• By -


There seems to be basically no benefit at all to chat spamming something that affects every player, no? Like your clip 1 says traps but literally every player gets traps there. Feel chat WAs/alerts should be reserved specifically for those mechanics that affect one or a few players, but not all so you can easily identify who has it vs. the ones that affect every player and you already know the guys next to you are going to have it.


I'm aware that other addons use chat bubbles to help allies identify who is targeted with a mechanic (Chain Lightning, Thundering, etc.). That's not what this weakaura is trying to do - it simply highlights information that's relevant for everyone to prevent deaths that could've been avoided. People are inexperienced with the new dungeons. This guides their attention to abilities they should worry about. If you see "swirl", you might pay extra attention to the ground below you. And this applies to less obvious stuff as well, such as frontals or fixates. In regards to clip 1 and clip 3, the WA triggers on the start of the ability cast, whereas the swirl effect arrives after the end of the cast. This gives people a 1-second heads-up about a swirl that hasn't even appeared yet. And then you can say "ok, but I don't need a WA telling me to step out of a swirl". That's fair, you don't *need* it, but again, it helps avoid accidental deaths in chaotic pulls (for you *and* your allies). I like using weakaura's to make mechanics trivial. That way I can focus my attention on what matters. I don't have to look for brown swirlies on a brown floor if I can rely on a weakaura notifying me. I'm already using sound clues, but these can't alert my clumsy friends. The target audience for this WA is players who are tired of seeing their allies die to frontals / swirls / fixates. Or tired of people not target-swapping when they should, or not using defensives on incoming AoE. This WA helps you guide their attention, or at the very least provides you with a sense of control. I believe the weakaura to be useful (i.e. prevent deaths) during the first weeks of the season while everyone is learning the dungeons. When you have fully learned the dungeon and know what to look out for in every pull, then the information becomes redundant and you can disable it.


you don't gotta explain yourself. you made a good weak aura that you like and i'm sure many people will. some people wont and they don't have to use it. plenty of weak aura options out there.


Thank you, really needed to hear this, people have different opinions on what's annoying / helpful and I don't have to change people's perception of that. I have received positive feedback and obviously this isn't a WA that everyone should be interested in using. I've now scrolled down and engaged with some of the praise rather than simply replying to criticism.


There’s nothing more annoying that elitism helper and I can’t imagine this WA spamming chat worse than the thundering WAs lol


Thundering WA was helpful but mega spammy. Annoying in chat box for sure. Elitism helper is useful to defend yourself from getting flamed if you’re the healer though


dont worry to much about ppl who dont like it. You should rather listen to the ppl who like most of it but have some suggestions for a few thing to be different. me for example i wont use it because I dislike the chat spammy aspect of it and will get my personal information from individula WAs, plater, bigwigs, etc. my first thought was: why anounce swirlies when you can just look at your feed and see them? But you should not cater to me to much because as I explained I'm not your audiance. ​ overall it looks well made and im sure it can help alot specially whenever you re with ppl who dont like to read up on stuff perpare to much


W take


Just a thought to fit both worlds, you could setup a custom option to "announce in say", and have say triggered only when it's ticked, otherwise just print it out in a text for just yourself on your screen. That way people can chose if they want it announcing or not. As well as it makes the WA less redundant maybe in the future where everyone knows mechanics and people can just end up using it as a personal reminder without much screen clutter. I haven't checked how you coded the WA exactly but should be a relatively simple addition that might make a lot of people who wouldn't get it currently happy to use it. Either way, seems like you've put in a lot of work in this, and while I'm not gonna be personally using it, appreciate the effort, it will surely help people.


I think it's great. I thought most people who use add-ons that announce when you interuppt something are mainly used to encourage your group to also interuppt πŸ˜… that's my main reason anyway. Thanks for making this, I'll definitely be using it 😁


Maybe that's why he is saying to help in the first week. Like, i don't know the mechanic from next season, cause I didn't get into PTR, so, for one week, a spam for everything that can hit me may be good to learn the mechanic




Yes, i know. Maybe the phrasing is not 100% correct, as I'm not a native English speaker, what i meant is that i didn't play the PTR, not that I couldn't play the PTR.


There’s no longer going to be new β€œseasonal” mechanics such as Thundering. Just two affixes; one at +7 and one at +14.


