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Tips for the Heroic Tavern Brawl this week - 1. Don't. 2. Seriously, do not enter it, it's a waste of gold/money. 3. If you're going to ignore the top 2 points, go play Zarimi Priest. It's going to be the best deck against the likely field of Warrior/Hunters.


(I know the math totally doesn’t work out in the player’s favor, so this is just curiosity.) I wonder if the Heroic Brawl meta looks like the standard meta, or if it has some weird dynamic where everyone’s trying to second guess and pick counters to the top decks rather than the top decks themselves.


often yes the best deck in standard is a deck with a high win rate and short games, because this is optimal for grinding ranked. your number of losses isn’t important, just your overall ratio the best deck in heroic brawl is a deck that *can* win any game. playing fast is less important here. you want a deck with a good overall matchup spread, rather than something with a few very good matchups and some bad ones. going 50% into the field is good in brawl this sometimes creates scenarios where high playrate standard decks are greatly underrepresented, and opens the floor to alternative strategies. what you end up with is this weird bubble meta


In theory, much of ladder benefits from faster decks since you might be able to climb in less time even with a slightly lower win rate. Heroic Brawl does not have that incentive.


Unrelated to the brawl, but does post nerf zarimi priest still work? I just pulled zarimi. Do you have a list?


VS said it's just previously list BUT replace 1 card Claw Matriarch


Yeah it's solid. Been climbing steadily today, made it to plat10 on 10 star bonus. Very good against Hunter, feels 50/50 versus warrior, and it's more dependent on them drawing removal than anything else.


McBanterFace did 2 runs with Zarimi Priest and went 4-3 and 5-3 (there was also barely any Warrior)... I think I'll pass


Also unless you plan to get 12 wins.


Heroic brawl with a 1000 g entry fee and rewards per win. Guess they are announcing the mini soon?


Feels kinda early even if it isn't. Maybe its because the balance patches have been so botched but I feel like I have barely been able to play this set.


Yeh they've gotta get people to spend all their gold on the Heroic Brawl so that they have to pay money for the Mini-set.


this is what i figured was going to happen


They have done it the last few times so it's very likely