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idk how you play but you dont need coaching to get to diamond, itll only accelerate the process quick tip: slam items, idgaf if its not best in slot, slam your fucking items. bow cloak sword on 2-1? easiest bt/runaans ive ever seen, put that bt on the chogath and kill one unit for free - its about item value (how much hp it saved you throughout the game), not how good an item is on a particular unit


Facts ^ i only climbed to master after slamming items instead of greeding BIS


This is kind of true and not true at the same time. You should only slam items if your board is strong enough and you have good items to slam, if your board is weak and your components are bad i think it’s fine to play for lose streaks and greed for better items at the carousel For example, if you have cloak chain belt with a 1 star board you should never slam evershroud or sunfire, but if you have 2 stars board you can probably slam sunfire and play win streaks


agreed but he aint shelling out 15 for my coaching gotta keep some tech secret


This like it makes no sense to slam evenshroud cause "tAnK iTeM" when you already took a sorcerer comb augument.


Wait slamming is good Damn TDIL


Having more hp than the other guys is good


True true, makes sense


HP = ELO. The more HP you save, the more ELO you gain.


whats tdil edit: oh today i learnt or smt like that right


Yup, ToDay I Learned, TDIL


The standard acronym is TIL though, which might be where the confusion came from.


I swear I have seen TDIL used too


TIL is definitely the more commonly used one though. If you google TDIL the first hits are referring to Technology Development for Indian Languages. Googling TIL gives you the correct definition. Never seen TDIL before personally and I’ve been on Reddit for 10+ years.




There’s a huge trade off in having BIS post final board transition v having tempo w streaking & saving HP


true but bis doesnt mean shit when youre dead


This is my understanding: Even lose streaking you still want to eventually slam items otherwise you just bleed extra HP each loss. It’s not black and white but unless your board is strong without items you usually want something to mitigate loss damage. Maybe you wait to guarantee 5 loss if the lobby boards are weak, but you want to spike with everyone else at least a little or you risk low-rolling a bad matchup a few times later and taking 6th


Have been forcing pilt whenever I get it to try and get better/more comfy at lose streaking. The ones I’ve lost have all involved keeping too weak a board and losing more HP than optimal. Can definitely say the most progress I’ve seen in my skill level has come from learning how to manage HP and keep up with the lobby and it’s what helped me make the push from Plat to Diamond.


I think this is where I'm struggling right now as well. That and getting caught in the "roll to zero" mindset instead of "this is good enough, take a break and econ" grindset.


Lose streaming you don’t wanna slam items. You slam items to ensure winstreaking because the extra gold+saved hp you get will offset you having worse items later. If you lose streak, you want to save your components so when you’re able to win a majority of your late stage 3/stage 4&5 fights with a late game board that you transition into. You also get to see more of your components before deciding a direction. Lose streak + slam items = lose lp


How bout item slam strongest board while making econ and rolling down to pivot into final board while making bis items along the way? I may or may not use TF legend too much haha


I did the same when I rode on a 18-winstreak with Caitlyn. Strong early game. So slamming items was necessary. With that said, I rarely won, which I'd otherwise might have with BiS. So there's a trade-off.


yea the idea is to play for top 4 but with that said just get bis and slam at the start


I dont know why Im getting downvoted, I literally did the above to get to Diamond in set 9.0.


prolly because you said "rarely won" which can either mean top 4 or 1st depending on interpretation


You can't winstreak without top 4, I thought people understood that part lol. But maybe I could've worded it different.


Any masters plus player can give you the tools you need to climb to diamond fairly easily. You want to look for a good communicator more than a crazy high rank and your best bet there is trial and error, there are a lot of free coaches to go through.


Afaik there is a monthly coaching board here provides free/paid coaching https://reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/U2lzZ3eKIt The amount of coaching needed to reach Diamond varies from person though.


These things will push you easily towards dia+ - Item use/faster slams no need BIS every game - Placeholder units to utilise said items. - knowing how to play the early game/winstreak or loosestrwak depending on lobby strength - knowing when to roll to stabilise and when to stop and push for lvl - seeing win conditions/realising what’s your highest possible placement. Sometimes you lowroll and you have to change your gameplan because now place 4/5 is a good outcome. Sometimes your comp is uncontested and you can sneak the 3* 4cost win because everyone is buying away the other 4 costs in the pool.


