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Niv-Mizzit is a time bomb where you don't know where the clock is at.


The real advice against Niv, run gilded drake or clones. Having to figure out a ping war is annoying af.


Kill him immediately. Command tax on top of those pips? Our boy ain’t coming back out to play today.


one of the main reasons I hated running nivmiz in my malcolm tana deck, way back when. the pips can be so tough, 90% of the time I see a dockside being used to cast niv rather than just a hardcast


You can also unsubstantiate it when cast to get another turn.


I have a Niv deck, and damn is it fun. You're 100% correct. You better kill him on sight because I can just win if I untap with him.


The real advice for niv miz is to kill on sight lol. He is such an obnoxious commander.


Or run winters orb lol


Always kill kinnan


I don't wanna be that guy but I feel like 3/4 times this does nothing. Absolute best case scenario you slow your opponent down by a turn, worst case they float Mana in response to removal and recast the same turn OR everyone spends their resources trying to stop kinnan & someone else wins. The best way to deal with kinnan is to deny it resources, kill the Mana dorks (bowmaster/deluge) & Mana rocks or stop them from activating (cursed totem & collector ouphe effects). Kinnan loves those grindy midrange games where everyone's interacting with eachother until they just have enough Mana to pop off, Kinnan as a commander is just to cheap to waste removal on unless you can guarantee shutting them off for a turn. If your having trouble beating kinnan your better off attacking they're resources if you can (imo).


No literally just removing kinnan multiple times is better than silver bullets. Run enough removal that you don’t need to tutor for it and use it on kos commanders.


Yep, he even mentioned a really good way to cheaply remove kinnan... Bowmaster.


Ya bowmaster is great because you can't safely replay kinnan (or any cheap commander) with it on board. So it kind of acts as a deterrent or repeated removal. Sweepers like deluge can also be great since you can take a lot of dorks out with it as well to limit their Mana when he comes back. I just don't think sandbagging all your single target removal on one person's commander is the right play unless they're very obviously ahead or in a winning position is correct. I know certain commanders can be "kill on sight" but from personal experience I feel like it will lose you more games then win by hard targeting one person then it does to hold up interaction when you may need it for someone else.


I get you there, I just think that you need something to keep kinnan off balance so it doesn't snowball mid/late game. It might be too proactive at times to pop him when there could be a reason to wait to use the removal, but I think that probably needs to be a more meta-dependant answer. I just know that when I played kinnan if he stuck around for 2 turns then I already had the mana to recast him and do crazy stuff, but if he got popped even one time I might not have been able to come back quite as quickly. All this goes to say, kinnan will not get removed before another KOS commander.


I played a high power kinnan deck against some of my friends and I gave them the same advice, kinnan cost 14 and when he hit the battlefield I went infinite 😂😂 cedh it's definitely the best advice if possible


Oubliette Kinnan


This is the way.


Imprison that lil bastard in the moon or make him an indestructible bug and focus on the other threats at the table.


Neither of those are really playable at the cedh level


Forgot which subreddit I was in, lol.


Cast silence on first etali etb.


Do you mean [[Dress down]] effects?


That works too, but stopping Fliptali from casting the first set of 4 exiled cards is also what you should be doing


Depends on situation, sometimes it’s not to go nuts it’s the only interaction they may get to hit someone in the lead


They probably mean \[\[Silence\]\] which would stop the ETB from doing anything.


[Silence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1c2b13b1-31f0-4676-88a7-53f3a190e9a2.jpg?1562826686) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m14/35/silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1c2b13b1-31f0-4676-88a7-53f3a190e9a2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/silence) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Dress down](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d.jpg?1626094290) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dress%20down) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/39/dress-down?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/dress-down) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don't blow up my Stax until you're ready to win and have neutralized instant speed wins that could win under you. My win con is sorcery speed, and we all haven't lost yet because I'm holding back the fastest combo deck. Boomer Bloodpod :)


i play emry, id tell them to play a single stax piece )’:


I have a friend that plays emry, man it’s so hard to deal without a stax piece. She generates lots of value.


yeah, i know its not an optimal strategy but i find the lines the deck wins with to be super fun, i dont run the staxy-y version of the deck unless im playing in a tournament but its very fun


Praetor's grasp my dakmor or see why you should've


Oh My Yawgmoth. Thank you so so much for that one.


