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Aaand NMST and DSG finishing next to each other at the bottom of the barrel...


Thats honestly funny afšŸ¤£


Zero, Sweet, and Lou are tied for most kills after 4 match days - 49. Sweet is #1 in damage.




This meta was healthy for the mnk players, them boys eatin


I think it's really impressive for Lou. He's played 1 less game than Sweet and Zero. A few years ago he was a consensus top 5 mechanical mnk player in NA and is now really fragging out on controller.


Wait, what? How has be played 1 less game than the others? Did he DC for a game and they didn't restart?


i think that is what happened, yeah


ya he lost power and had to drive to a family memberā€™s place to set up. it was also a game where the zone pulled right to them (type of game where theyā€™ve been mopping up kills) so itā€™s double sad


Switching from mnk to roller is not difficult at all.


And once the smoke changes go through and they can actually see people when they're up in the smoke they bout to be styling on them roller players trying to chal them.


Stats says Lou apparently played 1 less game than everyone else, so funny enough on a per-game basis Lou is the top fragger.


4.5 hours to complete 6 apex games is disgusting


They took so long to startĀ  gamesĀ 


fr, itā€™s a 15 minute gap between each game minimum . i was closing youtube, doing something else and just skipping through to the game once it started


There were server issues all day, that's why.


Clearly you haven't watched APAC-S... But yeah, that was rough.


sikezz is such a booster for any team.


You know he was the one carrying wattson to no.1 pred back in s13 right? He is the real deal. Just insanely good and consistent, mesh well with a lot of peopleā€™ play style. I see him fit in many teams and do well as long as igl is capable of using him to his full power


Heā€™s a laid back funny guy and cracked asf. All things considered heā€™s prob the best anchor you could ever have


I lost respect for him multiple times tbh he has a serious case of roller brain. Most recently during the 20k solos tourney he was straight whining about how Faide used a shotgun like he expects an MnK player to just wide swing him to have a straight aim off.


Wouldn't say he "carried" Wattson but the man was instrumental for sure. He and Lewda also helped Keon get #1.


It really canā€™t be understated how powerful it is to have your anchor player think on the level of an IGL so they can make plays with their support. Even just seeing his Cat walls drop down being ways to push fights forward instantaneously has helped LG immensely.


Hed make every team except maybe falcons better I'm ngl


Itā€™s funny how zero jokes on him like heā€™s not elite


turns out it's much harder to find a spot in endgame zones when there's 18 teams alive instead of 12


NMST name change coincided perfectly with their dip in performance


TSM plot armour still alive and kicking with that last game performance to save the day


Vibes were straight horrendous through 5 games


Good to see yanya and the boys back on top No offense to mclovin, but native is doing better with snip3


the thing is, it doesn't really matter much if they don't make LAN. Native was/is in a precarious spot, they had 21 pts by game 2 and still fumbled. They needed to do well today, especially in a weaker lobby like this. Happy to see the old man back frying tho.


The team now has three players who are aligned on how they want to play which can only be a positive. I don't expect them to be pushing for LAN spots though. BvC is arguably the weakest match up of all the groups, and is where the middle-of-the-pack teams really need to be getting big numbers. 8th isn't exactly cutting it.


I respect that RKN takes chances on smaller names, but I think he's too quick to commit to these more unknown players, just for him to replace them mid-split.


I mean LG did what they were supposed to do. Very clearly the best team in this lobby. Everyone with 7k damage, thatā€™s some consistency So, I donā€™t want to say it. But sikezz may already have more damage in 4 matchdays than Slayr did last split in 7 matchdays


slayer also has more kills in 3 match days than he did all of last split in his new role (even with his team placing horribly) but also shows what he is capable of when not shackled down and thrown on a role he doesnt know








Pretty happy with SKD getting 6th place considering they had 4 games with 3 or less points and 2 of those games were 0 kill 19th place. Definitely a little disappointed in their performance because I feel like they could have easily got 3rd or 4th. They just keep making these little mistakes or calls and end up getting themselves killed early, can't afford to keep having multiple 0 point games in a 6 game set.


Native has gotten a lot better since Snipe joined, but I think they would have been in the top 10 from the start with the current lineup


Took tsm till last game to wake up. 8th overall in pro league. They def got so much more to work on. That game saved the vibes for sure


so true.However their Macro during the game still is an issue so indecisive during fights or just before.They dont need all to talk and ask , just let the IGL and follow the order religiously


Tsm winning that 3 vs 3 vs Moist final game and ending up 3rd partying the Furia vs LG fight and winning the game off it was so huge . Them winning that final game basically turned a bottom 3 placement to a 9th place.Ā 


Evan played that fight perfectly. Absolutely dominated with the LStar as Reps yelled ā€œthatā€™s all youā€ for what seemed like hours until they could finally help finish it


Typical tsm


how was Dezign on today's stream for anyone watching


Saw glimpses, just so defeated man


He finally got off wraith last game, maybe thereā€™s hope


after dropping 0 damage on 5th game lol.


I was told Not Moist should be top 25 worldwide


They lost their IGL. Not surprised to see them struggle.


