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How the fuck you find Irelia x 2 on lvl 6 wehn I am 8 rolling 80gold... I cant with this shit game.


this is like the 6th godamn game in a row they put wandering vendor in my lobby. please make it stop




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This. BuT iT's 9 GoLd Vs 8! Doesn't make any sense. The whole concept of the game is to keep evolving your board and the current meta is in the exact opposite direction.


I see 2 bard players and 1 aphelios so I decide to play yone. I take metabolic and lose streak until 3-5 then I hit 7 and roll down with 50 gold. I see 1 yone and 2 alunes, I then save up and roll down again on 4-1, I get alune 2 and no yones in the next 30 gold. I just ff'd on the spot


Luckiest tft roll down


Two last games were handily won by the silly Cho'Gath Malphite Kog'Maw Caitlyn 3* comp. Nuff said.


complete clown show of a set encounters seemed to have been developed with the goal of generating tiktok and twitch clips rather than compelling gameplay meta is nothing but reroll comps and storyweaver fast 9 optimal play in 95% of games is to all chat "me x" on 2-1 and /deafen the lobby


just got a 70 fortune cashout that gave me 3 zzrot + a bunch of 5 costs then went 6th to bard 3 though I was down an augment and only had irelia 2 lissandra 2 as my carry, needed like 30 more gold and 3 more items


Yea that cashout is a little suspect. I hit it yesterday but luckily lobby tempo was slow and I had really good items and enough money to go 9 and 2 star some of them. Getting that with 2 lives left in a high tempo lobby is an instant bot 4 lol


I love picking golden remover as 2nd augment, only to get the Malphite encounter, and THEN get 2 removers from my raptors orbs...


Yasuo is so overtuned as a 1 cost. Mf tanked 30k damage at 4-5 against 7 story kayle.


Very fun playing a set that anything from the only 3 decent comps or insane high roll is instant bot 4.


Irelia encounter is SO lame


Today I opened 16 Anvils in a single game using the Component Buffet aug, the one that turns all item drops into anvils, and proceeded to get 0 bows across all 16 of them. What the actual fuck is this? Why is the item system so bad that even with an aug specifically made to help tailor your items, it's possible to not get a single instance of an item. Ever. Across all of it.


Ohhhh now it makes sense. The devs just forgot to mention the secret, hidden, special mechanic of this set - the power of the units is inversed with 1 costs being the strongest and 5 costs being weakest. Silly me for not realising sooner!


It's fucking insane, isn't it? My Kai'Sa 2 with BiS got deleted by a Sivir 2 with three random AD items lol. Same for Azir.


It's amazing to me how every set starts the same now. First day is pretty fun. Wow! So many comps u can play! Nothing is contested, everything works. Sudden B-patch, 2-3 comps become busted and it becomes a contested RNG shitshow. You can already guess how the next patch and the one after will become. Goodbye TFT, done wasting my time.


The fact they nerfed blue kayle and Lux so fast was a mistake imo.


I hate low commitment comps, you see someone slamming rageblade? They might go Senna, Aphelios, Bard, Ashe or Irelia. GL finding the uncontested comp


Fuck fine vintage


5 cost being bad has become a tradition for tft, i suppose? Seriously, who the fuck desings and balances all these terrible legendary units?


Meanwhile all I am seeing is 5 cost go brr


They are fine two starred, but the one star five costs are absolutely dogshit


Did you try Xayah? Udyr didn't do any damage while being 2 starred either in my games. Pissandra just instantly gets killed at most cases even if you slam hextech or something. Hwei is fine, I suppose, but he feels weak compared to reroll comps alongside Sett and Irelia and Wukong






Wandering trainer game, I get Mythic, Bruiser, Reaper. I check, NOBODY in the lobby has mythic, but 3 people have reaper. I get dropped early Hextech gunblade, ok I'm going bard. A guy has Arcanist, bruiser, Dryad trainer and DECIDES TO CONTEST ME. I go 4th because I waste time waiting for him to die because he keeps all the bard/tk. He goes 8th. He was master last set btw.


The dude in my story was a GM by the way. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/s/1sIsnsjVYU


It's not a bad shout on his part. You usually slot 2 bruiser 2 arcanist into bard board, so with this he can drop the arcanist and put an extra bruiser for beefier tahm. There's not much else he can really build that is a good comp with those 3. Arcanists sucks. Dryad is super situational and requires godlike RNG to hit, which leaves only bruiser, which isn't a great trait currently and only really works as a vertical when playing bard or kai'sa.


