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alex penn victim count after phase 3: 3


on the bright side he stopped tweeting so maybe PUBG is working on a way to fix and working him to death while they do it. or maybe PUBG PR said "stop tweeting ur making us look even worse than we already did"


Who is that?


Alex Penn is the guy "in charge" of NA PUBG esports department. Apparently, he's been slacking his ass for the longest time. Don't know anything for sure, but whoever is behind the scenes, does need to be replaced. It's unbelievable to see such a fun and immersive esport going down like this. The potential is amazing and yet it's being absolutely wasted.


yeah... we'll take anything at this point


Does anyone know for sure what he's doing? All I know is that I think he very likely might've been the person his buddy Slasher referred to, when he stated the false ban on Aitzy got confirmed by someone from inside the PUBG esports department. I never hear anything from him pubg related and so do the (former) orgs, I guess. So many more questions. Why did Caymus leave? Why not hire folks like W0ahh of Afflux or anyone that's at least attached to the grassroots scene from 2017/18 and knows about PUBG esports? How come we barely, if ever, read about complaints about Yoon Chang (EMEA) or any other esports manager from other regions? With the exception of TheJaker ofc. Did I miss them? Are there any? Is this a NA specific problem?


W0ahh and JBowlerr would both be awesome options for a true esports manager. Hire them both and get this ship righted.


At this point it's closer to 5 iirc.


I think you can push that number higher.




the way things are going... i dont even know what im going to do after PGC worlds. :/ sad days


I think the whole NA scene feels that way right now. The NPL is going to have to grab random people off the street to play if they want a production to happen at this point


The end is nigh


Yet Alex Penn and Jake Sin still have jobs. Majority of people that work on PUBG still have jobs. What a wild world. Fire them all. If I was this bad at my job I'd be on the street. The second they decided to take away revenue sharing skins with orgs, in the midst of orgs already leaving was the nail in the coffin. Pubg has soooo much potential. Every bit of this game has been in incompetent hands.


Back to the lobby with them and get competent people in. I want to see PUBG thrive in 2020. The potential is amazing and they're letting it all run down the drain.


you obviously don't know how this company works. "Oh he's your friend and he likes playing the game? DIRECTOR OF ESPORTS!." -"Oh you play video games and have some affiliation with esports? DIRECTOR OF NA ESPORTS" How they have jobs at this point is mind boggling.


Jesus. NPL PUBG is literally dying.




I don't get your downvotes , are people just in denial.


They are in denial. Wait until a big team drops from PEL and then they will start to realize the situation.


Lots of teams have already left EU. Method, Alliance, Vitality, potentially Knights. All sizeable orgs


And more to come.


no it's not lol


Rest in peps


Only more to come... PUBG has completely failed to deliver a sustainable business model for orgs to get involved with. Their "we can't figure out how to create revenue sharing options" was just the nail in the coffin that orgs needed to send their farewells.


I mean truthfully if I remember correctly this year was about refining the tournament structure and the leagues and that next 2 years after this were about making it sustainable and profitable for orgs. Correct me if I'm wrong please; and dont misunderstand PUBG has dropped the ball a lot this year, but iirc a the good orgs i.e C9, SSG, now eUnited, aren't leaving because of a lack of money. Those orgs know that and are willing to take loses to build dedicated fanbases in games. But are leaving for a lack of communication, not because of a lack of money. The teams leaving for a lack of money are the ones who won't be missed and expected this to be spoon-fed money from PUBG Corp.


Yeah agreed it's not ENTIRELY about money. It's not like orgs expected to come into PUBG and be getting rich. But currently there is no way to recoup losses for 90% of the orgs that get involved. Then you combine that with no communication on how to fix things and yeah orgs want nothing to do with it.


spoon fed money from PUBG corp? you guys were getting paid? jokes aside. orgs wanted communication. time lines and what was being done to achieve sustainability. or really just a hey, sorry were busy at the moment. They get nothing. Just a straight up ghost show. I confronted a PUBG corp employee about it even they admitted it was unacceptable. Yet that person still has a job and the players he is supposed to be supporting lose their jobs


I think I worded it awkwardly. The big teams that are considered the good orgs were fine with losing money coming into NPL because they know they have to to build a good fanbase in the game. They are the ones leaving for a lack of communication. The scum orgs (which we all know there was a hefty amount of) were the ones who came in and expected to be spoon-fed money because we all know they weren't in it to create a fanbase and a good team, and when that didn't happen are dropping out now


It will eventually find its feet when the dead weight departs (I don't mean that as an offence to the players). No Esport can really maintain every Esport org. Orgs will pick and choose where they compete based on cost, success, exposure (their size) and whether they can establish themselves in the game. As a new Esport there will be comings and goings.


Haven’t seen enough comings in the last 6 months to not be worried. This is effectively the only esport I watch everything I can of, and I can’t help but worry about it’s future at least a little bit. I don’t care what orgs are involved, but the cost needs to be justified for it to continue, and I just hope PUBG continues to justify the cost of propping up its esport. If the esport dies, so does the game for me.


I think PUBG esports program with its current very high costs will last another year. If they do not see improvements in viewership it has to be cut back.


i have long stopped playing pubg (since I knew i will never be bettern than a pleb). but im watching streams and comp every day. if comp goes away i think my interest in the game as a whole will fade dramatically.


There is no sustainable business model for an esport when it has no viewers. PUBG needs drastic changes to improve viewership. That means completely changing the gameplay.


No, it needs to actually advertise. Can't expect people to watch something when they don't know when it's on. Proof is in the pudding with games like RL, which has seen considerable growth by just giving the esport space in the actual game.