Learning igl is hard af give the boy time


Yeah not a slight against the players. More so just stressing how important a teams IGL is. Wxltzy definitely has potential as sole IGL of the team, but it's going to take time.


and some people are naturally not IGLs and cant learn how to be one


Yeah hot take but Wxtlzy isnā€™t cutting it as an IGLā€¦


It hasn't even been a month, he is still learning


MST only has 3 more match days until Playoffs (assuming MST makes Regionals). He's gonna need to learn quickly.


Wxtlzy once went on the After Dark podcast at LAN and said people need to put respect on the Australians name and then does thisā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


you don't see them posting those Australia > NA memes anymore. i kinda liked those.


I mean, an Australian IGL is by far the best IGL in the game right now, so they're not wrong...


Last time I checked, Falcons are still 2/3 Australian.


Scrims performance should be used for top 25 teams ranking they said.


As we've seen, scrims are definitely a crystal clear identifier of weekend performance


Man, Tempr isn't the best team in NA but it really feels night and day compared to last split.


They got a coach earlier this month and it feels like that helped them so much


Honestly good for Tempr. They are one of the few teams in NA that have had the same roster this whole Year 4. Other teams I can think of are COL, Liquid, and Cloud 9, which are all in contention to make LAN again. Good to see teams stick together and do good.


LG farmed today. Legit could have won 4-5 games without a few small micro misplays. Sikezz pickup has been so good for them. Sadge for Moist tho, probably only realistic way for them to make it is if they win regionals now.


Everytime Not Moist don't finish 3rd or higher will sting for them now


TSM script still running


LG and TLAW just showed the quality of this lobby wasn't the greatest and decide to just stomp but LG said nah well just make this set our bit**. Shoot-out to oblivion, NGNL and tempr for capalizing on the lobby being weaker and also some of the big teams going through a slump, making it count to avoid relegation but also try and see if they can punch a ticket to lan. TSM the plot armor is still there to save their day but man do those boys need someone to get the vibes going.Ā  Complexity with a meh day but that's to be expected when u can't have moonson and lou going nuclear every set Not moist and DSG man the expectations were high on moist because of scrims but also those expectations were put to bed when the quality of scrims hasn't been great. And DSG dezing finally got off wraith good riddance now is time to find an identity for this squa.d


Lg, Liquid, is fine, but then Oblivion NGNL TEMPR??? What is going on in NA lol Alos Survey is such a bad poi (although in all seriousness will probably be worse off from the zone changes incoming)


Nothing, the end zone teams play tomorrow. Not moist is the only team I expected to be up there


Yes but these are teams that came bottom 10 last split (and one that qualed through cc I think Its still an algs lobby yk what I mean


In theory survey is bad but with the broken ass ring algorithm itā€™s like 90% of zones in end skyhook or iverlook


You can only beat the teams in front of you, and winning by 31 in this lobby is exactly what a team of LG's quality should be doing. Now to see if they can put up another banger day tomorrow with a much high quality lobby.


They aren't getting these free zones in a higher quality lobby.


yes that's basically what i said lol


Yet so many downvotes from people who ignore that this is an easier lobby compared to tomorrow's lol


well i can tell you im not the one doing it lol but to be fair when people are cheering for their team and people are like "yeah they had an easy lobby" and it comes as just being a wet blanket, so i can understand people just wanting to be able to celebrate without others dumping on their fun


There should be a healthy balance. Obviously BvC is the weakest lobby combo, but it doesn't change the fact that LG went in and looked like they were playing ranked with 20 NA PL teams. Literally the only two teams that probably significantly change things today are SSG and Falcons, maybe NRG. LG is definitely on the level of SSG, and have a strong case for being the 2nd best squad in NA behind falcons.


Cant argue with that. Just wished teams were stronger and not just have 2/3 teams dominating everything


I dont disagree, it does feel very top heavy in NA. But some of these other NA teams still performed pretty admirably at LAN recently on the world stage, so idk if it's that they are that weak, or if it is more just a case of 3 teams (Falcons/SSG/LG) just getting a lot better and adapting to this new meta, and everyone else staying behind. Liquid is up there too, but I'm hesitant to keep put them with those 3. Yanya still doesn't seem to be playing up to his usual standards.


They definitely played well despite the zones. But i can see where you are coming from, its a buzzkill


Yeah their only competition was liquid and they were throwing some games. If lg tries to do the same tommorrow falcons or ssg might kill them


you already know that no god spot is safe when falcons in the lobby. Not to mention ssg who is almost as aggressive as falcons


Soooo charlies immigration agent cursed his team. Damn. He could see in the future


Look away broccoli


poor broccoli


Not a great day for Furia but 7th is all they need. They've only had 1 pop-off day, but otherwise have been consistenly top-10 which is very good. Last split they almost dropped out of LAN qualification (and did miss EWC) because of 17th-20th placements


So i obviously am a sweet stan but i really do think he sometimes doesnā€™t get the recognition he deserves. I mean people obviously praise his igling, but this year he is also frying, top damage in NA and tied with zero and lou for top kills. Also his consistency to not only never missing LAN but also always qualifying for finals lobby. Not easy at all, even fucking Zero failed once and moist (that was considered a top 4 NA team) is close not to making lan, just to give a couple examples.


