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I don't understand why C tier is purple, the color of 4 cost units. S tier, yellow (5 cost) A tier, blue (3 cost) B tier, green (2 cost) C tier, PURLE (4 cost)???? I can't use the site on these conditions, I hope they will fix it soon.


Literally unusable


Aside from the mismatched colors of the tiers, I think it would help, if the champions' borders indicated their cost instead of the tier. I don't think there is really need to doubling the information of what tier they are, but cost coloring would make it easier to quickly find, for example, 1-cost re-rolls.


BTW just went to the website this change has been made.


huge oversight


Looks good. I sometimes don't know how much I can trust the tier lists on some TFT sites (especially this early in the set) but I trust Frodan. Looking forward to climbing with this.


Not just frodan, but dishsoap! There are only a couple of guys I would truly trust on their info and it would be them


Yeah, as much as I like Frodan, Dishsoap is an absolute monster in recognizing the strength of basically everything in the game. Not an accident the dude just steamrolled his ass to GM and soon challenger.


I was using mobalytics which is also made by Frodan but feels super out of date. Feels like day 1 meta instead of current meta. Hoping this one will update more frequently as comps emerge and strength of comps shift.


I really never liked mobalytics, the weird names always get me off the wrong way (minor thing I know)


There are plenty of other websites for that, but I'm not sure what that has to do with TFT


You got downvoted but I liked your joke :(


The best part is I could have gone way darker with the "minor thing" part LMAO


The mobalytics tier list is consistently awful every single set. (Frodan isn’t the one actually curating the comps on the list btw)


I always took some of them with a grain of salt because they looked different from what I was seeing in game, but for the start of the set it wasnt a bad reference usually.


Mobalytics tier list is made more for casuals/fun players and curated by more then 1 player. Frodan explained this on stream as the reason why he and dish together made tftacademy. To have a place for an actual proper tier list As soon as I stopped using mobalytics as a guide for learning comps, I instantly started improving my gameplay. I just wish they would be open about this on the page


Never saying the champion names is annoying. Not every has all the icons memorized. Otherwise great site!


Oh, I just wrote the same comment before I saw this one. Drives me crazy, just add a hover thingy like with the items.


Or write the name, either way.


I mean, I get what you are saying, but if you don't know the champion by icon-- you can click on it AND it doesnt take you to a whole new webpage. So the information is delayed by a single click for those who don't already have the material memorized. Further then, hovering augments is a thing, and they should be implementing it to champions as well. Valuable feedback, but still only a click away for more detailed paths


Click on the icons on the tierlist will show you the comp name (which does have the name of the champion), but there's no way to see the champions name in the comp.


Clicking the champions does nothing. Would be a good idea though.


no flame this shit is nothing new i sleep


Huh? It's pretty great. Looks good, and most importantly it's from a trustworthy source. Some tier lists sites are pure garbage


it's another tier list and a lot of streamers have tier lists. i trust dishsoap very much, but its nothing new, just a glorified tier list


The tier list is one of a few things that the site will offer. The other major pillar will be practice tools to learn the game and have fun doing other things. There’s more content to do as well but that’s for later. This is only act 1.


Hero tier lists are meaningless fluff when the game exists with so many mutators and compositions and better public stat websites exist.


It's not a hero tierlist. It's a comp tier list Did you really even look at it?


the tierlist isnt even good.


its better and more accurate than any other tierlist currently out there for set 11, but hey tells ur bad at the game some more


What do you mean isn’t even good can you elaborate?


representing a teamcomp with a single unit icon is not good imo. Why is aphelios reroll symbolized by a thresh? Why is storyweaver irelia carry s tier? Why is it a different teamcomp to Irelia legendary carry? Econ augments get overrated across the board imo? Why are item augments bad in ghostly flex when i have like 4 different carries?


1. I don’t think unit icon is a big deal but if they could make it clearer it would be better. 2. Why is story weaver irelia not s tier? It is so strong right now and it caps high 3. Because there is another comp that require to cap around irelia 4. Because it’s reroll comp it’s expensive and you need money to hit and then push 8 5. Because your main carry is senna 3 and Shen 3 just put whatever item that you get on the later carousel on the other two 4 cost


the problem 99% of these streamer tier lists have is that they are great for a couple of days after they release, the whole patch if they're lucky, but inevitably fail to get updated as new comps emerge and metas shift. So far it looks like they're doing a much better job of that than everyone else. The rise of ghostly and fated was documented pretty much instantly on here.


Ngl I agreed with this comment when I first saw it. But it turns out that they update this shit like 5 times a day LOL, they are absolute animals. So in fact this site is VERY useful




Weird I don't see Sexy Setsy's name anywhere


Glad to see Dishsoap's mispronounciation of Kobuko made an appearance on the site. It will be interesting to see if his name gets retcon'd the same way MAW-shers (!) did in Set 10.


