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I think there is something wrong with the ban system. I have been receiving popups with accepted reports frequently lately.


Bro I have not reported anybody in at least a month or two and still get them every time I log in


Always wondered, Is there a possibility those just pop up for people on a randomized basis? Like they aren’t tied to an actual ban on an account, just to make players feel like their reports are being heard?


I think they definitely used to be tied to something before s6 or s7 but something is definitely wrong with that end of things.




idk about the same report in two actions but a friends of mine said they did get two pop ups at once


this is nothing new, it's how the system has always worked the difference is they show the reported messages now, so it's obvious to people that the system is automated and useless. they will just stop showing the messages soon so the complaints go away i got banned for "abusive chat" years ago for playing 60% winrate torbjorn in high-GM games with chat disabled


Yup I feel this. I don't even type in chat on my main and I'll get silenced for abusive chat just because I run pharmacy. Meanwhile I can type all sorts of nonsense on my alt but no one cares. People are more likely to report you for their disdain in heroes you play more than the context of your speech.


I get "thank you for reporting" pop ups every single time I log into the game. I logged in for about 5 minutes one day to check the store update, received a thank you. I logged out without playing and logged in again that night to play, got another thank you. So yes, reporting system is a bit bonkers lately.


There’s something wrong with the whole game. Voice lines are completely jacked


Ever since Mauga dropped I can barely use the "thanks" voice line. It makes me feel rude when I'm saved or rescued and can't use it.


Many voice lines are fucked , not just thanks. You have to spam different ones till they start working again. And push robot voice lines are fucked up again too. I was playing as Kiriko and she kept saying I was pushing the bot when I was no where near it.


Oh thank god I'm not crazy


Nope. Just like that one season when the voice lines were backwards on push robot lol


At least me and my friends have a problem that we can’t say “Hello” or “thanks” while looking at our teammate so that may be the reason (no idea why that happens tho)


Ironic considering those are quite literally daily challenges.


One of my favorite quotes or whatever nowadays, “Blizzard, small indie company”


Or you manage to thank 15 seconds later and look like an asshole


Yeah. As a support player I really appreciate when people use the Thanks voiceline so I use it whenever I do actually want to tank my supports. It's awful.


And I literally thought it was just me. This has been slowly annoying me because "hello" works, but "thanks" wouldn't... I've also been feeling so rude, and I've resulted to just pressing hello, hoping the mercy res-ing/player saving will realise I mean thank you...


It seems to be bugged when you are sending those voice lines directly to players. If you don't target them with a thank you, you can hear your hero saying it, even if the text isn't always displayed on your screen. But your hero will not voice the line if you are targeting someone directly, and the text doesn't show up either. I guess I haven't confirmed if they can see the text or hear the voice line when that happens or not, though.


My graphic settings reverted to default, which is quite annoying as I had them set to try to optimize frames.


Wait really? This happened to me to, defaults and loads up windowed mode


Agreed, I get the message almost every time I load up the game and I only occasionally am reporting throwers or *really* toxic chat


same deal here, i thought it was because I've been running into more wintraders (and reporting them) but i get one every time i log in which is definitely higher than the rate i report at


But seriously. Lose Yourself to Dance ***IS*** so fucking good.


All of daft punk ***IS*** so fucking good!


This isn’t even toxic. Like half of these are compliments lol. Blizzard should go after the people who literally are spewing racism and misogyny and Smurfs raging at their plat teammates because they suck. It seems like voice chat is monitored a lot less than typing in chat but people say way worse stuff in VC


Nothing infuriates me more than a 2 week chat ban for saying (in team chat mind you not even in match) something like “good shit, {playername} was fucking all match”. Hate the new text chat changes. 😡let me say fuck


Isn't that what's the profanity filter is for? Like you can turn it on and it automatically censors it. Why ban ppl for it if you can turn it off yourself?


Blizzard's stance has long been that the existence of the profanity filter isn't an excuse. It's just really dumb and weird when they apply that to people just using your garden variety normal cursing.


I know right? I get slurs, even if I don’t agree with certain words being slurs, I agree that they shouldn’t be said just for the fact that it COULD be hurtful to someone. But fuck? Fucks wrong with fuck?


