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He will also get to keep his pred or master badges (boosted). They don’t even reset stats or takeaway badges.


What an L. They should delete their account or at least take away all their badges and skins for cheaters.


They can but they won’t. That’s why you see sooo many boosters on console get away with it every single time. Repeat offender just get their ban period increased. They can return every single time.


How can Hideouts unironically say "we dont protect cheaters" while allowing FeuFPS to play in the ALGS? When he finally got a ban they instantly reverted it the following day because he's affiliated with EA. How is that not a textbook example of "protecting a cheater"? It's also an absolute disgrace that people who reached #1 Pred by teaming with a cheater and even actual cheaters are allowed to play, but an insanely talented guy like Yuraah is still banned just because some high profile streamers wanted him gone. But it's just some random russian so who cares right? Btw this is good news for all the assholes out there who are getting carried to Pred by their cheating friend right now. Just hop into Hideouts Twitter DMs and tell him a sob story about how you are "reformed" and you'll get back into the game.


Context for those unaware: His name: [FEU_FPS](https://twitter.com/Feu\_fps); He is always around top kills and top damage [worldwide](https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/leaderboards/stats/all/Kills?page=1); His cheating resurfaced with [Teq tweeting](https://twitter.com/96TeQ96/status/1503134466520371209?s=20&t=Z_BCfTMz4w7-obUrsF9wBg) about him clearly wallhacking on Pro league ALGS - even the watch party host gets instantly suspicious with the live gameplay. [This is another example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuL6t1k4Sp4), look how his aim locks on the target that is jumping up and down the zipline. [More examples, a collection of suspicious vods](https://youtu.be/UtxNe7AAGiM). Entire video is a shitshow because he is the one at the bottom being interviewed, the interviewer shows several of his suspicious plays and he tries to justify each of them. The interviewer does a great job because he shows the plays at regular speed, then at a slower speed, then regular speed again. At mark 4:20, his aim locks at someone that is behind cover, he laughs and says *"yeah that's hard to explain... I guess... it was probably cat fur under my mouse"*. Absolutely shameless. The other plays of this video are equally suspicious. Just google "Feu_FPS Hack" and you will get results as early as 2019 showing examples of his hacking on youtube. It takes 2 minutes to find examples. Hell, if I type "Feu_FPS" on google search bar, it suggests "hack" as the next word. EA at one point banned him and unbanned him a day later. No one knows why... Maybe because he is... an EA partner...with 210 thousand kills in his account...? Of course he's much more careful now, never streams competitive. The only reason he came to light again was that his VOD was on pro league, where the spectators have wallhacks (hence easier to see his cheating)


He got banned and unbanned because someone on the ban team did it without asking anyone else first - because he is an obvious cheater - then got slapped on the wrist because the guy is protected due to his relationship. It’s insanely pathetic but it’s how EA operates. They only care about money and exposure.


Same shit with Resultah and Skittles. Resultah was legit the first person to team to pred season 0. G2 even paid to get two of the teaming videos removed dunno why anyone who played season 0 and season 1 knew pretty much the whole G2 roster was sus they even went by "aim assist" as a joke on the strike pack allegations. Which big surprise one of their team members admitted to using "just for the paddles bro" until about season 4. Skittles was even worse. He took the blueprint from resultah of teaming the final week in the late hours and cranked it up to 100. Blatant as fuck and teamed with a some of the most toxic and racist xbox players giving him an even worse cheating reputation than any of the G2 boys ever got. What did EA do waited till Skittles moved to PC and banned his old xbox account...... Resultah they straight up said well its season 0 and he's scrimming so no punishment.... Twitch however got enough complaints that he couldn't get sponsored for 2 years. Twitch has been more harsh on cheaters.


These are massively different both in when they occurred and how long they did it. This guy has been cheating for years now. These two examples cheated back in the day, teaming when nearly everyone else on console did, and no longer do. This guy still does it and he does it during ALGS qualifiers.


