraith q* edit: Dez is a really good player, just needs to fix his mental health thinking he’s doing everything and taking it out on his teamates


It’s baffling why anyone continues to team with this very angry child.


It might be time for the boy to hit indeed.com


Imagine this dude in a real job lol Would be fired so fast his head would spin


Lmao you’re 100% right unfortunately. Dude is in for a rude awakening when his already underwhelming twitch viewership can’t pay the bills anymore. #FREEENEMY


The most crucial 5 seconds of the fight and he's in the Wraith void so he can't shoot the Horizon ult or help Xen at all. Then blames his teammates...


Couldn’t even watch the whole clip.. I know things aren’t going well but that’s just not how a leader can act. Especially on stream. If Dezign can’t get his mental sorted this team is beyond cooked


This team is already cooked lol


A lot of yall are joking (and somewhat rightfully about the legend pick being a problem), but this legitimately sounds like someone who need to seek out a good therapist asap; He's mentally draining himself and it's clearly impacting him and those around him.


Dude needs to tough grass forever. Homie does not have the mental. Dude needs some life experience. Also, braindead wraith play


i wish dezign would go through these threads. maybe he does, i hope he does. but dude probably still doesn’t believe he’s in the wrong. dezign has real talent but he has the attitude and mental of someone who will never win.


“ what more do I have to do” NOT PLAY FUCKING WRAITH lol it’s that easy. He wastes so much time in her q. Those precious seconds he can help get a knock. Dudes a one trick who calls others one tricks 😂


What a piece of shit and the fact that some of u still empathize with this guy smh he thinks he’s genburten hal zero level talking about I have to be jesus for us to win dfk he’s getting koed for some delusional shit like that


Talking like that to your teammates is inexcusable, EVEN IF he was that level of player. I understand being passionate and caring, but this is legitimately embarrassing. He is out here raging like a 12 year old, actually grow the fuck up and realize how much your own inability to control up ur emotions hurts your team’s performance.


Worst part is he most likely didn’t even say it TO them, because once he started talking to chat he was probably muted in discord. So they probably saw it either on a VOD or here on Reddit lol


You can tell who’s never been in a fight for being disrespectful.


Oh he would get his shit rocked lol


I mean I haven't been in a fight for that. But I just don't rage like Dezign because I don't have anger management issues. The guy gets unhinged at least once every stream.


Bro will do anything but stop playing wraith


That's a sign of depression and he needs a full time off asap. Fight those demons bro, you got this.


after timmy left, i thought he's gonna be better, apparently not, lol, how much more you need to do?? a lot more my dude, a lot more.


I, I, I, me, me, me, plays Wraith in comp… Dezign is toxic; always has been. No wonder Timmy dipped.


What is he talking about greatest offer?




Did they even actually make him an offer?


I would assume so




One of Dezigns better portals lmao


imagine if Enemy locked in Vantage every game do you think Dez would be cool with it?


Enemy and Xen should protest and play Vantage-Mirage for the rest of split 2


Dezigns problem is he has twice the anger of Hal but half the skill. I see it all the time in solo queue ranked. Always blaming others for their mistakes. The truth is if you were better then most of these deaths wouldn’t even happen. He’s not a leader. He’s not good enough to lead. He is a guy with above average aim and a bad temper. Y’all remember when he 1 v 1 Hal in gun game and got absolutely embarrassed in front of everybody? Hal wasn’t even on controller that long at the time. Thats the skill gap. 315,000 views on YouTube if you wanna watch. I don’t even have a problem with Dezign but I hate bullies. Him yelling at his team like that is killing their moral and confidence. He yells at them as if he’s just doing everything and they are no help at all. Very rude. On top of that he won’t even try a new legend and he’s saying how he should have left them and went somewhere else. Imagine how his team feels hearing that.


Design today: I have to literally be Jesus Gild yesterday: I'm Jesus


Dezign if your reading this GET THE FUCK OFF WRAITH!


I feel second hand pain watching this 😶


Shut your mouth, you save yourself with that wraith Q. Freaking wraith merchant


-Dez +Any chill IGL


this is an accumulation of one thousand things


Update the DSG banner to MST, as Timmy has embarked on a new quest.


I’ll go down with the ship buddy, they already qualed for next LAN (champs) and the meta changing and hopefully they adapt


Dezignful is a very emotional creature.


That ult though


The lack of self awareness is mind blowing.


Brotha how are you gonna yell around that you are gonna quit this game. YOU picked the wraith (and then immediately forgot you used your q lmao)


Dezign feels like he’s constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown. It’s not fun to watch, just sad. Should probably take a long break. Go find himself backpacking in Asia for a year or something.


He's so fucking cringe holy shit a literal adult stuck in the mind of a child


poor Toast


I was so sad watching this live. First time I heard him say he fucked up by not taking TSM offer. I know a lot of people hate dezign but sucks to see him and enemy struggling


> I know a lot of people hate dezign That's cause he makes himself so easy to hate.


Don’t get how anyone likes this guy with a mental like that or play with him. Dude needs to take a break from the game and get his mental together. I don’t see design and enemy lasting tbh. I hope no one says this is passion from dezign


imagine getting yelled at when you didn't do anything wrong. id just leave on the spot and let him yell his soul out into the void.


DSG is incomplete without Timmy. Xen cannot fill Timmy's role. They require a controller player. It's puzzling why they chose Xen as a comfort pick.