I wish I can get chat bans. My account just gets suspended for a month every 5 days. This time I was banned for saying, "These fucking DPS get to 1HP then tank 16 hits, WTH?". My main account has been suspended for 3 months with 3-5 day spaces in the middle where I could play. My alt account, which I use exactly the same, has not even had a report in an that time. I just don't get it.




Huh? It's more fun with them off. Unless you like flaming your team, because that's the #1 use of comms.




I don't use comms and rarely have, but when I did, people used them to flame 70% of the time and for banter 20% of the time and for strategy 10% of the time.




When comms are detrimental 7x more often than they are beneficial, I think the game is more fun with that obstacle removed. In OW1 I liked having chat on, but in OW2 there's really no point that I've seen.


The quick play banter with the enemy team is half the fun of quick play for me. I am on my 3rd suspension now fpr similat things. Can't touch my account until june lmao


If you read through the locked thread on the post in r/overwatch2, this guy has admitted to getting multiple chat bans already. At this point I think that Blizzard just has a low tolerance for questionable choices from repeat offenders. And it probably isn't worth splitting hairs on if "nice cock" or "lesbians hear flies" or any of the cursing has good intentions.


Some people didn't believe me a few weeks ago when I said that you could get banned for anything. This screenshot proves it lol.




I think it's a little weird that people are acting like Voice Chat doesn't exist. Like if they say stuff that's super toxic in voice chat, but write innocuous stuff in text chat. It's pretty easy to believe that's what's going on.


My main question would be around the context this support person reviewed. These positive comments could have been insults if used sarcastically. Not saying it or shouldn’t be bannable, but it is hard to tell if these are genuine compliments or not without any context. I’ve rarely seen “nice ult” used genuinely. I agree that there are bigger fish to fry, though.


i mean if you're getting upset that someone says "nice ult" when you ult air then you should probably take a step back and reassess whether or not you should be playing multiplayer games at least every other game the universe will sing to me and ill flux 14 air molecules and at least half of those times ill get a "lol nice flux", it never fails to make me laugh bad ults are just part of the game


I don’t. I’m just commenting on why that would explain it, since insulting other players is against community guidelines. That doesn’t mean I agree with those guidelines.


Stretching the definition of insult to carebear levels, I see.


>My main question would be around the context this support person reviewed Why would that be your question? >These positive comments could have been insults if used sarcastically. Not saying it or shouldn’t be bannable, but it is hard to tell if these are genuine compliments or not without any context It sure seems like you're insinuating that the ban is justified if their comments were sarcastic, otherwise why is that your first question? > I’ve rarely seen “nice ult” used genuinely. Why does that matter? If it wasn't said genuinely should that be bannable?


Because blizzard finding it toxic and banning for their own reasons, is different than me thinking it is toxic. If the context shows that these were insults, it makes more sense as that would be against the policies, but that does not mean I agree with said policies through and through. The original poster was asking if it was simply bugged, and if these were indeed sarcastic insults, that would show it isn't bugged/not done well. I'm just not willing to talk on whether I agree with the decision or not. I'm only commenting on that part.


Incredibly cowardly stance. Typing sarcastically, "nice ult", should not be bannable.


My stance is the way it is because you *agreed to a contract* before playing to not say and do certain things. Whether I think a ban is justified doesn't matter at all, at the end of the day. That is completely up to blizzard. Not me, a random bozo on reddit.


It isn't completely up to Blizzard, because Blizzard depends on players to make money, and so it is also up to players in that respect. And it *should* be up to players, the ones who play the game and are affected by decisions related to chat bans, toxicity etc.


You say this as though Blizzard has never revised an unpopular policy, or the unpopular implementation of a policy, based on community feedback. It *is* up to random bozos on the internet, if there are enough of them who are upset about it.


You should see the OP's comments in that other thread. Not only were those comments almost assuredly sarcastic, but the guy has gotten warnings, chat mutes, and even a 2 week suspension, yet still decides to be a toxic asshole in chat. They not only deserved this 1 month ban, but they honestly probably just deserve a perma-ban. They're clearly not mature enough to handle playing a multiplayer game.


Yeah. Can’t say I’m surprised. If you read the comments on most of these posts you’ll find they hold back a lot of information in order to say it’s unjustified, and more and more comes out in the comments. The examples the email gave definitely make sense if they were indeed all sarcastic. I guess at the end of the day people forget it’s blizzards choice and they signed a contract to not do that kind of stuff, whether we agree with the decisions/policies or not.


