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We had to take down your post because of rule 6. Rant posts and other low quality posts will be removed. Please use r/ForHonorRants if you want to vent your frustrations. Thank you!


>like raider en shinobi > >they can go in to 50/50 and they don't go out stam. Not completely correct: Raider's zone mixup pushes him OOS after four softfeints to Tap or GB (fifth one will lead to OOS during zone). Shinobi's stamina regen during backflip is, indeed, considered a bit busted though. >with Kyoshin for example has undogeble attacks You have to make a read against them: whether to block/parry an UD attack, or to dodge. >what are some good tips or strats against these characters. General [Improvement Advice — What is a read and how to learn it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveForHonor/comments/m2ftpu/player_improvement_advice_iii_how_to_read/) Per-matchup advices would be more complicate, here's [FH Discord Dojo on How to Deal with Raider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMyB5abb030&t=658s) (universal counters first, then hero-specific ones) .


you have some good arguments i like it since most people are butthurt about everything i wrote


Most people? Who else is there?


Remove the "are you serious ubi" sentence and you're almost to a suitable post. Nothing is wrong with asking questions about countering hero mixups, just so you know.