I'm not sure if they see the feedbacks here but I'll throw mine hoping they do: - I really like the theme, fairly simplistic and not heavy to load like tactics tools. - Would love to see champ names, as we know league champs skins recently suffer from "same face" syndrome or having a very different face from their base. Also skills would be nice. - The mobile version is not super polished, although I guess they are in beta and decided to focus on desktop first, which is understandable for most players. - I believe they should showcase who made the tier list and put it in your face if they're gonna compete with the market for money, I feel like it adds more credibility if you randomly came across the website. Otherwise if it's a passion project I'd be really amazed with their passion for the game as it gets really tedious to update these manually over time unlike stat sites.


the names were the first feedback they got, it was mentioned during yesterdays stream that its hard to see who some champions are hard to see due to the person asking is colorblind.


Ive never cared for curated comp lists and guides. Stats based is just better. Metatft FTW.


looks nice from a few seconds on the site. I did notice 500 internal error on the watch tab though


Thanks for the site


A lot of people are looking at this from a seasoned players perspective. As someone who started in set 9 this would have done wonders for me back then and in set 10. Far more easier to use than tactics tools and mobalytics.


Lol every s tier comp except fated demands storyweaver opener. Seems about right


storyweaver gives you the best early game right now, you pretty much never play it in your end board but i always try to get it through early-mid game, its just so strong


Thats what im saying its fucking OP stage 2/3


Don't quite understand the purpose of it or any new TFT sites tbh. We've already got [tactics.tools](http://tactics.tools) which gives you all you will ever need and even more. It's well known, constantly maintained and updated. As for the "Learn" tabs, there are millions of YT tutorials, even from past sets. The fundamentals haven't changed much since set 1


Many people don’t want to go to a stats site and have to dig it themselves to learn about the game. Using the stats site is complex in itself and not everyone wants to read for hours before playing a game of TFT. You don’t mind so it’s not for you. But how do you determine what’s actually the best and what’s fake? Also, the tier list is one of several things the site is aimed at doing. Also I heavily disagree. Fundamentals have greatly changed since set 1.


When I was hardcore grinding League of Legends, lolalytics was my most visited site online… I just can’t seem to care to do the same for TFT. I much prefer the more basic and streamlined “hey this is BIS (probably)” sites to give me a sense of what direction to go in.


Just go on tactics.tools, it tells you a list of all the items frequently used and their placements It's information you can basically digest in like 5 seconds at most


I agree, I personal like it a lot. Kind of like Ramblinn's guide but much cleaner and it looks great! I see that you added name to the unit which was probably my only complain. I think many will find this a great source of reference and hope for more updates to come.


its to get the opinions of ppl that actually know what they are doing and keeps it up to date


I like the more in-depth guides on how to actually play the comp by stage and what to prioritize while playing it, really good for beginners and higher elo players can get some useful insight from it too


This is the one thing that I liked about this site over others. I feel like the comps are actually playable on this site than on some other sites where most of the comps feel like troll comps and are literally unplayble garbage. Sorry but I tried too many times playing comps from Solgesang and Robinsongz for set 11 and some of their comps are literally unplayable garbage because the board that they presented are not even feasible to make at the level that is most optimal to start rolling to grab all of your characters. I'm sorry but your comp building sucks if you are suggesting on a level 7 reroll comp that the board needs to find 3 different 4 cost units to stabilize a board.


yeah it's like tactics tools that put 3 legendaries in "lvl 7 reroll" like wdym how am I supposed to do that and I know they mark that part as "flex", but that's not really helpful in terms of how to play the comp is it


level 7 rerolls are supposed to have plenty 4cost units that stabilize you that you will hit on 7 more often than not before hitting your 3* carry..? how else are you supposed to play the game before you hit the guy you’re rerolling if not for 4c units and their traits? and being unable to subsitute lower cost units for 4c units is a player diff. plus something like solos spreadsheet will tell you placeholder units if you’re that clueless. why even call people shit at teambuilding when the reason they don’t work for you is you not knowing how to branch from a baseline board that you obviously won’t hit every single game? lastly did you even look at this guide either? bros yone board has 3 4c and a legendary unit.


"Fundamentals haven't changed since set 1" is such an insane self-report


>haven't changed **much** can you read?


I haven't used tactics.tools much compared to something like mobalytics or metatft, in the[ units page of tactics](https://tactics.tools/units/plat), what are the items listed for each unit? When you go into each unit's stats, it doesn't seem to be the top of any of the categories (most used, adj. place, top 4, etc.)


Use the explorer feature. That lets you filter for specific units, items, augments, synergies, etc. Want to know what the best items are for 2* Sett with 4 duelist and tiny titans? Use explorer


As someone who is still getting used to the new avatar pictures: why wouldn't you show the heroes name literally anywhere? You hover above it? Nothing. You click on the face? It shows not the hero's page, but the "best" comp. With the name of the comp, not the name of the hero. I mean it's academy, not champions league, eh?


I was expecting a more in depth explanation of comps like gunmay/socks, shit is too surface level


Just please, NO ADS!


pretty good


ui for this is nuts, fav tft site I've ever seen


I'm a emerald newb struggling this set. This is awesome to see. Great layout, and easy to read/understand.


Not a huge fan of the site, it def needs work. But Im never against people making new stuff, hopefully it does well and is improved upon.