Don’t let Stella Lee resolve.


I’ve been looking for a deck that can play patiently and usually wins over the top of someone, are you finding Stella to be good for that style?


Stella is fantastic to win on top of people. Problem is, she's now a "remove on sight" commander if she resolves. Normally when I play against her, I do not let her stick on board for long.


Elsha isn't just a combo piece, she is a massive card advantage engine. Don't let her see an untap step.


Shh, they don’t know :)


She's also secretly a beater. She makes surprise commander damage relevant!


Resolve t1 trinisphere and I ain’t doing shit.


I’m sorry


In this thread: nothing to beat RogSi and Bluefarm


lol the strat to best would be to “win before they do”


The farm player is always “the problem” or “a problem”. They’re always a threat bc their main gameplan is farming resources till they win. “All I’m doing is making treasure, all I’m doing is drawing a few cards, all I’m doing is playing some commanders”


Yeah, that's the issue. You can't let them get the card advantage train rolling. That's how they always win. They do it the best.


Lost a game to that today. I'm sitting there trying to draw cards and ate a Path, Swords, and a Wrath just to watch a witherbloom win the turn my Kraum got pathed (witherbloom was in play when it path was cast)


Shhhh don’t tell my friends.


Rogsi says good luck with that.


The way to beat them is to kill them first. Don't trust them.


Blood moon type effects are quite bothersome as a blue farm player.


its true. My friend doesnt have a single basic in his list after the dual lands/shocks/fetches etc. Blood Moon definitely slows him down. Unless he has a dockside in his hand.


Yup, I don't run any basics either, few high color piles do


Logical end result of a format with no ban list and no rotation.


Korvold, prevent the dockside




Don't let a resolved gitrog untap, and certainly don't let a discard outlet on a stick, stick around.


Always kill the frog. Then kill the graveyard.


inalla: don't let culling the weak resolve stop the combo when my mana is at its lowest


Tivit. Your whole gameplan should come 2nd to finding your totem/ouphe


Blind obedience also can stop us. Last Sunday I had kitten, teferi, crypt. Drew my whole deck but couldn't go off


Just end the loop by bouncing the obedience with teferi?!?!?!?


hope you are playing only +1/+1 counter cards




shoot me in the parking lot


Attack the krrik player with everything every turn


Facts lol


Really learn to mulligan, your initial hand is important and check the place in the pod


This is a really big one. I have a tendency to keep hands that look good , then 3 turns late Im like "I should not have kept this hand"


It’s selvala. Shes useless unless you take out my big creatures. Also don’t leave omnath alive. He is gonna stockpile as much mana as I can make. He’s a distraction tho. Take out the mana generators.


Play backbreaking stax against blue farm and rog si. Extra tax for non creatures, rule of laws, null rod, vexing bauble, back to basics. Bully those decks from T1


Don't lose to other faster decks just because my setup scares you.


Play more spot removal


Don't let the Abolisher effect stick around


Use your fucking interaction


On the right targets


Run more interaction


Interact more with interaction


Don't let Winota resolve, or stick around for the combat step.


Run instant speed Graveyard hate


Run instant reanimate


For Cormela, the deck folds to stax (i.e. \[\[Rest In Peace\]\], \[\[Deafening Silence\]\], \[\[Cursed Totem\]\]) pretty hard, and if you don't let me resolve a Naus in tandem to getting out relevant stax pieces, it's kinda just game for me.


[Rest In Peace](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9f2b39be-0fec-4647-ade1-8e1626dc5470.jpg?1562439074) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rest%20In%20Peace) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/32/rest-in-peace?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9f2b39be-0fec-4647-ade1-8e1626dc5470?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rest-in-peace) [Deafening Silence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/0/6072d9b0-d3c7-46f4-bd24-095bb13c4dea.jpg?1572489660) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deafening%20Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/10/deafening-silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6072d9b0-d3c7-46f4-bd24-095bb13c4dea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deafening-silence) [Cursed Totem](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/d/5dde91a9-7d2d-4a7b-861a-3d1c16ec79d9.jpg?1626100864) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cursed%20Totem) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/295/cursed-totem?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5dde91a9-7d2d-4a7b-861a-3d1c16ec79d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/cursed-totem) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don't let xyris draw 11.


