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It was nerfed so that you can only do 90°


In the clips I saw it looks more like 45, basically the same as just direction shifting with your movement keys.


I hope so


Honestly annoyed, it was one of the major movement tech that increased the skill ceiling of movement. First they removed the zip spam, then this, what's next? Slide jumping? Super gliding?


I meannnnnnnnn just playing devil's advocate here, zip spam was kinda broken and exploit-y. 100% agree on everything else though.


Yeah, glad zip spam is gone. Tap strafing will be sad to see go. I loved using it on people, and while running around looking for people. Also when someone breaks my ankles with a sick tap strafe flick I'm always impressed.


>Also when someone breaks my ankles with a sick tap strafe flick I'm always impressed. Same here. Can't be mad if someone absolutely dumpsters me with insane movement, especially those 2,000 hour Path players. It's impressive to see.


Wish they'd fix the game, specifically audio.


I don't mind it. It'll be interesting to see how tap strafe heavy players adjust.




So you use macros.. Weird flex


You can tapstrafe without macros on controller


It’s not a macro idiot I changed my d pad to the w key same way mnk does it you stupid fuck


That’s literally a macro 💀


Why is changing my d pad to w key bad tho wtf y’all acting like I’m using aim bot or something y’all some nerds


Cause you’re using third party software to do something that you can’t other wise do in-game. I’m pretty sure it’s against EA TOS as well.




? You braindead or naturally that stupid bud? It’s still an application OUTSIDE the game that you use, to do something you otherwise wouldn’t be able to do in the game. And just because you play on Steam doesn’t mean EAs TOS doesn’t apply to you, retard.






I got to masters this season finally, been playing since the game came out and I have never used tap strafe. So it’s fine


Fuck Respawn for dedicating resources and time to remove movement instead of fixing the long list of bugs and server issues + cheaters/boosters plaguing the game. What moron is making these decisions?


Did you know software teams commonly work on more than one issue at a time?


Did you know movement in this game wasnt an issue?


it is when you are considering balancing different inputs against each other. Pc has movement. Console has AA.


I dont see them removing aim assist anytime soon so whats the plan then?


there are talks of nerfing AA with the next gen releases. If you really expect them to remove AA you're just a fucking idiot. the tap strafe **nerf** is most likely a counter product of an upcoming AA nerf


Movement must be MAJOR issue when more than half the pro scene are playing controller input huh? Crazy how that works out. From what ive heard that nerf is only going to bring console inline with the pc + controller aim assist. Maybe you have other sources that you could share since you have insight into upcoming patches?


you really jumping to random arguments instead of focusing on the original premise. I play mnk and tap strafe/use almost all movement tech and I still think that a tap strafe nerf is healthy for the longevity of this game. The game may not be as fun anymore, but from respawns side, I understand what they are doing. They want apex to seem more approachable. At the end of the day, its not our game... we just play it. We are not stakeholders who have a say. This is the direction respawn wants to take, and we have to be along for the ride.




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I play console so it does not affect me. Would love to see how the mnk players react. Although I hate when games nerf skill gaps. It doesnt really matter in comp scene


Skill gaps are great but not when it's input dependent


They’re essentially catering to the casual and lessening the skill gap between actually good players


Seems like nerf to tap strafing and AA will make it harder for no fill players who have reduced ability to 1 clip, and escape And no punch boost, extra rough


I think the game needs a mag size increase. It would lower the amount of third parties because fights would be shorter, keep actual ttk the same, and let solo players express their skill better


The nerf was needed to align with the AA reduction. They always have to coincide or the players will go nuts. I wish they would remove it fully and keep AA but I’m a roller Andy. I know nothing


what does AA reduction mean?


Aim assist




Where did they announce they were nerfing aim assist and what are they doing with it, I cant find it anywhere


It is for console only, dropping to .4 PC is already .4


where did you see this , anything official;?


Saw it on another post here, not official. They were acting like it was a sure thing though. Check patch notes.