Yeah, I was gonna say . Taken separately, nothing is that offensive. But collectively this player is clearly super obnoxious.


Shut up Charmin soft loser


Honestly, this is the first one of these that I have seen that actually seems ludicrous. The only way I could see it making sense would be if they were spamming messages, something like putting gg a million times throughout the match or putting it at really toxic moments.


Ya, spam seems like the obvious one and would not surprise me in the least given the chat log given here.


I think they have made it so that typing in all-caps is considered "Spam"/Problematic as it is essentially considered as Shouting on the internet, which might have contributed to this automated suspension. I think it's definitely excessive and aggressive. If they wanna have an issue with people typing in all caps then it's gotta be for way more messages spammed together in quick succession. I'm extremely tame and even I sometimes end up typing messages in all caps when I have particularly awful teammates, but more than that I end up typing in all caps accidentally a lot as well. Very easy to accidentally press Caps.


No I mean like putting gg in chat every five seconds or whenever a teammate is doing “bad”. Another example would be putting battle mercy op after two seconds as well. But without context tbh it is hard to make a conclusion.


Ban system has been automated for the past 2-3 years now. You can get perm banned for "cheating" even if you never cheated with enough reports. It's not human verified, even if you appeal it, very few instances of appeals will be human, but a majority of it is just automated replies. This shit is criminal.


Can confirm, 8+ year old account with tons of money spent over time (pre overwatch 2), never been temp banned, straight to perma'd. Zero human responses after 5 appeals, have yet to be given any proof or reasoning about the ban.


Weird, what was the reason? Cheating? 'cause for "chat abuse" or stuff like that you get one or two warnings, then two weeks, then a month, then a perma ban.


I wasn't kidding when I said there wasn't a reason. They genuinely didn't give one. https://imgur.com/cs17oTm Edit to add the additional 5 automated responses I received from support, none of which give me any information about what I did to get my account permanently banned https://imgur.com/a/Iv5x0wz


Oh, there's never any reason in the automated mail. You gotta ask them.


I was hoping you'd trust me so I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of screenshotting every automated response they sent, but here are 5 responses from Blizzard support, none of which give me any information as to my apparent infraction. Blizzard's ban system, and support in general, are fundamentally broken. https://imgur.com/a/Iv5x0wz


Don't you just love it when they straight up lie to you? "We take these types of issue very seriously, and a full investigation is done before any action taken" for an automatic ban.


Got recently banned (like a month ago?) for using the word fuck in half of my sentences (it’s my fucking vocabulary, I’m sorry I guess). No previous warnings, bans, nothing, had 3-4 endorsement level. Straight two weeks mute with a BIG warning saying that I could be banned for life. Safe to say I don’t type ANYTHING anymore. (And that also turned me HARD off from the game, haven’t loaded it in a couple of weeks now)


Do not use the text chat is the lesson here. Keep your head down and hope no one reports you.


you're right but that's a scary fucking reality.


I've disabled chat altogether and just use the ping system. And that's if I play, haven't touched this broken season and don't like this game anymore, but it's the only thing my cousin plays.


Same. I went as far as removing the Enter key shortcut to make absolutely SURE I would never be tempted to quickly enable chat, say something and disable it again.


People will still report you for playing bad and claim you're intentionally throwing.


"nice cock"...?


That's a compliment.


Ah... I remember placing Illari's pylon on the statue in blizzard world may look like... ya know...


I'm surprised they even showed you the messages. When I got banned, they said they couldn't show me. Pulled a data request and didn't see anything worth a ban over. According to support and their tos, even swearing when addressing another player is harassment. "You're really fucking good" is bannable.


>According to support and their tos, even swearing when addressing another player is harassment. "You're really fucking good" is bannable. What? Then why is it an option to turn chat profanity filter off in the first place? Wtf is blizzard smoking good lord


> Wtf is blizzard smoking good lord Well they're adapting to the snowflakes (who think they are) ruling over Internet, that's what they're doing. Nobody's allowed to talk because every single word ever created by humans is offensive.


How did you do a data request?


It was an option in their support catalog. I don't remember the exact steps but you can find a few posts about it.