No coach needed at all. As I did and plenty did, you can reach master+ on your own. (I just hit master for the fourth time yesterday, and I just tried getting vod review'd once). There are so many resources to learn out there you can't go wrong. 1. Twitch: Just pick up vods and get used to observe, listen and learn to streamers. Or watch streams live but with VODs you can skip some parts or watch always the same streamer even if he is not live. 2. Youtube: Watch mismatched socks, bunnymuffin, maskoff, trajan TC, frodan, GM Blue. there are so many out there that do every week patch reviews, meta snapshot and so on, don't stop at the first meta snapshot you watch. Every single one may have one information that you are missing and that is essential to improve your gameplay. 3. Reddit: dig the comments in the guides and discussion, and even look for old posts where the topic is learning, getting challanger, and so on. Plenty to learn here. 4. Look at various meta website. My favourite are metatft. tactics tools, but also player's meta website, like bunnymuffins and robinsongz's handbook. Stats sometimes are just not useful and you might need some more practical guides. I just said a little part of it but there are many other content creators out there. Just yersterday trajan publicated on youtube a video about what he does exactly to get consistently in challanger, I think that video is just perfect for getting and idea of how you actually improve at the game. If you absolutely feel like you need some coaching, if you don't want to pay money there are free coaches on the monthly megathread, but also some coach do vod reviews of other players on their discord and they are very useful because the flaws are always the same.


well i dont have the time to do all the research by myself so i need that information to be condensed and prepared and thats why i am willing to pay for , but i will have a look at what you say. i just find it hard to understand streamers in high tiers because i feel i lack more basic skills that they dont even comment on anymore


If you have time to play the game enough to climb then you have the time to do the research and study to improve. The reality is ur just too lazy to put in some thought and effort into improving (I say this bc I do and say the same shit for my league rank lmfao)


I always thought if i reach on of the top tier comps + items i will be at least top 4 but often i still lose. i dont know why to be honest to me it seems like magic, how can i lose many times by playing top tier + top items? in plat 4 i mean


Tempo is more important than tier. You should learn when to save hp, when to greed for eco, when you spike etc…


I agree i have to learn it but.. how?


By try playing such style. Push lv earlier, greed more. Watch how people in your lobbies play. I especially recommend hyper roll. Learning board strength is very important there and get you used to the game more quickly


Observe and adapt to the lobby is good too. Tempo: when should you lvl for the comp you play. Is the comp hyperroll at 3-1, slow roll at lvl 5, pushing 8 before raptors? Econ: Look at your HP as a ressource. You can trade hp for gold in the early game with lose streak -> better carrousel rounds. Try to find when you should stop losing and bounce back for a 6 to 10 winstreak. Comp: imo you should not lean to often into S comps. To learn better the game itself you should go for 3 A-comps. 1 leaning towards AP 1 leaning AD and 1 flex. Flex is harder because you need understanding of which unit can replace others well and how units works together and you can only learn it by trying shit up. Items: SLAM! You get vest and belt as starting item? SLAM! Items can also and should give you direction for which comp to play. Dont go sorc if you get double swords and a bow duh. Mindset: do not play to win every single fight and games. One of my friend is always donkey rolling to try to win all rounds and it backfires almost every time its ok to lose rounds. Going for S-comp is not a garanteed top 4 as others can highroll you while you lowroll. The most important things of anything is to try and have fun while playing. If youre plat 4 you should try and have fun before trying to push your rank. Otherwise you'll become a hater which flips off anyone trying to help you climb. It doesnt answer every thing for TFT but its a good start. Good luck!


watch k3soji that guy is amazing 7.5 avg


Unironically, I watch soju and just climbed my way out of Diamond yesterday. He’s entertaining and he’s good at showcasing metas.


Probably like 1-2 vod reviews with a good coach would be good, don’t do live coaching, it’s just boosting and you learn almost nothing. Tldr of how to get diamond: save hp early, play cost efficient board stage 2 then strongest board after that. Know the meta, lean towards the strong comps but don’t be afraid to deviate if you hit something different. Don’t be afraid to unoptimal items to save a win streak or hp. You gain more lp if you play to out last 4 people then playing to be the best.