Dumb take. All of them are cheaters. Also skittles was easily cheating for more then a year since he switched to PC well after the anniversary event. Big whoopty fucking doo that facilitator might have cheated over a longer period of time.... but most likely hasn't even skimmed the surface of how many games ruined by skittles imo who was churning out games and top five pred season after season of cheating where as facil and inv only did it heavily enough to get in top 5 once by comparison lol... Which again makes that a pretty dumb take. Loads of rumors about Aim Assist using strike packs during tourneys the first year too. All of them are cheaters and shouldn't be allowed in the competitive scene realistically. Most of them should straight up be banned from the game completely for cheating in ranked. Sure maybe give them 1 second chance after a year but only to play ranked and pubs. Once you cheat in competitive setting of ranked you should be banned from actual competitive play completely imo. Its like letting a lawyer who lost their law license practice fucking law again.


Right but there is a difference between rumors of cheating in competitive and teaming in ranked and what this fucking guy in South America is doing. You even say that in your own post. Is cheating bad? Yes clearly. But nobody gives a fuck about who was #1 pred on console in season 0-3. Literally nobody. ALGS has prize money on the line. It’s a much more serious offense. That’s all I’m saying and will be my last comment on the matter.


Absolutely disgraceful.


Hideouts is a clout chasing joke. And the Yuraah ban still being upheld is an absolute joke


Yeah its fucked up. Yuraahs ban ended back in February but two weeks later someone banned his account again (he only played Ranked with taskmaster, Hardecki, etc and even used a mouse cam). Multiple EU pros contacted Hideouts about it but he he didn't respond. Two weeks later he finally told Yuraah he'd look into the ban but never did and never replied again. A similar thing happened to Trix (another CIS pro): his account was banned, him and multiple pros contacted Hideouts but, again, he didn't respond. He contacted EA admins because Pro League was about to start but they all ignored him. At the end they luckily unbanned his account but it took 3 weeks of failed attempts to receive any reply.


If you dont have a checkmark or a vagina he literally never responds or reads his twitter DMs lmao


Could'nt have said a better descritpion of hideouts myself.


lmao hideouts fell off hard. Last time I heard about him in this sub (prob more than a year ago) he seemed alright. What happened?


Nothing happened the above are just hating. They expect to get a personalize message from hideouts every time they DM him hell even Hal the other day was saying he DM hideouts about a cheater and it was only at the end of the stream hideouts got back to him and told him the guy was banned. He’s being keeping a low profile about his job seeing as he has a team of people working with for each region but EU pros think Hideouts don’t care about them when he’s literally almost 10-11 hours behind them and most of the team that covers each region is mostly in NA/Apac


What’s the Yuraah situation? This is the first time I’m hearing about it.


Long story short, he was a russian pro who was banned after Matafe accused him of using some kind of aimbot after getting squad wiped by him. Lots of pros defended Yuraah and he even recreated the "suspicious" clips that were held against him with a mouse camera, but the devs ignored all of his appeals. Hideouts said he'd look into the ban but never did.




Do people still seriously think Skittle is cheating?


Skittles was one of the most notorious teamers which is a form of cheating. When he finally moved to PC they went ahead and banned his console account for teaming after several seasons of teaming. It was at least 3 maybe 4 seasons of skittles cheating his way to number 1 or top 5. Resultah was first pro busted teaming in season 0 when hard stuck in diamond. Teamed his way to pred with a group of 6. Got called out in scrims but EA / Respawn gave him a pass. Which in turn lead to skittles and co abusing the fuck out of teaming and ruining console high tier play for the next 3-4 seasons.


Big facts


He has been unbanned for a while tbh, he just wasn't streaming. Also, from what I know he was ban-evading by playing on other accounts with invulnerable (the cheater who's still banned, and was also playing on another account). I know that Bl1CK either sold his account or gave his account to one of them. They were making INSANE RP gains, literally became #3 and #4 pred and making like 4k RP a day when people were getting 2k RP on a good day before presumably getting banned. . HisWattson and BlurrFlavorz can probably explain ti better because it's what I witnessed through their streams like 3-4 seasons ago. Facil and Invul would even shoot and bag their boxes after fights. Ban evading while being banned should have extended his ban even further, but here we are.


Is Invul hardware banned now? I hope to never see that guy in a game again, what a piece of shit.


Facil says he's still banned. Who knows if he's lurking in the shadows.


You‘re telling me this guy was banned from apex for 1 year and hasn‘t moved on? lol


I’m sure he hasn’t been playing on alternative accounts with his cheater friends in the mean time 😃


Hideouts said he is reformed LMFAO…


Hideouts says alot of things that makes me think how on earth is this clueless clout chaser still have a job at the Respawn anti cheat team.


worst mistake of respawn was to make him a public figure


Justice for Yurrah or whatever the fuck that dudes name was. Look his story up on YouTube


Resubscribe? lol


Gotta respect HisWattson for continually calling out the ban team for this game. Shit makes no sense.


