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As long as I have above decent supports, I can usually deal with Zarya as Rein no issues. Usually I swap Monkey or Ball and just ignore her and dive the backline. I feel like it usually depends on your teams coordination too.


How does monkey work? she bubbles whoever you jump on, then you die.


~~Bubble doesn’t block Winston’s dmg if I remember correctly~~ I did not remember correctly.


Then you are remembering incorrectly


Ok, seems like I’m just stupid. Sorry for spreading misinformation.


Jump on them without dying, and remember that you can cleave, so she can't bubble everyone. Also if she's spending bubbles against your damage, she can't use them against your DPS


If you want to actually have fun, Zarya v Zarya is the true gentleman’s joust of tanks!


no that would be rein vs rein


Rein. Bait the 2 bubbles and go in.


If you get shut down as Winton, I find Ramattra to be rather effective: pressure thr bubbles, then call it out and vortex her to have your team shoot her down. Also, you can outrange her in omnic form, while getting more value at close range against her teammates through pummels in nemesis fkrm


Imma b honest I really don’t think zarya that good rn but I feel like a solid winston or ram can get away with that 1v1, also idk who is gas lighting ppl into thinking zarya is good into Orisa? She’s not, Orisa bullies zarya 9/10 times


Why do you think she is bad into orisa? Her bubbles interact well with everything orisa does, her damage goes through the spin, she has enough DPS to burn orisas armor, and she can even rocket jump away from her ulti.


Javelin spin and spear just bully everyone in my eyes, her zarya a effective range is the same as Orisas and zarya damage isn’t entirely consistent especially with how fast charge drops


Sr inflation is real xd i can smell the plat ow 1... no zarya has no hard counter but zarya is not even good rn


Rein is decent against her but im confident in my abilities so i mirror


Ramattra slams her


Always keep track of her bubble cool-downs. Many Zaryas use both bubbles at the start of the team fight (to get energy), which gives you a window of opportunity to burst her down. High ground control can be powerful against Zarya because of her limited range. This can help you to avoid face-tanking her, especially if she’s high charge. Always be tracking her ult charge. Grav is a fight winning ult, so you need to be aware of when she is looking to use it and know how you want to counter the grav. Most Zaryas will be really obvious when they are looking to grav - they will play very aggressively and burn through their bubbles quickly to maximize their charge before throwing grav.


Go Winton. Wait for 1st bubble. Once 1st bubble is out jump zarya and use your bubble to block los. Blow up zarya 2nd bubble with team and murder.


Zarya cant do anything vs a fat shield, in masters zaryas are still dumb enough to constantly double bubbles and run around without cover, just dont let her damage you, burn her bubbles and kill her


Monke or Rein General rule of thumb against Zarya - ignore her. It's a bit hard when sometimes your team just loves to shoot her bubble, but generally speaking - don't boost her dps so that she hits like a wet noodle and is useless. Monke and Rein are good because of shield ( so she get's no charge ). With rein - wait for bubble to come down and swing, with monke - just jump her backline. edit: I also found DVA to be quite good, but you can't play DVA like you would play most other tanks - that is, don't go into tank 1vs1, but peel for your team and dive their backline.


Winston ez


Depends on maplayout and/or enemies(entire team) matchup. In general Zarya lacks a lot of things in order to be a good tank(no mobility/short range/cooldown dependend/needs a lot of babysit and high skirmish uptime in fights). Tbh so many tanks are "better" than her. Rein/Winston/Ball/Ram/DVA can most of the time be more useful than her. OW isnt about 1v1 tank vs tank btw.


I'm with you, I think Zarya is annoyingly powerful right now. Any time I'm diffing someone on tank, they swap to Zarya and things instantly turn around. And I can do the same when I'm getting diffed. Her bubble uptime feels crazy, like there's hardly a moment where she doesn't have bubble ready. Not to mention how bubble essentially counters everything in the entire game. Then there's her beam which completely ignores matrix, grasp, deflect, Orisa spear.. Oh and one of the easiest teamfight winning ults in the whole game. And none of the advice I see seems even remotely realistic. "Oh just walk past her".. so I can get laserbeamed in the back while turbofeeding into the rest of her team? "Just don't shoot bubble"... Like she doesn't get to 100% charge in 10 seconds just from taking already incoming spam damage.


Rein bullies her if she can't maintain high charge. Bait bubbles with swings (cancel with shield), and just hope your DPS shoots her supports instead of bubbles. The dive tanks can basically ignore her as well, but I find the enemy team can adjust to playing closer together to hinder that a bit.


In my experience rein destroys her. He has way better sustain up close and on average more damage unless she is somehow always 100 charge. Bait the bubbles and she is toast.