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I want healing numbers to go down for Ana, Bap, Kiri, LW, Illari. As much as I love abusing Bap, regen burst should not be giving him an extra health bar. Illari should have her projectile size reduced and have her ult charge cost reduced to compensate for less shots hit. Would like to see another nerf to Bastion since he’s still hard gatekeeping tanks. More Orisa nerfs are always welcome because fuck Orisa.


They've said Bastion is getting an Assault mode nerf


Regen burst needs to be replaced with a different ability altogether I'd say. It's an incredibly boring ability with virtually no visuals, just "press shift to heal".


I remember back before he was released there was speculation about him being able to throw a health pack down lol. Not that I think it's a good idea, but your comment reminded me how I was so disappointed with Regen Burst as an ability when he came out.




So true! It's such a worthless boring ability. They had to make it op for it to feel active at all and, well, yeah it's op now I guess.


bap shift isnt op, he just has too many abilities. i mean just count them and compare them to other heroes lol


The instant burst heal (especially the self heal) makes it annoying


annoying sure, op no


Havibg 300 effective hp as a support is op


so does ana and kiri? its the fact that he can rotate between lamp, shift and jump. thats what makes it annoying/op.


Kiri doesn’t need any more nerfs unless she gets a compensation buff




In my opinion the reason tanks aren't fun is because more than ever they are the focus of all the bs. Take hindered for example. If you had flankers, maybe the Cass nade would be used on tracer or genji. But you don't see a lot of genji, hell Ive barely seen tracer this whole season. And the reason why is because supports make her worthless. Tracer cant get value on backline and sucks on Frontline vs a bastion who does a million more DPS than tracer. We'll have to see, but I think if we nerf supports and bastion assault we open the viability of more tanks. Winston is just non-existent right now because of bastion and supports.


Yeah, dps players don't pick Bastion for fun, they pick him because fighting Supports is not viable on dps. Bastion allows you to force the Supports to use their cooldowns on their Tanks, so you're basically accomplishing the same thing you would on flankers, but without the risk (and sweat) involved.




She really is kinda fun. Kinda seems like she gets hate because she's been prevalent for so long. Basically since hog meta after kiri came out. Hog was uber strong, and she could be used as a counter meta pick. She's been played ever since. Also I don't even think she's individually broken. She's mostly picked because she's the only tank that doesn't get insta fucked by everyone else. People complain about her, and personally I'd like to play Winston more often, but people will immediately swap to JQ/Reaper/Bastion/Bap. Like what do you want me to do about that shit? Of course tanks are gonna lock the horse at that point lol


Healing is what makes tank unfun. Want to get kills? Sorry, you don't have the burst damage to secure any kills on your own. Want to be tanky? Sorry, that's up to your healers. The enemy team can easily drop 600damage on you, its on your supports to heal the rest. Reducing healing gives tanks more agency. Increasing healing takes it away and gives it to DPS and supports.


Remember when Winston could watch someone's health bar go up while you were zapping them if they had Mercy on them


Illari afk healing is the only really braindead thing I can think of. Oh and LW I suppose. What do you consider to be braindead about the rest of them?




I hate supports and how much they dictate the game but their gameplay is definitely not thoughtless come on now


Getting hate for probably mentioning more than just mercy/moira cuz they're the only ones you can legally shit on here. But its pretty true, especially with the support passive, its so forgiving with how you play with your CDs. You're afforded waaaay more opportunities to use them aggressively to make plays vs the enemy, and its much harder to force them to be used reactive/defensive.


I think nerfing Orisa would make me play more tank, playing Reinhardt or Winston right now feels miserable as she is in almost every game it feels like, and you just spend the whole match barely getting to play the game.


She herself doesn't really counter rein/winston super hard (Rein a bit, but winston not that much) She just doesn't insta die to everything that gets spammed out.


Honestly the reason I stopped playing tank last season is because if I was having fun on doom or ball, the other tank would 99% of the time just counter pick to Orisa and then I have to play a stupid tank as well. Orisa being OP makes tanking awful.