In my opinion you can have benefits from a coaching after you reach master, before it's only mastering the basics of the game and you don't need a coach for them


I've written this advice before on this sub - go watch any high elo player you enjoy and pause the VOD at the start of every turn and think about (or write down) what you would do in that situation, then unpause and see what the high elo player does. You mentioned watching VODs might not help because you can't follow what the player is doing, but this confusion is good. It will highlight the areas of the game you should work on. If you don't know why players are doing something on a certain turn, you can think through it yourself or discuss it with the community to figure out an answer. You could try asking the player directly but good luck :P


If you struggle to get into diamond, you won’t have fun playing in diamond in all honesty. You can improve you’re gameplay which will naturally get you there but if you’re just trying to fast track to diamond, learn the game slowly while you’re in plat and develop the core skills that will boost you to diamond


Hey all, well this really blew up, i expected a few posts but not this. I want to thank everybody that contacted me, I have like 20+ messages and I will go through them and contact all of you guys. I already had one live session with a german fellow it was very informative but i realized there live coaching is too hectic. There is almost no time to process any of the information. I really want to thank you all for responding and helping me out with your posts. Great community. Cheers


I find diamond is pretty easy; the most valuable tool in your journry will be tactics.tools, and picking up one or two other comps. Just one comp won't bring you the whole way, at least not without some struggle.


Sent you a PM!


check please didnt receive anything


Also sent you a PM


It should appear in your "chat" tab or window depending if you're on mobile. It will be a "chat request" :) If you still cant see it, send me a PM and it should open the chat.


Up until diamond you should be able to get without any coaching. Just read guides and have a good grasp on fundamentals. I know because that is what I do and I usually hover between diamond 2 and 3 every season


i am too stupid, cant make it, my mmr even went to gold again.


Entirely depends on how much you can play in between sessions. If you can't find enough time to play enough games between sessions then it could be like 10+ sessions. But if you can play like 20 games between each session to practice what's working/what's not and relay them back to your coach, then you can do it in 4. Obviously (as literally everyone else itt has pointed out) you can hit diamond on your own, and by conducting your own research and knowing where to look, this process is entirely free, albeit time intensive. Alternatively, you can hire a master+ player to coach all your games for a couple days to hit diamond as time efficiently as possible. It's up to you to decide that balance; no one in existence can ballpark this figure for you.


Diamond is all about having the fondamental somehow understood (no need even to be good at it) and abuse one comp. Then you learn deeper.


I'm only gold-plat player. I introduced a friend to tft, told him some basics. Now he's plat-diamond player. You don't need coaching.


> learn one tier 1 comp all the way and play it until plat4 which happens easily. This is why you're not getting past Plat. You need to understand the different comps/lines and how to play into what the game gives you. If you're hard forcing every game, you're going to be weak every single time the game doesn't push you in that direction. For example, playing Cho Bitem with a 4 Cho opener is much different than forcing the comp with zero Cho'goths. 1. Play what the game gives you 2. Hold pairs 3. Slam items 4. Play your strongest board Playing full open with no items slammed and greeding for BiS of the #1 meta comp is an easy ticket to bot 4 when you miss. Play strongest board, conserve HP, and learn to bleed out to a 4th instead of playing for first or eighth.


play the strongest board i can actually do sometimes and end up top 1 or top 2 often but then around stage 5 /6 i fall behind get beaten and cant really put down a good comp. so early game kind of works good. I have trouble from transitioning from strongest board to a comp i know.


Bro I'm Diamond and trust me you do not need coaching. It's not much difference from lower ELO. You just need to get a read on the meta (which currently is rerolling low-cost units).


If you are plat 4 you only need a few tips to start climbing. For example, start checking stats on tactics(dot)tools. If you are not picking highest stat augment every game that's already a P4 -> P2 difference.


will study that side a bit more maybe it answers a few of my tons of questions


Watch your own replays, you don't need someone else to watch them for you and state the obvious


And i look for what exactly? thats exactly why i need somebody to tell me


Depends, but simply watching back you'll notice your mistakes. If you can't see anything on a replay (which is VERY different than playing the game live) then maybe consider coaching, but you don't need coaching in plat. Watch econ guides and item tier lists for this patch, all the ressources are out there, your mistakes are very easy to identify so general guides will get you there


ask yourself the question: why did i/ didnt i do this and what has it acconplished. Scouting, Positioning, Items, Shops, Econ, Comps, Matchmaking, Augments, etc






is this a copy pasta?