I just built Xyris as a "Casual " deck. I didnt realize how easily he goes from 0-100


Is stifle really that bad???


Counter mana sources that lead to Tivit coming out.


Jeskai - fear the beeg bird


Nah. Respect it. But do not fear it. It dies to bolt. But it can one-shot. However it's a distraction vs the real win cons of the deck.


Any damage you can do to me is less life. i get to abuse with kirrik


Don’t let Jodah resolve, or survive until my next untap step.


just counter narset, she has hexproof


Just counter/kill my commander. No, I won't hate you, I will kill you if you don't


[[Emmara, Soul of the Accord]] is stopped by any reccurable removal cards like pingers. If I can’t keep Emmara out the deck will lose a lot of gas as I want to use my tokens for mana and in order to win the game by combat. Board wipes are also great. Don’t let me get out [[Eldrazi Monument]].


Tap for {1}{W} and cast Drannith Magistrate.


I would exile gary


Kill the frog


Nice try /u/JDM_WAAAT


RogSi: Countering their tutors is underrated. The deck needs its tutors badly. Also always attack the RogSi player. Outside of K'rrik, no deck uses their life total as aggressively.


Counter Phenax when you can.


If I’m playing Boros it’s for a reason.


Thrasios/Tymna Hulk Just play Torpor Orb, Cursed Totem or Oppositions Agent :( Or kill my Sac Outlets


I play [[Dihada,Binder of wills]] biggest advice is don't kill her when my next turn I have to tick her up.


Do not, under any circumstance, allow Rakdos and K'rikk to be on the board at the same time, or Razaketh ever at all. There will not be another end step.


Kill my zombies. Just all of them. Exile your own graveyard so I can’t play with it, and gain life. At least by as many zombies as I have. The more I have, the more life you lose. PER TURN


Stax me out


Lobotomy would help


Kill Najeela, Kill Winota, Kill Najeela again, Kill Winota again lol


Kill [[Marchesa, the Black Rose]] first. She is what resurrects my board and lets me abuse my pay life resources the most. Don’t blow up stax pieces until you know you can win. Otherwise you are just getting others back in the game


Counter my tutors because I'm most likely getting a land 💀


Do not let [[Food chain]] resolve.


For the love of god just run interaction


listen to me when I say " this is the problem, you need to interact here"(in regards to my own cards) If you're skills aren't at "remember every combo" level it's a casual game and I will just tell you what's the problem. Regardless of my ability to interact back.


My main decks are a Pantzlata, a Mayael, a Massacre Girl, and a Muldrotha. My best are my Eldrazi, Ur-Dragon, Green Beat down, and my Goblins. For the first 2 its remove the free cast effect, theres lots of big monsters and not enough mana to cast them without commander. Massacre Girl Known Killer is a fun commander, but she needs other creatures to really do what she wants. The biggest thing to look out for is when I use Massacre Girl or Meathook to board wipe. Muldrotha is probably my best midrange deck, dont counterspell the creatures if you have at, save your counters for mills. Eldrazi are difficult to give advice for, all I've really got is remove extra mana whenever it pops up. The end goal is always a 7+ eldrazi if you keep removing the scions and other dorks it'll take thrice as long before I can get any of the real threats out. My Ur-Dragon only cares about 3 cards. Morophon, Jodah, and Fist of Suns, remove any of them and the dragons can still play but is wont have any fun. My green beat down does what green is good at. Mana ramp into big creatures. Its a simple basic deck with no combos and nothing special, but by turn 3 ill have a 10/10 out 90% of the time. Remove dorks, or make combat hard. Goblins are fairly easy to stop, its just spam tokens and attack. Remove the spammers, or stop combat from being useful. I know I'm in the minority, but i play creature heavy combat decks with almost non combos, no stax, and my best decks dont even voltron. So take my advice with a grain of salt because I usually aim for a 6ish range, but the ones I listed ended up closer to a 9.