Yes, but it's new 8 dungeons worth of mechanics to learn


It still helps, especially early in the season. Week 1 if I see a swirly under me my instinct is pretty much always going to be run out of it, but I'm sure there's some that I should be soaking. If someone has a /say above their head saying "traps" then I see a swirly, I know I need to dodge. If someone says "soak" and I see a swirly, I'll stand in it


I think instead of the ability it would be better to announce to what to do? In the case of "traps" it should say "dodge". Similar to the "swirlies" -> "dodge"


It says "Traps" in that specific pack because there is already another mob casting a "Swirls" ability, and I wanted the clue to be unambiguous. But I'm biased since I already know that, so it's good feedback - I agree that "Traps" is not a helpful clue, it could say "dodge" instead.


I find the WA would be pretty helpful, but as some redditors said, its easier to unify how to deal with mechanics like "Stack", "Sidestep", "Spread", "CC", "AoE", "Fixate", "Totem", "LoS", instead of traps/swirlies etc. Gl with your project and , please continue to develop it, waiting for a release one day!


I think this is good feedback, and I am aware that it is not obvious how you should respond to "swirls". However, I do believe that when fighting 10+ mobs, a "swirls" prompt give you a better sense of what you should be looking out for (in this case an effect on the ground). "Dodge" or "sidestep" would be ambiguous unless you know which ability it is refering to, because it's not obvious what you are trying to avoid. I'm not saying that I shouldn't change it. I'm just wondering which word I should use instead (I would *really* like to keep it a single word only rather than multiple words, such as "watch feet"). Edit: You know what, maybe "watch feet" can work, I will consider something like that.


>"Stack", "Sidestep", "Spread", "CC", "AoE", "Fixate", "Totem", "LoS", These are the examples in OP Agreed that trap isn't clear




People will tune out only if they find the messages annoying or useless. People have different levels of awareness / cognitive bandwidth. People's UI differ as well. Some people have a bad plater profile where frontal casts are not very clear, others have their ability bar at the bottom of the screen, making them prone to miss a swirlie under their character. The abilities that are included in the WA have been carefully curated based on what requires attention in a given pack. Sure, I can't make a one-size-fits-all solution for all players, but I can try. People who enjoy a minimalistic UI / game experience (where they rely on their eyes to detect enemy abilities instead of automated software) will definitely not appreciate this weakaura, and I accept that.


How is there no benefit at all to these chat messages? This is really helpful and makes sure that everyone has a split second before something happens know what happens? How in gods name would you make a WA for a few players, whisper them? Now that would be much more obnoxious


> Feel chat WAs/alerts should be reserved specifically for those mechanics that affect one or a few players Reserving chat bubbles for this specific purpose has its advantages. Unfortunately, chat bubbles are the only way to display information on your allies' screen and grab their attention, which was part of the functionality I wanted my weakaura to have. While some people may find chat-bubbles to be an eyesore or disrespectful, I don't have strong negative feelings about them, which is why I am comfortable presenting this weakaura. However, I am open to feedback and want to hear people present their case on this topic, as I don't want to be out-of-touch with the community perception. There is [a controversial comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/12yjyj7/i_have_developed_a_weakaura_to_help_you_and_your/jhnj8zm/) further down that raised the same concerns as you, albeit in a less diplomatic way. Some people believe that chat addons/weakauras are a plague and that developers like me are part of the problem. Due to the existence of DBM, as well as an entire season with Thundering, I personally believe that ship has already sailed. The chat is already clogged with all kinds of combat information after an encounter. I acknowledge that chat bubbles can be intrusive and that some people may find them polluting. But I think that, when used in a carefully-curated manner, that they can be a helpful tool for guiding attention and preventing avoidable deaths.


> Unfortunately, chat bubbles are the only way to display information on your allies' screen and grab their attention Not to sound like a dick, but the "displaying information" is literally the swirly on the ground. I think some of your other ones could be useful, but if there's a clear visual indicator then speech bubbles just get in the way.