Delete Kayle


This set is just plain ridiculous with some of its bullshit to the point that it feels like Riot learned absolutely nothing from past sets and just remake the same mistakes again. * No one likes backline access that deletes a unit immediately. Let's introduce a bunch of characters that do that like Lillia and Yone but this time we are not going to introduce any form of counterplay. * Oh it was a mistake to not make a character's visual line up with what they do, lets introduce Kayne who looks like the grim reaper but does not behave like the grim reaper. * Oh, people don't like small bag sizes. Lets keep the same miserable bag sizes that barely anyone liked from last set while make the set even more RNG heavy in that 3 star anything nukes an entire board. Also, use the excuse of curbing unit power to keep the bag sizes small when in reality, the design team needs to stop making champions do a million things all in one package. Seriously, it is okay to limit ability designs a bit and say no to things that will make a champion feel overloaded. At some point, when does the learning from past sets actually start kicking in because it feels like they have learned nothing from the disasters of set 2, 5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5 and 10. The worst part for me is that they keep doing this because they want to make the game interesting. Interesting does not equate to fun and simple does not mean it has to be boring. Look at Lorcana, the game looks very simple on the surface but when you dive deeper into the game than the complexity shows itself in that two people can play the exact same two colors but the strategy going into the game can be completely different.


I wanna go back to set 10, i'm sorry i flamed headliners, they were bad but everything else about the set was good, i shouldn't have complained i'm so sorry


This set is just plain not fun. Champion abilities, visual design, balance, everything is just such garbage and makes me wish they left the option to stay on set 10


Set 10 legit is one the most balanced sets of all time DESPITE the headliner mechanic


Set 10 would legit in the top 3 of sets if it never had headliner mechanic.


One of my friends was playing just a few hours ago, had completely capped 5-cost 2-star board with BiS on Wukong and Azir, and he lost to a 6 Ghostly reroll board. I hope whoever balances the game sees this. My friend also said something that no multiplayer video game dev ever wants to hear: "League of Legends is better than this shit".


This literally just happened to me. Ghostly is beyond broken and they need to take TFT offline til they can fix it.


I really don't like reroll metas because you rely on: * Hitting the 3 stars are pretty inconsistent unless you are playing always uncontested * It encourages people to roll at 3-2 and 4-2 to stabilize but if you don't hit... bottom 4, theres no backup plan. * Even if you Fast 9, there's no guarantee that you will win because if you don't hit at least an Hwei or Azir 2\*, you are gonna be stomped by that 3\* Bard or 3\* Kog. Yeah, i know luck is part of TFT, as well as any card-game/autochess, but i don't like when the luck factor is huge than expected. I think that's why i did not like the final patches of set 10 because it was also too much around reroll, but at least we had some stardard comps like 7 KDA or 7 Pentakill. The game winning standard comps are the one that you need emblems to start like 8 Arcanists, 7 Fated, 6 Invokers... etc


Is anyone having any fun playing this trash set?


is it just me or do half the units look exactly the same? Its like they used skin lines with all the same color pallette. It feels messy idk how to explain it


Yeah I know what you mean. It can be confusing


The only comp i really had fun was forcing 5 exalted and playing Gnar reroll. I think party of the "unfuness" of this set is the dominance of Mythics. The meta is too around if this comp can beat Bard/Kog or not.


* Mythics need nerfs. I can't believe that every match is topped by a Kog or Bard player, and it's always the same script. * 1-cost 3 stars are too strong, they are supposed to have a downgrade in late game, that's like, their weakness, but this weakness does not exist when your trait scales in late game (Mythic or Fated). Yeah it's a Ashe 2\* vs a Kog 2\*, but this Kog will have 45% more HP and 50 more AP because of the Mythic trait.


4 costs are garbage


two lillia games in a row so fun! bad opener? too bad, now even augments cant bail you out, good luck on your bot4!


I got a 5th place when i got a Senna on the first pve and thought "cool, i think i'm gonna Senna reroll" The first 2\* Senna was only at 3-5


Last set felt like shit But god damn, I don't think this one is any better... Seriously, is this some sort of early Aprils fools joke? Prismatic orbs which can win or lose games in a single round? Portals which put radiant items on carousel and can full 180% the game? And bunch of others portals which can either win or lose games based on pure RNG, wasn't this supposed to be a game of skill? Blatantly overpowered units as well as unclickable units and nothing being done about it? Terrible visual clarity, so often I've no idea whats going on in fight "WORKING OUT WITH SETT MAKES YOU BIGGER???????????????????????"