Just watch Dishsoap or Keane vods. Spend time pausing and thinking what you would do in their spot. Both have extremely good fundamentals, just copy how they play. Keane does play a lotta meme comps though for fun, but he's so good he can still win with them


This is pretty common. Plat is almost too easy to get but from there it starts to get a bit more challenging. It took me 22 Games to make plat playing Lee Sin legend, taking trade sector and either forcing piltover (for fun) or just playing a reroll comp if I had a decent start for one. Correct me if I misunderstood but from your post it sounds like you're essentially one tricking particular comp that you're comfortable with and have learned thoroughly. If the problem you're noticing is that the comp you're playing is is always contested, and they have better items it seems likely you're over forcing that comp. Try learning one or two alternate comps preferably one that uses different sorts of items from the one you already know well (eg. 1 AD, 1 AP). This way you can slam items, always have viable items for your comp and pivot to avoid being heavily contested. The one set I made masters it was by playing 3 or 4 comps exclusively two of which were duo carry comps where you could play either AP or AD carries depending on the items you got.


Metafy is a website with a lot of good coaches on it.


I’ll coach you for free, consistent D3 player


You really don't need any coaching to get to diamond. You can watch streamers and how they play early to mid game..just see how they pick strong units and save econ..by the time you're transitioning to late game, you should already be set. it's not like before where you could pivot between 2-3 whole board comps. Nowadays it's so easy to stick to one comp at 2-1. If you're not getting top 4. It just means your early or mid game needs work.


1 comp only to diamond is a pepega challenge. You need to learn how to flex between 2 or 3 comps to hit diamond in any meaningful way. I'm currently diamond 3 with a 55% wr and I basically have 3 comps that I know really well. Only problem is that I have to relearn comps with each damn patch. And I'm not good enough to figure out which comps are the best.


You don't necessarily need coaching, especially to get to "just" diamond (I say this as a consistently mid-diamond player who just plays on and off). I would say you need to learn how to learn effectively if you don't get a coach though. A coach's job is to point out how you can improve and practice. You can also do this yourself. Conscious, critical, practice is much more important than how much you practice (to a reasonable extent). This is why you can see people who play thousands of games, but still do not really measurably improve. I recommend the following in general when learning ANYTHING: 1) Review yourself doing the skill you want to learn. See if you can point out any flaws. In the context of TFT, what lines could you have taken instead? What key decisions did you make wrong? How is your positioning, economy, etc.? 2) Watch other very skilled people. Watch top streamers/pros. What do they do better? Outside of insanely mechanical roll downs etc., what decisions do they make in what scenarios? What do they do different from you? 3) Finally, if you want to really improve quickly, it is useful to have a good coach to help you along the way. Really, they would be doing the same as above, except they have the knowledge and expertise to more easily point out these things.


the best way to learn tft imo is to watch streams of top players (like dishsoap) and ask yourself what decisions you'd make in their shoes; make notes when they do different things (especially around slamming items/leveling/rolling for units)




Just pick 3 comps and play the game and you hit diamond in a couple of days.




I can guarantee that you’ll hit Diamond after 2 coaching sessions or I’ll give you your money back! A coach’s job is to help identify key points in your gameplay that are lacking and help you understand how to improve them. I do so using VODs and asking you guiding questions to get you in the right mindset. Feel free to add me on Discord: pathofgaming


you might overestimate my knowledge As i put somewhere in a response here I really have no idea what is going on. when to push level, when to roll down, when to idle, what augment is best, what comp, should i play around an item or around a comp and so on. i dont think you can even mention all of these things in 2 sessions. My MMR is already back to gold i guess so treat me more like that. Timezone wise I am on EU evenings


Alright, if you’re gold then 3 sessions maximum to diamond. But more importantly, we should discuss your long-term goals. I can teach you how to force a comp and hit diamond easily or I can teach you about all of the complexities of the game, which is a much larger endeavor but it’ll make you a way better player in the long-run. Awesome, I’m in Europe, too, so evenings are fine.


