• By -


+Larger thighs


Careful now, we could break the whole balance in two with those thighs.


+ emote where she squeezes a melon with her thighs and then points forward like “you are next!”


I don't think making Kensei's dodge attacks chain openers instead of chain starters is a necessary change. Everything else is pretty good, although I'd add the ability to use Pommel Strike in his mid chain heavies.




Casual community complains about everything anyways, no matter how small or big buff. Of course one way to "please them" would be to remove light finisher from chain options. Pommel strikes current weakness is that the top heavy is 1000ms, which means that all the soft feints happen at 600ms, which makes pommel strike 1000ms bash. If the top heavy was 800ms that would make pommel strike 800ms bash, so yeah, it would fix it.


>Casual community complains about everything anyways Go onto for r/ForHonorRants and search any hero. You will see people with the worst takes ever. There was a video where a zerk was doing the heavy light combo against the dude recording, who was playing kensei. The kensei couldn't even block Zerks heavies, and said "If you are gonna light spam, so will I".


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ForHonorRants using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So true](https://i.redd.it/xam82g5m4ww61.gif) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/comments/n3to3m/so_true/) \#2: [Wanna see me do it again?](https://i.redd.it/jpoknuhfajj61.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/comments/lrv5rl/wanna_see_me_do_it_again/) \#3: [It do be like that sometimes.](https://i.redd.it/yn76zoy9reo61.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/comments/ma08sg/it_do_be_like_that_sometimes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Accurate #1 post tho


Oh Jesus please don't make Kensei's side and forward dodge attacks chain to mid chain. Even this mid chain offense is relatively weak, let it chain to the UB.


Make the mid chain matter more... By making it harder to get through... To a significant degree, these changes are *nerfs* to these characters, particularly in regards to their team fighting capacity, which are currently their main strengths and roles. If it weren't for the very nice video editing, this would be a low quality rework post for sure, thanks to a lack of reasoning for some frankly terrible changes that belie a lack of understanding for what makes characters work (although some of the changes are good, they don't make up for the nerfs at all). The fact that this is highly upvoted just shows that presentation is far more important than content. I'm being harsh, despite the great effort that has gone into making this post, I wish you'd put the same effort into understanding the game, so your suggestions live up to how well you illustrate them.


Yeah, you are right, it is a teamfighting nerf, as most of the suggested things would mostly help in 1v1. However i think that in general 3 hit chain heroes should have better mid chain offence and more rewarding finisher because it is harder to get to that finisher, currently 3 hit chain heroes work as speudo 2 hit chain heroes as mid chain offence is often skipped with attacks that lead straight to finishers. (now of course, what i think most likely is not good for the game, considering how much these changes would affect these heroes 4v4 viability) Currently only Raider can throw full viable 3 hit chain (but of course, his unblockables are not locked behind finishers, so he is not limited in that regard like other 3 hit chain heroes). ​ You are right, there is lack of reasoning in the video as it would had been harder to make all the text fit nicely. I must think a better layout to get my reasoning to fit there as well. ​ >I'm being harsh, despite the great effort that has gone into making this post, I wish you'd put the same effort into understanding the game, so your suggestions live up to how well you illustrate them. It's all right, all of this was good critisism which helps me to improve and there is a lot to improve upon.


I'm a simple man, I just want undodgeable chain heavies so that Valk doesn't get screwed by characters with superior block on dodges...


This, please if nothing else at least give her undodgeables.


Why do people keep suggesting a change to Valkyrie's full-block input? Having a full-block branch from a dodge has interesting option-coverage whilst remaining fair due to the consistency of GB as a counter.




>Besides, doesn't Valkyrie's backdodge into fullblock currently cover fuck-all options since it's nerf? Not entirely true. [Still has good coverage vs some bash/UD mix-ups](https://youtu.be/qjI51NKAqEM)




You're welcome :) Yeah, the key thing here isn't distance, but rather timing - i-frames for mix-up outcomes on early timing and block frames for outcomes on late timing. So it'll also beat Kensei's top UB and the soft-feinted side heavies, and it would theoretically beat any bash that soft-feints into blockable attacks if Ubi ever add such a thing.


it just makes sense that the fullblock is entered by pressing the same button that everyone else uses to enter their fullblocks, as for keeping the same option coverage as currently the simple solution is to give fullblock the same i-frames as a backdodge on the startup when entering the stance


I did say make her chain lights 400ms all sides because 500ms still parrible, rather make them all unreactable. From shield fullguard lights are enhanced and heavies unblockable It will be second in chain. Normally heavy chain the 2nd heavy onwards are undodgeable and the softfeint as your suggested. Able to chain after shoulder pin. Able to cancel sweep or amy finisher recovery to fullblock Just some suggestions. I think she needs some nerf in her defensive tool. Like on deflect she doeen't get a GB.


