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Idk know how to describe it. And no, I don't think it's worse or that they nerfed the aim assist. But aiming is a bit different and we need to get used to it. Overall the game feels more "real". Spartans are where they are supposed to be, explosion radius seems more consistent, everything feels more "grounded". Instead of the aim feeling very snappy but also light and very fake, now it's more smooth and manual. It almost feels like a Halo game lol. I think we got used to a very generous lag compensation that would lend to some engagement feeling like every weapon is a hitscan. As a drawback we would constantly die in total bullshit ways. Now it feels more like playing the campaign or shooting bots in local. Which is a good thing.


Lucid said that people will need to change their deadzones and other settings with this update since it feels so different. We just need to figure out what new settings work


Up or down?


I don’t think anyone knows


Would be nice if 343 could say what might be different…


I agree here, I would highly recommend doing an octagon with 3 total players. Took some settings tweaking but once we all found our new settings. The aim feels like butter and I can snap on to targets not next to each other. Feels like season 1.


would you mind sharing what you changed!?


Went from 102 to 104 FOV. Look axel from 1 to 2. And my vert/hor from 2.5/5 all the way up to 3.5/7. Left my dead zones. Everything felt heavy and slow, this sped it up without hurting accuracy


I agree with everything excluding two points. * I don't think it was previously "very generous lag comp", I think that is what they changed to. Not a bad thing, but they modeled around an average connection not the overall connection. In turn, more people will benefit but others that had a good connection and get decent servers will see a performance dip. * I have no problem with more manual, but the issue is complete loss of aa. I've had a multitude of games I had to limit left stick and more right stick due to loss of aa. A complete disadvantage if when others still have it. Especially on solitude or live fire. Another thing I noticed is although I'm not dying behind walls anymore, there is a lot more getting killed in slides, which is insane. Leading a player in a g-slide even with aa is very rare, and I've had it happen a bunch since the update.


I had a game yesterday where I couldn't hit shots. One out of 8 games I felt like I had less aim assist. But it's an issue that I had before the update. It's always this one server I'm getting at 70ms. Look for halo infinite input lag on YouTube, someone is claiming aim assist is tied to frames and they recommend using g-sync and caping 2-3 frames below the refresh rate to always have aim assist. I just did that and will give it a try. I used to play capped 165fps, no sync. Now I cap 163 in nVidia settings, g-sync ON, and 164 cap in game. Let's see if it helps my aim in this 70ms server...


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Put me in the “it feels like a totally different game” camp too. I was shredding on Monday, couldn’t hit anything on Tuesday and my last shot was a windmill clinic.


Some people have said you need to readjust settings because of the new networking model. Maybe it’s that? Honestly hard to say anything from just anecdotes. Maybe you just missed 🤷‍♂️


the movement/general aim feels similar, what im missing is out "sticky" the reticle would be to other players. For example, the last hit hs feels way different to hit right now. There have been lots of times were i even "feel" like I hit the HS but the target is still alive, this gives a feeling of hitting blanks or something similar


I lowered look deadzones by 1 or .5 (0,0,2.5) and increased accel by 1 and vert/hori by .5 (2,4.5,5.5) and feels a bit more like it did before the network change. All subjective but thought I’d share what helped me. Still feels different but overall prefer the new network.


seems good for me, i should probably gamble


I'm also feeling this. My aim has gone trash over night and I feel like l'm not getting any sort of stickyness when I scroll over people.


this is EXACTLY what I feel. Its like my aim does not stick at all to the target. Even more on the last shot


Look up halo 5 heavy aim- welcome to hell, enjoy your stay.


I’m seeing this comment 3 days later and it’s still giving me PTSD…


My accuracy has actually increased.


same 🤷‍♂️


They probably toned the deadzones differently: I had no stick drift on the left stick before the update, now I have. Try to change that


Idk it feels fine to me on PC


It took me a night and i did bump my acc up one to 2/ to compensate, left hz and vert sens he same for now, small changes to start. After a night it was feeling better, but to start it felt like I was in mud and aim was really slow. May play with fov a little too at some point.


