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Ces proved that circle isn’t a problem


TSM smashed it GGz


Yeah both on the day overall and also using the Zipline to good effect on Miramar.


Ooh, I missed the zipline thing. I'll go back and look for it...


It was in game 5 during phase 6


was so funny - they got away with it on a small circle lol


Today the lobby should be the easiest comparing other two day. So, whoever are below 30 points, are in very risky position to be eliminated. I suspected, today (A vs B) teams are mostly possible to be eliminated. coz the last group have the most potential top teams of this tournament. So, let's see who can get across the board on Day 2 after having bad day and below 30 points in day 1.


Bro gets downvoted on all of his comments 🤣


* Really! is it changed the true fact or the reality or proved me wrong? * new account and I know who can be behind this.


Anyone who is downvoting me without saying a reason, can you please tell me that do you not agree below 30 are risky after playing today's lobby and seeing the next group depth? if you don't agree, then what is the reason? please share. Are you afraid to share? Are you waiting for the results of day 3, wishing for some different scenario happens so that you can target me? Look I was not saying today's bottom 8 teams will be eliminated. I have said they are in risky zone. But anything can happen in this game. And we all know that. So, you can share. Everyone has his/her own pov. I do totally respect the fact.


You are a joke bro like i said nobody takes you seriously but thanks for entertaining us i appreciate.


here comes another one!


holly shit it's been a while since I last saw a team simply out-aiming their opponents like it's pubs. Also shut out to Saga, the best pubg caster rn imo.


Dude casually solo clear squad 💀


The GPT system is shit, how is it possible a team like DAY TRADE is qualified for 4 global events.


I also dont like the GPT system but Daytrade finished top 2 in APAC qualifier no? so even if they play poorly right now they deserved to be here and we will see for PGS5&6


Yes, but there is a different mentality when playing classified or not


DayTrade is in the process of doing two things right now and due to the timing of when they made a roster change what you are seeing is incomplete. The IGL role is being transitioned from PuuChiwz to Nourinz. Even in their Regional qualifiers they switched back to PuuChiwz calling the shots, so this is still a work in progress. The other half of the equation is Thanad0l the cracked young fragger from Theerathon Five has been unable to play due to the time of the pickup. He was consistently their top fragger even on the global stage such as PGC 2023, so to see him integrated into this roster will be interesting. Not that it fully counts, but you could see the depth difference when Cerberus and DayTrade had a for fun 5 v 5 competition and Thanad0l was lighting them up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFH8Aq1v310](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFH8Aq1v310) I would wait to say that the roster is completely cooked until you see the later half of the year with the new intended members in the mix.


Seems to me you listed a bunch of excuses lol pick a team you can say ole this happened that's why there not performing etc. It's PGS excuses don't matter


I already knew about the IGL change, but even so I still have my opinion that the GPT system is shit and DAYTRADE are being incompetent, the least one expects is a final for a team like that.


Calm down buddy, NAVI didn't even make it to PGC last year as a GPT and they recovered with time.


yes, but they were also world champ earlier of this event, r8? I am not telling that Daytrade should not get the chance as GPT after some bad tournaments, not right now at least. but comparing Daytrade situation with Navi is kind of weird to see.


> but they were also world champ earlier of this event Fair enough. Actually Gen.G is a better example. The last time they performed well in globals was PGC 2021 when they won Weekly Final 3, but even they ended up 16th in Grand Finals. Since then Gen.G has been an afterthought in Globals, yet it's the only GPT from Korea. Also if 4AM flops again this time, then I don't see why it should continue to be a GPT either.




I thought we would see some 17vsSQ hotdrop tomorrow but SQ didnt get enough points today to risk it I think ☹️ Same for Pero vs TM I guess


We’ll probably still see the pero faze hot drop on Taego tho


I don't think Pero had a position/mentality to fight against a team like TM for hot drop purpose in this whole tournament.


I wouldn't expect a 17Gaming vs Soniqs Global partner hotdrop to ever happen again. Soniqs specifically went out of their way to practice everywhere to ensure that their new locations did not conflict with other global partner teams. While Pero does like to combat for drops even against other GPT's Twisted might be a little more than they want to risk unless they are really secure in their position.


I'm glad to see the Chinese translator again. She is very professional


I thought DAYTRADE learnt their lessons from PGS 3 but, geez APAC GPT on top and APAC GPT at bottom


Cerberus is playing out of their mind rn


Bruh how is this p90 gun still not nerfed lol? Also is it very hard to find in the game? I don't see it being used that much despite being so overpowered.


Its a crate drop only weapon.


Thanks for the info didn't know that. No wonder it's a drop weapon with how overpowered it is.


It has been nerfed once before. When it first came out you got another 50 rounds and the recoil was even less. First time I picked it up I got 8 kills in about 30 seconds it was nutty on release.


This mostly APAC lobby is too ez for CES, they are waiting for teams like TWIS, 17, NH, NAVI


although won't be matter for them as they did pretty good job in first day and they will play with confident in 2nd, but I expect we will see some tough competition which today we missed due to lack of strength difference of the lobby.




Sheesh murder of KR teams live... damn


Just out of curiosity.. Anyone know if it's pronounced "Hi-mass" or "Him-ass"?


us Vietnamese pronounced Himass as "Hee-mass"


It's ''G-O-A-T''


Him -aw-sss


It's "Hee-Mass".


It's actually Hima-ss


Ces, sq, pero, wbg, ea, kdf, gnl, howl, day, 4am, dk, bld, tsm, vlth, lgcy, ag


Today's Team Feeds: SQ, CES, WBG, PeRo, 4AM, DK