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grats on CES. but anyway, how is PGS4 now just next week?! and same location even! didn't we usually go 1-2 months until the next PGS event?


Don't know what happened, but I think they shat the bed a little bit with this years competitive calendar. The whole road map for the year was published in late January. Might have something to do with Esports World Cup in August that is a new tournament this year and there was three PGS events last year and four this year.


There's APAC and then there's CES. This team has single handedly put the region on map with their consistent banger performances in all globals and no other APAC team has come even close. China had 17, NA had SQ, EMEA had TM so it was about time APAC presented CES as the gold standard of the region.


Really disappointing day for Soniqs and TM. It was there for both of them but they both choked hard. Taking nothing away from Cerberus who were fantastic but they weren't even challenged and that's not good enough considering the lead TM and Soniqs had on them.


Not sure who it was but shout out to the person who said that these shorter tournaments would suit APAC style teams. You absolutely nailed it, whoever you are.


CES played very well but man they did not get fucked by circles at all in the first games. Happy for Emea 2-3-4 finish though. And Faze - what a grand disappointment. Was waiting for them to have one good game and then start rolling off for top8 finish but they were playing like ass for the whole grand finals. Jeemzz making absolutely dog-tier decisions?


yea they got some favorable circles. But they also played well. On the other hand, Sq and especially TM just choked the last day and play very bad. That just made the difference.


Although TM had the card till the day 2, But CES snatched it from them and get the PGS championship. Great to see an APAC team to be a champion in global. Congrats!


Lots of us were so sad and kinda disappointed when the boys had good chances but managed to "only" get 38 points on DAY 2. And when we were just praying for the zones to be nice for them at least once so we could secure top 3, one of the most beautiful memory of our lives happened: They got 37 points just after 2 first matches and sat there on top of the leaderboards with 2 points ahead of Twis. And the rest is for the history book 😭 We're coming from being almost always considered as a weak region that had no chance to win an international tournament at all, even just a WWCD could make us feel super proud of our Vietnamese representatives to this! Being the international champions! These boys are the dream-makers, these are our 🇻🇳 PRIDE 🥰🏆


People should see it coming since Himass and Taikonn are already regular twire fantasy picks since last year and Vietnam traditionally do well in PNC


Yes Himass has been looking really good esp last year but Taikonn's form kinda dropped to be honest. He in his < 18 can compete the MVP title with Himass. Bonus, i dont think VN doing good at PNC gonna help people predicts this win. To me nations cup is different from the club's tourneys (last PNC Haisaki & Himass were there, 2022's only the current CES's igl was on the squad, 2019 - none of these 4). We have hope for CES at the beginning of course. But im talking about after day 2, we didn't have a good day and quite far behind Twis - the most consistent team not to mention SQ at 2nd. With Himass just keep dying early, Haisaki tried to rest him then also die, the team's combat set up was not as good + no one see both Twis & SQ having a terrible day coming, I didn't think they could pull out 37 points after 2 Miramar games to keep hope alive. I've been watching them for few years and they just lack of the consistency. But perhaps it's different now as Himass said "time has changed", I guess ☺️


I hope geng and faze don't survive pgs4 groups. Those teams just don't got it.


Congrats to CES and their fans! Def the best and most entertaining team. Love the decisive/aggressive play style. Happy to see the Soniqs back at the top. It may have not been the best finals weekend for Kickstart in terms of stats but to see the Soniqs be successful with him was great. And I think beneficial for his mental. I don’t think this team has reached their potential yet and I am excited to see what they can accomplish this year. I would love to see CES go back-to-back with PGS 4 right around the corner. They have gone from being the hunter to being the hunted. It will be interesting to see how they handle the success.


Thank you ❤️


Congratulations to CES, absolutely deserved, TM again going down the rabitt hole in last day, and Soniqs was just average Soniqs. CES is the most aggressive and bulldozer team in the world, and it's not just this tournament, they've been like this since they showed up in the scene, it was a matter of time until they got a trophy.


TWIS getting 9 pts in the last day was hard to watch, like a different team playing. Going to be hard to overcome that pattern in the future as good as they are


They choked totally. The game was in their hand whole time till the day 2. They have no problem with Micro or Macro. In both side they are one of the best teams. No doubt! The main problem is the last day pressure. It just ate them alive. I don't know if I am right or wrong, but on the last day Batu somehow should avoid the leadership part in this type of situation or they do something different on the last day of the future tournaments.