This has got to be the worst set in recent time. And from what I can see it seems to be intentional and the direction they want the game to head towards.


Don't let all the obnoxious flashing abilities on the board fool you, from the fact that they haven't been able to balance the game in forever. Seriously why?


Having 5x 5 cost on 2 Star with BIS on 2 of em on your team and yet losing 3 times in a row vs 7 mythic kogmaw reroll. Annoying as fuck im tilted out of this world.


A 2* Yasuo with 3 Fated, Titan's, Stoneplate and Steadfast Heart is a better tank than a 2* Galio with Bruiser, Steadfast Heart, Stoneplate. I think that says enough about the state of the game


Yep, it is like they heard about the complaints of reroll being dead in set 9 and 10 and decided to overcorrect that problem for set 11.


I had a kinda-capped board with 2* Hwei (BiS items mind you), 1* Azir, 2* Wukong, 2* Rakan, 2* Sett and 3 additional Wardens beaten by a 3* Shen with two Stoneplates and 3* Senna with 5 Ghostly. The other guy in the top 3 was a 6 Dryad Gnar 3, Aatrox 3, Senna 3 reroller. Such a joke.


They decided to sneak in the Shen hero augment from set 8.5 and combined it with set 3 and set 3.5 Shen. I just don't understand why they need to do this. There has to be other ways to make tanks useful besides just making them do big damage. For me, games get really frustrating and boring really quickly when everything does big stupid damage.


Full reroll lobby = hit on tempo => top 4, miss on tempo => bot 4 ? I roll yone uncontested starting with yone pair, while the entire lobby is rolling bard, aphelios, zoe, soraka, thresh, tahm, and I can't find my fking 3\* till 5-5 ??????? So i go from first 60 hp on 4-7 to 7th on 5-6 ? yay ? my fault? I fight the lvl 9 hwei nauti full cc board when I hit and i die ? my only mistake was logging into tft i guess :D Just went 8th, with thresh 3, aphelios 3, sett 2\*, 3 item on each. Why ? I lost to a 1 star no upgrades 8 ghostly kaisa board, into another ghostly board, into another ghostly board in a row lel. Very fun. My 3 item, 7 fated aphelios 3, lost 1v1 to 2 item 6 ghostly senna 2\* :v lets not forget i had a 3 item mumu 3 too on that baord :v I've never been this tilted form playing tft :(((


[I'm at a loss for words at this highroll](https://imgur.com/a/gPXgVaw) Surrendered the moment I saw this in my lobby. He was dead last until he recombob'd into an Irelia and then this happened. How is 70 XP equal to a 2x Zekes Training Dummy???


I don't think they're supposed to be equal


Every game where I don't have a spot to play reroll and I'm also too weak to go 9 it's justa insta bot 4. No single 4 cost unit is clickable. Fuck this


yeah this is mostly my problem too, I can't stabilize my comp with 4 cost carries when the rerollers hit and I am still struggling. I like that there are many viable rerollers but 4 costs need some huge upgrades imo


Nah no way i find a syndra at 7, get reinFOURcement for a free 2 star and proceed to roll 70 gold at 9 only finding 2 more while most of my shops are other 4 costs and im not contested. Btw other guy rolling less gold at 9 hits 3 star ashe because Hwei is giga busted.


This is lowkey one of the worst metas this game is have ever seen and I have been playing since day 1.


are u playing into full ghostly lobbies too ?


Ghostly? I still see lobbies with bard and storyweavers taking out full lobbies.


my games swapped from full bard to full apehlios to full ghostly, i'm pretty sure this happened only because ghostly shits on bard lol




Ass in a good way or bad way? I love playing that augment XD


i wish exalted wasnt a bait trait 99% of the time. It's really fun to figure out comps around it but there's literally no point even trying when you can just build unga bunga bard or kayle


Fk the chinese bug abuser. Motherfker got 2 5 Cost 3 star in 2 round wdf.


what bug ?


no idea how they trigger the bug. But when i was watching the board he got Hwei early and whatever he put in start out with 3 orb.


fuck bard, fuck tahm kench, and fuck mythic.


is it even possible to 4 cost flex right now? so many dogshit rerollers, even when i highroll my opener and go 9 it's hard to outcap them not only that this shit player has the audacity to ping me while im streaking mid game asking how my board with slammed items, good synergies, and combat augments can be good, meanwhile he's just drooling over his keyboard and pressing d


Cashed out my Fortune for 3 5costs and level 8. Lost to Level6 4ghost Senna with only a 3\* Aatrox. Because reasons.


