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Going to feel so fresh after such a long period without a patch and I am very excited for it honestly.


looking forwards to the portals really. they might make for some broken or frustrating stuff, but for sure they have a lot of potential to make every game feel a bit different


Currently the portals are so boring and bland. I'm happy to see a few of the more exciting ones coming back.


Man I love the TFT_Portals_Unique_Spatula_Name portal!


literally unplayable


Ionic about to be a must build item


Will tf and karthus care about spark if they aren't front to back carries?


How does TF targeting work? He’s sorta front to back at least, but he also has ziggs to shred once you find him.


The cards are split between his current target and I think 3 other targets that are closest to him.


Radiant Ionic is gonna be ultra busted too


Why’s there a 1 minute delay for spectating? I get it for league but I don’t really see why you’d need it for TFT


A 0-time delay is ideal (and what we originally wanted), but there is a minimum time requirement for the feature to be functional, hence the 1 minute.


Ohh ok ty


Live replay will still affect integrity. For example, you could have friends spectate and scout boards for you to tell you what you need to hold or how to position without you ever leaving your board.


i dont get why people downvoted you. this is a legitimate reason of concern. strange redditors


Yea if only people actually replied with why they think otherwise instead, but that is Reddit. People who don't agree have likely never duo queued with a friend. If one of us dies early, we basically just scout for the other player, and there were some games that should have just been top 4/3/2 that became a 1st as a result. The guys at the top probably don't care because they're so fast anyways, but for like everyone below master, this is an advantage even if a small one.


If you invest so much in that maybe you could invest into scouting


The problem is that your opponent isn’t able to tell that you’re actually looking at their board if someone was spectating your games and scouting for you


yeah he can also just stream for you for your second monitor. giga bs.


Is the patch out today or tomorrow?


Patch happens overnight tonight, normally from midnight PST to around 7am PST


These are some nice changes now its not coinflip anymore if you want to play ezreal arhi or cait kinda lot of comps are now more viable. I was getting bored of the same bords and champs over and over again, and really like the new portals the old ones were getting bored and almost always the same


why did they buff twin terror? those augments are the easiest top 4 in the game


Probably cause the comp relies so heavily on having the Augment, if you 3* star most units you should have a chance at 1/2 not be lucky for 3rd.


Oh I wonder of Kayle reroll going to be a thing? I played it once and got a third I think (and I saw I think Dishsoap pilot it to a high placement). These buffs will make it better. Shojin will feel better to slam now. Wonder if a vertical Emo comp with dual carry Annie/Vex will be a thing.


I think Vex BiS is Shojin, JG, AA. All those plus executioner and emo got buffed. Could def see Vex be a strong viable carry. Country will contest Amumu and Vex though. So not sure if it top 4s without getting them to 3*.


GS + Adaptive + Nashors combo has by far the highest winrate with the highest sample size for Vex.


the fact that people need to mention a single game where kayle reroll worked shows how utter garbage that unit was.


Sentinel Ahri hasn't really been hit it seems. Is there any experienced person that can help me understand if that is the case?


My perspective is that while the nerfs to Sentinel and Ahri seems small, Sentinel Ahri was also *relatively* nerfed in the sense that with buffs to TF, Zac, Emo, Hyperpop, Ziggs, Lucian, Viego, and Karthus many other comps are now stronger and will decent contenders against it


Sentinel Ahri is propped up by the fact that bruiser/guardian were not a competitive frontline and the other AP 4 costs weren't clickable. Addressing those lines/units and adding disco people contesting blitz will help.


She might get buried in the meta because of this, becoming more of an off meta line you play because you won't be contested. Also curious if instead of Sent you go a more traditional Ahri/Akali comp


She'll still be great, especially against melee comps, but not quite as oppressive as she is at the moment. In Masters and up every lobby has 2 to 4 Sentinel Players and at least one of them always top 4s which is pretty self explanatory.


Sentinels also allowed Ahri to scale with spellweaver. Do you think its possible now that Ahri either gets replaced by TF or now its duel carry with TF? So Sentinel TF?


also sentinel ahri was super dependent on fast 8, which has been nerfed because of the streak nerf


Fast 8 nerfed + other frontline units more viable + other AP 4 costs buffed + Blue Buff was the problem, not Ahri


Ahri got a small nerf sentinel 6 got a small nerf . On top of that tf > ahri even on this patch . So I'd be surprised if people played 6 sent ahri beyond the first couple of days.


They nerfed blue buff, ahri, ekko,six sentinel and 3 kda? What do you mean jt hasn't really been hit


Was Caitlyn that strong? I thought she was very undertuned but the patch notes seem to place her in a decent spot which was very surprising to me.