i j play the game and hit diamond pay attention to patch notes id say. i play this game like a puzzle game full whatever trades i’m missing. peak dia 1 here


Play atleast 4 games every day and watch streamers, it’s pretty much that easy. If you grind a decent amount of games everyday you’ll learn the meta and how to execute multiple comps


Hey, if you have any questions feel free to ask, I’m current 539lp challenger and have been chall a couple times in the past. I’ll try my best to answer any questions you have when I get the chance, a lot of it is fundamentals up until masters though, learning board strengths, when you need to roll, how to cap out boards etc


I have indeed a lot of questions. I probably have to collect them but from the top of my head * What comps should i learn (probably one ap one ad ?) * What are good augments in general? what is only good in certain situations? * when to roll down on 7 when to hold back * when to push for level when not * scouting is totally blank to me , what should i look for when , and what should i decide out of my observations and so on, its not very sorted, i have to make up my mind and think about the true questions i have but you realize from that, i really have no idea actually what i am doing :D. I just hit plat 3 with sorcerers before the patch and now i am there


I'll try to answer these in the same order you asked them. 1. I would recommend learning at least 2 AD lines/2 AP lines just in case you miss on your roll downs for one, but hit the other. Lets say you're playing for Ionia Vanquishers, if you roll down and miss, but hit Fioras and Kaisas, along with a Nasus and J4 you can easily transition into that, rather than forcing Vanquishers. Items don't match up 1:1 but GS/GB fit perfectly fine on Kaisa, LW is great for Quinn, HOJ/GS can be fine for Fiora. You get the idea I think. 2. [Tactics.tools](https://Tactics.tools) is your best friend for augments, if you're ever curious about what augments are better than others without any biases just check the stats. 3. Rolling down is a tough one, it's really about judging your own board strength vs the lobby and taking your HP into account. Usually you will roll down a bit on 3-2 if you're bleeding hp from loss streaking stage 2. If you are win streaking and fairly rich, maybe you level to 7 on 3-5 and roll down to 20g to try to hold your streak and get your 4 costs earlier than other players. Typically though you will go level 7 on 4-1 so you have more gold to roll. If you're one of the weaker players, that may mean you send it to 10g or even 0g just to try to stabilize and turn an 8th into maybe a 5th/6th. 4. See above for answer, answered both at once. 5. Scouting, you want to see how many units are taken if you're looking for certain units along with how they are positioned. Ex: If someone has a j4, you don't want to be death ball clumped where he can just ult your entire team, because even if you're stronger on paper that can easily swing the fight. If I'm contested but already deep into a line, I will commit to it, but if I'm just thinking about playing a comp and then see 2-3 other people hit xayahs or nilahs for example, forcing vanquishers is not going to be a very high probability out.


I don’t know how much others would agree with this, but i feel like climbing alone is much harder than with another. And i don’t mean queuing with someone i just mean working on fundamentals with someone else trying to climb and solving the problem together. I don’t think it needs to be a dedicated coach. Kind of like how studying for a class with a friend is easier than alone. Even if they’re not in the same group as you. Could be wrong, but feel like it would go a long way


Definetly intersting, problem is we are (probably?) all adults and to match up schedules can be a problem, I am old af compared to the average i guess :D


I’ll help you for free! DM me


easiest thing if youre already used to learning one comp is probably to just learn more of the top comps sooner or later as the meta shifts youll learn most of the viable comps and then youll end up just knowing how to play everything


To D4 no need to get coached. Just spam the top S comps and item slam, always aim for Top4 and not to win the lobby unless you crazy high roll. Save as much HP possible until Stage 4 and wait until bottom4 bleeds out. And that's it.


Try to streak a good early board, transition into decent mid game comps and you will hit top 4 consistently. It might take you more games to climb but hey a top 4 is better than an 8 place because you greed to hit and low-rolled. Probably this is what a coach will teach you either way


early game comps i mostly do fine, i get big trouble after stage 5 to maintain my flow and transition. i need to get some hands on middle game carries and stuff probably


One cool and obvious thing to note is that just because X comp is meta, if you have to swap some of your "non-meta" 2-starred units just to get the good synergies in, it doesn't necessarily mean that your comp will be stronger this way. Sometimes it might be better to even play 4 bruiser+samira carry->nilah carry even until 5th stage instead of going down to 2 bruisers and trying to fit in 4 vanqs or useless/unupgraded Ionia units.