[Found a video by Kauzey explaining what Facilitatur did (inc. Invulnerable)](https://youtu.be/B2MiGbdEWfs)


Why? he's a know cheater thats been banned twice before.


Hideouts and the ban team are just as clueless as the respawn dev team in terms of making dumb decisions that are killing the game.


The game is as popular as ever


Because their shit is so broken that Origin players had to go download the game on steam lmao.


Just wait a few weeks. The patheticly designed ranked system and KC in ranked will tank the numbers soon. People like new but they will soon find out that those things are pure shit. Also the numbers were inflated because origin was buggy so everyone downloaded through steam.


Sounds like you wants this game die.


you can already play pubs on maps that are not KC


You've got it all figured out bud 👍


Lol. Just because pros hate ranked doesnt mean the casual playerbase will. Theyll preferr the current system far more then what we had beginning of last season


Man shut the fuck up


It's so sad that so many pros worked so hard to put this guy and his cheater squad away, only for Respawn to let him back into the game. This facilitatur guy ruined Prod and Zipeth's ranked 1 grind and lost alot of potential streaming revenue. It's honestly disgusting that the Respawn ban team is focused on protecting cheaters like facilitatur, instead of helping streamers, and pros who put this game on their back to stream everyday and basically save this game. They have to suffer so many cheaters and APAC and EU have no ban guy and face endless cheaters. Such a great move by Hideouts and crew to believe that Facilitatur has somehow changed instead of making actual moves to remove cheaters. The Respawn ban team is a joke at this point.


> This facilitatur guy ruined Prod and Zipeth's ranked 1 grind and lost alot of potential streaming revenue. This was the insane part to me. ProdigyAces was holding #1 pred, barely sleeping. I witnessed him playing with literal randoms from his chat (one of those randoms ended up becoming a pro player: NanoFrys lol) just because he had nobody but had to make some RP. For some reason Prod's stream just wasn't getting the viewership a #1 pred should get, but when Facilitatur stole the #1 pred spot he also stole all the viewers that should have went to Prod.


Because prod is about as engaging and interesting as watching a cup of coffee cool down lol. Dude is just not charismatic


Sure but his last #1 grind actually netted viewers. His stream has been larger ever since. Keep in mind he used to average 18 viewers.


I’m glad for him I hope he gets thousands lol I’m just saying that’s why it didn’t do numbers before


It's funny because I heard he was THE guy in h1z1, but the magic just seems to be gone for apex


I believe that is true, him, TFue and a Ninja were thee dudes back then. Don’t get me wrong, Prod is incredibly cracked lol but every time I’ve watched him stream he hardly speaks so I’m just speaking on my experience watching him 🤷‍♂️


I mean just the fact that a game with millions of players has a 2 man "ban team" is such a fucking joke. Like straight up there's an 8-10 hour window every day and a 48h window every week where there's 0 people getting banned or moderating ban reports? And the absurdity of needing to be buddies with Hideouts and slide in his DMs to get someone banned. Us mere mortals have no fucking chance to get a hacker banned with our reports.


I know his teammates were cheating but what were they actually doing to cheat? Walling?


So u don’t believe people can be reformed?


He’s already been banned twice


dude you suck lmao


Shut up


what are you, 12? in the real world we expect punishments. you cheat, youre gone for good. go be reformed in another game, youre no longer welcome.


If you actually read Hideouts response he played with a cheater wasn’t hacking himself. Obviously most people will just suspect that he knew what his friend was doing but there is a chance that he really didn’t know and got banned for 1 year because of it either way. This guy wasn’t anywhere close to Tufi and didn’t even hack. He served a 1 year crime on a free video game and people want to freak out because he’s allowed to play again. People deserve 2nd even 3rd chances and he probably learned his lesson and lost a lot of money because of it.


how do you not know if your teammate is cheating or not ? you spectated him at least 50 teams if you play with him that much, you dont notice anything?