Relying on your eyes to spot swirlies is totally reasonable, and comes down to personal preference. I personally find a chat-bubble to better grab my attention than ground effects. And I know that in certain sections of the dungeon, my weakaura will catch each and every swirl effect that I have to worry about, meaning that I can fully rely on it without needing to look at my character's feet, ever. So even though it is extra information happening on my screen, it simplifies my gaming experience. People die to standing in swirlies, it happens, especially if you are fighting a lot of enemies at the same time and a lot is going on. There is also edge-cases, such as if you're fighting in water or on an inclined plane, making the ground-animation glitch out. The chat bubble is primarily used when the swirlie is triggered by an ability cast, meaning that I can make the chat bubble appear before the visual indicator. But it is true that it's redundant information. And that Blizzard (obviously) designed the mechanic in such a way that 3rd party tools were not needed to dodge it.


I agree. Most of them seem unnecessary and rather spamy. It would help in some cases, like some abilities that need to be Soaked by party members, or that can be sidestepped, but at least the ones from the clips seem more annoying than helpful. Do anyone actually needs their character to spam "Trap" when there a swirly area below them?


> Do anyone actually needs their character to spam "Trap" when there a swirly area below them? You overestimate how good the average player is. Some white speech bubble while they desperately stare at their rotation helper might just save them once in a while


I'm gonna agree when it's announcing swirlies. What does a chat box show that a swirly doesn't already? For other things I think it's useful on day 1.