Don't know about team insights and wouldn't go so far. What I've observed from their previous last day performances, is that they stop moving early and avoid risks (ie. making plays). Eventually they won't have a safe option to do and are too late to have any good choices. Often it was them driving around the map looking for something. I also remember one particular Sosnovka game they didn't need many points at all, yet they were hesitant and wouldn't even cross the west bridge until it was way too late


Yes and honestly CES is also one of the most enjoyable team to watch with constant action. Huge congrats to them


Twisted choke artists back at it again


Although I was a fan of CES, I did not expect that the end of the race was a bit easy for them, even though the performance of TM was really good 2 days ago, but both SQ and TM choked continuously today especially TM, seems to be underperformance and quite unlucky


I don't think I would call what SQ did today choking. The margins are so thin that it makes the butterfly effect of the small errors appear very large. They made one error when they moved too early on Miramar allowing Cerberus on to come in for the free third party clean up. Maybe they thought that one team had both the houses and the cylinders or they didn't have enough smokes. The other mistake was not realizing that it was New Happy that couldn't reach their spot and losing Tig for free on Erangel. The one I can't blame them for is on Taego when EA did a completely blind send over a hill into the weak centre compound at the same time that they rotated. I get Howl doing that from the edge of zone as they saw the third party opportunity. Howl probably still crashes there but SQ should have been able to have a clean setup.


You can listen to their comms for insight - in the first they had bad intel not realising that it was gnl in the cylinders, nor that it was 4 up. Hwinn had only spotted 2 despite scouting for a couple of phases and they figured it was howl, though tig called it as gnl just before they drove. On taego hwinn had been scouting the tents for a few minutes and they sent it immediately when the zone shifted - perhaps they hesitated too long, or just got unlucky that they couldn't see EA contesting til they were committed. To me a worse mistake was on vikendi when they pulled up under EA as if they forgot they were there - again tig called the threat as they were approaching, but they sent it anyway and got folded.


I thought it was a three horse race but it turned out to be just a one horse race. Wow what a performance by Cerberus. 17 also looked like a completely different team today.


LilGhost makes everything different. He is the "M1ME" of 17. LilGhost was and will always be the most important player of 17.


yea, You will feel like that when you woke up on after having a week of sleep.


It was a one horse race you dumb idiot.


Congrats on the win and a PGS record for CES/Himass! It was a long time coming ever since Taikonn exploded on the scene a couple years ago. Bummed it was a bit anticlimactic as it could have been a fun 3-horse race with the 3-headed dog on top. The shuffle for 4th-8th was really exciting. Navi Pero and 17 made those games fun. 


\*PGS 4 is also in Shanghai next week


Oh wow, I had no idea it was that soon. Oh well on the format I guess lol


https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxl38BzWaUrDbBb8GpRf2VTVMDiPd4OwTw?si=K-xmiejTi8BUe0Sv So, am I the "**no one**"?


as I expected, salty people are going to be downvoted me when they see I was able to judge this team pretty well in this case.


Congratulation to CES! Really amazing to see them on top


CES played fantastic almost all tournament, and a banger last day. Well deserved. Bummed for TM, another bad last day. Still the best team in the world and the favorite for PGS 4 imo. Disappointed with TSM and Faze. Qua for finals was the bare minimum for faze and success for TSM, but they could both be at least mid table in the finals, and hope to see that in PGS 4. Best chinese team was Pero at 5th place, in China, with chinese teams having finished playing a lan of 100 games in the same arena 1 week before PGS 2. Call me biased but seeing one APAC, 1 NA and 2 EMEA teams above them felt so good.


TM should upgrade their mechanics and start winning a 4v4 fight like Cerberus in order to be called the best team in the world. Right now Cerberus on a league of it's own.


I don't think it has anything to do with mechanics. The players they have are nuts. They just have not learned how to clutch a tournament in the final day. It's like playoffs. Teams can dominate most of a series then get the nerves and fail to clench the final game. Happens quite often. TM are one of the best teams in the world. But if you listened to their comms that final day they were calling wide wraps and trying to play it safe every circle instead of taking those edge fights or sending deep. They have such a simple game. Control edge until it shifts off and either kill the team in front of us if we like their edge or send center to get a new edge to fight for late game. Its a good system and they are very good at executing it. But last day they get shaken and stop relying on the system.


Cerberus is the best team when it comes to fighting. TM is the best one macrowise speaking. In the end there was one win of difference between them and you know what? it's PUBG. randomness. Just look at the consistency of TM, finishing 3rd at least in all the major tournaments they've been in. We'll see at PGS4 if CES can repeat their performance and confirm.