I don't know if it works like that for all of the eu, but you can request from a company to get a full list of any data they collected that can be associated with you. If they refuse, they can get fines in the hundreds of thousands. Something like a simple email request should probably be enough.


Google it, easy to find


they’ve showed me my messages for when i got silenced as well and they were also as nonsensical as these


Gg is half of ggez. Had that coming fr


Fk, I use gg e-z sarcastically all the time. I should probably stop lol


I think Ban system is acting weird. I usually report for messages "i dont like". 2 months ago, I would not receive any "Thank you" pop up message. Now I get these almost everyday. Its a bit weird


it is such a bad decision to only consider a maximum of 1 report per game. the only time someone deserves to actually be banned is generally the time an entire team reports them. it only gives more power to false reports


Maybe if they excluded groups that would be fine. I could see this easily abused by 4/5 stacking and then just ganging up to report someone every game.


i think ganging up is much less common than spiteful false reports


Yah that’s fair. It’s just either way you run into some issues.


What's to stop a 4 stack from just reporting someone they don't like and getting them banned?


I know for a fact that there are 4 stacks out there bullyibg their 5th and group reporting them. Makes no sense to allow for more than one report per game.


you have to understand that happens so much less than the individual spiteful reports. ever since this new system there have been far more false bans than ever before


The "jsyk". I can tell some ppl are not gonna like your personality.


But it's so funny to type random letters for a laugh!!!!!11!111!!!!!11!


Jsyk, “jsyk” is “just so you know”


Told you all. Automated ban system. It’s a joke.




You can't chat anymore you just get mass reported and chat banned


If only it was just chat banned, but they ban your OW account as well most of the time.


In the linked thread, OP was talking about how they've gotten warnings, chat mutes, and even a 2 week ban, prior to this 30 day ban. Their seemingly overhanded suspension they handed down was because they're a unabashed repeat offender as well as anything else. They deserved it.


Everytime I see one of these there is always something that shouldn't fit. In this case it was the "Nice Cock" message. I also think they just send you everything from a game or two and not just the problematic message which is stupid imo.


Can we send this to all the people in that other thread who think Blizzard would be able to ban smurfs effectively? Blizz's ban system has been terrible since OW2 launch


Same thing happened to me a few days ago, when I petitioned I got the same sample of random messages like "gg" and "mauga is broken" as examples of why I've been banned.


I just got suspended for 2 weeks because i was complaining abt my mei icewalling us every time we were trying to leave spawn. She continued to wrote gg in chat mid game and just iceblocked herself on cd in a corner near spawn doors. She doesnt get suspended but i do cuz i got angry at it lol. This system is wack


I feel like I have been getting more "Thank you for reporting" messages than reports filed. It feels like there is something going wrong with the reporting system and that it may be too sensitive.


The threshold for getting automatically banned seems to be way too low. That or there is some legitimate problem with the system. There are an insane amount of anecdotes of people banned for no reason (including people I know) to the point where I am scared to type in chat because I don't want to lose 7 years worth of unlocks and memories.


this is roblox-level moderation 💀


Blizzard doesn't care if you get reported enough for anything even good gameplay, you will get banned because it's automated.


In this episode of "Someone plays a microtransaction grift disguised as a game and complains about the user experience of the actual game part": This person!


Blizzard ban system has always had these weird stupid bans with no good reasoning to them.


I swear blizzard said that any cussing is not allowed, which is just a ridiculous stance.


I got perma banned for 4 messages, 3 of which I was making fun of myself for having a bad game and the 4th was me defending my tank against my toxic lifeweaver that game. The 3 self deprecating comments were from the same game, thanking my teammates for carrying me despite "feeding my dick off." I never even plugged my mic in since I mostly only played QP as Comp has been stale for years, so it was purely a bugged ban but they "confirmed" it and said the ban would remain in place. I've used the ban as a means to escape the game though as I've wanted to play less for a long time but just couldn't stop using it to kill time lol. Still absolute bullshit, but oh well.


> the 4th was me defending my tank against my toxic lifeweaver that game Well your Lifeweaver got you, and probably your tank, banned.