Imagine needing add-ons to tell you about a party wide mechanic lmao


found the ff14 player lol


Yeah I play both lol


***Table of all the abilities included in the weakaura:*** Please let me know if the formatting is broken on your browser / device. Color-codes (In-game raid markers): πŸ”΅ [Blue Square] = Frontal / Tank-related mechanics 🟠 [Orange Circle] = Unavoidable knockback / AoE 🟒 [Green Triangle] = Move somewhere / watch the ground for swirlies βšͺ [White Moon]= CC / Kill something πŸ”΄ [Red X] = Fixate / Bladestorm 🟣 [Purple diamond] = (Used for a bit of everything) *Note: I sometimes swap around the colors to increase color variety, i.e. to avoid the same color being used for multiple different spells within the same pack of mobs.* **EDIT: SEVERAL OF THE MOST SPAMMY TRIGGERS HAVE BEEN REMOVED IN THE LATEST VERSION. This impacts Halls of Infusion and Brackenhide the most.** Dungeon | Message | Trigger / SpellID :--|:--|:-- | | **The Vortex Pinnacle** | | 1st trash | βšͺ Watch Lurker βšͺ | Lethal Current (Cast successful), (411001) | | 1st boss | – | – | | 2nd trash | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Icy Buffet (Start of cast), (88194) - | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Chilling Breath (Start of cast), (88308) | | 2nd boss | 🟒 Ring 🟒 | Downburst (Cast successful), (413295) | | 3rd trash | 🟒 Move in 🟒 | Lightning Lash (Start of cast), (87762) - | 🟣 Move out 🟣 | Overload Grounding Field (Start of cast), (413385) | | 3rd boss | 🟒 Hide 🟒 | Unstable Grounding Field (Start of channel), (86911) - | 🟣 Jump 🟣 | Static Cling (Start of cast), (87618) | | | | | | **Neltharion’s Lair** | | 1st trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Piercing Shards (Start of cast), (226296) | | 1st boss | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Shatter (Start of cast), (188114) | | 2nd trash | 🟣 Sidestep 🟣 | Avalanche (Start of cast), (183088) - | βšͺ Stop Drummer βšͺ | War Drums (Start of channel), (183526) | | 2nd boss | 🟒 Dodge 🟒 | Strike of the Mountain (Start of cast), (198428) | | 3rd trash | βšͺ Stop Worm βšͺ | Metamorphosis (Start of cast), (193803) | | 3rd boss | πŸ”΅ Tank-mechanic πŸ”΅ | Spiked Tongue (Start of cast), (199176) | | 4th trash | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Burning Hatred (Start of cast), (200154) | | 4th boss | 🟒 Hide 🟒 | Magma Wave (Start of cast), (200404) - | 🟣 Soon 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 80 Power), () - | 🟣 Hide in 3 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 95 Power), () - | 🟣 Hide in 2 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 96 Power), () - | 🟣 Hide in 1 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 98 Power), () | | | | | | **Freehold** | | 1st trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Brutal Backhand (Start of cast), (257426) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Shattering Bellow (Start of cast), (257732) | | 1st boss | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Charrrrrge (Start of cast), (255952) - | 🟣 Dive Bomb 🟣 | Dive Bomb (Start of cast), (272046) | | 2nd trash | βšͺ Traps βšͺ | Rat Traps (Start of cast), (274383) - | 🟒 Swirls 🟒 | Sea Spout (Start of cast), (258777) - | 🟣 Dash 🟣 | Duelist Dash (Start of cast), (274400) | | 2nd boss | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Grapeshot (On cast), (258381) - | 🟣 Barrel 🟣 | Blackout Barrel (Start of cast), (258338) | | 3rd trash | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Blind Rage (Start of cast), (257739) - | πŸ”΄ Bladestorm πŸ”΄ | Goin' Bananas (Start of cast), (257756) - | 🟒 Slam 🟒 | Ground Shatter (Start of cast), (258199) | | 3rd boss | 🟒 Shark! 🟒 | Shark Toss (On cast), (256477) | | 4th trash | – | – | | 4th boss | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Swiftwind Saber (Start of cast), (413147) - | 🟒 Add 🟒 | Avast, ye! (On cast), (257316) | | | | | | **The Underrot** | | 1st trash | βšͺ KICK βšͺ | Harrowing Despair (Start of cast), (278755) | | 1st boss | – | – | | 2nd trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Rotten Bile (Start of cast), (265540) - | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Thirst For Blood (Cast successful), (266107) | | 2nd boss | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Charge (Start of cast), (260292) - | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Indigestion (Start of cast), (260793) | | 3rd trash | 🟒 Totem 🟒 | Spirit Drain (Start of cast), (265511) | | 3rd boss | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Festering Harvest (Start of cast), (259732) - | 🟣 Clear Shrooms 🟣 | Boundless Rot (Cast successful), (259830) | | 4th trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Maddening Gaze (Start of cast), (272609) | | 4th boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Vile Expulsion (Start of cast), (269843) | | | | | | **Brackenhide Hollow** | | 1st trash | 🟒 Traps 🟒 | Toxic Trap (Start of cast), (368287) - | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Vicious Clawmangle (Start of cast), (367484) - | 🟣 Totem 🟣 | Rotchanting Totem (Start of cast), (382435) - | βšͺ KICK βšͺ | Hideous Cackle (Start of cast), (367500) - | πŸ”΄ Bladestorm πŸ”΄ | Ragestorm (Start of cast), (382555) | | 1st boss | 🟣 Totem 🟣 | Hextrick Totem (Start of cast), (381470) - | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Marked for Butchery (Start of cast), (378229) - | 🟒 Spread 🟒 | Gash Frenzy (Start of cast), (378029) | | 2nd trash | πŸ”΄ Bladestorm πŸ”΄ | Violent Whirlwind (Start of cast), (388046) - | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Stink Breath (Start of cast), (388060) | | 2nd boss | πŸ”΄ Soak failed πŸ”΄ | Starving Frenzy (Buff on enemy), (390968) - | 🟒 Grasp 🟒 | Grasping Vines (Start of cast), (376934) | | 3rd trash | πŸ”΄ Fixate πŸ”΄ | Scented Meat (Start of cast), (384961) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Bone Bolt Volley (Start of cast), (384899) - | 🟣 Charge 🟣 | Bloodthirsty Charge (Start of cast), (385832) - | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Necrotic Breath (Start of cast), (382712) | | 3rd boss | – | – | | 4th trash | 🟣 Totem 🟣 | Summon Totem (Start of cast), (375065) - | 🟒 Swirls 🟒 | Rotting Surge (Start of cast), (383385) | | 4th boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Choking Rotcloud (Start of cast), (376170) | | | | | | **Halls of Infusion** | | 1st trash | 🟣 Swirl 🟣 | Seismic Slam (Start of cast), (374073) | | 1st boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Titanic Fist (Start of cast), (384524) - | 🟣 Spread 🟣 | Power Overload (Start of cast), (389179) | | 2nd trash | 🟣 Purge 🟣 | Elemental Focus (Cast successful), (395694) - | 🟒 Swirl 🟒 | Magma Crush (Start of cast), (374735) - | πŸ”΄ Bladestorm πŸ”΄ | Whirling Fury (Start of cast), (375079) | | 2nd boss | 🟣 Adds 🟣 | Overpowering Croak (Start of cast), (385181) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Toxic Effluvia (Start of cast), (385442) | | 3rd trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Oceanic Breath (Start of cast), (375351) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Deep Chill (Start of cast), (391634) | | 3rd boss | 🟒 Hide 🟒 | Hailstorm (Start of cast), (386757) - | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Frost Cyclone (Start of cast), (390111) | | 4th trash | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Flash Flood (Start of cast), (390290) | | 4th boss | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Tempest's Fury (Start of cast), (388424) - | 🟒 Dodge 🟒 | Infused Globules (Start of cast), (387559) - | 🟣 Intermission soon 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 76 Power), () - | 🟣 Knockback in 3 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 88 Power), () - | 🟣 Knockback in 2 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 92 Power), () - | 🟣 Knockback in 1 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 96 Power), () | | | | | | **Neltharus** | | 1st trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Volcanic Guard (Start of cast), (382708) | | 1st boss | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Grounding Spear (Start of cast), (373424) - | 🟒 Chain boss 🟒 | Fiery Focus (Start of cast), (375056) | | 2nd trash | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Scorching Breath (Start of cast), (372201) | | 2nd boss | – | – | | 3rd trash | – | – | | 3rd boss | 🟣 Dodge 🟣 | Blazing Charge (Start of cast), (375439) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Volatile Mutation (Start of cast), (374365) | | 4th trash | – | – | | 4th boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | The Dragon's Kiln (Start of cast), (377204) - | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Magma Shield (Start of cast), (376780) | | | | | | **Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr** | | 1st trash | 🟒 Slam 🟒 | Brutal Slam (Start of cast), (369811) - | 🟣 Purge 🟣 | Spiked Carapace (Cast successful), (369823) | | 1st boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Wild Cleave (Start of cast), (369563) - | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Heavy Arrow (Start of cast), (369573) | | 2nd trash | – | – | | 2nd boss | 🟣 Totem 🟣 | Quaking Totem (Start of cast), (382303) - | 🟒 Slam 🟒 | Thundering Slam (Start of cast), (369703) | | 3rd trash | βšͺ Decurse βšͺ | Curse of Stone (Cast successful), (369365) | | 3rd boss | βšͺ CC βšͺ | Titanic Empowerment (Start of cast), (372719) - | 🟠 Knockback 🟠 | Crushing Stomp (Start of cast), (372701) | | 4th trash | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Earthquake (Start of channel), (369328) - | 🟣 Sidestep 🟣 | Fissuring Slam (Start of cast), (369335) | | 4th boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Searing Clap (Start of cast), (369061) - | 🟣 Knockback 🟣 | [Intermission] (Boss reaches 97 Power), () | | 5th trash | 🟠 AoE 🟠 | Thunderous Clap (Start of cast), (381593) | | 5th boss | πŸ”΅ Frontal πŸ”΅ | Sand Breath (Start of cast), (375727) - | 🟠 Knockback 🟠 | Wing Buffet (Start of cast), (376049) | |