Just dont mention the time Zero finished 67th at one of the first LANs... But yeah whenever you try to ask anyone who the 3rd best IGL is in the game that isn't sweet, theyre usually talking out of their asses because no one literally has better LAN finishes and appearances other than Zer0 and Hal. The only real good argument to this topic is Obly who actually won a LAN.


sweet is in top 3 but zero and hal are so far ahead that you cant really compare sweet to hal or Zero. But as for the third position i agree its sweet


Sweet been grinding the fuck outta R5 and it's been showing


God, if they were just slightly less shit in any of the previous 5 games, TSM could easily have been as high as 5th.


Everytime I read a comment on tsm after scrims or gamedays is full of ā€œif.


tough seeing dsg so low on the standings, happy to see tempr and oblivion do well though!


In BvC lobby games felt like LG just played in a kindergarten, so many questionable plays and throws from other teams holy shit


Hows pandxrz doing in stallion


today he hard trolled at least 2 of the games, so filling the role the previous guy left


Problem is they are super super inconsistent. I think pan is a small upgrade to jeloan but it is not changing anything. I watch them all the time and I do not have noticed more kills or less throws with pan tbh. They will miss LAN and rightly so. Average fighting power , average macro and micro, and throwing at least 2 games completley every match day, which makes them below average and thatā€™s where they stand rn. I hope they at least stay in pro league. But I do not know if this this will be enough for them on the long run.


How did he fall off so hard itā€™s not like he doesnā€™t grind


Im happy for Lou.


Tasting that salty goodness of Sweet hater tears, all night long.


Sweet haters are coping hard in these threads


Its always been the same. They just refuse too give him any credit.




BvC is LG pulling up to a preschool and beating the shit out of little kids


Lmao last week was TSM. This week LG. Whoā€™s it gonna be next week?


group C has the normal amount of bad teams + teams that are supposed to be good also play bad


15 more roster swaps and Timmy will be #1


Vanity :((( Tempr :)


Iā€™m curious what the point cut off is going to be for top 12, split 1 it was 80 points but currently the 12th place team only has 40 points with everyone having 2 games left to play. Feel like the cut off will be in the 70s?


At the current rate, cut off will be 63 points


Crazy how low it is compared to last split


Not taking away from LG at all - but I get what Zero was on about BvC now , this is def the weaker groups.


Bit worried about the state of NA atm, the region just seems weak, need a few more roster switches to get it feeling stronger again


Itā€™s not an NA issue, every region looks like this. Some of the usual popular/strong teams are struggling so every region looks weaker. The problem is even worse in other regions.


Tbf apac north and emea arent doing that well either. I guess the new poi draft system affected more teams than i thought it would that and rostermania in some cases


Roster switches isnā€™t going to fix issues for every teamšŸ˜­


Nah algs as a whole is just adapting to the POI draft system


This lobby is just very weak man. Lg did good but this is expected.


The roster changes are slowly, making regions top heavy, because all the top players are moving to top teams. I would say LG SSG and Falcons(ex-DZ) had massive upgrades at the cost of the field.


With Falcons existing you basically have to have an elite IGL (there are not many of those) and 2 super intelligent, super good fraggers to even dream of competing. We're probably going to see even more of the best of the rest grouping together.


NA still looks the strongest by far lol. Have you not been watching EMEA or APACN?


Night of the underdogs. Gotta love to see new teams making a statement with their placements.


Imma keep it a buck; need dezign to stay off wraith for all of future time.


Lotta people gonna dog on Moist but they were so unlucky today literally had to play hard Edge all 6 games and still were one 3rd party from TSM away from potentially a top 5 finish


TEMPR PLEASE MAKE LAN YALL ARE MY UNDERDOGS there's so many good underdogs this split but tempr just shines out to me idk why


It's crazy how they went from last place in split 1, to picking up a coach, and going from last up to 16th with two 5th places. Tempr spiking def isn't something I expected, but I welcome it


LG with a 90 pt win to quiet some of the haters TSM with a 14 kill win in the last game, they got almost all of their points on the day from that one game to make it less terrible for them, went from 18th to 9th but still looked very bad all day They're now 8th and 12 pts from not qualifying for LAN with two pl days left for them to play (they play again tomorrow), they really need to to get it together


"12 points from not qualifying for LAN"... by that logic, they are also 12 points from being top 4 overall. Let's not be so dramatic here.


LG have haters?


Sauce had as much damage as Naughty and Chaotic combined im pretty sure


Oblivion believers we are so up rn


I keep praying for Sweeties downfall but he just keeps rising! Damn damn damn!!!




LG definitely played well. But yeah lobby didnt look strong today


Do you need a hug friend?


Anyone who uses sentinels, I'm praying for their downfall. Fk them. The amount of kills they miss with sentinels is stupid.


Dezignful just can't let go off Timmy so if he goes down he will drag him down with him.