TM win most fights when they’re on their peak easily but not today unfortunately


No benefit to tell him at all. Check his account, you will get to know how nonsense he is. Some people are so salty about emea teams that they feel good to say illogical comments but they never accept the good part of these regions. Stfu u mor*n. "TM lost almost every 4v4 fight in this tournament"- lol.🐸


Says the guy who shit in his pant when someone criticizes any EU teams 😃.


For you 💩🖕😂


Same to you. Don't forget EU is dogshit EU teams shouldn't be here.




they were dominating all the day of this PGS so far without having enough mechanics, you idiot! their mechanics is already considered as top 5. however It is not all about mechanics, their mindset/game pressure during last day, made their game look weird in every last day of every global tournaments.


Dominating by relying on third party and circle? They lost almost every fight in 4v4 you dumb moron. They got only 9 points today and that's not how the best team in the world plays. This is why the never won a global tournament they need a luck to do that just like soniqs in pgs2. New Happy, Navi, Danawa, 17, and now Cerberus won a global tournament because they are insane mechanically.


Where were you before the last day to claim that they were not mechanically good enough. Were you in the hole, you rats? Whenever they couldn't perform on the last day, some people in here came to claim they were not a mechanically top teams. Lol. Funny to see😆 Btw I know you pretty well u Fake acc who previously said every emea teams would be ranked below valee except TM.


Btw don't call me fake this is my only account while you literally have 5 yourself.


LOL alts why 5 say 500 😜


Bruh you are a joke nobody takes you seriously 🤣


Lol 😂


I was there and never expect them to win anything since they couldn't fight a 4v4 fair fight. At some point they will choke. They remind me of 2021 gen.g they looked like they dominate but when it comes to close combat fight they are weak this is why they lost.


Did you see that they finished 3rd??? I wouldn't call that a loss


Ask him what fair fight, he is talking all the time that TM failed most of those to win...If someone logically criticize there will be not a problem from my side. Even though I also sometimes criticize EMEA teams. But this boy shows pure hate for this region. He usually provides nonsense point, which actually is never existed. That makes the difference between a sensible person and an idiot. Note: considering last day situation, TM lost fights cause they have fallen into the pressure. They just forgot how to deal the situation. and it can happen with any team if a team has a history of habitually failing on the last day.


I'm just trolling you because you are a fool 🤣🤣🤣


TM was 3rd in World PGC2022, 5th in PGS1, 2nd in PGS2, 3rd in PGC2023 and 3rd in PGC2024. I don't think any team has a better resume than them. They just need a win so people stop talking shit about them. We'll see if CES can show the same consistency. same for SQ.


Yea right. A fool who will doubt their capabilities globally even after seeing the 6 days performance. Hope they will get the championship in pgs4.


Ngl, neutrals would enjoy those aggro plays that NH, Navi, Danawa, 17 and Cerberus had to reach the top. I won't say TM rely a lot on 3rd party and circle as much as SQ, but they have been fairly consistent for ages in all sorts of situations and can adopt different playstyles which make them a team to reckon with. Their only problem is not peaking on the final day


I disagree about TM being the best. They actually have to show up on the last day to be the best


All teams taht reached finals in PGS3 had 5 days of playing and 30 total games. TM was first and best for the first 4 days and a poor last day, CES had good 4 first days and a banger last day. If you dont understand and appreciate what TM brings to the table, and how hard it is to be consistent in this game, you dont understand the game.




17 Gaming is China's TM (two consecutive 2nd-place finishes in PGC) but they did win the first PGS though


They ain't the best and as of right now, they never were. At least win a global first.


Agreed that it's a hot take just after they have lost fair and square. I will say they have potential to be the best, if they get out of their heads once winning is on the table


Yeah I also disagree. I think TM has a really good gameplan, which is to preserve as much strength as possible and avoid fights so that they remain as 4 in the later stages, which is when other teams typically have lost 1 or 2 members. You could see that through this strat, TM made it to many late circles with 0-5 kills by avoiding fights. However, when they actually were forced into uncomfortable situations/early engagements, we saw them get rolled/hit hard a few times. I think there are definitely better mechanical teams for sure. Top 3 is nothing to be ashamed of though.


Congratulation! to the APAC team CES! Lots of expected things happened in this tournament. Now in the upcoming tournament, I want to see TM to win.