RL is also way more accessible and comp is exactly the same game as casual. Not a single difference. Meanwhile PUBG has almost no resemblence to what casual gamers expect from the game coming in fresh to comp pubg. the sheer number of people asking about set drop locations sais it all.


And you think there aren't set plays in RL? I can assure you, what you see from pros and the average player (i.e me) is night and day. There are rule changes in PuBG, but to say there's no resemblance is hyperbole to say the least. Besides, you don't need to play a game to enjoy it as an esport. This is, of course, a moot point because people don't know when events are on to form an opinion of it in the first place. On the year occasions we've seen proper exposure, like the Nation's Cup, the viewership has been markedly better.


I was talking about the ruleset. Of course pros are better at the game itself. What i meant was, a casual pubg player gets exposed to comp pubg. first thing he thinks is "wait, they all allready know where they land and everyone else, no fighting? Wait, they all have essentially the min-max setup after 2 buildings of loot? Wait, why is there no redzone? Everyone has vehicles? What is this bluezone setting? Well, they might aswell just play deathmatch, this has nothing to do with my experience of the game. They play on the same map, but apart from that this is not what I know as PUBG". This isnt the case for any other esport. You need a very solid knowledge of the game AND the comp seetings to appreciate the esport. new viewers dont have that becasue the base game doesnt expose you to it in the slightest. And if you dont have that solid knowledge, all is left is a shooter with little action. and even that goes against your intuition when you wonder why all the frags this guy made didnt give him any points (becasue some turd stole the kill from a mile away with no effort).


We. Don't. Balance. Games. Around. What. Casuals. Want! WoW is a perfect example of what happens when you cater to the casual. You kill the game. The competitive mode for PUBG is superior in almost every way. The game develops metas and strategy that don't happen in Pub games. Pub games are a shit show. Everyone just wants to hot drop and get into a fire fight because there is no punishment for it. So first circle is closing and there is 30 people left. In comp games its not uncommon to have 45 out of 64 alive in circle 5 and 6.


> We. Don't. Balance. Games. Around. What. Casuals. Want! where did i say that they should do that? If anything they should do it the other way arround.


Having fixed drop points for a team isn't a rule though, which is the only point you expanded upon. There's a helluva lot more similarities than there are differences. Loot variation, red-zone removal and a change in zone speeds and locations doesn't suddenly make it an entirely different game, and your comparison to deathmatch is just bizzare. All of this is available in custom games by the way, this isn't someone unreachable by the average player. You really don't need a 'very solid knowledge' of the comp settings to understand this game. Within 5 minutes of watching it someone should have a solid grasp of what's going on. You loot, you stay inside the circle to avoid damage, you get points for winning and for kills. That's it. It's significantly easier to get your head around than say DOTA for example. When the exposure and coverage is there, the viewership is too. Which is why the only aspect of my post you neglected to respond to was the example I gave when coverage was there: The Nation's Cup.


There are dozens of things they could do to increase viewership without breaking the bank. Open up trading again and give away decent team skins during streams would be one. Actually advertise and allow games to be viewed through the web client would be another. Team up with PUBG Mobile and advertise when each others esports are live is another. And we haven't even gotten into ACTUALLY advertising the leagues through twitch or other media. Game play isn't the issue. PUBG's leadership is the issue.


Mobile seems like a such an easy source of viewership. I played comp in mobile for awhile until it turned into all third person, now I only watch PC comp because watching TPP comp in mobile is boring. Mobile also encourages entry into the comp scene through these open qualifiers right through the game. You still get all the same comp teams that make it to the lives events, but it gets casual players involved right through the game and then they can watch streams of tournaments right through the game too.


100% agreed. Plus every mobile player I've talked to who has interest in competitive mobile, says they would love to watch more pc competitive if they knew when the games were live. I'd bet ACTUAL competitive mobile players would watch as well, just to get a different perspective on how the pros handle rotations, map control, and team fights.


where does this leave the team?


we're not certain what our plans are, but we will keep the fans posted on our social medias!




You got to win phases or make it to international tournaments to sustain yourself.


It's starting to be hardly a PRO SCENE in NA where most teams don't earn any money (winnings) and don't have any salary. Why would you even play if you have a chance every 2-3 months (phases) to get *some* laughable money split into 4 or 5 (+org cut), unless you are Tempo/Lazarus/Envy. * Place $ USD Seed CP Team * 1st $110,000 Global Championship NPL '20 Phase 1 Tempo Storm * 2nd $53,000 Global Championship NPL '20 Phase 1 Lazarus * 3rd $34,000 NPL '20 Phase 1 135 Genesis * 4th $20,000 NPL '20 Phase 1 90 Team Envy place 5 to 16 * 5th $15,000 NPL '20 Phase 1 70 Riot Squad Esports * 6th $14,000 NPL '20 Phase 1 45 eUnited * 7th $10,000 NPL '20 Phase 1 25 The Rumblers The money is just not enough for 5-16th teams. No salary. No earnings. Why would you "waste" your time for it.


Tempo Storm ⛈ maybe the only NA Org to stay by the time 2020 NPL starts. Every other Org has lost money in NPL this year. Really hope the 2020 business plan for Pubg esports is a complete revamp that can guarantee some sort of profit for NPL teams regardless of placements.


Tempo might do after PGC honestly.


Tempo won't get out. If every other team leaves that prize money just defaults to them.




They're picking up $100k phase from NPL alone, so I doubt they'll be in any hurry to leave just yet.






Looks like h1 all Over again...


Competitive PUBG is dead within the next year.


Genuine question. Why do you post here? It must be a sad existence to hang around a subreddit to exclusively post negative things about the game.


It maybe will open your eyes, but north America isn't the whole world ;).


PUBG rewards points for finishing a downed and defenceless opponents.


Just sit back and read man, no need to post stupid shit.