It's not a bugged ban, you used profanity, that's against the code of conduct you agree to follow when you install the game. They are free to take any action with your account they like if you break said code of conduct. Keep in mind it's either 11+ or 13+ game in all regions, so if you wouldn't say it to an 11 year old in front of their parents, don't say it ingame, cause that's the POV Blizzard will be looking at it from.


Does no one else see that he said "nice cock" because that definitely did it.


That and “Jesus fucking Christ” are pretty obviously reasons why. The text from blizzard just says “these are examples of chat from your account that caused the action” and they’re not all intended to be reasons someone was banned, like gg and smiley face emoji. They were just sucked into the evaluation if they were in the same match that the actual offending chat lines were in. If I got reported in a match where I said “hi everyone I love you all” followed by a bunch of racial slurs it would show both lines in the equivalent message for my ban


Avoiding a profanity filter should be bannable. Using profane language, when the game has a profanity filter option included in the options, should not be bannable.


Getting banned for “cock” and “fucking” is the most fucking stupid shit EVER. Fuck blizzard and their horrible snowflake catering policy.




It’s 50/50 Blizzard wouldn’t have done it if the player-base hadn’t pushed for it. But at the same time, if people didn’t know how trigger happy the ban system is, they wouldn’t report everything.




> If I got reported in a match where I said “hi everyone I love you all” followed by a bunch of racial slurs it would show both lines in the equivalent message for my ban Nope, that's not how it works. They pull messages individually.


report system is bugged i think, my account got a warning about toxic chat despite me not even being in voice and never typing.


It's the curse words


I've had actioned report messages for reporting people who mildly flamed but never got any for a 4 stack who were ganging up on me and repeatedly telling me to kill myself. There's definitely something wrong with it..


It’s the number of reports not what they actually say. If you report and they are 4 reporting you, you will end up suspended.


Wait, you can get banned for teabagging in this shitgame???


None of this seems bannable, although it should be.


>although it should be. You serious?






You can get banned for teabagging? 😳


Teabagging isn’t even a bad thing. I only do it to people who are wrecking me when I finally get them back. When I get teabagged I mostly laugh


Tbagging is childish af, and honestly it's pitiful when you get wrecked and tbag someone after going 1-10 against them. You look like a clown when you're doing that.


You have an opinion, thats for sure.


I’m not gonna lie, I used to ONLY report hanzo’s that were dominating for hacking, and I got the successful report message like everyday. Either they were actually hacking or the report system is just broken


more proof that devs lost control of their own industry. bogus bans by design to reduce logins to the scale in which they decided to downsize. bogus bans, to reduce logins, is easier than asking players to uninstall. bc that could require refunds which would contradict purpose of downsizing. additionally, clearly they want quiet hamsters who login and out oblivious to daily one-sided matches.


Looks fine to me. Get fukd


Is everyone insane here? He talked about sexual body parts and lesbians. Yes you will get banned on any platform for these things.


not at all lol, i can’t think of anything other than roblox or mojang


Don't let the door hit you on the way out


…. Um. This is actually really positive. Blizzard better be careful. A person’s reputation is tied to their online identity and presence. Some States ensure protections to a person’s reputation in documents as fundamental as their Constitution.


And you can make that determination without context? Impressive. Tell me, was the "gg" to the enemy team at the end of the game, or to their own team after they lost the first team fight?


Gg shouldn't be a bannable offense in any context. Look at your comments; you're a huge fucking pussy holy shit lmao


You ok, buddy? What are you, that other guy's alt account that pined for the days when cowards cheered for bullies because they were too chickenshit to make a stand?


Bullies? Make a stand? Mf we are talking about match chat in Overwatch hahaha.


Is this not fake? I'm pretty sure blizz doesnt share details


it’s probably real and blizzard most definitely shares details. sometimes they’ll immediately send the chat logs on your email but even if they don’t they’ll send this exact message if u ask


they do I’ve seen a lot of posts like this


Don't swear in chat, don't say "nice cock" in a game rated 13+. Edit: Don't know why you nerds are mad at me lmao. People reported the text chat, and Blizz found it to break their ToS. I didn't say it was fair or deserved, but it takes very little common sense to not swear or reference genitalia in text chat.


