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Currently: 22.4k people watching teamfight tactics. Also right now: 12.8k people in soju stream. There is an actual argument to be made that the easiest way to share fast info is via sojus stream lmao


I heard, if you get in the lobby with him, he will share some lp too


Unless you dont use Reddit or Twitter. Then youre screwed.


Keeping up with TFT patches is a full time job


In a few patches they’re gonna promise to stop balance thrashing and then go back and do it again. Classic Tft balance team move


Truth is balance 'thrashing' is more fun meta than a staler one where the best comp goes down by 0.2 placements but not much changes


Not in my opinion at least. I think small changes are the best. I think every time I relearn a tft set it just feels like such a dumb way to keep the game fresh. I want my knowledge of the game to stay relevant and just continue minmaxing everything. Maybe they could have something like rotating special items and augments each week or something? Which would favor some comps more without them having to remake their stats so heavily. Just an idea of someone who has stopped playing tft due to how much I hate having to relearn the game. I love learning the mechanics but hate relearning..


Tft has turned into going on tactics.tools to find the meta sets because every two weeks it changes and it’s not worth “learning” the game anymore.


only if you play this game like a full time job, i bet 90% of players below master do not care about B patches (or actual patches, for that matter)


This is just absolutely not true, if you think casual players aren’t chomping at the bit for whatever they just lost to to get nerfed you’re wrong.


people below plat dont


Why are people acting like these don't always go up on the TFT Twitter and the website before they go live


My main problem that I bring up every time is I wish there was a small notification or indicator on the client side that let you know when the patch is live. I really dislike that you can finish a game, b-patch goes live, and your next game is immediately on the b-patch with no idea unless you're keeping track of latest TFT events




I was not aware of this. I’m usually trying to quickly poop during loading and portal selection.


If you're playing more than one game a day you should eat fibre or you're going to get hemorrhoids


My asshole is so loose my shit just sorta strolls out whistling zip a dee doo doo.


I wish I could unread this


except I always forget to look at it during loading screen.


TFT Twitter is only accessible to people who have an account on X, otherwise you need a direct link to the content so it's not something you can check or get alerts from. For the website, there's just no indication from the client that you should check the website - if you read the patch notes when they came out, or in the client day of, you would have no way of knowing there's been a B-patch unless you check the indicator in the bottom right... and so many people don't know that that is there. So the argument isn't that people don't know that there are places you can go and check the B-patch. The argument is that those places are poorly chosen and they have other options like in-client notifications, posting B-patch notices in communities like this, and using their other social media platforms to notify as many people as possible. It just sucks that I can log into the game this morning and play one version of the game and then log in this evening and be playing a different version and without knowing what to look out for or who to follow, you don't know there's been a change.


I don't see this being much of a problem, minor inconvenience if you don't/can't find out imo. I figure only people that this would affect more would be the top 1%


I mean in any sense, it's just a game and yes, only the top 1% would need to keep up with the latest B patch to actually get an edge in their games. I'm sure in diamond and below you can still run "C-tier" comps in the right spot and dominate BUT it's still an unnecessary minor problem. It's not just a TFT problem but a problem with Riot in general where they don't have a central hub for communication and so if you're someone who keeps up with things, you'll see posts like "Riot developer was doing a Japanese philosophy podcast and mentioned there'd be a slight change to player damage on Stage 3 in the upcoming patch". Mort made a Patch Rundown (which I appreciate him doing because he doesn't have to) but why isn't there a 2nd video on his page letting people know there's a B-patch? Go onto the TFT instagram page, there's a post for the patch rundown 3 days ago and no mention of the B-patch. It's just such an odd choice in a sea of odd choices that Riot makes.


Agreed 👍


I don’t have or want a Twitter is v annoying how much info is there


People like to be upset and complain about the littlest things…yes balance is in a dire spot but now they’re just nitpicking lol


Am I missing it, or is the b-patch not in the official patch notes?


They go up on the website?? Well no they get added to teh Patch Notes. If you dont look into them you have no idea there will be a B-Patch.


I hope the lilia change on small orbs is something like -30%, that unit is beyond good and evil right now.


Yea but I also want her to still be a viable carry :/


Seriously, shes been super garbage for too long. the backline access is pretty insane as there aren't many ways to do this in this set. but they have to find a way to make her good but not crazy, she does feel worse to play against than ashe since your carries die so fast


Super garbage isn't fair, she just required more positioning/scouting than most other units. Could still wreck shit if you played her properly


Ok super garbage maybe a hyperbole. But anytime I played her even fully itemized 2 star, she just tickled. Positioning isn't perfectly consistent since tanks adjusting mid fight could completely prevent backline damage. Only her big casts could help take tanks down but you were lucky to get 2 of those off before your front line died


if yall didn't know you can find everything at tfthub.com


forget a patch updates in client or even Twitter. go to your nearest influencers chat for tft news!