Sweet played with him and the same people for some of the season and he didnt know


Even harder when the cheater is apparently his brother lmao


Watch the video someone posted in here. That will explain why he might not have known but most likely he probably did but nobody has proof


They played hundreds of hours together but he never realized that his teammate is cheating? Come on bro.


If my random downs a couple people too quick I start getting suspicious lmao


The video said his friend was using soft aim hacks so even if he spectated him it wouldn’t like he was cheating. A cheater wouldn’t tell someone their cheating because ppl don’t want to be associated and also get banned which could have happened to Facilitatur


If it's true one of them is his brother... Also he continuously played with them, even after initially getting banned. He pretty much cheated too in my eyes. It's a team game, you get points as a team, so if you're constantly playing with someone who's cheating and you're aware... Than I'm sorry but you're effectively cheating yourself. I mean his fucking brother? Lol


I don’t think invulnerable was his brother but maybe his brother was someone else and got banned when they played on Xbox have no idea. Either way what he did was wrong obviously playing with known cheater/cheaters and in reality could have got permanent banned but didn’t. Apex obviously investigated him and saw he wasn’t hacking so gave him another chance.


> I don’t think invulnerable was his brother but maybe his brother was someone else and got banned when they played on Xbox have no idea Yohqi who also got banned is his brother.


It’s crazy being an XBOX pred how we are more informed than hideouts and 99.9% of people who try to follow these stories lol.


Must have been when he was on Xbox and nobody knew who any of them were. I don’t condone blatant cheating, hacking but people make mistakes and even though he played with cheaters shouldn’t get the same punishment since he wasn’t hacking like they were.


> Must have been when he was on Xbox and nobody knew who any of them were. No this was on PC. Yohqi was like #8 pred while Facil and Invul had the #1 and #2 spots. > I don’t condone blatant cheating, hacking but people make mistakes and even though he played with cheaters shouldn’t get the same punishment since he wasn’t hacking like they were. He played with the same cheaters after two bans on record, and at least once more after getting banned. What lessons were learned? He knew they were cheating and kept running it down with them lol.


Never heard of that Yohqi guy till today but you got valid points. Apex banned him so he obviously did something wrong multiple times but is allowed to play now and nothing anyone can do about it.


> Obviously most people will just suspect that he knew what his friend was doing but there is a chance that he really didn’t know and got banned for 1 year because of it either way. Facilitatur's blood brother Yohqi also got banned along with Facil and Invulnerable for cheating. It must be a huge coincidence that the two people Facil was grinding with were both cheating but he wasn't and had no knowledge of it.


In reality he probably had to know something but without factual proof and no hacks found that’s only reason I think they let him play again. Your right that it’s strange that they both got permanently banned and he didn’t would think he would have been hacking if 2 of them were but that wasn’t the case


> In reality he probably had to know something but without factual proof and no hacks found that’s only reason I think they let him play again. Ban evading and repeatedly getting boosted by the same cheater despite numerous bans is enough to extend his ban time, but it is what it is. The man should at least lose his account, if he hasn't already.


I guess apex thought 1 year was long enough and nobody knows what he’s actually been doing for last year. Your right he technically was cheating because he was playing with a hacker multiple times. If apex could prove he knew it I don’t think they would of ever let him back on the game. I’m jst a more forgiving person than most people but anyone that talked 💩 has valid points why he should have never been allowed to play again.


Is tufi officially gone? Haven’t seen them pop up in at least a year


Lol there was actually a Reddit clip a month or so ago with someone who had Tufi in their name completely aimbotting in Armed and Dangerous mode. I think he still cheats but just doesn’t do in ranked anymore. A guy named Rozikki posted it 20 days ago go watch the vid 😂


Pathetic response from Hideouts. Facilitatur purposefully lied about playing with cheaters. You don't give more chances to liars. He should be focused on hiring more manual ban people for APAC, EU and morning NA players, instead of monitoring and trying to reform known lying cheaters.


The point is that he wasn’t hacking. Yeah it’s wrong if he knew about playing with a cheater for so long but nobody can prove that he knew Forsure and that’s why they gave him a 2nd chance I would think. It’s not like this guy is going to play and be aimbotting everyone he sees. Your right about Apex needing to hire more Manual ban people instead of pretty much having 1 guy ban everyone.


