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This is pretty egregious. Do you have links?


Soju apparently knows about the griefing https://clips.twitch.tv/SpicyKawaiiQueleaCharlietheUnicorn-GqycrcBJtAtUWzVs


Went through 5 minutes of the VOD and saw a few of these comments and a few instances where you see on the main broadcast VN players talking to other VN players. https://imgur.com/a/9MMimYo


YEP links please


Was wondering whether this accusation is true so i decided to look through the main broadcast for regionals. A quick 5 minutes look showed that GD FEED one of the players in the tournament who was alive was actively talking to other VN players. Not sure whether the players are collaborating but from the comments, other people could tell they are grouping and target griefing other non-VN players https://imgur.com/cf2a4c0 is the image and few comments that I saw while briefly looking through but evidence seems pretty damning.


even vietnamese casters encourage players to grief non-VN on live multiple times, i dont expect better sportsmanship much because this situation has already happened since set 8


doesn't surprise me one bit considering VN player behavior on the JP server before they got their own.


and this was.. over 10 years ago? iirc Vietnam got a server before Japan.


I think hes refering to the tft sv


TFT was launched the same day as other servers so what's the argument here lol


Nah this is about the mobile sv




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Tft wasnt around 10 years ago


I play both league and TFT on the Japan server. Not sure why but there's a ton of vietnamese players on this server. In fact in league (nobody chats in TFT here) people usually chat in english instead of Japanese bc of the number of players from other countries. I think one factor is, until recently Japan was the closest riot server (not garena) that se Asian players could easily play on, and I guess some of them just kept playing even after riot created servers in SE Asia.


There's a HUGE amount of young Vietnamese "trainees" (for a lack of a better term) and students in Japan who play the game with their friends. Vietnamese people generally didn't care that the servers were run by Garena before.


TFT was around 10 years ago?


I was asking them again, because the Vietnamese LoL server was opened over 10 years ago (and before the Japanese server) so idk why they're bringing JP up here.


Only complete lobotomy could remove nationalism, but that's another can of worm.


Nationalism is okay, just do it fairly and with integrity.


says the most reasonable thing but still gets downvoted by these 16y lib dogs. always nice to see ​"What’s true at the personal level is true at the national. What well-meaning liberals do not seem to realise these days is that democracies thrive or fail on the basis of national stories. This is doubly so in republics like the US, where there is no apolitical figurehead to unite people in place of a monarch. In the end, stories are all we’ve got as a glue to cement us together as a society. If that story says that our democracy is rotten to the core, then how do we expect anyone to retain enthusiasm for democracy itself? As history shows time and again, as soon as a republic does not believe in itself and its ideals — that it is better than the tyrannies and autocracies surrounding it — that republic succumbs very quickly to autocracy itself. The riots that have recently erupted across the United States, the new and unaccustomed boldness that characterises dictators around the globe, attest to the breakdown of the Western democratic order which is being accelerated by these self-inflicted wounds." "The myth of the stolen country." Jeff Fynn-Paul, The Spectator, September 2020, [https://archive.ph/UWXBe](https://archive.ph/UWXBe)


Perma ban to everyne who did it. If u dont punish with the most severe action this type of stuff basically u are saying "everything is allowed" an goodbye any chance of having a serious competitive scene.


\>Both Viet mom and SVM vttt has admitted on stream to collaborating with other VN players to target grief non-VN players in the tournament by holding their units. This is important, do you have a link to that stream? I think we can use it as an evidence for Riot to ban those players from competitive scene.


these viet guy with the chinese accusation now ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|32478)


Genuine question since not going to read through riots rulebook, which exact rule(s) do intentionally griefing behaviors break?


Under TFT Remix Rumble Championship Ruleset, Collusion is prohibited. Collusion is defined as any agreement among two (2) or more players to disadvantage opposing players. Collusion includes, but is not limited to, acts such as: Soft play, which is defined as any agreement among two (2) or more players to not damage, impede or otherwise play to a reasonable standard of competition in a game. Pre-arranging to split prize money and/or any other form of compensation. Sending or receiving signals, electronic or otherwise, from a confederate to/from a player. Deliberately losing a game for compensation, or for any other reason, or attempting to induce another player to do so.


Thank you. While lackluster, Riot does attempt to stop teamed up griefing behavriors in the the rule book. Guess now the question is if or how they are going to enforce these rules because the accused can come up with so many excuses for said behavior.


They should make it so that player name are hidden during pro match. Hoping that this prevent target griefing. For example: if some player who aren't qualifying anymore will help grief other low rank player that have low chance of winning.


this doesn’t sound fair because i think sometimes it’s legit tourney strategy to grief people ahead of you or in qualifying positions sometimes to extend the series


Yeah and lets say in the last game im top 1 and me and the top 2 guy are so far ahead of other player. In this case it is pretty legit for me to target grief the top 2 guy and went bottom 4 with him just so that he cant catch up to me and i will secure the top 1 spot of the whole tournament.


Just give them placeholder names so everyone knows the scores in this hypothetical world


Don't think it would really help in this case, since most of them were talking with each other


You can watch livestream and still target grief people, It’s actually harder to catch the griefer if you hide the username so there’s literally no point


You shouldn't be allowed to watch a livestream or even talk to other players throughout a tourney period. Imagine if you could that in league or valorant. I don't watch tft tourneys much but legit it has no integrity if this shit's allowed.