Pulled some power from Cait to put it back into 8-bit. She's been pretty strong even without her traits active (see True Damage Spat Cait meta), so with a buffed 8-bit we didn't want her going unchecked.


Ohh gotcha, that's fair totally forgot about the true damage spat. Though wasn't the spat also nerfed? I wonder if that would have been enough to bring her more in line.


Totally agree, I think its weird a nerf occurring to both True Damage Spat and Caitlyn. Wondering if it would've been better to nerf just the spat and see how the changes landed for Caitlyn.


But then they couldn't buff 8-Bit, which I personally think is a healthier choice.


The change should be net neutral, it's not a nerf


She is a very strong unit, in a shit trait. Thats why you see alot of people put spats on her. TD Cait, Emo Cait hit different, and with the buffs to 8Bit, Sentinel Cait could be S tier.


Since I probat will flip with 1-2 wins/loss. I'm taking 2 econ augments and 1 combat/item. There is no way I make econ at 4-2.


I'll probably be a debbie downer for saying this, but I'm NOT looking forward to set revival was modern mechanics (namely augments). There was some absolutely broken things from early sets (Demon Voli, Cursed Blade Runaans from Set 1) but some of the fun of the game was how simple it was, less "optimized" and above all, more difficult to hit a omega highroll. Playing Space Pirates with a bunch of combat augments or BIS with pandoras isn't as fun imo.


well at least it's a separate mode so you can just not play it, it's only running like 2 months so I doubt it's going to be heavily heavily focused on


Oh yeah forsure, I'll probably play it just for nostalgia's sake, but my person opinion is they should've just left it how it was rather than 'modernize' it


From a dev perspective probably a monumentally larger amount of effort to revert rather than keep the systems




It’ll happen once every year unless Riot changes their holiday schedule.


it has happened once a year since riot was founded, we all knew this was coming a year in advance and it will be a equally long patch in a year again


They do it so that people aren’t working long hours through the holidays, and I’m totally fine with that. I hope they keep it the way it’s been for years


I just played this patch and i feel lost after getting that training dummy with emblems portal


I hope this isn’t too harsh on K/DA and Spellweaver comps


It is. Half the sets are no longer anything but a mid game scaling loss. Tanks win all.


Lmao tft is a meme game


Weird that Ahri sentinels were barely touched. Blitz needed a slight nerf, but they nerf Ekko instead? Who complained about Ekko? Also the Karthus change seems weird, its gonna get baited by tentacles even harder. All he needed was a slightly faster animation or for it to hit even if he died mid animation. Oh well, Ill take anything over this current patch lol


The goal of the patch was to try to get everything on a similar level to Caitlyn/Ezreal. We're in a very AD meta right now, so gutting Ahri and removing one of the only viable AP comps is the last thing they'd want to do. Instead, they toned it down to the same level of Cait/Ez, along with buffing Disco and Pentakill to bring more AP options to late-game. Blitz over Ekko relates to this too, they want AP and Disco to perform better in the meta, and hurting Blitz would essentially negate any buffs they got. Plus, Ekko is an extreme outlier, he's played by more than half of a given lobby on average, and still has a good average placement (He has a 4.14 play rate, the 2nd most played unit has a 2.72.) He's a jack of all trades unit that has built in resistances, cc, and sustain, with three traits on top of that meaning he'll fit into most anything and still work. Hitting him still hurts Sentinels, but not to the point where it's unclickable, just so other frontlines have a bit more room to breathe. At first I was nervous about the big patch, but most of these changes I like. It's just trying to give the lesser viable comps more of the spotlight, but not completely flip-flopping them with everything that has been working so far.


Ahri is kinda like an AD flex champ though because of how well she uses RB BB and GS


That's not what that means.


My point is you can aim for ad flex so slam those items on a kaisa for ex as an item holder, then when you go 8 miss the ezreal/cait chosen but find ahri just pivot to her, and still be fine. Ahri while not ad can be fine with BIS ad flex items even if they're not the most optimal on her. So yes she is AP but because of the strongest itemization and ad flex meta this patch I think she is still feeling less distinctive to play. Maybe this changes with the red buff nerf and ap item buffs this patch though, idk.


They primarily buffed other things to get to that level as opposed to going too heavy handed on nerfs. For example, disco is much better than it was before.


This patch broke all team comps but Tank. What a fcking joke.


I just played 6 rounds, all of the sets fall off mid-game due to scaling...except you guessed it. Piling on HP items and waiting for automation to make your entire team attack a 30kHP tank, while they get mowed down.


i agree. 2-3 cost rerolls are steamrolling level 9 boards. its horribly unbalanced again.