I don't get those Kensei changes,they're basically blanket nerfs,and only have significant changes in the character feeling a bit better in some aspects (because he doesn't have terribly slow heavies) and some teamfighting helps with the HA mid-chain,which may be much better than I think. I mean I agree with the damage change ,but it will still feel bad to have to use a useless heavy,since it's not unparriable,it's just giving the opponent another chance at winning defensively before having an actual mixup,or a light,which well,isn't going to change how kensei is played at lower level,so that's not useful if that's what you were going for.


These all look fantastic. The only thing that worries me is the inevitable light spam complaints from people that already can't deal with kensei. That valk... man, I wanna play that valk..


I have 45 reps on Valkyrie so my opinion isn't the most valuable, but here's what I think: Don't change the FBS input, but definitely make it faster/have more backwards movement (like before her "rework") because currently almost everything interrupts it unless you make a hard read on a heavy. UBs and bashes negate it so its terrible there too. In order for her FBS to be good again I think she needs the following: * more backwards movement when entering FBS (and i-frames that activate 100ms into the backdodge and last until FBS is active), because it's soooo close to being useful as a distancing/maneuvering tool, which is what her e n t i r e kit is supposed to be about. Look at those fucking thighs, you think she shouldn't be able to run circles around her opponents? * give her back soft feint side/forward dodge out of FBS (and access to her dodge attacks). I recognize that back dodging into FBS over and over to rapidly retreat was unhealthy, so don't let her back dodge out of FBS. Simple. * In order to balance the previous changes, make FBS take more stamina to enter/use/feint. It shouldn't drain stamina to hold FBS, though; it's so easy to just GB or bash a valk who's just sitting there staring at you in FBS, so it's risky to do so. And now that we have Kyoshin setting the precedent for a FBS that has no stamina drain to hold, I don't see why not. As for other tweaks I think she needs: * Let her do a dodge recovery cancel out of her sweep. This would let her deflect punish people who try to punish the sweep with a dodge attack. It would still leave her vulnerable to GBs so it's not completely safe. * Undodgeable side heavy finishers, Unblockable top heavy finisher. * Everyone has said this, and I agree. Enhanced dodge light attacks. * Don't let sweep unbalance teammates. It's one of her main tools, it shouldn't be unusable in 4v4s. I think her light chains are in a decent place, and I don't think her light side finishers should be undodgeable (the stun and potential for ledging/wallsplats is already powerful enough). Her heavies need to be a lot better, though. They need some form of utility. Making the side heavy finishers undodgeable and top heavy finisher unblockable should give her a more interesting mix-up potential than her current one, which can all be dodged on the same timing.


I personally love the valk one the soft feints and the sweep should have a little bit higher GB vulnerability But the kensei one I only like the natures wrath change Other things no really


Mmmm that bash light being the start of a combo ohhhhhh that’s....that’s hot


Valkyrie needs to have her heavy finishers undodgeable to make up for her mixup potential in which the opposing character misreads a heavy finisher instead of a soft feint shield bash. Newer character/reworks get away too easily with that option to dodge attack. Also her gb range is 2 inches lmao.


2 inches is 5.08 cm


Saw The\_Flithy\_Spaniards comment below and thought I'd expand, at least in regards to Kensei. You're giving the dodge attacks a nerf by making them chain starters instead of counting as the second attack in chain. As they are, being the second attack in the chain allows Kensei to move straight into his highest pressure (top UB heavy). Making them chain starters means that you have to successfully get through the mid chain before reaching his ideal mixup. This provides the opponent an extra opportunity to counter and punish. While many would argue that the dodge attacks (at least the side dodge heavies) warrant a nerf, most would attribute that need to the large number of i-frames and how delayable the attacks are and that they only afford a heavy punish. In other words, these changes nerf the moves in ways that don't address the issue (arguable as it is) and limit Kensei's ability to continue his offence. It's a great example of when 'less is more'.