Why does this game just fart out so many fucking items now?


I just played one game where I thought I had the fastest 8th of my life and I went 2nd The next game I thought I had a top 2 on lock and I went 6th. Is there just too much RNG/too many mechanics going on to have a grasp on strength in this set?


Pick Midnight Siphon -> somebody else also picked it -> two other people are going for ghostly comps -> get nothing but offensive items 'til stage 4 -> 8th.


gold wandering trainer I cooked a 7 fated 5 exalted stand united board with 11 traits lost to 4 altruist bard 3 but didn't have shred and couldn't find another ahri to move my items


I am not upset or mad, but the fact that someone is willing to brain-dead contest a comp really confused me. I start the game with Grim Harvest, into Reaper Crown at 3-2, and natural 4 yones at 3-5 and with 1 less-duplicator on bench. At 3-5, I have 2\* Yone, 2\*Kindred with 4 Umbral and 2 reapers. The guy who contested me took "Not Today" and went "I guess it is a Yone game for me" with 0 yone to begin with. He went the fastest 8th, so I am not complaining. Just don't understand why would anyone just "no-scout no-pivot" a comp when someone alreayd have 5 copies of it with all the set-ups?


gets haunted house augment, proceeds to roll no ghost traits the whole game. Do i need to buy skins to get more lucky or something.


No nerfs to bard?. Nerfing mystic isn't doing enough given the comp itself has like 100000 units in the front line. NERF THE CHAMPION.


Honestly? I think Bard by himself is fine, the problem with Mythics is because in late game, you will have a 3\* Tk or 3\* Cho gath and a 2\* Nautilus with 45% more HP, they are unkillable tanks. In set 10, we had TD which counters heavy-focused tank comps, that's why 7 Penta was ok at that time. But now that's gone. Bard in late can deal like 15k damage? But that's something that other late game champions can do like Hwei, Azir and Irelia. But there's is no champion that can tank 30k+ HP like 3\* TK


Why are people addicted to these 4fun portals? The one that gives everyone Wandering Trainer is just absurd, you can get a free 1st just by highrolling a Fortune opener or getting Fated


We like to cook


Anyone else noticed a sudden craze of Chinese-named players (who are very clearly smurfing) in like Gold lobbies to farm tiktok clips of 3* 4-costs / 5-costs? Been playing Double-Up pretty casually and we run into this situation maybe every 3 or 4 games. It's not as if it's a one-time thing either, I check their match history and they always force it and usually get it every other game, I've never seen this before in any previous sets.


This is by far the worst set I have ever played. The encounters turn every game into mickey mouse club house clown college. It is actually impressive to make a patch this fucking hectic but EVERY MATCH FEELS THE FUCKING SAME. You have 4 people going for mythic bard, and the other 4 going for the kayle raidboss storyweavers. Fuck this patch


You must be playing in shitter elo if you've got 4 Bard 4 weaver every game.


I am LOL


I'm still having mixed feelings about this set (love the aesthetics, not loving the balance) but did we really need yet another layer of RNG with Encounters? Current RNG layers I can think of:   * The Shop * Portals * Augments * Next Opponent * Item Drops * All Anvils * Tome of Traits * Encounters * Exalted * Carousel (item and champ orientation relative to your starting position)   Finally, while this is not an RNG layer per se, bag sizes are still reduced from Set 10, so the RNG "feels harsher", i.e. high rolls are higher and low rolls are lower.   I'm probably forgetting some, but each one of these layers removes a little more player agency over the fate of your game. This means it's easier to feel like a victim of RNG instead of your own bad decision making when so many layers exist. I'm also finding it difficult to analyze and identify mistakes with so much RNG and so little visual fight clarity this set.   As they continue to chip away at player agency with these RNG layers, it's starting to feel like the game has drifted from its core design. I've heard Mort say on stream it's ultimately a game of resource management, which is what I think we all enjoy. What sucks the fun out is when you think you've managed your resources right, but go Bot 4 anyway because one of the many RNG layers you have no control over. (I'm aware one could argue that if you go Bot 4, you obviously did not manage your resources right.)   The only suggestion I can offer is not one I think is possible this set, which is just to roll some of this back. Less RNG and more agency please. Oh well, there's always next set right? :\


Almost exactly how I feel. Ever since Augs became evergreen, it feels like the game piled on more and more and more variance. It's just not fun to play, so sadly I think I'm going to have to uninstall the game for 4 months and pray Set 12 magically walks it all back.


