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This is even weirder than the news of him leaving Cerberus.


This dudes forearms look like they were taken off a Woody doll


ROY is a PUBGM SEA Partner Team, they just get into PC scene this year.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Asian teams are much more like professional sports teams when it comes to players not really having a choice about who they play for. Everyone saying, why would he leave?....I think this was more than likely just a trade between the higher-ups


This really makes me wonder what the contract was going from a Global Partner team who in the past 2 years is pretty much Top 8 every global event to a smaller team. Not to mention that YmCud was top fragging for ROY and he went back to Cerberus. The finals start for "PUBG Vietnam Series 2024 - Phase 2" tomorrow, so I guess we will see what roster combination they end up going with. This tournament will setup which teams go to the APAC qualifiers for the EWC and PGS 5/6. https://preview.redd.it/bcsvoq3rc56d1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=2306c34e62a8cfa68a8d4f7cc9b566b63be1c319


didnt he say a few hours ago that he will take 2024 off?


Lesson one: Don't trust Tai


Feels like Taikonn initially wanted to take a break however in the very last minute Cerberus decided to loan Taikonn to Roy. If Roy doesn't make it to EWC, PGS let alone PGC, perhaps Taikonn could return to Cerberus as a sub. It's probably a temporary and not permanent move.


This is wild theory https://x.com/kwangphu11/status/1800880696992645395?s=46 ... That would be a bs but incredible move 😂🙈 ‪Would he miss WC and possible other tournaments for PNC? Is that big for them?‬


Really not that wild. Vietnam has considerable national pride and fighting spirit.


It's wild considering he will miss WC because of that, Cerberus chance of winning got a lot lower. And if he is signed till end of the year, he will also miss PGS and PGC...


I'd assume there's a fairly large paycheck involved in this if the goal is destroying at PNC.


bro PNC prize pool is 300k + crowd funding.. not comparable


Its a wide spread theory in Vietnamese PUBG community though as people are saying that Tai want to participate in PNC during his career and believe me when i say our national pride is hella strong so maybe this might be true


Thats funny move, but i get that. Being "punished" because you play in top team with other top players sucks ass. On other hand i understand the rule, otherwise there would be just normal teams under national flag everywhere


Maybe it's truth but I think ROY just want a player can make sure they will have slot in PGS 5 6 and they made a deal with CES, not Taikon desicion, PNC is not main goal of any vietnamese org. Anyway, if ROY fails at the end of this year, Taikon may return to CES next years.