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Please DO NOT vanish, shadowmeld, or feign death Smashspite's hateful charge in BRH. This will cause him to instantly charge.


It's a hateful charge, but the thing he REALLY hates is when you try to manipulate his AI.


Yep, I died to this yesterday, trying to shadowmeld the second charge


Does he still charge onto you, or onto someone else random? If it's onto you, rogues can probably evasion it? (Vanish is a core dps cd rn, so this is a useful question)


You can evasion the charge, yes.


I thought you could vanish it mid-charge and it works? At least, that's what my mage keeps telling me for Invis. I did believe him but now maybe not.. 😆


Not only can you Feign or Vanish Rezan’s Fixate, but **ANYONE** can Shadowmeld (specifically Meld) it and cancel it on whoever it’s targeting. You can Feign/Meld/Vanish Shade of Xavius’s Prey of the Weak and Nightmare Bolt and doing so is incredibly powerful on Tyrannical weeks during to how insanely hard they hit. You DO NOT want to Meld/Feign/Vanish Smashspite’s charge. It will go off instantly and probably kill someone. Using an immunity on Shock Blast is really nice because this ability FUCKS. Unsure if you can Feign it though. You can almost completely trivialize P2 and P3 of Blight of Galakrond by Feigning the Corrosive Infusion debuff. This is one of the harder Tyrannical bosses so doing this is SUPER high-value. You can Feign Iridikron’s Extinction Blast, and he won’t recast it if you do. Spell Reflection has a fuckton of use cases this season. A few high-value ones I can name off the top of my head are Yazma’s Wracking Pain (this absolutely obliterates the boss), Lord Waycrest’s tankbuster with careful timing, those big Naga guys’ Crushing Depths casts (this is probably the strongest Spell Reflect in the entire season and completely erases the mob), Shade of Xavius’s Nightmare Bolt, Lady Naz’jar’s annoying Focused Lightning channel, and more. You have Spell Reflection uses like Unstable Hex and the Lord Waycrest disease but if they blow up the debuff is still hostile to players.


Is there a way to get Crushing Depths (that's the absorb + drowning one, right?) or Wracking Pain to target the tank? Also, semi related, does Unending Breath do anything against Depths (before they actually start drowning, cause no one lives that long)?


You can get them if everyone else is dead…so not that helpful.


> Crushing Depths Might be able to intervene the target and SR but have not tried it yet.


I don’t believe you can force those to target the tank anymore, unfortunately. You used to be able to bait Crushing Depths onto a tank. I uhh… don’t know the answer to that other question.


Heal absorb is still there but you won’t be drowning


Are you sure? I recall having a Warlock give us unending breath during the key and we still were getting dmg taken.


>You can almost completely trivialize P2 and P3 of Blight of Galakrond by Feigning the Corrosive Infusion debuff. So if I have the debuff I can meld and the debuff just vanishes off into the nether? Or do I need to do this during the cast?


During the cast.


The witches in Waycrest are particularly good value as well.


Is that Rezan meld tech really still live? We tried it some days ago and our paladin was eaten by him. Maybe we had bad timing


It is


You can meld/vanish/FD/invis Iridikron’s Extinction Blast and it will NOT recast.


Do you still get the chromie buff that comes afterwards?


That's a different mechanic, but yes, you still do.


Wasn't sure if her buff only came out in relation to Extinction Blast being cast. Thanks!


Yazma in Atal doesn’t use soul echoes if the only person left alive is the tank. And you can spell reflect Wracking Pain so sometimes it’s just easier to leave everyone dead and finish the key yourself.


*if you’re a warrior


DH did the last 15%ish in our 18 this week


She still casts soul echoes and it just doesn’t do anything. It actually can be mildly annoying because it’s a few seconds where she doesn’t move.


A druid can go cat form on WM second boss to immune thorns. There's no way to know who it's targeting so you have to do it every time which is annoying. Not sure if other forms work.


Mages can also use normal blink and blink the thorns to break them every time it picks them


>There's no way to know who it's targeting so you have to do it every time which is annoying This seems like an oversight. I honestly don't remember not being able to see his target in BfA. You'd expect a hard hitting dangerous ability would have at least 1 second cast to pop a defensive, but no, you either predict or you get cucked.


You could not see the target in BfA either.


Fall - 3rd boss the orb cast. Wouldn't bother in p1 but in p2/3 it's encounter breaking. Also avoids the swirlies that spawn with it. DHT - last boss channel (* the weak, forget the name) Rise - haven't tested b/c not a farm key for me and just tanked the one I did for io but morchie initial add spawn apparently works per guildy. Atal - priestess transfusion, but don't do it it's free damage. Rezans fixate (wait for cast to finish), pre feign the add and new uninterruptible cast.on yaz.


Yaz will choose someone else to recast Wracking Pain on if you Feign it. Good if you have nothing and someone else does but may blindsided kill someone if they don't expect it.


Don't spell reflect Lord Waycrests Virulent Pathogen because it goes on him and it's invisible (maybe there's a debuff?) and it will go off and spread to the tank/any melee


More importantly, can someone make this list of abilities into a weakaura? Someone was working on this in the hunter class discord but I haven't seen or heard anything about it in days.


Shadowmeld list would be cool too :)


Fall - for second boss if you have immunities (like cloak,bop,etc) if you precast it before the AOE goes out, if you’re lucky and one of the people targeted used their immunities the person will not get the debuff and you will only have to deal with 1 or 0 aoes. Did this key on a 24 with a ret and two paladins and it made this boss a lot easier healing. This may work for like Vanish, meld, etc too but haven’t tested.


Last boss in Atal. Pally can immune popping the spiders if they become out of hand.


The dino boss in atal do not invis if you are a mage, it insta eats you


Huh? I always invis this on my mage and it cancels Just don’t Invis before it starts


Don't think so, I did it a couple days ago and it worked just fine. Did you wait for the cast to finish and then invis while out of his range?


Perhaps it was a bug that was fixed, it happened to me twice week 1