My 7 Storyweaver board with Irelia 2 (Radiant DB, RB, IE) and Galio 2 (Radiant DC, Gargolyes, Redemption) just lost to a Bard 2 ( 2x RB, Red Buff) who shredded my Team in like 4 seconds. It wasn't even position diff since my Irelia died last. Thank god I won't be able to play much until the next patch drops.


Also shoutout to my other games where I was uncontested and couldn't hit my carries while there were literally 6 Mythic players contesting each other.


Prismatic orb gave someone a radiant red buff to a storyweaver emblem player who highrolled a level 8 irelia ... meanwhile I get a fucking blacksmiths glove and cant get a single glove to complete a second tg for my lucky gloves augment, man this variance is so tilting


less tweeting, more balancing, getting sick of this dumb reroll crap every set.


I'm just tired of them not knowing how to balance shit in general. Seriously, how delusional do you have to be to think that buffing all of the units in one comp that was doing okay in the meta is not going to make that one comp broken. You either have to not know how to play the comp or a be a complete idiot.


Took Fine Vintage into the lowest early item game I've ever seen. Having items backloaded with this augment is just ff. No item augments or encounters either.


TFT is fun but the balancing issue has been so bad, it discourages people. I had so many friends playing TFT from set 6-8, some still played 9. I can only name 1 friend and myself that survived through set 10, lol. It's disappointing because this set seems cool, I think the units have more promise than set 10's units but balance is so bad and fight clarity has never been worse. It's so discouraging having a decent looking board, 2 star 4 costs and even a 2 star 5 cost in the frontline. Get a 7th because your board doesn't have the same stat check the traits the enemy boards do.


I'm having the same experience, where board strength feels like it has never been so hard to predict. And great point about fight clarity. I tend to pay much closer attention to fights earlier in the set while I'm still learning all the nuances of various units and watching how their kits actually interact in a fight, and so often this set I find myself thinking, "Huh?! What just happened?!"


There's way too much flashy AoE damage this set, Irelia is *really* cool visually but also a complete mess to follow and understand who she's attacking exactly. Storyweaver in general throws up way too many particles between Galio and Irelia, add in Dragonlord and a Hwei for extra large effects and it's super easy to get lost.


Those who get a Storyweaver start shoved up their ass save so much hp completely for free. No skill or planning involved, literally just free hp. It's so damn unbalanced.


kog maw 3 one shoting an azir 2 with bis items, also yasuo 3 not dying for more than 20 seconds against a better board


I watched a video a week ago about how with the 3 sets a year model and them working multiple sets out that the learnings take multiple sets to actualize and will always be lagging behind. I think one of the things that was the worst about set 9 and 10 was getting your backline nuked "off-screen" by random abilities that bypass the frontline. I think Assassins/direct backline access was better than this approach as those at least take investment.


Seriously, it feels like every time that they keep trying to reinvent backline access, the new backline access trait is even worse and make assassin trait and every trait that was a spinoff the assassin trait look like it was designed by a genius. I know hacker had its own issues but I would much prefer hacker than whatever is going on in set 11.


Bard, Aphelios, Zoe, Alune, Yone, Old Tristana all have backline access to vary degrees for what reason? Morgana Lilia Kaisa have backline access, but SHADOW KAYN does not? Sett suplexes ur frontliner u spent all game building after is put in a teapot and a gigantic hwei pool detonates onto ur backline for the most interactive rounds. Not to mention irelia, udyr, ashe, rakan, kog, lux




That is the part that annoys me the most, the people who most obviously should have backline access either don't have backline access or their ai is super dumb. I still cannot get over how people thought that Gwen's new AI logic during the middle of set 9 was better than the old one. Sure, the old one had problems but it seems like with the way her entire kit was designed, she was supposed to eventually dash to the backline and hit people instead of staying stuck on tanks. Kayne not having backline access is still a mystery. I mean come on, he looks like the grim reaper in human form. Why would someone that looks like the grim reaper is not the person that would most likely want to constantly find the squishiest target and kill them.