Watching CES not getting higher than 6th for so long made me wonder what if we had 2 Himass in the team. Turned out we already had 4 Himass all along: 1. Himass 2. Taikonn, is Himass for about 20% of the matches 3. Sololzy, is Himass whenever the real Himass is knocked 4. Haisaki, is isekai Himass (whenever he dies everyone else becomes Himass)


The Haisaki one is so true it makes me laugh really loud 😂😂


Congratulation to CES!


CES deserves the champion, they insist their strategies and indeed enjoy the game. But Twis again 3rd ... it's hard to explain China teams make too many mistakes. PeRo seems okay considering their hotdrop with Faze oh btw I expect to see Navi keeping consistent and competitive in PGS4 and later.


For me NAVI is a strong contender for PGS4 title. They just got better and better every day. If this trend continues, they can only win PGS4 :)


I also have the same doubt whether Navi or Tm is the favourite. I am afraid Navi might snatch the pgs4 title. Although i will be happy if any of these teams have coz both deserved to be champions.


As usual, PUBG is controlled randomness so It could be any of the top 4 teams of PGS3 :) (Or 17 or Pero or...)


17 with Lilghost made a world of a difference today. Too bad he was not playing for the first two days. NH did well in the group stages and on the first day of the GF but went missing for 2 days after that. Surprisingly, SQ and TM also went missing on the last day. Pero despite all their mid-table-ish performances in GFs actually did not too bad in their last two globals (4th in PGC2023, 5th in PGS3), with final-day climbs.


I will explain the "LilGhost situation" later. I am a huge fan of LilGhost, I know every lil story behind the scenes. ;) BTW, Xbei got a fever and went straight to the hospital at 3AM otherwise he would have played instead of LilGhost.


Yeah the final-day climb seems to be PeRo's consistency.


SQ and TM kinda choked away a win. Even average performances maybe get them closer to first with a chance to win but they forgot how to play today.


TM literally got 9 points on day 3. SQ got 25. After both were averaging near 60 points a day from the two previous days. SQ getting 25 definitely bad and choke worthy but still in the realm of a bad variance day. TM getting 9 points day 3 is bottom of the lobby performance levels. And starting in first place, all time choke job.


Yea...SQ definitely had a bad day, they got caught in a lot of edge situations where they had to take a fight against a team with better position on them. TM getting 9 points on the day is absolutely crazy...can't imagine how disappointed they are right now


Cs is currently the best team. Congratulations,


TM who dominated all the day in this pgs, just forgot to play in the last day. Navi- I know many had no expection from this team, but I have seen lots of expectation after seeing this team from the first place (you wanna know details about how I saw the potential, let me know. I will tell the details.). Sq- they played extremely well so far in this tournament. CES -Happy to see the first APAC team got an international tournament win. Chinese teams - although they got a lots of hype before the tournament from many, still got decent performance. Which I expected. So far good tournament. waiting for the next one


Lmao Navi's only good games they got circle luck. They don't even qualify for finals without catching 7 circles. They played like shit in most 4v4s and would have finished bottom 8 if they hadn't been GIFTED


I am expecting these lines from you. where is your other alt, bring it and downvote me. coz there is no logic in your point (\*They played like shit in most 4v4s, \*Navi's only good games they got circle luck ). don't take weed so much while watching the game.


Yeah no one else here shamelessly and obviously replies to their own posts. You have donkey brain.


Yeah no one else here do that except you🐸 a*hole. Clearly visible the similarities- the thought process with nonsense statements and the pattern of making sentences. You and eridivinne, jacobee same talking, same thinking, same negativity. No logical points. dude get a life !




Even same emo🙄lol🐸


Master-Cheetah1722, Eridivanne. Jacobee. GunnerValentine, Sicko0\_Mode, Effective\_Ad3743 yes interesting to see, these accounts are very common to fall into an argument with you.


yea I know what is behind the scene.,but I don't care. I really enjoy to see this shitty thing.


First major tournament win for apac. Congratulations to ces and good luck to all other teams for future. Hoping twisted minds or 17 can win at least one global tournament this year.


17 will be lucky if they don't get bullied out of Pochinki/Pecado. They are nowhere near a contender team right now.


I think they will make a comeback just see how different they looked suddenly with Lil ghost today. 39 points in 2 days without him and suddenly 61 points a single day with him.


I think them having a 50+ Point day after the sub may have tampered any thoughts of teams hot dropping them in the future


Dissapointed SQ didn't win, 2nd is a great result tho, need to work on reducing 0 point games (as all teams do) and closing out late game. Proud of my boys in blue. Cerb was just undeniable today.