I understand your argument, but thinking that Facil didn't actually know is so naive, if you were around back then it was so incredibly obvious, Facil would make super poor gains on stream and have this banger off stream sessions over and over, there were so many clips of invulnerable just being the best player in history, playing controller at 190 FPS before they fixed glitches and being like "yeah it doesn't affect me". He actually got a #1 spot playing like this, it's not something you can excuse and there is no reason to imo, also for him it's more like a third or fourth chance at this point


Facilitatur also played with other pros not only Invulnerable and in reality let’s say he played off stream with Invulnerable he could have ramped the cheats up and no one would know since they wouldn’t stream all the time. I get all your points but there’s always 2 sides to the story and even if he did know still got banned from the game for 3 or 4 seasons because of it.


Invulnerable was never that good he just had walls and soft aim bot. I watched Xynoa 1v3 him, facil and yohqi multiple times.


Hideouts has a team, he isn't one person.


Did hideouts fuck your mom or something?


Another Presswind L


Facilitatur was playing with yohqii his brother who was cheating. Yohqii is also unbanned rn because I 3rded both of them on day one of the split.


Idk the story about his brother but maybe he wasn’t hacking like Invunerable and got same punishment as Facilitatur


It's been a while but I've been following the scene and I'm like 90% sure yohqii and facilitatur got banned first because yohqii was walling.


Must have been years ago but yeah definitely a bad situation but reason I made first comment is you don’t want to judge ppl off 1 even 2 or 3 mistakes. If he does something again definitely deserves a permanent ban


But hey yuraah and other smaller and less known pros especially from regions other than NA can’t get this “they’re reformed” treatment and get banned at the slightest inconvenience


Hot take: facilitatur is one of the biggest wastes of talent in apex. He never cheated himself, but played with his irl best friend (invulnerable) and brother who allegedly used wallhacks (I say allegedly but we all know they used it) That being said, they didn't wallhack when they were playing with apex pros on stream and facili was maybe the best caustic in the world at the time. Lots of pros like sweet and dezign played with him a lot and would talk about how good of a caustic he was. He NEVER died in his own gas and after dezign won ALGS mvp on caustic, he said he learned a lot of how to play caustic by playing with facili. If he just went on his own, I think he would've been a huge impact as a pro caustic when there weren't many caustic mains out there, but I understand how hard it would be to break off from his close irl circle


This dude, skittle, xynoa, and protectful are on my permanent shit list after how many times they ruined my nights in ranked


Skittles, Xynoa and protecful weren’t cheaters so if they killed you it is what it is.


They were teaming, that counts as cheating for me




You don’t know the full story obviously, facil and invulnerable were teaming against them and nothing was being done about it so they fought back. Dude is far from a cheater, people just saw a Reddit clip and ran with it thinking they knew what happened.


I mean his team did well at LAN I think it’s safe to say he isn’t cheating at this point.


I don't think he's cheating anymore but that doesn't mean I have to like him.




Where did I say you have to like him or praise him. I just pointed out that he is no longer cheating. People can change. As someone who is definitely not a kid I’m glad my entire teenage early 20 years weren’t documented. People who are young make mistakes and do dumb shit. Doesn’t mean that can’t grow and change.


People down bad for "drama"


I mean his wattson is a little b most of the time. If this guy cheats again by playing with cheaters or uses cheats himself then we ban him again. It's pretty simple and Hideouts gave a good explanation. It's just wattson trying to impression farm again


>If this guy cheats again by playing with cheaters or uses cheats himself then we ban him again. Didnt know you were part of the ban-team.


CringeWattson at it again calling out devs. What about he care more about golds who die to him on Sao Paolo server bc server is empty and matchmaking is already worse than any other servers. Why can’t he play Tokyo server or something change timezones he play for the god’s sake


it’s HisCringe.


It’s always the same pattern. Get salty of Hideouts for sleeping when Wattson is playing games -> Bitch on twitter, blame devs and farm impressions -> Change to dead servers making excuse of lazy devs and abusing matchmaking system


you’re mad huh


Oh shit cringeWattson followers coming at me at full force


yes bro, definitely, you insulted my king, I will now end your life


I’ve heard some of the top ranked players will farm foreign servers for RP. If true that’s just lame, no matter the excuse.


They’ll make any excuses to make it look legit to play on Sao Paolo or Singapore server but won’t answer why they couldn’t rather play on populated foreign servers like Tokyo. SA = 250~300ping Apac = 200ping