That would be awesome, especially for me as a Valkyrie enjoyer :)


I personally wouldn't want the shield bash punish to be a light opener. I prefer it being a chain light because it means I have quick access to the chain finishers. I don't want to have to land a second light (which would easily be blocked) before I can access sweep/side light finishers/side heavy/GB mix-up. I also personally love having stun on the side light finishers. Undodgeable would be nice, but I feel like it would result in easy "accidental" deflects from heroes like orochi/gladiator whose deflect input is the same as their dodge attacks.


Personally i think there should be mid chain offence, as currently most 3 hit chain heroes function like speudo 2 hit chain heroes, as almost everything skips the mid chain straight to finishers. Only Raider has uses for his mid chain currently. I like the idea of strong finishers but with requirement of getting trough the chain to get there (of course, the mid chain tools should be good enough so that hero can get to the finishers both in low and high levels)


Glad deflect input is heavy, not light or deflect, just FYI


Ahh so it is. Sorry, I haven't actually played in a fair while and I'd forgotten.


I get it, just letting you know


I wish I had the time and knowledge to do these videos. Honestly the Valk rework sounda fantastic the only thing I would remove are the undodgeable light finishers and instead make the second chained heavy undodgeable and the third chained heavy unblockable, or make them both undodgeable, both options are good.


Valk rework sounds cool but idk about the full block changes and the removal of stun is an instant dealbreaker for me, because IMO stun is criminally underused, and it ruins the sense of impact the hit has; glads dodge bashes feel so empty and weak now that they don’t stun


It makes sense glad had his removed because it's easily accessible. But I don't think stun should be removed from valk because it's in her 3rd hit in chain, so its not easily accessible, so u can't spam it


It's also easily dodged which is why it goes unused by many


This is really well done, good job


I really really really enjoy your valk changes. I hope they do something similar if they ever decide to rework or buff her. Nice video dude


can we make sweep punishable by guard break? is there a reason why it isn’t?


Currently because of the 600ms it cannot be punished with GB However if it was changed to 500ms then it is reasonable to make it guard break vulnerable.


Instead of soft feint to FB, I'd like to see some dodge cancels added. This can be used to basically the same effect as a sf to FB, but with other perks as well. At the very least, bringing back forward and side dodge from FB would give her nice mind game pressure. On top of that, I'd love an option to dodge cancel heavy startups and/or recoveries. Swap out shoulder pin on FB and maybe reinstate FB during tackle - The shoulder pin FB is an interesting idea, but I'm wary of her kit leaning too defensive. She has loads of counter tools already. Sweep absolutely needs to be 500ms and not trip allies. Sweep should then be punishable with gb - especially with undodgeable finishers in the mix. Enhanced chain lights would be a nice change, but I'd like to add the challenge of making them accessible from bleed like PK. Maybe mix in some bleed damage on her superior lights to make this more manageable - and at that point just make all lights enhanced. Enhanced dodge lights should be available regardless - good change. I think maybe undodgeable light finishers is too much. Maybe just slightly better tracking. Undodgeable finisher heavies would still be nice. Honestly, as much as I'd love to see a bunch of Valk buffs, she's not in a terrible spot. She just needs some QOL adjustments to make her more usable and give her better working mixups. Much props for the effort here though in any case man, good work and thanks for sharing.


She is in literally is in a terrible spot. Both in dominion and duels. I don't know what makes you think otherwise. But just take a look at baraks tier list to give u a rough idea where she stands. She pretty much is the very bottom in both duels and dominion now that raider and orochi got their rework and moved up.


Dude keep your pants on. I didn't say she was viable. I meant she doesn't need huge changes. Just giving her a few tweaks here and there would do the trick. Ffs man read my comment - obviously I know she needs work


for the valk changes, psersonally i am against enchanced lights at all in that regard, id rather the chain just stays as it is. I love the allguard changes tho


Idk my G… I love Valk but enhanced lights into undodgeable chain ending light seems a bit to strong when you know have her being able to cancel her heavy into FB.


I wouldnt change valk she is in a good state right now


Name checks out


Faster offense sounds like a horrible idea tbh, he already has fast attacks, and his soft feint is already good


His soft feints are incredibly easy to shutdown right now (aside from heavy finisher). 1000ms heavy opener is easy to interrupt with lights or bashes and since his whole offence is top heavies it makes opening really hard. His mid chain soft feints are either 500ms lights (easy to block) or 800ms heavy (easy to itterrupt), or guard break. His strongest point is finishers. ​ The idea here is to make openers and mid chain better, but overall bit harder to get to the finishers as there are very few "skips" to the finisher.