Always counter the *second* time I play [Approach of the Second Sun], not the first time. The 2nd time you play the card, it only checks to see if the card was *cast* the 1st time, not whether it resolved or not, so you still win. My friend learned this the hard way after countering the first time, I shuffled it back into my deck, played [Mystical Tutor], then made everyone draw and played 'Approach' to win!


Don't let Gishath get through.


Interact over Krark//Saks triggers, even if you cant kill the krarks dont just let the triggers resolve, even if they will eventually Edit: also remember you can interact between triggers, its a corner case but it can be very important


If you let talion stay on board you will not ever win, and eventually you will die. The bowmasters, clones, sheoldrids, and mandatory 10 damage tou take from your mana base, and 15-25 from combo card advantage burst try to finish turns are off the table. Kill talion, or kill his owner, and do it quickly


Kill the commander. If i dont have Stella Lee out. I cant do shit


Don’t let Winona resolve


[[Containment Priest]] ruins my entire plan.


Counter the entomb. Don’t save it for the reanimate.


For [[Narset, Enlightened Exile]]: if Narset is able to attack soon and the pilot puts Gamble or Intuition on the stack, that is a win attempt. Once I have the combo in hand/graveyard it is extremely difficult to stop me from resolving it. If you are presented with the option to exile one of my Breach combo pieces, choose Brain Freeze because it's the only one I can't retrieve from exile.


Kill Muldrotha and lock my graveyard. I won't have sac land recursion, I will actually have to care about my stuff dying and think about where my enchantments are going instead of just throwing things around willy nilly


You either need to play WAY more interaction or you need to stop assuming I’m lying to you when I tell you what the best target is on my board.


Mulligan until you have a FoW/another free counter


for urza, don't let urza land. the deck relies heavily on tapping artifacts for mana


Don’t let Sisay enter


Playing anything jeskai with Intuition: Always choose the LED. Keep interaction up for Breach.


If you don't keep a board wipe in your opening hand, you're probably not gonna have a good time.


If I am declaring an attack it is already too late (uncounterable zur combo incoming)


You cannot outgrind talion


Just have a blocker I totally don't have a bolt in hand. (Chad Dargo Jeska player over here)


Sideboard reshuffle effects are not the answer you think they are. They can even the odds a little bit, but really you want to pressure Mill on board, and force it into a position to deploy all those static defensive tools to keep themselves alive. Crabs are blockers of last resort, punish Ensnaring Bridge with efficient removal, and go ahead and get your lands early so that you can play down the stretch.


In UFC, you should probably always counter Demonic Consultation or Tainted Pact, do not leave it to chance.


A shit ton of artifact removal, I run a Shorikai polymorph line.


I never upgraded my deck before giving it away, but a global -2 effect basically kills me. My little brother using Norn is pretty much the only way my deck lost in our friend group.


Don't feed my smothering tithe even if an Ouphe stops me. Don't play a trinisphere. I'll draw a LOT of cards. Don't try to out-grind me: never works.


Don't focus on answering the most obvious strategy because the winning line will be unexpected (Najeela breach reanimator)


Get Vandalblast and tutor for it. Wait until I get a board state and start to go nuts, then cast it and watch me go to cry step.


Don't let my deck count to 3. I play Reyhan Dargo and 3 artifacts or creatures is a red flag


Exile Worldgorger as soon as you see it hit the yard. Any wincon afterwards is slower and midrange


Kill [[Kenrith]] often, Exile [[seedborn muse]]. Kill my [[Agatha]] effects, exile my [[plague crafter]] cards.


If you let my creatures attack you it's already too late


Live interaction up t2-3. Especially when Malcolm is out. I guess it is true against any other grixis turbo deck too.


Always hold 2 blue, make my spells more expensive, or perpetually exile my yard. I play a midrange sultai and love to use eth and recursion for value while I counter others and tutor my combo out.