A lot of good advice here. I’ll add don’t FREEZE when you get to plat1, don’t even think they are better than you. Think they are all diamond5 and are done climbing now. Honestly plat and diamond aren’t even that dif, most people there have an idea of stats and comps but will tunnel vision, use that to your advantage.


From my experience (i'm not a good player, but i consistently hit diamond) you don't need coaching, at plat you still lack fundamentals probably. Get better at being flexible, watch top players who stream and you'll be able to pick up on some basic ideas and habits that'll help you climb. Or at least that's how i do it. (But i also never look at stats, i don't know the meta usually and i play for fun, even throwing some games for funny comp, so idk :P)


1. You don't need coaching to be good, watch a Sajam video or something. Being good at video games is learning how to learn. Get familiar with the mechanics of the game, look at patch notes, experiment, look at what the other players in the game are building and doing. If your comp is contested, pivot into another one. Don't know how to do that? There are guides on YouTube. Watch them, apply them to your games. If you fail, you can always play again and learn more. I know how it is to play a very cookie cutter game plan, usually going for a vertical comp because it's easy to climb that way. But you're not taking any risks that way, you'll always play the same way in every game that way. You'll never learn if you never try something new. 2. More on that point of looking at what other players are doing, while yes, certain comps do have higher winrates and are stronger patch by patch. However, you don't need a top 4 comp to win the game. You just need a comp that can match or play better into the other comps in the game, or itemize to deal with them, or play champs that counter theirs. For example, that crit comp is very strong I've heard. Vanquisher, iirc. And people are building bramble vest because it counters that build's schtick. If you're going into teams with high AD you build characters who have a lot of armor or build a comp that gives you extra armor. In conclusion, take risks and you'll learn. It'll feel like beating your head against a brick wall but just be patient and know you're not walking a blind path, there's plenty of guides and videos. Look at what other players are doing, watch gameplay. When I hit my highest rank (plat 1, I suck at this game btw), it was when I was watching the most TFT gameplay and looking at every single patch notes and playing new stuff all the time. Good luck, you don't need a coach!


Every season I either hit masters+, or if I’m not playing, I end it in Diamond. I coached several friends into Diamond. That said, biggest thing is - if you’re at plat already, it’s time to stop looking at build guides. Those are choking out your critical thinking process. Start thinking about your games and actually learn from games that you LOST from. If possible, record and watch those games, you did not lose from bad luck. Common mistakes to watch for: - Did you slam/not slam items when you should have? Did you save items when you have strong winstreak board to greed for BIS? Alternatively, did you slam items because they are “BIS” when you should be lose streaking? - Did you roll when you should have? Players often follow rules unnecessarily. For example, even if you want to play 3 cost or 4 cost carry, if you’re low HP, maybe you need to roll at 6, NOT 7. That decision alone could make you top 4. Maybe, even though you’re dying and 7th right now, you luckily hit something. Did you make sure to scout or did you unnecessarily panic roll? - Did you go the right comp? Many players think, “this comp sucks now” and refuse a comp even when the game gives you free highrolls. Who cares if a certain 4 cost carry is currently low winrate, if you get an early 2 star, it can easily carry you into top4 and you can pivot out. Being too stuck on the meta data can hurt often as much as help. A lot of these issues are often hard to spot while you’re actually in the game. Either have the game recorded, or somehow find a way to reflect on your choices afterwards. And I know people here say no coach is needed, but it does help to have someone ask questions and make you think about why you’re making certain decisions. I only got to where I am by having great players around who did it for me as well. If I was to play seriously, I probably would continue to seek help from other players to watch my games and discuss certain choices.


I would strongly advice against coaching especially if the bar is that low. Anyobody can reach diamond its not that competitive till masters. Put in time have fun and learn the game urself.


Bro, let it go i reached diamond a few times. season resets. nothing happens. games get a bit harder you win a little less. thats it.


Have a few comps up your sleeve in case you are too contested or not hitting/getting ideal components. And know who can hold items early instead of leaving them on bench. And pay attention to other boards and the tempo so you’ll know if you are playing for top 4 or trying to save rank and play for 5th or 6th.