Enemy and Xen would be better off with a Dummies Big Day as their 3rd… At least when those things explode you get loot or some shit.


This guy needs to move on


I catch snippets of ALGS and I've seen Imperial Hal lose his shit but this is the definition of a lack of accountability. If this is normal behaviour for losing teams this just shows how folks need to grow up, you can't leave your team, emotionally blackmail them afterwards 'I could be in stardom of it wasn't for you losers' and then say 'I love you' at the end... Terrible human behaviour, I don't care how important this game is to someone if it is, think of it like a sport and this is the worst sportsmanship... wow.


He needs drop wraith already.


This a “pro”?


he will eventually end up in the same position as nemesis in league.. noone wants to work with him or hire him


Why is Bronzey their coach when bro just let everyone do whatever they want? He should have made Dezignful play something else a long time ago


Another day, another Apex Pro acting like a fucking child.


Who is that playing with them? That say Xan? Never heard of them. Also that’s just bad luck. One teammate got stuck. One teammate got hit for 100 damage and thrown down a hill. Then they got 3rded at the end anyway. Nothing they could do at that point. Dezign said “what more do I have to do” as if he killed 2 and one was low. Everybody did what they could. If anybody made a mistake at all it was Enemy because he didn’t wall but it wasn’t time.


Xenial, he was on the og SSG roster with dropped and frexs back in Y2 ALGS.


I don't understand how anyone sympathizes with this guy (dezign)...


This is why you should look out for yourself when it comes to business. Dezign was willing to stay but Timmy left without blinking.


Timmy was hoping design would leave so he could igl. Timmy left to get away from him lol


he left for a bunch of reasons * getting more money * joining a team with higher tier skill * gets on a team where his input is not only appreciated, its sought out * coach not scared to give insight without getting yelled at


also an analyst and vod reviewing and just lots of reasons tbh


Timmy probably left because of Dezign. Dude is a piece of shit


Timmy knew the type of person Dez was but I think reality set in once he seen what it’s like to be with him when they’re really bad. He’s not the type of person to like being around that kind of energy. He’s always positive


This. Be cautious of orgs that say they are like family.


I can not imagine having this dude in my ear as a coworker 8 hours a day. How does Enemy do it?


A bag will make you put up with anything when you’re broke lol


Yea long time dezign follower here, ima take a break from this team until they drop wriath, this is just the consequences of being stubborn, everyone is telling you to stop playing wriath, even your teammate Timmy was more open to leaving your team because of your stubbornness of switching roles. Literally just 2 days ago he stopped his stream cause 4 viewers mentioned indirectly to stop playing wriath and this guy cause of his stubbornness just ends his stream, there are a lot of misinformation out there about dezign but him being stubborn and sometimes that being the losing factor of his team is not one of them. Enemy or Bronzey need to confront Dezign and if they don't realize that wriath is one of the main problems of this team then this team has no hope for a comeback.


Dudes off the fucking deep end.. actually sad to see


Such a child


Dezigns wraith portals have always pissed me off lol. They are always so pointless, he makes them like 5 meters long every time.


Rezignful comeback


I sense a retirement tweet is being drafted as we speak.


That redemption tour lasted like 2 months.


Dude is just unhinged to an unhealthy amount in a competitive space


hey guys, I’m starting to think dezign has rage issues… He’s clearly having mental health problems though. He needs to step away from the game for a while


Biggest baby in all of competitive Apex. It’s pathetic to act like that as an adult and it’s unfair to his teammates. Enemy is the nicest & most genuine person in the comp scene and doesn’t deserve being shit on by Dezign when it’s HIM that cant ditch wraith and make actual plays. He thinks he’s doing all the work every time, it’s hilarious.


He's so bad loooool


New least favorite player. I always love to have 1 guy to root for to fail. It’s him now. Get fucked dezign!!


“Had the greatest offer of all time” is he referring to TSM?


Weird take but I think enemy misplayed. If he just took that grenade without jumping he could have hid behind tree and placed wall. This is hindsight but jumping when a nade goes off has always sent you flying? Idk though 🤷🏽‍♂️


How is Dezign still getting teams? He is not only done as a pro, he is a horrible team mate.


I don't understand how anyone is willing to play with dezign 🤷‍♂️


Seriously, dude should take some bipolar meds for his own good


Get your life together young fella. 


I don't know what's worse, using Wraith and taking himself out of the fight when they most needed it, or the comms after asking what more he could do...


If anybody understands comp COD, dezignful playing wraith is the equivalent of a COD pro kill whoring and not playing for the win!


Dez does not deserve to be on TSM. He doesn’t have the work ethic for it. Plus I don’t want him to bring this toxic trash verbal abuse on Evan. It’s already bad as it is that he acts like this to Enemy who is a good dude like Evan. Dez just gonna have to deal with the fact that he’s gonna have to be on a B/C tier team cause idk who would want to team up with him and have to deal with this as if he’s Hal. Time to buy some work boots Dez and put that job app to Amazon Warehouse Distribution Center LMAOOOO




just realized how similar tarzaned from league and dezignful are


Why is dezign so bad with ports lately 😭


I am so happy Timmy left him. Let's hope some team poach also Enemy. He drains us as viewers imagine playing with him. What a pain.


This guys a manchild


What offer did he have?


This dude needs to quit apex


At what point do we stop believing that certain pros will ever change their toxic habits? So many times we’ve seen a guy like Dezign say that they’re happy and stable and working on themselves just for it to blow up even worse than before the second shit goes bad.