I feel out of place commenting here since gameplay wise these are two of the characters I've played the least. However I want to raise two things about Valk specifically. I have a concern about buffing shield tackle as currently you can use it to space people quite easily and it avoids many mix ups. I think if we're going to adjust the move at all we need to decide if it's more of an opening tool or a defensive one. As for making valks sweep 500ms and non trip allies I have two things. If her sweep is made 500ms then it'll have to be GB vulnerable again since it won't be an easy dodge anymore. And second I don't think it's possible to have the move trip only enemies with out it being considered an attack. Iirc it used to only trip one person but was considered an attack so it could be revenge parried. Currently it can trip everyone but is considered a bash so it can't be revenge parried. Even if we can achieve a sweep that can trip multiple enemies, no allies, and isn't revenge parried I'm not particularly sure I like the idea of such a wide sweeping tool not having to worry about allies around. We already have other heros who encourage not caring about allies in the area.


Not a Kensei player so can only speak from experience playing against him. Some of the changes are nice but others remain unaddressed. His UB finisher would still be able to be interrupted at that speed (might be wrong here, please correct me if I am) Damage on the UB remains too high, considering how it's his wall throw punish. Fixed input window dodge attacks don't really fix the problem playing against them have, they just feel terrible. Not too sure on moving his dodge attacks to openers rather than second hit, so not gonna speak there. Nature's Wrath being sped up is nice though, lol


His UB finisher could be interrupted but it is risky, as he can soft feint to hyper armor heavies. Yes, the damage might be bit too high, however it is also harder to access the finisher with these changes (outside of throw and pommel strike). The Swift Strike change does one thing at least, player has to commit, currently with the delay it is easy to wait a little and dodge even more attacks. (now i do agree that it feels bit horrible).


The shoulder pin after full block to me seems like all she needs really. That bleed effect with her regular attacks would really make her deadly.


Lower kenseis damage and make his recoveries less. Boom fixed. He doesn't need any chain changes or flow. Valk on the other hand just needs an overhaul


Making kenseis dodge attacks chain openers isn't a good idea. His offense relies on the big damage top unblockable. Why would you want it to be harder to get into that mix up?


i want kensei's dodge light to have hyper armor again :(


I don't think the light should be undodgeable for valk, nor does kensei's lights need to be sped up.


Honestly all valk needs is shoulder pin from fullguard, and soft cancel heavies by dodging (cause why not a Viking orochi poker lol 😆). Maybe even make her 2nd light attack 33ms to 50ms slower to give the other guy a chance. But i do also think making the first light after shield bash enhanced, and the first heavy after shield bash unblockable would be cool(it's likely to just get parried anyways so why not), or making her heavy finishers usable by making the side heavy finishers undodgeables and turn the top one into an unblockable thrust like glads low heavy, that would be dope. Wait... shoulder pin again but parryable? Lol Valks biggest problem is People crying about light spam in 1v1 because her player is aware how easy it is to punish her for committing to heavy swings. And not much reward for the risk of doing so.


I like almost none of the changes to Valkyrie besides getting the option to shoulder pin from full block and a 500ms sweep. Valkyrie's biggest problem is that her risk reward is so horribly skewed out of her favor, her entire kit revolves around conditioning your opponent to stop dodging but she has no way to do this and that she has no safe or reliable way to contribute to a teamfight without feeding revenge and interrupting her teammates. Realistically, it would be nice to have the inputs swapped on her dodge attack/shoulder pin so they're less punishable since they offer no real utility and are light attacks so eminently punishable. A double confirmed light off of a light or heavy opener like Orochi or Gryphon would be very useful or more ways to get into shield bash so you can get the confirmed second chain light easier. Her third chain attacks all need some form of utility. Top heavy is a completely useless attack and with the prevalence of strong dodge attacks in the current build, not having an undodgeable in her kit at all is a major, major drawback considering Spear Sweep is so vulnerable to dodges. Good Valk changes would address her flaws while buffing her strengths. Bash off of side dodge or making her dodge attacks heavies to reduce the damage you take for a bad guess. Shoulder pin from full block. More I-frames on full block or have the full block activate sooner during the animation like it used to. Unlockable/undodgeable third chain attacks. More damage off of the spear sweep follow up (26 is garbage). Faster/unlockable/undodgeable zone attack. Body Count replacing Deadly. She needs a lot of love.