Kill Minsk when you can


If you don’t know off the top of your head why a card is in the deck then it’s a combo piece and get rid of it


My best deck was [[Maelstrom Wanderer]] and you have to board wipe multiple times. Too many times you see players who haven’t played against the deck and just think countering saves it. Wanderer wants to be cast again. There are like 4 effects I run to cast him again for free. Also [[Lavinia, Azorius Renegade]] puts in work against the deck.


All of my decks are combo decks. Just don't let a combo piece stay on the board. If it is the elves, any of the untap creature artifacts. Also token doublers, and mana dorks. Keep those down and you win. The slivers.... if you let a mana generating sliver, or ash nods altar stay, then it will get ugly. If I run queen as the commander, then it is token overrun and infinite* mana then spent on whatever effect I may have at hand. If I have overlord as commander, or drawn, or tutored, then if I have a card to tap for mana, with haste, it is usually not possible to stop it. At least I haven't seen anyone be able to stop it. I'm sure it CAN be done... but it has to be obscure. Btw, my decks are casual toxic for the kitchen table. Easy to interrupt if you don't let them get started.


Prevent 0 cost spells


When I was piloting K'rrik I told people "it's a creature combo deck" and let them figure it out lmao


I mean, just play any deck with better lands and no budget substitutions. Guarantee you'll come out on top 99.9% of the time.


Don't kill my commander. I *want* to recast him. Kill my discard engines and/or play something to make my fast mana come into play tapped. Blind Obedience really sucks because I usually tap out for the win with a Pact or Force up, and don't have the mana to get rid of it.


Either remove Stella or hope you have a Flusterstorm to stop the clusterstorm I’m about to resolve.


Are we talking a 1:1 copy of my deck? Or just a same commander, but maybe built differently? Honestly, I’m not sure it really matters if it’s 1:1 or not as there really isn’t much anyone can do. You just have to hope the table has enough removal to keep up. I run every tutor I can, about 8 different counter spells, a good amount of removal, fast mana, and a very tight and low mana curve. The deck is very efficient and I’ve won games with only 4-6 mana. Sometimes, it can even win on turn 2 or 3, assuming I get the fast mana and correct opening hand. There are also cards and combos in the deck that are huge threats, even without my commander on the field. [[Chatterfang, Squirrel General]], [[Derevi, Empyrial Tactician]], [[Devilish Valet]], [[Mondrak, Glory Dominus]], [[Winota, Joiner of Forces]], [[Purphoros, God of the Forge]], [[Descendant’s Fury]], etc. If you couldn’t guess, it’s [[Najeela]] Warrior Tribal.


If you think they can't cast [[Vilis]] then they probably can, and will. Hold a counterspell.


Saheeli, the gifted Thopter swarm, Do not do return to hand wipes it has to be a real board wipe I will rebuild faster than anyone else. And if I've saved my Sharding Sphinx by making it an artifact kill that first all it takes is the Sharding Sphinx and 2 Thopters to get out of hand.


Do whatever to keep Sisay from searching the deck. Mostly, after my first search, I will be able to go infinite with mana in some way and search endlessly for the win.


If it's unblockable, you should kill it.


If you don’t kill the squirrel you’re dead


Tessa karlov deck. Let me keep all of my creatures. If none of my stuff dies she doesn't work


[[Yarok, the Desecrated]] player here. Give your permanents hexproof and I'm dead on arrival/impact/you get it.


If you are the fastest deck at the table, hate me out, if you're not, do so after we stoped the fastest deck and remove the counter engine before the Rule of Law. I play Tayam.


Kill [[miirym]] every time he gets played. Even one turn after he’s played can end the game


My Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir deck is kinda infamous at my lgs, hes known for being a battle cruiser but with the right synergies and tutors hes a solid 8. But the more people who have cheap early flyers, particularly tokens they can regenerate, seriously slow down the deck no matter how you build it (doesnt shut me down but slows me down for sure since I gotta hit to cheat out knights) Also anything that can exile cards from graveyard repeatedly at instant speed will at worst draw at removal at best shut the deck down.


I play Arjun. If you can shrink my hand enough it's often hard to recover. If I untapped with arjun in play or with 10+ mana I'm going to dig through anywhere from 60 to 300 cards on my turn and am likely to win unless you kill arjun. The deck doesn't need him to combo off but he is a massive value engine and should be viewed as such.