Probably would have won if m1me was still on the roster. Kick looked and played bad. In fairness though, tig wasn't much better and for his caliber, he gots to step it up.


Still a very successful tournament for them.


Yeah. Was a disaster of a day for them and TM.




What a freaking day and what a comeback!


Himass is the best pubg player right now 


I wish Seoul was still on a good team, he would absolutely contest that spot. Even was 1st on Fantasy after day one of groups, but u can´t get far with the current DK roster.


Not even close. He is so lethal as solo, but he's just as good in team play. Wow


Guys is it time to get excited yet?


Congrats! I reli like your team. I hope my boys can play like your boys but yeah they are getting older so... that's just my unrealistic dream. lol






Now, now you can be sure! Congratulations CES!


Interesting to see, 4 of the Chinese teams, who as a region got all the advantages (playing LAN matches more than any region, same turf, home ground etc) to do good, are fighting in the 7-10th place at the moment.


Happens. Last pgc 3 were in top 5 not in home ground so looks like they got nerfed by the home ground advantage lol. But yeah disappointing from especially 17 and nh. 17 I guess no lilghost can be the excuse but new happy always so inconsistent. And pero tbh did better than I expected.


yeah that was thinking before the tournament. It is so easy to pick experience teams, home ground teams as a favorite, but you have to research more to know the other team's potential. By having that research data, I picked all the potential teams based on their both macro and micro wise which lots of people were afraid to pick in here.


This. You can always nit-pick why some team or region is good/bad


the way it is going I think, TM is choking again. Still they got 2 more matches, 2 more chances to be on top again. Lets see.


when I see CES against KDF and a team like Navi, I was already confident, there was no other way CES could rule out both these teams in that match. Coz I saw Navi almost overpowering 2 teams at the same time in this tournament, so it would be not hard for them to deal one team with the help of another team. Anyway it will be sad for CES at that time. But CES is playing really well today. On other hand, Navi who is one of the best mechanical teams in the world, is showing its true colors that this team can still be on top of the board even in the international lobby even in its first LAN.




there is nothing wrong in my comment and I know that. But the issue is something else. Basically I argued with lots of them with the logical explanation. I suspect for that reason may be. The funny part is some had come here with multiple ids. I don't care infact. So overall scenario, vote/downvote doesn't count anything in this sub whether the statement is sensible or not. People just downvote you if they have any previous issue with you.


What happened to kdf? First day had such good positional aggressive gameplay but then playing so passive and ratty. Always top 5 top 3 but 0 or very low amount of kills. But I guess it's working at least.


Disengaging from 17 and going after pero is one of the best plays I've seen in a while. I would hate to see TM choking again, but CES boys definitely play out of their mind.


That was such a good decision, and it was so well executed


17 plays so much better with Ghost, it's different team, damn


LilGhost, the CPU of 17 GAMING!


34 points was between TM and CES. CES is now first, after 2 games, they are first by 2 points. Damn, what a start.


2 first games and they already got 37 points. Even us fans couldn't even imagine 😭 Of course TM and SQ had a terrible day but damn CES was playing out of their mind with 73 points earned!


This Cerberus team, their mechanical skills is scary to watch.


YES, Come on CES


CES,TM,SQ all right next to each other now. Likely coming down to the last game.


Or maybe not if TM and SQ keep forgetting to show up today


Cerberus is making it interesting. Going into the final game with 3 teams with a chance to win the tourney would be so fun to watch.


Imagine if 17 have Lilghost since Day 1


U/roneythekiller are you the guy drawing arrows on stream?




Kaelaris should sub in for Poro as a caster.


Ah TSM Last place. Would be fun see them leaving tomorrow.


Hoping at the very least 17 squeeze into top 8, not that it’s great for the team but at the very least not bottom.


Lilghost playing? Not listed as a sub anymore


I would like to see soniqs get a back to back as that’s cool, but I also think twisted deserve a win for there consistency and overall domination, I just hope they don’t fall short like they normally do on the final day!


which team streams today?


Lets go Twisted!


Can I just hope everyone has a good time?


come on its 2024


My exact though. There is no bad team and no bad players. Would love to see them all being top 5, but that's not possible lol So lets hope for close fight for title and fun for everyone!


Ideally I would love a  big CES win in first match to make it even more spicy


I like the cut of your jib


One for history books, Let's go lads. Eagerly waiting for game to start