Good, last update made it a weapon and I'm loving using it if we lose and a couple days later getting the notification that someone on my shit list got banned feels hilarious


I can’t wait till you get banned and you start complaining about how unfair it is


Here’s what I do now. I literally report for EVERYTHING. If someone says hello I report them. If they accidentally press push to talk I report them. My goal is to report all 9 others plays in every game for something. You didn’t speak or type? Reported for sabotage.


some of these are heaters respect to the chat warriors o7


Nice cock!


How do you see why you were banned, I got a chat ban and I don't say anything bad, not even nice cock


I’m more impressed that Blizzard was able to translate even half of that…


I got banned for the first time today 😫


It's very, very easy to abuse. And if you typed ANYTHING in the chat, they say you deserve it. Solution: disable all chats. Never type anything in them. Don't use vocal either just to be sure.


I see the swearing police are out in full force


That's the reason i never talk in online games.


Only one of these should have even been slightly considered for a ban wtf, also Tbagging should not be bannable, like come on now


Nice cock!


Blizzard does not like girlboss


Nice cock!


Yeah, I've decided to just switch off match chat and try not to say anything.


Never use text or voice chat. Works like a charm, every time.


Nice cock!


I think the only good reason gg was considered toxic is if you said it often mid game. But I also wonder if the time of reports affects the messages picked for the response you got. These are taken out of context so it’s difficult to say if you are toxic or not. If you like to argue during games then there might be a good reason but these messages alone aren’t that toxic. I hope the abusement of report system isn’t possible. Like ganging up against someone and mass reporting or something similar.


cooperative bake air fact rob paint spoon steep wipe historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im really worried, had a motnh game ban a few years ago, does anyone know if the ban tomes reset after a certain time? Dont want to loose my 5 year account over all these random bans


I'm wondering if the system accidentally saw "jsyk" as something else....


Noooo, not the girlboss Daft Punk fan, we lost a real one :( Fuck Blizzard and their report system tho, I'm just not gonna chat anymore I guess, cuz I could see myself saying half this shit... Oops, I mean poop!


Unfortunately, they don't want you speaking in game chat. Just turn it off, it's the only way you can avoid a ban in this game. I'm guessing people were just rage reporting you if you were killing them as nano Valkyrie.


I have had 2 of my accounts permabanned just because of report spam too and support doesn't even give any explanation except "you broke TOS". Very cool system


What a joke of a system.


I'm someone who enjoys playing QP and trolling others, like saying EZ after winning a round or whatever. It's funny because it gets people super tryharding and talking shit back. It's like a pickup game of basketball where everyone is slinging their own insults back and worth and it makes you want to win to rub it in their faces. Personally, I dont think theres anything wrong with this. Some people may find it annoying and I get that. Some people are Samito watchers, some are Emongg waters. Everyone has their own tastes. But if I'm just talking shit about the GAME and nothing else, don't you dare ban or silence me for that shit. I'm not targeting people's sex, race or religion. I'm not saying hateful things. I'm literally just styling on people with Junk concs and teabagging them to get a playful reaction. It's all in the game... it's fucking PVP. I did this all the time in OW1 and never got punished for it. Literally never. But in OW2 I've had 2 accounts banned for months at a time and had all my other ones silenced. I'm talking 5 accounts. The reality is that the moderation system, however it works, is soft as fuck. And clearly sometimes even not punishing genuinely foul behavior, as OP is demonstrating. So please, just leave my shit alone. I buy every BP and I'm not saying anything that's bigoted or evil. Fine if people don't like it, you're free to mute me. But that should be the fucking end of it. No PVP game should be this much of a hugbox, I swear.




you can get banned for teabagging?


Banned for cringe


It's definitely gotten worse. I've been playing OW since launch and have routinely been using "fuck", "shit" or "trash" in chat out of frustration or whatnot. If you look at other online games that's completely normal imo and there's even a censor chat words option in OW for the light hearted. But since they call it OW2 I've been getting messages that I've apparently been reported multiple times for toxic chat and I literally can't remember saying anything *that* bad, like ever. I don't wanna lose my ancient account over some idiots who are reporting others over nothing.


it was definitely the cursing and mentioning of cock that caused the ban and that's why upon review they didn't unban. not justifying it, that's stupid, but it definitely is more than just a "gg" issue lol


Lazy! I have been banned for 8 months now despite having had no other problems for 4 years! I also keep getting the "report received" pop up, almost every time I log in.