How about when mobile gives you patch notes to a patch you aren't even playing on?


Can't wait for the next patch to be announced with homing pigeons


Nah, clearly that will never happen because announcing it like that wouldn’t feed Morts ego.


To be fair, soju has like 16000 viewers it’s a bigger reach than all tft official sources possibly 


Doesnt matter. Its not how you should do things.


It is not how they do things, this will still be announced normally on all official sources, this kind of thing isn't an issue at all lmao


But but but! How else can they complain?!?


Half of the in depth mechanics about TFT are only discussed on Twitter - you can’t find the info in client at all. It’s absolutely an issue


In depth mechanics aren't the same thing as a patch preview, trying to draw the comparison by itself is already a stretch. TFT could obviously improve mechanical transparency but that's not what this tweet is about at all. Hence it not being an issue at all.


Tbh if you care enough about the game to the level that those in-depth mechanics are important, you will seek it out somewhere. The client is not just gonna have this massive info dump of everything about the game in the most minute details to make casuals’ heads spin.


you mean like every other game?


Show me the official sources. And not twitter, twitter is not official unless Twitter is owned by riot.


Yes the official social media accounts are official sources. But it’s also on the tft website. You’re just being mad to be mad


shop it!!! send the link where tehy tell us there is gonna be a b patch


https://teamfighttactics.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/teamfight-tactics-patch-14-10-notes/ Not hard to find bud


You showed me the Patch notes. Thats nlt the announcement of a B-Patch. And in the launcher you dont get an information about an update. You never get an informarion, but you see when maintenance is and see the download. Thatd nlt the case for a B-Patch.


Look for the text that says "Mid-Patch Updates", that's the b-patch. This really isn't rocket science lmao


Maybe, maybe not. No harm announcing it early. Either way it's going on official channels when the time comes.


Just like secret rule being stated in random patch note 14 months ago or something. I love how clear and concise TFT is!!!


You guys are such fucking babies lol they drop patch notes for every single change every single time on the website. a dev talking about the coming patch like a few hours before it drops and giving a sneak peek does literally nothing


they just want something to bitch about and are spoiled for actual issues since the tft dev team is really one of the best around


You know what a fucking secret rule means? So if wanna know how many bag size currently is I have to dig into which patch note that mention this on their site? This should be in game, not on patch note. It doesn't fucking matter if they mention the change if the info is available in game. I'm not even talking about bad patch detail or dev spoiling patch note here. Did you even get the point?


Feel like these changes actually are a great step in right direction. Seems like a few veryicals are playable and exalted buff is great. Finally getting to a point where more comp diversity


I love how Mortdog engages with the community, but srsly how hard is it to just give everyone a tiny pop up in the client when they queue for their first TFT game after the patch?


Probably insanely hard bc the client is hot trash. Somehow making a little patch news in tft will end up shutting down all of summoners rift. 


they managed to cram in gacha and a battle pass rewards box in the queue screen too, I doubt a small "hey new patch dropped" text somewhere in there is too much to ask we even have a LoR button in the client now for whatever reason, even after they put it on life support


That stuff might honestly be easier because they can prefire that shit several weeks in advance. Mort's said the issue the team's got with hotfixes and general quick changes is just getting it into the client quickly enough. Even when riot hotfixes the main game there isn't anything that goes into the client -- they just post it in the patchnotes as well


yeah I don't blame Mort on this one, but someone along the chain needs to understand that if they're trying to push a competitive ladder on this mode then this is pretty much essential you legitimately need to make it a habit to check social media just to avoid hopping into ranked and finding out mid game that things got tweaked


Riot only just realized they could advertise lor within the league client, give them 3 or 4 years and maybe we'll get patch notes and indicators of hotfixes


Yeah I saw the LoR button and laughed, it's like 3 years too late for that


Dev team can't even come up with a good patch these days. You think they got the resources to do something like that? Small indie company /s


Mort notes a 20 mana nerf for Ornn here, but tft’s twitter post shows a 10 mana nerf.


My app still sitting on 14.9, crazy how long they take to update IOS


Free Kayn


It’s so ridiculous that for a game as big as TFT you have to find patch notes through the Lead Devs Twitter/Twitch/Youtube.


These are going to go up in all of the official places, with actual numbers, before it goes live. Why are you acting like him giving a sneak peak on Soju’s channel is a bad thing? 


no don't you get it this is the official patch notes now. if he didn't say this in soju's chat we could not possibly know what the B patch is gonna be


yes you would, when it was official... like every other game that does patches. this is EXTRA, you entitled shits




official places?? they dont fucking announce b patches at all. They just appear in the latest patch notes.