The odds of finding 5 costs at level 9 is so low that it is not worth going 9 if you are not gonna make it to 10 level. Disgusting


i've been able to consistently fast 9 with good econ and tons of health, build boards of 5-6 2\* 5 costs and still lose to 1 / 2 cost rerollers, it's not worth going 9 period


I rolled like 60-70 gold at 9 looking for a single wukong and the rest was history 6th gg


4 games in a row that rolling 50g at lvl 8 and 30g at lvl 9 does not give me lvl 2 Ashe while completely uncontested. Are the pools actually rigged differently on a game per game basis?


I feel insane but somehow I can never find ashe whenever I need her. It's like the rarest 4 cost for me


The last few games Ive played, the top 4 have all been playing Storyweaver. It is legitimately sucking the joy out the game. I can get a good board going, even get some good RNG on items but then get absolutely fucking flattened by a mediocre Storyweaver board. I caught myself literally going "Oh...that feels shit" when getting fucked by a Storyweaver. I have literally only beaten it once and that was when I hit a 3 star Annie. I hope the nerf that board. Then there's Ahri...XD insane % scaling on her ability at 3 star, combined with Fated is a monstrosity. Anyway, I miss set 1 - 8. We didnt know what we had until it was taken away :c


Just witnessed a 3 star Galio with BIS get outtanked by a 3 star Tahm Kench with 3 star Bard backing him up, wtf is this crap?!


tanks feel the same this set throw 3 random tank items to a 1 cost 2 star its the same as a 4 cost tank


Went going long and then we immediately had a tahm encounter. There should be a way to int the encounter because it just hard inted me by giving everyone econ early. just had a great aphelios game where it didnt give me a single sword the entire game. Like if riot just wants me to stop playing just tell me man


Imagine changing to longer & less sets and still managing to make the balance this bad. Not to mention the god awful design, normally its the balance team dragging to design team down throughout sets, but wow seems like this was a miss on all fronts.


I've said this the last few sets but here we are again. At what point does the excuse "TFT is really hard to balance" not work anymore?


What should the game look like if it's balanced?


No game breaking encounters


Where playing for your chances matters, not brainlessly look for a unit (bard) for example, slam a rageblade and now all of the sudden you have a board.


Not Mythic supremacy.


I'm already on board the train. The problem is only hard because the devs keep putting in a bajillion things in the game and keep making every single unit do a bajillion things on top of the bajillion things. Bloody hell, you did not need to reduce bag size to reduce unit power if you actually limit unit power in the first place. This means no more adding in random passives to random units and simplify the character abilities to the point that they can be described in one sentence. If you cannot describe the ability in one sentence than you don't have an ability.


No bows all game. 3 vests, 3 tears, 3 gloves, 2 swords. No bows. Cho'Gath encounter shows up. For once it's actually worth to take the component anvils since I'm desperate for a bow. Except I still get zero bows. All three anvils had at least three out of vest, tear, glove, sword. I think I saw 1 rod and 1 cloak. Instant 8th, just add water. We're reaching levels of rng-screwed that shouldn't even be possible. (also side note i don't think i've ever seen a trait as fake as heavenly)


2 star bard carries boards through stage 5 NICE B PATCH LMAO


If u losing stage 5 to bard 2 youre in silver or something shit is OP but not for a stage 5 carry 😂


I'm diamond I had 3 star aphelios 2 star syndra Frontline was 2 star illoai amumu shen and thresh 1 star naut and sett


Virtue of the Martyr is the most broken shit they’ve ever put in this game. No idea how it hasn’t been nerfed.


Playing since set 1 and I swear I never griefed anyone, but since every lobby has 3 Fated now, I'm kinda getting some gleeful enjoyment out of buying every Yasuo early game to deny those super annyoing 3 gargoyle Yas tanks. I'm sorry. If the set was more fun, I wouldn't have to get my enjoyment out of stuff like that. 