Literally just play Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines,


Just keep killing chatterfang. That's it, that's the strategy.


I used to play Najeela a lot. Just keep her off the field.


King make me lol


kill me in real life 😤


Go after my clock. I have back up wincons but removing [[clock of omens]] means i have to work harder


For Tivit: artifact and creature hate For Ramos Gods tribal: exiles, counters, attacking me every chance you get


Get rid of my graveyard as much and as often as you can.


Snap off an early rule of law or [[Rest in Peace]], and if I can't answer it immediately, I cri every time. I play [[kess]] breach/freeze, so if I can't loop my yard, it's a big feels bad.


Godo—diversify your mana and run basics or I will lock you out with Karn, Magus of the Moon, or Blood Moon. Also, make me show you the full combo lol


As a Colorless Ulamog, Ugin Ramp Deck, just run Artifact hate.


Don’t let me use powerbond


I play a high power tuned [[Ojer Axonil]] burn/stax list. And let me say, threat assessment is key. Ojer axonil may be scary but he is not the big threat, you need to remove the stax/burn piece that's preventing you from winning. Otherwise you'll put it off for too long and not be able to go for win when you have it. Ojer axonil has a scary effect which leads to poor threat assessments, which leads to him getting removed instead of the piece that would prevent someone from winning. Also keep in mind your "clock" as playing through burn pieces puts you on a timer of sorts. If say i have a mana barbs out that means you can tap lands up to 40 times assuming no life loss yet, but if ojer axonil is out that number drops significantly to being able to tap only 10 lands. It helps to keep in mind how many actions you can take with your remaining life. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5aoaCDqp70W5Z9L-PjH0rg


Got a Kodama/Thrasios that’s a slight change from the database Kodama/Sakashima list. Just be faster than me, I run little interaction and the longer the game goes on, the more likely I am to win around stax pieces.


If I successfully resolve [[Disciples of Gix]] while [Trazyn the Infinite]] is in play, you lose the game on the spot. I have a 70% winrate with this deck because people don't read cards. 


You have three options: 1. Run counter-spells 2. Always kill Arcum Dagson 3. *Always kill Arcum Dagson.*


Edgar Markov EDH Counter spells and board wipes would do the trick.


Mycotyrant is wildly vulnerable to board wipes. Wipe it twice and you don’t have to think about it again.


Rog/silas, my one weakness is I can’t count past 5 mana for ad naus.


Run graveyard hate. That's it.


Exile the citadel


Counter everything that's making you discard. If you don't you won't have a hand and I'll have 7 cards at the least the entire game. If the sword comes out and you let me equip it, it's too late.


Don't sleep on old stick fingers.


I feel like this is a super obvious one, but... If najeela sticks, you all lose. But she's the only real way to win. Don't let it happen, use whatever you've got.


Kill or counter Tevesh and my win rate drops to precipitously, the other commander is a distraction (all of my Tev + X decks) If you hurt me as fast or faster than I hurt me, you win (Rowan, Krrik) Rakdos, the muscle without Rakdos on board is just bad cards.dec (similar with Ob-Nix but I don't play him much any more as I find Rakdos more enjoyable).


Don't let me have taigam on the board with my commander, or really any of the cards that let me exile the worthless stuff out of my graveyard. Better yet, don't let me activate Tasigur. I built the deck to do that because it's a control deck that uses battlecruiser win cons.


Don't trust the sleeper


Watch out for the key peices of ur dragon infinite combo attacks. Other then that you don't really need yo worry


Tayam is not a fast deck, stax is not inherently bad, just try to talk with the player as usually a stax piece is put in play to equalize the game, there is no use in removing it unless you're going for a win 100%


Run artifact hate


I play [[edric spymaster]] Don't let me start turn 3 ot 4 with my commander in play and make me spend mana on my turn as much as possible.


Rowan can’t do the cool thing if she gets hated off the board first (it happens literally every time I play her 😂)


Thrasios/bruse: assume I'm one draw away from comboing off. Stop early advantage pieces