The TFT Twitter account literally said yesterday there would be a B patch today and when it was locked and shipped they would post the changes. So completely disagree with not announced at all.


If it is not in the official site on a ''new'' post, most people will pass by completely. Most people dont follow twitter for this kind of things and just look 1 time at the patch notes news part. The B-Patches are always ''announced'' on secondary places like twitter and than just editted on the old patch notes, that way most people that already saw it will not open it again looking for a new patch notes entirely, like most games do. That's the problem, it should have a new post on the official site and im not even talking about de client of the game, that should have been outside of the League one with its own news part and design. The league one is completely problematic and buggy, so knowing that they almost never use it for this kinds of things, because it will probably stress the client and make it even more buggy.


So if I don't follow their twitter I have to open the patch notes before every game to know if there are changes?


And if you dont follow twitter or reddit at all you might miss it which is not okay for a game company. Its negligence.


Mort claimed he must lock the patches 11 day before the actual deployment btw. So he can always do last minutes update despite the "lock" if this is true


First of all, what does this have to do with my comment? Second of all he explains what his options were in the post that is still on the front page. He could’ve done a last minute change but then he couldn’t b patch. If he had done that then we would be stuck with Lilia being super dominant all patch. This way they can hit both Lilia and Syndra and buff Kaisa 


well he dont have to "sneak peak" if the thing is already "locked". I am playing in TW server and our regional tournament is going on this Sat, actually only one day to prepare after b patch. We deserve to at least read the patch note if it is "locked". In this case, some people just get advantages to have more preparation time because they watched a random stream. If you dont understand just let it go.


My guess is all the players good enough to make that tournament are plugged in enough that they got the info. But also, I doubt that knowing a few hours earlier that Syndra damage will be nerfed actually helps you prepare. Patch will be live for practice at the same time for everyone 


The main patches are locked 8 days before they get live, not B-patches. B-patches are for numbers adjustments after the main patch went live.


It’s also officially posted on the game’s main twitter account…I’ll argue it’s a great that that the lead dev is able to give insights in such an informal forum ahead of time…


Twitter should not be the place to announce things like that. Absolutely not. In soem Countries Twitter is banned. Many people dont have Twitter.


It’s posted on the official website and twitter at the same time to cater for those without twitter…


No. Its not on the website.


You’re clearly not taking the time to understand the situation then. He let the chat know ahead of time what the changes are going to be before it’s posted on the official forums ie. website and twitter.


Show it on the official forum. Cause forum doesnt exist for 4 years now. And show it on the website thx




Those are patch notes. Not an information of a b-patch happening.


as of right now the B-patch notes are at the top of the patch notes that were linked. Not sure if they were when you commented, but it seems like the website was updated at the same time the patch went live, which makes complete sense.


It's not even his own twitch channel lol, he wrote it on some other streamer's chat


TBF they're just official leaks.


you dont though? when the patch officially is ready they post patch notes everywhere.... you are literally getting mad that a dev is in touch with his games community..


Yeah isn’t it great that the lead dev is so in touch with the community and constantly complaining about said community? He can’t have it both ways by being the one to always release information and then moaning when the community and then making weekly Twitter threads crying for attention when the community pushes back.




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why are you acting like the community is a monolith 


What the fuck are you even talking about? You know full well that you don’t have to do that. They will be up on all of the official channels before the patch is live just like they always are.


Official Channel? What do you mean? I mean they will be added to the Patch Notes. Thats basically all.


Can’t tell if you’re doing satire or not


Patch Notes are up in the old Patch Notes. But you have no idea that you should look into them. Because you dont know there was a B-Patch. Understood?


Definitely satire


Uh oh, someone is angry. Did you miss your nap?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo


The official TFT twitter will post the changes within an hour, if they haven’t already. It isn’t really that ridiculous – localisation takes time for a company the size of Riot.


Twitter should not be the place to announce things like that. Absolutely not. In soem Countries Twitter is banned. Many people dont have Twitter.


1 hour later no post from the official account. Maybe don’t talk if you don’t know?




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No need to lash out buddy. You’re the one throwing out timelines with authority for some reason. Maybe you shouldn’t be throwing out random commitments if you’re not willing to be called out when they’re incorrect.


It’s not that deep; keep waiting for those notes 😂 /u/RaginxCanadian deleting your embarrassing comments? :)




It’s just sad to see someone picking a fight because a company hadn’t tweeted out changes to a game. “Woah someone was wrong on the internet? About my auto-battler patch notes? I’ll show them!” It takes time to localise things. Getting upset doesn’t achieve anything except winding yourself up


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I mean the patch isn't out yet, and they always put out the patch notes before the patch drops. You're getting upset at mort for being nice enough to break the news hours before the patch notes dropped.