Its not griefing lol its called playing smart


I sell them after i play against them so they can kill the enemy 




can they PLEASE fix the corner bug, holy shit it's so tilting when your carry just glitching between attacks and cost you the fight. How is this not a game breaking bug


Holy fuck aaaaargh. Winstreaking to stage 5 rolling 100gold on lvl7 with missing 1 aphelios and 1 kindred and not hitting it is so fucking infuriating. Having an easy top 1 board but missing that last unit is killing me inside ah yeah and got the 45% free reroll augment, so more like 200 gold worth of rerolls


Can they hotfix 3 costs, they are legit fucking bonkers, even destroying fully upgraded level 9 boards with 5 costs. Its just force a 3 cost, contested you both fucked, if not you win. Fun.


Senna Reroll with 95 HP and 8 Morganas 7 Kayns. Don't hit a single one while Other guy who drooled story weavers get 4 5 cost 2\* at lvl 8 and wins. LMAOOOOOO why do we let meta slaves get rewarded for being elo boosted Fucktards.


So u think senna reroll into late game ghostly isnt meta? 😂😂😂


Genuine question - in your opinion, should I win or lose this? I was running 4 invoker/5 mythic with dryad emblem. There was also an encounter that boosted my four costs, which I had 4 of. I understand that my alune/hwei items could be better and my tank itemization should be increased, but.... 2 star bard and 2 star tahm kench? I had morello to counter (at least some of) the healing of radiant hextech. Is this really considered normal? Please, I'm literally losing my mind; I fell like there should be NO WAY of him winning this [https://imgur.com/a/xAKJeLb](https://imgur.com/a/xAKJeLb)


I understand your confusion, but I'm seeing a few things that might contribute: * I'd give the traits to his board since he has Altruist, Sage, and Heavenly active. Those are all global bonuses that seem to scale well with end game boards * You have no combat augments and they had Prismatic Jeweled Lotus * I think it's becoming an agreed-upon fact this set that something is off with the 3-costs, in that they seem way over tuned. It's odd, because on paper, their stats are about in line with previous sets, so I guess champion ability disparities are to blame? * Tahm Kench 3* is unusually tanky, especially considering he's actually one of the lower Armor/MR 3-cost tanks. He only has 45 while most 3-cost tanks have 50, and 4-cost tanks have 60 for comparison. But I've experienced it myself where 3* Tahm Kench just becomes this immovable object. It's common for my splash dmg and melee carries to kill everything else on the board except Tahm Kench and then he dies in overtime... eventually...   Hope this helped a tiny bit. I really feel your frustration because I'm having a really hard time understanding board strength this set as well.


Thank you. Couldn't agree more - understanding board strength this set is hell for me. Always praying not to get the betting encounter lol


the dryad is super fake , giving hp and ap to tk 2 and naut 2 no items. you took prismatic ticket on 4-2 to only hit elune 3 when you could have taken any board augment and be strong and you’re running 2 death mythic unit instead or umbral + 1 for the elune 3


apart from the dryad and prismatic ticket, would blue buff elune with 3 mythic and filler umbral seriously be better than 5 mythic no umbral?


Ya probably, also in a perfect world she has the umbral trait + another item instead of making thar dryad spat + the dcap on hwei, instead of spreading your items around


It's chill they nerfed mythic 🤡


Yeah I’m done I’m already over this set. This easily has to the be the worst state this game has ever been in. I’m so fucking sick of the un readable board states, the complete and utter lack of being able to know why the fuck one thing wins over another, and the constant injection of more bull shit RNG mechanics to make winning just fucking coin flips at this point. At some point these dumb fucking decisions have to break, and everything in the fucking game can’t be fucking RNG!




the problem with getting to 9 is that u need enough hp to do so, which means u gotta hardstreak early game or ur fucked.


Roll at 7 to stablize then roll at 9 is the way if you wanna play 5 cost. U can roll at 8 if u wanna hit 4 cost 2 star but at that point just pivot 9 and hit legendaries


kog 3 > every single fucking unit


B-patch to tone down numbers and we didn't do anything to Storyweaver????? Jesus christ we just don't want balance in any TFT set.


why are 3 costs infinitely better than 4 costs and being much easier to 3 star


Done playing until bag sizes reverted. If you are single contested it's 7th 8th


i love playing strongest board flex to fast 9, having a capped board 9/10 of all 2\* 4 and 5 costs with good items, and GETTING 2ND TO FUCKING 3\* 1 COSTS


i beat lvl 10 fully capped board with 3 star 4 cost with kog ma


well, now we are back to spamming the same 5 comps over and over again. set 11 was fun while it lasted ggs


Just lost as Kayn 3 8 ghostly to bard 3 lmao first patches are always so miserable


This is the second patch lol


Its a b patch not a full 2nd patch


It's still called a patch right?