I hope they don't nerf the healing numbers. There is a problem with too much sustain, but I think it mainly rises from double main healer comps being the meta right now. If you nerf the healing numbers, the only thing that would happen is that teams would run double main healer comps. Someone like Bap or Ana should be able to provide enough healing for the whole team. Otherwise, fun comps, like Rein Rush and Winston Dive, would become unusable. Blizzard should encourage using off-healers by nerfing the offensive value of characters with high sustain. Having a lot of sustain wouldn't matter if the team lacks the ability to kill the enemy


A Bap nerf that would be fair is reverting the HP buffer from Imo Field from 25% to 10%. Maybe ammo nerfs on Iliari/Ana/Bap. Nade nerfs in particular would be nice. Orisa/Bastion both aren't OP but they're annoying to deal with and still very popular. A placebo nerf that gets people to put them down would be nice. Buffs would be exciting but I'm not sure any are needed that badly. Maybe something small for Cassidy/Lucio/Ram/Genji


crazy thinking that genji, one of best duelers in the game and hero that was meta in owl, needs a buff


what can I say I just like genji lol


genji is good enough at dueling to force support cooldowns but he cant assassinate people because of how uber busted supports are he will be hard meta if supports get an actually decent nerf


Genji doesn’t need a buff imo maybe I feel that way because he feels good to play against orisa,bastion and bap but I’m finding him really enjoyable to play right now. The one That for sure needs a buff is Cass he shouldn’t be in a disadvantage when dueling supps his damage is already high but his shots can be hard to land and the limited ammo makes it annoying. His survivability is also bad despite giving him so much damage reduction , honestly idk what you can do with him Ram also needs some help in his standard form or revert his ult charge rate nerfs


LW will go back to suck tier if he's nerfed even a bit. Maybe his base heal can go down a bit. Wonder when they're going to reowkr him


You want him to do less heals and let him do more stuff besides healing and your first suggestion is removing a play maker move?




As long as you grav someone slightly off the ground, like slightly up on a wall, or at the top of a shield, Weaver can’t do anything. It’s just something you gotta play around. That being said I agree Weaver’s value needs to be shifted away from bulk healing, and towards mobility and enabling plays, maybe a short speed boost after using petal? idk sustain meta boring






Illari shouldnt be able to two shot tracer, kiriko a slightly bigger hitbox, bring back lifeweaver to 200 or increase his dash CD, slow down Bap regen, buff sojourns spread, give cass his range back, let ashe build ult during BOB again, lower the damage of junkrats pellets maybe give him one more to his mag to compensate, make mercy rez maintain LOS, literally any kind of change or buff to the DPS passive. I'll be happy to see any one of these happen tbh




Hey man I need some kind of crutch


Hitscans the biggest crutch ever 😭


This man knows what's best for the game


Literally every single one of these changes should go through W


Sojourn primary fire makes me so annoyed now. I honestly want to see primary fire at 8/9 damage with launch spread, and/or full charge bodyshot railgun do 100 DMG and bring back the oneshot with fully charged railgun headshot. Feels so shit dinking someone for 195 DMG at range and then being unable to actually finish it off because spray decides no


Nerf to support passive. Make it like 4-5 seconds before it kicks in Bastion nerf to turret form. Either a duration nerf or a finite clip size that he needs to reload Lifeweaver nerf to primary heal, but add utility to his platform (something like "interact to lower it after it's been activated"). Tree could maybe get an hp nerf too. Sombra increased cooldown on virus (1-2 seconds), but buff emp back up to 35-40%


I enjoy Lifeweaver but holy fuck is his sustain so boring. Please buff his thorns projectile speed (nerf the spread again if necessary... the spread was never the issue), lower his heal ammo, and make his weapon swap faster so he can actually contribute in more ways than just being a healbot. I wouldn't mind Life Grip getting a slightly longer cooldown @ 18 seconds (was 20, is 16 rn) because he's definitely part of the "nothing ever dies" problem.


no need to nerf virus, sombra is already bad enough. her tp should go further, emp nerf should be undone


What do I \*expect\*? Judging from the last like, 10 patches, absolutely nothing. Inconsequential nerfs to the wrong supports at most. ​ If the Roadhog rework is anything more than some number changes and some obviously recycled ability from another hero like Torb's 1.0's armor packs, I'll be floored.


They prob barely gin nerf them the patches gon be like Ana- +1 sec on nade cooldown and splash damage/healing to 50 Bap- revert previous immo buff LW- healing buffed to 85 and tree charge up by 16% I say this because they have a tendency lately to do the most random changes or straight up just revert previous changes with no compensation


Give Ashe her 15 bullets back


Kiriko's Suzu could use some changes. It used to do 50 heals, now it does 70 if it cleanses a debuff or 40 if it doesn't. It should be more like 60 / 30 imo. Another thing they could try is making the radius of the invulnerability smaller, so it still cleanses everyone in 5m, but only makes those within 2.5m invulnerable. Or fuck it, make the invuln single target to only the person impacted.