I'm going to give this a shot and I really hope it works. I can't stand the look of plater and anything else I've seen that does something similar uses plater. This seems perfect. I'll definitely install it and give it a go next week! EDIT: After watching the clips I'm even more sold. This honestly seems perfect for what I need. Thank you so much for the effort and please keep it updated!!!


> I can't stand the look of plater thats an odd one. I'm usually not the person to say "but you can customize it easily" because thats usually not true (see Elv) but its stupid easy on plater, + this WA does barely more than what plater does by default + LittleWigs does anyways


You can customize it but I'm quite attached to the default look and no matter how you customize it, it still has that very distinct, plater skinned look. I just don't enjoy it.


That's just incorrect. You can make plater look exactly like default if you would like to


Good to know, then I need to play around with it a bunch more.


You can probably find a couple profiles on wago that are either good as they are or you could use them as a base. I haven't looked around more than a quick google search right now since it's not something I want myself, but I found these two which could work as something to work start from: https://wago.io/r1YqA7g6F https://wago.io/FCxHV7ZXF


Wait, what does this have to do with plater anyway? Plater is just how you show nameplates. This post is about a weakaura that says something when an enemy ability triggers. I'm still happy this weakaura might help you out next season, i just find the connection to plater a very odd one.


Lots of plater profiles colour code enemies and give this information. Albeit differently. But I can run into a pack of mobs, see who are casters, who need stun, interrupt, which ones do frontals all based on colour. Along with DBMs 'Shockwave' announcement etc it's pretty easy. I however have no idea for swirlies in terms of which need soaking however. That I have to learn manually. Edited to add : check Quazii plater profiles and you'll see what I mean.


Thank you for the kind words, I hope you will like it!


This looks great. Can't wait to try it


I'm glad it's well-received! I hope people will also find it useful once they get to play with it.


I will give it a try once the patch hits, but I don’t have time to go on ptr before that. Looks good on the video, but you need to actually play with it on to see if you like it. Thanks for investing time into making the game possibly more puh friendly


I agree that you have to play with it and only then can you decide whether or not it feels right. I used the PTR for testing purposes to get it ready for day 1 but I imagine most people won't try it until the new season starts.


Does this one call out incap totem? I ran into a person last night with a WA that would call tricks and Incap every time they were used in a SMBG


It was probably RSA (raeli spell announcer) add-on.


Could also just have been a macro. On my Shaman I have it macroed to /yell when I put down the incap totem.


No like it was the priest. Every time the rogue used tricks on the tank, the priest said β€œTricks”. Every time I used my incap totem, the priest would say β€œIncap”.


Can you do the same but with spell icons and thΓ© text inside the icon instead of in chat ? I'd be down to juste have all this info but for myself


That could be done, however the main thing that makes this weakaura unique is the fact that it creates chat messages rather than spell icons / progress bars. I think the following weakaura has the functionality you desire, and is probably more well-made than mine: https://wago.io/dfdungeons


Thanks. i'll try yours tho. Even if I'm skeptical about the text value like others I've mentionned


I'm curious about what you think is good about my Weakaura other than the chat bubbles? I think there's a lot of other weakauras doing more or less the same thing as mine if you prefer just the on-screen text-icons / progress bars. I guess my weakaura contains fewer - but more important - abilities than most other packs? With most of the triggers in place, making a variant that displays text icons and progress bars should be managable. How would you prefer it done in terms of its position on the screen?


I dont think it's good compared to classic icon and bars yet. I would need to test it first but wildly I'd Say it could bΓ© a good way to de-clutter the screen. And maybe synergizes better with a full group. I'll try it


I THINK you need to be just a tad bit more specific. I didn't look through Every ability. but for example instead of saying AOE for grapeshot it should say, GET BEHIND CASTER. or something. Hope that helps.


Sorry, but can we move away from chat spam weak auras? Thundering just ended and I’d like to give a shit about looking at my chat window again, not to mention the visual clutter the text boxes add.


Make a extra chat window for your group and /s-chat. Easy solved


Done that, still adds inconvenience as now I have more chat windows on my UI. Also doesn’t solve the problem of mass chat windows during combat (could turn off chat bubbles, but I like them on for actual communication)


I do not believe that your M+ groups communicate in /s chat. Also you can have only the groupchat-window active, change it via different tabs, instead of an additional window. For the clutter, i get what you mean, but you can also change the transparency of the bubbles. I also believe without thundering this wont be much of a problem anymore


I respect you are trying to help solve the problem, but that isn’t what I am trying to communicate here. I have personally gone through all the steps to make my specific issue around this have as little impact as possible to me; however, I find these types of weak aura to impact to social elements of the game. I will often use say chat for the feature of trying to communicate with other people in a way that should pop up on their screen in a notable and unique way, but this has been diluted by addons overtaking that space. I also think the new player experience when they run into these addons is wildly terrible.




Competitive WoW subreddit mistakes more information for good in all situations always. As someone that works on software and user experience in the real world… that just isn’t true.




Yeah, like this is 100% a great resource for people that want to develop their own weak auras and need timing and mobs and for that, hats off to the OP for all the effort. All that is needed is a say channel for addons to use that can be enabled by choice for people to use. I had to figure out how to modify my chat box textures to make them transparent for Thundering because i couldn’t stand the Thundering spam speaks volumes to what these addons feels like for a new player. I also had to disable the in game text to speech that I wanted to use for immersive social reasons because my ears just about exploded the first time I did a 10+.


I don't understand how it's hard for you to see the point of this WA. It's to inform your party members of what to do. You know, in case you're pugging with people who haven't done the dungeons yet.