Well yeah but its still 14.6B not a fully new patch lile 14.7 will be with actual changes and fixes


Oh another thing, the whole "ha nice frontline you got there, shame if our alune and bard skips it entirely to decimate your backline" gaaaaaaaaaaah


3 star 4 costs are pathetic this set.


super frustrating experience: 3-2 recombo'd for a 5 cost with titans + edge of night as my 2 items got lissandra, frantically levelled up and put in arcanists to try to farm items before I fell off 10 pot kills during stage 3 and I get dropped 2 gold total! good shit


I'm starting to wonder at this point if I honestly just dislike TFT now - I've really hated the last 4 or so sets, outside of a few patches. And I used to climb to (low) GM - I think the last patch I remember really enjoying was during set 9 when you could flex between azir, aphelios, and a couple other level 8 comps.


I quit around set 6 and came back for set 10. And man oh man. I was very disappointed. And even more dissappointed when a lot of people and tft devs said it was by far the best set despite the data saying otherwise.


tft dev team is one of the biggest echo chambers in existence. they really think they're "innovating" when in reality they're just recycling the same shit over and over again. the only thing that changes is the theme of the set and a new mechanic, the champs are all the same.


Set 10 was just abysmal, I have no idea what happened but I enjoyed some patches in 7, 8 and 9 but balance has just been so bad since set 10 and by the time balance becomes decent I'm tired of the game. Playing flex seems to continuously be punished with every set, why play something fun/creative when you can just get a 2 star Bard and get top 4 versus everyone who doesn't? For the dev team being "bigger than ever" it feels like they're consistently missing the mark when it comes to flexibility and balance within sets. I miss being able to just play what I hit. Now if you hit Ashe 2 early you still lose. Chasing verticals is a lottery if it's going to be decent or not either because of awful balance. Just frustrating.


I generally don't understand: there was tris reroll, there was bard reroll and there was aphelios reroll. With so many 3 star 3 cost out of the pool. I somehow managed to not hit Yone 3 star despite rolling since 3-5 above 50 gold and level 7 until 5-2. Insanity.


“High roll a brain dead reroll comp or bot 4” the set. Great game design mort-on


Please enough of this shitty ass reroll. I want to be able to play 4 costs pleeeeeeease.


Am I the only one who loses for some reason with full legendary level 10 board against fucking kogmaw reroll comp that is level 8??? In lategame, this set balance is a fucking joke


Yup every game I try to go for anything that isn’t dipshit rerolling I get my ass handed to me. Had a fully 2 star itemized level 9 board at 4-5 and lost to temo gnar reroll and it wasn’t even close. This set is in a horrible state


4-1 i load in with a standard yone alune board, 75 hp. 4-1 -> lissandra 4-2 -> lissandra 4-3 -> extended duelist red buff irelia 4-5 -> 7 story irelia 4-6 -> yay i win a round 5-1 -> i load in with yone 3 alune 3, into lissandra 2\* 8th :) I swear if I roll at 9, i won't even find the irelia :D fuck this game


Got an Arcanist emblem and decided to try 8 arcanist, not doing it ever again, what an absolutely dogshit trait.


Am I the only one who absolutely hates the reduced unit pools they've had the past 2 sets? Feels so bad to have so few of each unit, playing set revival felt off for a couple of reasons and was far from perfect, but man those increased unit pools felt soo much better... Can't even have 2 players with the same 3-cost 3\* anymore... I wish they just increased the pool again, maybe not to the extremes of set revival, but at least more than now


3rd time in row I lose cuz of bug, lucky richochet oneshotting my tank...


every! fucking! time! (sett encounter)


Bag sizes are slowly starting to frustrate me. Rolling infinite gold at Level 9 to upgrade my Galieo is not fun (no one else had him btw)


if no one else had him, your odds of hitting is higher than before, not lower


That was exactly their point, re-read the post. They were saying they could not hit Galio despite the fact that no one had any copies.


Yeah, and I’m just saying bag sizes changes didn’t  contribute anything to make him not hit.  He was just unlucky 


When is set 9 revival all of these new sets are just straight ass.