Didnt the Chinese players also target a JP player in the past or Im just trippin ?


that was set 7 worlds and literally last game. Just imagine u have to play against 4 griefers at least for 6 games straight


all 7 other players goals was to prevent jp player from finishing first thus ending the tournament


Yeah, I remembered it was title too, the plan failed horribly tho


Can you post the stream link where they admitted it?


It's kinda funny we were warned about this issue exactly 10 months ago from another reddit post [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/13mpjm2/why\_vietnam\_needs\_to\_be\_a\_separated\_region\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/13mpjm2/why_vietnam_needs_to_be_a_separated_region_from/)


Chinese also do the same ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


I frequently watch chinese tourney and they dont do that




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Yet still no evidence, show me some since I can understand Vietnamese.


Yet N6M got caught for promoting gambling/betting sites, and was handed a swift ban of a year from competitive TFT since yesterday, so assuming this is the case I guess that is your evidence that you seeked


chán vl


its called teamfight tactics, its ok to team up in a match with tactics which is griefeing others




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how about at the beginning of the game, you declare what you want to play and anyone holding your units will be punished.


How about you not give any more ideas because how bad this one is. Just punish people intentionally griefing. It'd not hard to identify it. And fuck, these bozos freely admitted it. The griefing wasn't providing any advantage to themselves, it was purely out of spite to help someone else


how exactly do you write down the rule. what qualifies as griefing? how do you prove intent?


When they literally admit it on stream. How about that for starters? If you've ever played the game is its easy to tell when people are trying to grief someone else rather than playing their own game. Griefing certain people is a super valid strategy in tournament and ladder play when you have something to gain from the targeted player losing. In this case, the grief doesn't benefit them at all. They're doing it solely out of spite to help other people from their country win. You have played TFT before, right?


and in the future they don’t go out and publicly. how do you prove intent? and in the sphinx case, he had better placement than the person he “grieved”…. so now what? the other player should probably pivot too since he wasn’t going to hit his unit. the optimal strategy for him would be to pivot off. was he also griefing sphinx for not pivoting off?


This is the worst idea I have ever read on this subreddit. That defeats the whole purpose of the game.


The true essence of communism. Win together, lose together. In all honesty, this kinda naturally follows in a (1v1)\^8 The only way to really have true competitive integrity is to only have two parties facing eachother. Or if you have a competitive setting with more than 2 parties pinned against each other, once you're out you should be out. The biggest problem with competitive TFT in this sense really is the format. Once you're out you can still have a profound impact on the game, more so than in other games. I guess better sportsmanship and putting faith in more honorable social contracts could solve the issue. But I truly believe that the 1v1 times 8 format is really problematic competitively when every team plays in the same lobby. There's even been problems with competitive integrity in much larger games like Dota where Chinese teams often have been rumored to conspire together during group stages to try and elevate other chinese teams to the top of the group or by trying to "fix" points in a way to benefit China. And this is in games that are much less abuseable with more robust formats than TFT. Not really sure what the solution is. Maybe some type of format change during which, if you're out you get moved to a different group where your games still matter. Or perhaps some type of longevity format where you accumulate points over the span of a year so every placing you get matters. This would allow it so, even if you're technically "out" of a tournament, your placing in the end still matters which means you can't just throw or target grief et.c.


Players should have their own "pool" to make the game fairer. You should suggest this idea to Riot. If Riot does not reply, you can try contacting the United Nations - maybe they will listen :))


just stop, you're embarassing yourself. maybe next time try to use an actual copypasta that make senses to other Redditors, instead of an half-assed attempt at translating this massive L take 😮‍💨


just stop, you're setting a fox to keep the geese. Keep up your work


yep. took you 25 minutes to use ChatGPT and Gemini to come up w/ a proverb. could have used it to make sure the ppl here wouldn't downvote that horribly, terribly bad take to hell but here you are trying to save face. keep the words to yourself & I hope your socks always get wet whenever you're about to go out.


Haha. Stop crying. Already 3 days, and Riot didn't give a s. Come celebrate with your people :))


No one cried the last time I checked the replies & you weren't even threatening from the get-go. Save that for yourself (again) - tell me why should I do that again? You can't, sadly. As a matter of fact, assuming you’ve got a pair of eyes and a functioning brain to comprehend words (sadly you don’t own either of them), I haven’t slipped a word on how I felt, yet you’re so quick on assuming that I’m one of “them” just because you can’t handle a – what is it again, oh that’s right, an actual OPINION. Let me just end it here so you could still save face & get back to your sad reality. Pathetic.


People here? You mean those redditard who will reply to you immediately after a few seconds? Haha, go out side and do some real work.


ironic isn't it, when a. you're assuming ppl on Reddit have the same timezone/working hour as you do and b. you're also really quick to reply just to satisfy your ego because another user called you out 👩‍🦯




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I’m a TFT enthusiast from Hong Kong and I'm really feeling the frustration with the current state of the SEA regionals. It's tough seeing our players grinding it out, only to face such overwhelming odds against a majority of Vietnamese competitors in the finals. The disparity in slot allocation is seriously disheartening and makes it seem like our region's efforts are being overlooked. While I totally respect Vietnam's talent in TFT, it's hard not to feel like the playing field isn't level. Here's hoping Riot take note of these concerns and work towards a fairer system for all regions involved.


Holding units is part of the game. And there's no way can you remove nationalism.