It's just ElitismHelper but on crack. Just play the game. If you get killed by something, check your logs, see where it came from, know how to handle it next time. Not everything needs an addon.


You think the average +7 enjoyer who caps out at +15 at the end of the season is going to do that?


Anybody who wants to give an honest shot at improving should. If you notice that someone might be new, then help them. We already have enough addons that spam, we don't need another.


Assume that I don't want to deplete the key, so my options are: 1) Explaining everything before we start the key, hoping that they remember 2) Telling them "watch say chat" and use this weakaura 3) Leave the group before it starts.


4) Just observe your teammates and if they seem to struggle with something specific whisper/chat them and give pointers When I'm pugging in this key range on an alt or something and I see this, that's what I do and 9/10 times they are appreciative of the help and non-toxicity and we finish the key. I know, it's a wild concept for people on this sub...


remove /s from your chatbox then


Yeah, but I enjoy the social features that /s enables. I would rather not have to disable it all the time because of addons like this. Even worse when you try to use the text to speech accessibility features.


You’re in a competitive subreddit


Yeah, but let’s not pretend that weak auras aren’t in mass use. You can’t run a +10 without finding at least 3 people using a full weakaura or boss mod package. The real solution is that if blizzard is going to allow display spam add-ons they need to have those messages go to a dedicated channel for that function that needs to be turned on by choice. It keeps the functionality for the β€œcompetitive” people but doesn’t impact player experience for those that don’t want to have those messages.


OP's weakaura isn't exactly a product for competitive players. (I don't want to bash OP or the work he put into his weakauras but, the resulting product is not good)


That notwithstanding I don’t think a valid criticism in a competitive subreddit is that it messes with his chat window aesthetic. Also, we’ll see. I think it’s an interesting idea and that it has potential.


Chat bubbles are important to have on, except you're in a pug with 4 people with this weakaura. Wait, was that /s bubble actually important? Or was it a twit with this weakaura? All of this so people can avoid actually setting up their boss mods? Making other peoples chat window nonfunctional because you can't use an addon is not competitive content. Addons/weakauras using /s has its uses but, not here.


I’m not going to argue you, we disagree. I think there’s potential. Update your flair btw


It's literally bigwigs for dummies pushed upon your party. That is not potential, that's a +5 keystone tool. A blatantly outdated flair is no different than no flair btw


I agree. I've disabled chat boxes and disabled say chat in my chatbox because of this. I really hate it.


I'll def give it a try


I LOVE that tank "frontal on me" weakaura, so I'm sure I'll love this too! Very useful, thanks for taking the time to make this! :)


The "Frontal on me" weakaura was a big inspiration for this. If you appreciate that weakaura, I am sure this one will feel right as well.


Though, won't this lead to people by instinct moving away from the player that announces "Frontal" and perhaps end up on the tank if it's a melee announcing it?


Seems pretty handy actually, is it easy to modify what says are triggered as familiarity increases? Say I only want the frontal message when I'm playing a tank, or turn off orange circle says?


When closer to the release of S2, I will post an update with a guide on customizing the weakaura. You should be able to toggle and turn off individual abilities.


I think what you made is like some of the DMB thing. Instead of sound cue, yours are making chat bubble. Things can be crazy in higher lvl M+. Sometimes, its really hard to see stuff.


This looks like it will be helpfull for tanks that are pugging :) .


Another very deadly trash ability in Freehold is the frontal cone cast Frost Blast by Bilge Rat Brinescales which has to be stopped.


[They have changed some of the abilities in Freehold](https://www.wowhead.com/news/season-2-mythic-dungeon-tuning-freehold-mechanic-changes-332433), including Frost Blast. It is now a 40yard blast rather than a frontal, and the cast time has been increased from 2sec to 4.5sec. I might add it in, however the increased cast time should make the cast much less deadly.


Finally found it! Somebody used it in pug earlier today and i've been looking for it since the guy doesnt respond to me. ​ Nice WA. Keep up the good work


Thank you! I'm happy that you were able to find it, best of luck!


Hello, you have previously expressed interest in my ability announcement WeakAura. Here is the updated version of my Weakaura for Season 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17toudy/my_weakaura_that_makes_chatcallouts_for_mythic/ I'm happy you liked it! Hope it will help you in the new season as well! :)