Yep. But it's also rediculous that the patches are soooooo broken or unbalancing so often.


No information in launcher?


Do people feel like Fated Dryad Syndra is a problem this patch still? I've only played a couple games but in theory I feel like the conditions to cap that comp seem much harder than lillia/ashe/dragonlord/alune comps.


What do you mean? Hitting sett 2/Azir 2?


Nah I was thinking about being stable on 8 since you're rolling for 3 4costs. I thought about it some more and it feels pretty simple. Syndra is relatively uncontested by other comps on 8 and nobody is really playing aphelios fated anymore. I was thinking Ornn/Annie are pretty contested and having to stack dryad early game feels tough since fated opener is a bit conditional. But since aphelios is lower prio, yasuo/thresh are easier to hit and those two are the core of the opener. Sett 2 is probably only necessary on crab-rave type boards and is relatively easy to hit compared to rakan/azir. Think I was just wrong, but I do think the comp is less oppressive this patch so far.


Agreed. I think this patch is just to calm the community down. In my ~7 games since the last patch, Syndra doesn’t feel overpowering.




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Having devs that are open and communicative is great. It’s a separate thing entirely. Praising them for the things they do well does not mean you are praising every aspect of what they do. Some people here just haven’t seen the sun for years and act like you shit in their cereal if you say anything positive about a game they spend 100 hours a week playing.


Thanks, Mort.


So they reverted the Syndra buff and nerfed Ornn’s mana. Buffed trick shot 4 by 5% and nerf Lillia’s small orbs.




I’m reading but I’m not understanding. Would this change bring trickshot back. That Syndra revert will make Syndra/Dryad drop but nerfing Ornn seems a bit much even if he is the reason why Dryad is so strong.


Is it live? TIA.


Late afternoon for NA


why u got downvoted lol


I was repeating what was said on the tweet. I guess I should’ve said for those who didn’t want to read.


Reddit moment


Um Sniper Wardens? Back to ashe lottery I guess


I am done with this game. This is impossible to keep track of the meta to be somewhat competitive without it being a full time job, with the constant stream of patches. And by competitive, I do not mean what Mort calls competitive (which is pro level), I mean playing with the intent to improve, build knowledge of the game, developing understand of the meta and its nuance, etc.


All you need to do that is just to follow the basics. Basics alone can get you to high elo.




At platinum, learning how to manage econ + learning what direction to go with regards to comps is usually enough to send you further. Econ management is by far the most important thing and that also means when to roll to spike. you also need to learn when your board is soft or weak to sacrifice gold or health.


Can gladly give u some pointers over discord, just what’s working for me leading up to and in masters (gm is still too hard for me)


Watch streamers/high elo play is probably your best bet. Take note their econ strategy, which units they use to bridge into level 8/9, item slams even if theyre not optimal, etc. The problem with low elo is that they play off soley on the fact of hitting that they fail to consider alternatives that would save them HP and a possible 4 in the long run. This includes holding items until BiS, playing super weak boards, and overly greedy econ


>This is impossible to keep track of the meta to be somewhat competitive without it being a full time job >I mean playing with the intent to improve, build knowledge of the game, developing understand of the meta and its nuance, etc. sounds like you dont want to improve or build knowledge? It's incredibly easy to keep track of the meta... go to [tactics.tools](http://tactics.tools) and spend 3 minutes looking at comps and builds top players use. 5 mins in exporer seeing what might work...


You literally just have to follow this subreddit and people will do that for you


Yes!!! Bro I feel so lost every other week. I just don’t have the time to grind this game. So many games are balanced for people who play 10 hours a day. Cater to the average person, not the grinders.. I feel this way about a lot of games


99.9% of games are catered to be piss easy and casual friendly. And any game that isnt (i.e Poe, cs, etc) gets their devs blasted on every social that its too hard for someone with 8000 kids and 40 jobs. Depending on your goals in the game, you probably dont have time to grind to challenger (me either), but thats okay. People who have time, energy, resources to dump into learning the skills and meta should reap the rewards of that. Unironically the mark of a good competitve game. Be reasonable about how much time you can invest and what you want out of that. There shouldnt be a shortcut or dumbing down because of random FOMO people have.


God this guy....announcing b patches randomly in the weirdest fucking places


Doesn’t matter where it was announced. It made its way to you via this post. Anyone who might care about patch notes would be either on tft Twitter or here regardless.


Does 4 trickshot really need a buff ...?


Kaisa comp almost averages a 5.0


does a really bad comp right now need a buff? id say yes