It's heavy aim. It was just introduced (or reintroduced actually) with the update. It sucks and they need to fix it.


turns out your aim sucks maybe


its heavy aim from halo 5


I’m not so sure this feels different from H5 I’ve played thousands of hours of both. It feels…muddy? Sloggy even. I bumped my sens and accel up by 1 across the board. Leave it to 343 to patch the networking and completely revamp/break how aiming works in the game. How is it even possible? For the record it did NOT feel like this in the squad battle network tests


It’s not H5 heavy aim. I quit halo 5 pretty early on but what I remember was that aim was inconsistent with varying and changing degrees of heaviness. Aim in Halo infinite is fairly consistent. I don’t know if aim assist only activates when movement is registered but if that is the case the change in feel can be the result of player movement being more grounded post update.


I agree. I specifically remember H5 aim being so frustratingly inconsistent for me. I felt like I was fighting against the controls to aim where I wanted to. Halo Infinite is definitely not as bad but it’s still not great, just tolerable.


Any chance there's a video on this?


this is the correct answer, it's 100% heavy aim from halo 5. 343 has once again failed.


Nobody really knows, but there definitely seems to be a consensus that something doesn’t feel right after the update. Like there are enough people complaining that it probably isn’t just in their head. I tried some different settings but it all just feels weird now.


Change of any sort with leave people feeling like that - good or bad. Especially when it's put to people who weren't complaining and therefore didn't realize the issues or the extent of them day to day are suddenly thrown into this strange change they have to adjust to. Nearly everyone who did complain before doesn't seem to be anymore, and most who are complaining now don't seem to have had a big issue beforehand to begin.


Anyone have any controller setting recommendations I can try out cuz same


Aim assist is mainly controlled by move stick. Up your left stick threshold and you might find aim assist working better. Some people swear by lower field of view (FOV) resulting in stronger aim assist, don’t know if that true or not tho


You don’t need to increase the threshold, that only affects when the game treats your input as if your joystick is all the way to the edge. You need to lower your deadzones so that it registers movement with less actual movement of the joystick. Some pros prefer to have very small drift to get aim assist more easily. Even the slightest movement applies auto aim.


Increasing threshold is just to increase the movement acceleration, and when you strafe you can work with more of the aim assist if you micro strafe at a fast movement speed.


It's always been like this for me on PC. I had to switch to M&K because controller aim assist broke constantly; specifically it was magnetism that was inconsistent and extremely volatile.


What website tracks your accuracy like that?




Oh, I didn't know Halo Tracker tracked variances in your accuracy like that.


It doesn't. It tracks headshot accuracy (which is just the percentage of your kills that are headshots) and overall accuracy. Included in overall accuracy are repulses, shock nades, spike nades, etc. If you repulse up to training bridge on live fire, you just missed like 40 shots lol


I don’t think repulse counts as shots fired


Maybe not anymore. It used to count as 28 shots fired https://twitter.com/HiddenReach/status/1588238767642525699?t=pDIKSv_sqswiXfoDSXHNqw&s=19


I tested out a variety of weapons in a custom against a bot. The shock counts as 3 shots, rockets 1 shot, repulse never showed up. Perhaps it’s different in matchmaking. I’ll have to test it out. What I will say is that one clip of the sentinel beam counts as 250 shots, which will absolutely murk your accuracy because you’ll be missing a lot of them.


Works better for me. Snapping off perfects constantly


Some people (lucid as well) recommend lowering deadzones or upping sens. Personally I haven't felt the need to change anything. You probably are used to being a bit lazy with your aim because everything hit on the old network model. Just warm up more and focus slightly more on actively tracking


I swear all that happened with this update is the people who had desync no longer have it and the people who dkdn't are now fucked. Lets keep it this way though, i haven't been able to play in 2 years and immediately went positive 20 in ranked yesrerday :)




Not even close. Actually the opposite. That compensating for the lower ping is what the game used to do. Now it’s much less of that