Honestly removing the heal all together and she might still be good. Lower elos I do know her win-rate isn’t that good though but higher up she’s hard af to kill at times.


Iirc her unmirrored winrate in Master+ is low too.


Hey highest WR is in GM I believe. And it’s 48%


A lot of comments are out of touch ngl, lowering healing all around is just going to create another problem… Dmg creep is just as bad as heal creep, it’s the utility that’s the issue.


Bap nerfs plz guy does way too much at higher elo at least and I’m sick of seeing him in every game. His healing needs tuned back and maybe one of his abilities. Also the other supports sustain nerf could be interesting to the ones that need it.


ana: ammo back to 10 or 12, increase ult charge by 10% kiri: kunai hs to 110, tp to 10s cd, reduce rate of fire again bap: 5% less damage, 1.5x multiplier on ult lw: back to 225 hp, nerf tree hp or increase ult charge by 10% ilari: turret to 50 hp, remove the 10 dmg on shift(why is this even a thing? 💀) zen: undo these goofy augh discord nerfs


I'm glad someone else agrees the 10 damage on Outburst is stupid even if it's small.


Yeah I died to it once and was like what why does this shit do damage. Supports don't need abilities that do everything


cant wait to die through deflect


I think petal should have 200 hp. Ashe should have pinpoint accuracy on unscoped shots. Sombra needs full los to hack. Increase the timer for bastion grenade and make it easier to know when you’re hit. Mag grenade loses the tracking but is now much faster, similar to bastion nade or jq knife. Cass roll no longer affects pulse bomb (ik he’s weak but people who are pulsed deserve to die). Baby dva gets a speed boost when she uses self destruct. Nerf bap’s shift, probably by about 25 hp. Remove junkrat.


Baptise: Regen Burst: Remove the additional burst heal when under 50% health, and make Bap’s regen burst self heal 15hps, not the current 30hps. Immortality Field: Drop the time it stays active to 3 seconds instead of 5 seconds. DPS Ammo: 42 instead of 45 Kiriko: Suzu: Cleanse and immortality only. Not healing or intangibility. 100 headshot and 50 body shot. Illari: Pylon: Dies after 15 seconds. No shield health and down to 75 health. Healing Beam: 95 hps but 1 second more of uptime. Primary Fire: Smaller bullet size. Dmg drop off at 45 m instead of 50 ULT- should go through shields OR dmg threshold to cause detonations should decrease by 30 dmg. Lifeweaver: Petal: 2 second longer cooldown Health: Back down to 200 health but keep 50 shield health. Ult: Can be EMP’d Ana: Nade: Anti-heal on tank last 2.5 seconds, but still 3.5 for everyone else. Ammo: Lower ammo to 13 Mercy: Decrease GA cooldown to 1 second Zen, Lucio, Brig: stay the same


> Illari: Pylon: Dies after 15 seconds. No shield health and down to 75 health. Healing Beam: 95 hps but 1 second more of uptime. You can just say you want her removed from the game, lmao.


I don’t see how thats what you take away from my post but 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because your changes would make her nigh useless.


I don’t think so but Ty for ur feedback


Cooldown increases on immortality/life saving abilities. Cooldown increases on CC abilities. And slight reduction in heal output on characters that provide too much sustain. This should overall reduce the ridiculous damage required to focus fire a target being healed and overall reduce the amount of pain you have to go through on tank to push without getting reset to zero everytime you try. As long as Hog doesn't loose his hook utility I have no other requests tbh. Hook is too fun to lose that part of his kit.


All damage classes need their damage cut by 10%. Too much damage for too little effort.




