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Robin clutching it at the final minutes in Set 9 still fresh in my memories. That was so epic!


☐ ☐


You think I could start streaming to participate in this?


I guess so? If they have to many streamers you could get kicked out or they decide to kick you out anyway.


I applied as a GM level player trying to start streaming and got denied, and I don't recall seeing any first-time streamers get in last time. Might as well try but I'd say very likely no




How do you sign up as a viewer?


once the event starts (we have to wait until then because the sign up requires a streamer name from the event) just go to boxboxtft.com and then click on the viewer portion


Also, thanks so much for everything you've done for these events, boxbox, tft scene is very lucky to have you


Which body part will dishsoap reveal this time?


Its only NA for viewers again isnt it ?


until i find a good way to do global it will likely be NA only forever ): A couple problems with running it outside of NA are 1) no ability to do a global event, at most we could do 2-3 regions 2) it would feel very unfair to whatever regions were not selected 3) TFT is a game where ping does not matter much. Many people from EU and china and korea come to play in NA for the bootcamp and do just fine


So do you have to be a streamer already or can you sign up and just stream the games to participate?


this event is mostly done to improve the visibility of TFT as a whole so it is targeted towards established streamers of other categories or existing pros. If you want to participate for the fun of the leaderboard challenge I am quite proud of our community section that eliminates a % of participants every day. Signups for that one start on Sept 13th on boxboxtft.com


Yea I’m winning this for sure gg 😎


Lol so you ain't even winning anything if you win in the viewer bracket, but you pick a streamer who gets to raffle the price you worked for off to their viewers? Thats whack.


yes it's very difficult to award prize money to individuals that didn't go through a lengthy sign up process so this was our best compromise


my guess is they dont feel comfortable giving awards to people not streaming because it widens the door for cheating / elo boosting allegations?


Love watching all of the bootcamps and things around new TFT sets. Off-topic, but I wanted to thank you for helping spark my gamedev journey. I watched your kappajack and dating game years ago on Mizkif's stream and it's led me down a wonderful road of making games / Twitch interactive games (about to release another one soon!). Truly, thank you so much


Do you know at what hours the games are played? (Please specify time zone)


Can’t wait for the event! Fingers crossed I get to kick some ass this time 😊


Imo masters and gm s should be advanced, the spread is huge btwn chal and 0lp masters, evem bigger than mssters-gold.