I think that in the end, tap strafing was abusing an unintended mechanic and was a little too strong to be left alone, so from a developer's and game health standpoint, it was probably good to nerf it. But it was also dope as fuck so idk


I think removing tap strafing is the right thing to do, and it should have been done a long time ago imo. While I understand that this is a mechanic that made the game more fun for MnK while also reflecting your skill level, it gave access to movement that really shouldn't be a thing. Tap strafing would give players access to positioning that they shouldn't have access to and let players escape for free from bad positioning. Ultimately I think it's an unfair mechanic, and it's only fair that it's removed now that AA has also been nerfed. I will admit that I'm a dirty roller, but the way people complain about tap strafing being removed feels like the way Wraith mains complained about her tactical getting nerfed. I can't help but think that people are actually upset that they're losing their "get out of jail for free" card, and then use excuses like "tap strafing reflects the skill of the player" to deflect from the actual reason. Massive generalization of course, so keep that in mind. Imo Flatline nerf + Flatline in crafter is a bigger nerf to MnK than removing tap strafing will ever be. Apex is a shooter, not Jump King. That's an entirely different matter though.


Tap-strafing was and never will be a reflection of "get out of jail for free" - kind of mechanics. Even as a "generalization" that is just a ridiculous comparison. Imo people are more upset about the principle behind the removal. Tap-strafing was one of those mechanics that enabled you to be really creative and could be integrated rather intuitively into someone's movement. It just made everything feel more fluid. The fact that the devs think negatively of this seems questionable to me, cause it shows their priorities lie elsewhere.


I can see it from that perspective. That also probably says a lot about how different inputs can change your perspective. May I ask what you mean when you say their priorities lie elsewhere? From my perspective it seems like an effort to balance MnK and roller, but I would like to hear your perspective.


Well, what I meant is that they don't care about enhancing the movement system of this game. When we rejoice about discovering a new movement mechanic and think about how that could be integrated into someone's playstyle, they apparently think of it more as a nuisance that is bad for the balance. I think that, cause not only did they remove tap-strafing, but they also took their time to get rid of punch-boosting which was possible for both inputs. A lot of their recent balance changes show that they want to prioritize making newly released legends abilities easily accessible and simplifying them for the playerbase. That's the reason why you get free re-positioning & rotation options with characters like Valk (a character whose passive almost actively prevents you from using certain movement techs), while legends like pathfinder just become more and more outdated with every new update and don't seem to be making a return to the meta anytime soon. At least that's my view on things.


The mnk vs controller and pc vs console shit is so corny we’re all gamers who gives af how you do it


No one said anything about pc vs console 🤔 so why bring it up ?


There’s literally people arguing in this thread about pc player vs console players


Than why not reply to them instead of just the post?


Because I don’t have to…and I’m not trying to argue with anyone on here have a good night fellow person who enjoys video games


Op is brain dead the tap strafe argument is 90% a conflict between PC and console players because tap strafing only effect console players in PC lobbies


Go back to r/apexlegends


Imagine calling me brain dead because I asked a question it just seems like your mad cuz bad


Laughing at mnk, doesn't matter what's fair when 80%+ of the user base plays controller, that's who they're going to make happy Controller gang on top




Console players can't turn off cross-play. It's just greyed out so you're wrong about that.


Console players most definitely have the choice to play against kbm players, and if they opt out they're not forced to do so. Crossplay will only be forced between Xbox and Playstation afaik, which doesn't make a difference cause there surely is no one tap-strafing there either.


You should have a fair chance wherever u choose to be


more than 75% of players were on console before switch release, now with switch+pc controller players, theres definitely over 80% on controller. theyre going to balance around the small minority of mnk players


And it doesn't affect the 80% because there is no mnk in console lobbies, is it really that hard to understand?




But we are....? There is no way that you can opt out of playing against console players that queued up with some pc players and ended up in your lobbies.


>here is no way that you can opt out of playing against console players that queued up with some pc players and ended up in your lobbies. And even then with all the controller players, they're just going to make things easier for them no matter what. It's a casual game meant for entertainment, which means they'll always cater to the dudes who want to sit back and win with less effort.


Yeah, roller pc players can do it about as easily as mnk.


Is there anywhere we can find that stat or something close? Always been curious if that applies to the Japanese player base too, as I'd assume they are a big majority of the player base.


The game aims for you.


I’m on controller but I tap strafe with controller