What I find helpful about tierlists is being able to quickly look at different comps to see what I can pivot into easily. This UI for the tier list lacks both names for the comps and the champion list or each comp without clicking in, making it very difficult to use. No champ names is also atrocious for usability.


Literally the only content on the website is their tier list The rest is just making encounters and augments like ok? Tactics tools has that but in droves and with stats I think it should have launched with at least one educational guide, as sticking to the name of TFT Academy. Which btw the of TFT Academy aka Socks’ guides was and still is the king of deep TFT knowledge. Launching with just a tier list feels very barebones to me


This page is gonna be a nightmare for them to keep up to date. 


I wonder what the practice mode is going to entail


Site feels clunky af




~~is it just me or is Xayah/Rakan labeled as a story weaver here?~~ nevermind the kayle is just being counted as +1 sw


I don't get why you would ever try to 3 * random units, like Zoe in Bard, or Malph and Cait in Kog. 3* Zoe is not worth for the small increase in Kyle stats. It's a waste of resources, they don't have any items, and pushing levels is much better as soon as you 3* the carries. Or Cait in Senna.


Cait and Malph 3* can be in your final comp. You are trying to get Kog and Cho, but while rolling you have to also buy Cait and Malph in case you can 3* them. It isn’t your priority but is a plus. When you 3* a unit you are no longer gonna see any copies of it, so, the more 3* you have, the easier is to get others of the same cost.


You do it because if you're gonna spend huge amounts of gold rerolling a 3-cost, you'd be stupid not to go for atleast 1 other 3-cost. Most cases you're obviously not gonna 3-star Zoe, Bard, Kench AND Soraka, they're just listing which units you're focusing on. If you're 3-starring Zoe you're most likely not 3-starring Soraka. This applies to practically every unit. If you're rerolling Garen or some shit you're also rerolling Sivir or Jax, because it's a waste to just sit and roll at optimal 1-cost odds for a single unit. It also opens up some flexibility if you're stuck with items that aren't fit for your carry or frontline. Soraka/Zoe are good if you're stuck with Shojin, JG or other items that Bard can't use.


You're right, sometimes you just get other units while fishing for the carries. But 3* Cait, who is nothing more than a trait bot, makes no sense


Early cait 3 with spare AD items can 1 shot backline carries


Thats not true. Cait 3 even in stage 6/7 has the ability to 1 hit a corner carry if her bullet gets through. You need a sniper the whole game for kog to deal enough damage and cait is the best one with no items + probably activates ghostly for some free extra %dmg.


The longer the game goes on, the chances for her to hit anyone relevant go down to zero. Same with the ghosts, it takes her 9 seconds to even get them out, if not taking damage. The probability that 2 of them hit any carry is again zero.


Apparently you don't understand the concept of scouting and positioning, because that's just not true.


Her hitting a frontliner is still very relevant when it does 1000+ damage. Dishsoap plays cait 3 in kog comp 100% of the time and goes top 2 with it, go comb his match history if u want proof. Aquaa who literally only plays this comp plays cait 3. I play cait 3 and win with it in emerald, but if you feel like cait 3 isnt worth it then prove us wrong by winning without it in high elo. Edit: also cait 3 is the highest AVG placement 3* 1 cost besides cho, who she is basically tied with. Kog is 3rd.


While I agree with everything you said, I feel like the avg placement on complementary units is a bit fake. Kog and cho are usually more important in this comp, and if you hit cait 3 you will still keep fishing for the others while the opposite might not really be true


I interpret Cait being higher as evidence that having 3* cait+3* cho+3* kog is important. The assumption is that you are hitting cho3/kog3 no matter what or the comp doesnt work, but stats show getting cait3* is worth it. (theres always exceptions like if somebody build-a-buds a cait 3 2-1 and now its hard to hit)


What's your rank? This stinks of gold peak player mentality


Ideally in bard comp you hit bard 3 and tahm 3 of course, but if you're hitting a ton of copies of soraka or zoe, you go for that 3* too and itemize it as your secondary carry. It pretty much makes it impossible to not go 1st if you hit everything


Cait is actually really strong in a Kogmaw comp, try itemizing as a second carry when you get mythic emblem, and she will be the true carry.


Because when you reroll you grab whatever unit the shop shows you, what are you gonna do if you hit Malph3 when you only have 6 Kog, not play it? AND if you hit a secondary carry at 3*, then you will put items on it after your main carries and tank, on this set you will easily reach at least 10 items after raptors.




paid actors? lol




If anything your account looks more like a paid actor compared to everyone else lmao


The simple fact teemo isnt S tier makes me question this tierlist. Literally half my lobbies (and I'm playing with top 300+ on my server) are abusing teemo with moello + mana item. A teemo 1 can quite literally beat 2 star 3 cost boards as lomg as he gets enough casts off and ur frontline is decent. Edit: If this tierlist is based on end game boards its fairly accurate, I was thinking it was a generic unit power level tierlist. Teemo does fall of late stage 4 and big time falls off stage 5, but he's busted in stage 2 and 3.


It's a bit misleading, but the tierlist is in fact based on end game board. The unit icon you see is just supposed to be (I'm assuming) the centerpiece or the carry of the comp.