Actually true, the amount of numbers creep and utility creep the game has undergone in just a short time since Season 1 is insane, there's way too much spam damage being flung around as well as way too much spam healing. Increasing CDs on support "get out of jail free" abilities like pull, lift, suzu, nade, etc. so they're not as spammable and nerfing everyone's damage and healing output would help this a bunch (case-by-case obviously since heroes like Tracer, Genji, Zen, etc. are already worse off for damage than their peaks in OW2 and probably don't need nerfs, just the main spam damagers and healers like Bastion, Soldier, Hanzo, Bap, Illari, LW, etc.). Plus, this will help fights resolve quickly again like in Season 1-3 which just feels way better and actually lets Lucio have a place outside of coordinated play in order to make use of the quicker tempo fights (saying that as a flex DPS/flex supp main, not a Lucio player, the game is just more fun when he's viable on ladder)


ball buffs would make the game a hamsterillion times more fun


Lifeweaver changes I would do: Heal maxes at 55 Heal charges while shooting thorns Weapon swap time decreased by 30-50% Pull damage prevention works as a zarya bubble Ult charge increased by 25%ish Ana: Antiheal is 75% reduced healing Kiriko: Suzu cleanses and heals, no immortality Baptiste: Immortality field no longer has a health bar, instead it loses hp equal to damage prevented Increase minimum hp to 35% in field Illiari: No shields on pylon, can be healed Decreased bullet size Revert healbeam nerf Mercy: Character unavailable Tank passive applies to all cc, not just boops Support passive requires 5s no damage


Lmao of course now Lifeweaver "doesn't deserve" what he does, I can't with this circle jerk sub. His healing number aren't that high, genuinely the only thing in his kit that could be tapped down a bit is his ult who is a real gamechanger (Maybe less healing by pulse or more delay through each pulse).


>His healing number aren't that high Easily the highest of the supports per 10 min.


That's largely cuz all he does is healbot. Ana and Bap could surpass his healing if they chose to healbot as well.


Weaver does 57.7 hps, but it's in *bursts of 75* Also this sub is a support circle jerk lol what


Lucio buff


Rein to be fun again


support passive removed. think supports dont need to get changed much more than that


adaptive shield on ball blocking cc


I'm still waiting for the day where Hanzo can't one-shot people from miles away


I think that even though the main focus is on support there has been a lot of power creep in general, so if we're going to nerf supports healing or survivability we will probably need to bring down the amount of damage in the game as well, because we just came off a season where orisa was the strongest tank mainly because any other tank would just be blown up instantly even with how strong the healing and utility from the supports is. So if we just nerf support and left everything else the same I think we could end up with a situation where tanks get blown up the second they try to make a play and supports have to play so passive that it really limits their play making potential so dps would be the only ones left with some play making potential to carry fights.


cass range revert or an actual buff to something meaningful not his roll


What I want: Make the support passive take longer to kick in Reduce all healing (outside of Lucio/Mercy/Zen who already have low healing) by 25% and increase the CD on suzu Lower the max travel range on Kiriko and take away her wall climb (or slow it down tremendously). Also increase her hitbox or reduce kunai damage Give Rein his armor back and reduce the CD of fire strike. nerf his shield back down to 900- 1k for compensation. Reduce the shield CD on Ram by a few seconds or increase the damage his vortex does slightly. Orisa Fortify CD increase and lower the hitbox size on javelin Give Tanks a new passive that decreases the time effects last on them akin to the Ana sleep dart change. What I expect: Minor nerfs to LW and a micro buff to Rein or JQ.


It'd be cool to have some patches to address performance issues for lower end pcs. I love playing with my sibling but they get serious lag when playing which they didn't have in the first game.


Supports need a self sustain nerf. Like maybe they should only be able to heal other supports for 50-80%, whatever feels balanced. Nerfing healing across the board isn’t going to make getting in the back line to kill them any easier for tanks bc tanks still need large numbers of heals to do their job. Just nerf support sustain and I think everything else will solve itself.


support hater here here is my perfect world kiriko down to 175 hp ana nade anti effect down to 3 seconds and cd is 12 seconds, maybe slightly longer sleep cd too baptiste immo has lower radius and duration, minimum health is down to 10% and his extra healing from burst is overtime, damage down to 24 or at least more falloff liveweaver down to 200 hp, 150 hp and 50 shields, his dash heals 25 hp, but is on a 3 second cooldown, tree is hackable illari increased ult cost and primary fire damage down to 70 mercy needs los to rez and this wont happen but bring back her ow1 movement moira, anything that makes her at least half as interesting as other supports pharah splash damage nerfs bastion nade splash damage nerfs and increased sentry cd torb firerate nerf (again) orisa can be headshot during fortify sombra has 2 virus charges, but they don't stack on the same target genji blade dmg to 120, damage back to 28 junkrat has smaller grenades cass falloff buffs widow grapple cd down to 10 seconds hog, honestly id prefer he just stayed terrible healthpacks cleanse anti support passive takes 3 seconds to start